(sd->entry_edje, "elm.text", EDJE_CURSOR_MAIN);
-EOLIAN static const char*
+EOLIAN static char*
_elm_entry_cursor_content_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Entry_Data *sd)
return edje_object_part_text_cursor_content_get
Only the text is returned, any format that may exist will not be part
of the return value. You must free the string when done with \@ref free.
- return: own(string) @warn_unused;
+ return: own(char *) @warn_unused;
@property selection {
input_panel_imdata_get @const {
[[Get the specific data of the current input panel.]]
params {
- @in data: void_ptr; [[The specific data to be got from the input panel.]]
+ @out data: void; [[The specific data to be got from the input panel.]]
@out len: int; [[The length of data.]]