2013-01-22 Daniel Willmann <d.willmann@samsung.com>
* Fix evas gif loader to return the correct frame duration
+2013-01-28 Daniel Willmann <d.willmann@samsung.com>
+ * Use ecore_audio in edje-multisense
* Don't over align data if they are already aligned.
* edje entry: remove ecore_imf_context_reset, cursor update in mouse move event because it's useless.
* edje entry: move ecore_imf_context_cursor_position_set from mouse down event to mouse up event.
+ * Use ecore_audio in edje-multisense
* Fix PPC (big endian) image codec bug.
### Default values
want_multisense="no" # TODO: move to ecore_audio and enable
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-multisense],
+ [Enable multisense support. @<:@default=disabled@:>@])],
+ [
+ if test "x${enableval}" = "xyes" ; then
+ want_multisense="yes"
+ else
+ want_multisense="no"
+ fi
+ ],
+ [want_multisense="no"])
# TODO: should we keep or remove these?
EFL_OPTIONAL_INTERNAL_DEPEND_PKG([EDJE], [${want_physics}], [ephysics])
-#EFL_OPTIONAL_INTERNAL_DEPEND_PKG([EDJE], [${want_multisense}], [ecore-audio])
+EFL_OPTIONAL_INTERNAL_DEPEND_PKG([EDJE], [${want_multisense}], [ecore-audio])
EFL_ADD_FEATURE([EDJE], [physics])
EFL_ADD_FEATURE([EDJE], [multisense])