--- /dev/null
+ * Vulkan Conformance Tests
+ * ------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * \file
+ * \brief SPIR-V Assembly Tests for pointers as function parameters.
+ *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "vktSpvAsmPointerParameterTests.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.hpp"
+namespace vkt
+namespace SpirVAssembly
+using namespace vk;
+using std::map;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+using tcu::IVec3;
+using tcu::Vec4;
+using tcu::RGBA;
+void addComputePointerParamToParamTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext();
+ const int numFloats = 128;
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // float func(alias float* f, alias float* g)
+ // {
+ // *g = 5.0;
+ // *f = 2.0;
+ // return *g;
+ // }
+ //
+ // void main()
+ // {
+ // float a = 0.0;
+ // o = func(&a, &a); // should return 2.0
+ // float b = 0.0;
+ // o += func(&a, &b); // should return 5.0
+ // }
+ const string shaderSource =
+ " OpCapability Shader\n"
+ " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n"
+ " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
+ " OpSource GLSL 430\n"
+ " OpDecorate %_arr_float_uint_128 ArrayStride 4\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %g Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid\n"
+ " %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
+ " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_float %_ptr_Function_float\n"
+ " %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0\n"
+ " %float_5 = OpConstant %float 5\n"
+ " %float_2 = OpConstant %float 2\n"
+ " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %uint_128 = OpConstant %uint 128\n"
+ " %_arr_float_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %float %uint_128\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %_arr_float_uint_128\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n"
+ " %int = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
+ " %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0\n"
+ " %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint\n"
+ " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input\n"
+ " %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float\n"
+ " %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %a = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0\n"
+ " %b = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0\n"
+ " %o = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %float %func %a %a\n"
+ " OpStore %o %ret0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %float %func %a %b\n"
+ " %o_val = OpLoad %float %o\n"
+ " %sum = OpFAdd %float %o_val %ret1\n"
+ " %inv_id_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_GlobalInvocationID %uint_0\n"
+ " %inv_id = OpLoad %uint %inv_id_ptr\n"
+ " %out_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %dataOutput %int_0 %inv_id\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr %sum\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func = OpFunction %float None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float\n"
+ " %g = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float\n"
+ " %func_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %g %float_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f %float_2\n"
+ " %ret = OpLoad %float %g\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ expectedOutput.reserve(numFloats);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(7.0f);
+ spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput)));
+ spec.assembly = shaderSource;
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numFloats, 1, 1);
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "param_to_param", "", spec));
+void addComputePointerParamToGlobalTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext();
+ const int numFloats = 128;
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // alias float a = 0.0;
+ //
+ // float func0(alias float* f0) // f in Private storage class
+ // {
+ // *a = 5.0;
+ // *f0 = 2.0;
+ // return *a;
+ // }
+ //
+ // float func1(alias float* f1) // f in Function storage class
+ // {
+ // *a = 5.0;
+ // *f1 = 2.0;
+ // return *a;
+ // }
+ //
+ // void main()
+ // {
+ // o = func0(&a); // should return 2.0
+ // float b = 0.0;
+ // o += func1(&b); // should return 5.0
+ // }
+ const string shaderSource =
+ " OpCapability Shader\n"
+ " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n"
+ " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
+ " OpSource GLSL 430\n"
+ " OpDecorate %_arr_float_uint_128 ArrayStride 4\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %a Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid\n"
+ " %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
+ " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float\n"
+ " %_ptr_Private_float = OpTypePointer Private %float\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Private_float\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_float\n"
+ " %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0\n"
+ " %float_5 = OpConstant %float 5\n"
+ " %float_2 = OpConstant %float 2\n"
+ " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %uint_128 = OpConstant %uint 128\n"
+ " %_arr_float_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %float %uint_128\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %_arr_float_uint_128\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n"
+ " %int = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
+ " %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0\n"
+ " %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint\n"
+ " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input\n"
+ " %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float\n"
+ " %a = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_float Private %float_0\n"
+ " %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %b = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0\n"
+ " %o = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_0\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %float %func0 %a\n"
+ " OpStore %o %ret0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %float %func1 %b\n"
+ " %o_val = OpLoad %float %o\n"
+ " %sum = OpFAdd %float %o_val %ret1\n"
+ " %inv_id_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_GlobalInvocationID %uint_0\n"
+ " %inv_id = OpLoad %uint %inv_id_ptr\n"
+ " %out_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %dataOutput %int_0 %inv_id\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr %sum\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %float None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Private_float\n"
+ " %func0_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %a %float_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f0 %float_2\n"
+ " %func0_ret = OpLoad %float %a\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %func0_ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %float None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_float\n"
+ " %func1_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %a %float_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f1 %float_2\n"
+ " %func1_ret = OpLoad %float %a\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %func1_ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ expectedOutput.reserve(numFloats);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(7.0f);
+ spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput)));
+ spec.assembly = shaderSource;
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numFloats, 1, 1);
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "param_to_global", "", spec));
+void addComputePointerBufferMemoryTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext();
+ const int numFloats = 128;
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // layout (binding = 0) buffer Output
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[16];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } dataOutput;
+ //
+ // void func0(vec4* f0[16], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f0[i] = vec4(5.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void func1(vec4* f1[], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f1[i] = vec4(2.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void main()
+ // {
+ // uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
+ // func0(dataOutput.arr0, idx);
+ // func1(dataOutput.arr1, idx);
+ // }
+ const string shaderSource =
+ " OpCapability Shader\n"
+ " OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\"\n"
+ " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n"
+ " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
+ " OpSource GLSL 430\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 1 Offset 256\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_16 ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_rt ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output Block\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid\n"
+ " %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
+ " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float\n"
+ " %float_5 = OpConstant %float 5\n"
+ " %float_2 = OpConstant %float 2\n"
+ " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint\n"
+ " %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16\n"
+ " %vec4 = OpTypeVector %float 4\n"
+ " %vec4_5 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %float_5 %float_5 %float_5 %float_5\n"
+ " %vec4_2 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %float_2 %float_2 %float_2 %float_2\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16 = OpTypeArray %vec4 %uint_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt = OpTypeRuntimeArray %vec4\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_16_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_rt_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %arr_vec4_16 %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_Output = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_Output StorageBuffer\n"
+ " %int = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
+ " %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0\n"
+ " %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+ " %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint\n"
+ " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input\n"
+ " %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_vec4 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %vec4\n"
+ " %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %inv_id_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_GlobalInvocationID %uint_0\n"
+ " %inv_id = OpLoad %uint %inv_id_ptr\n"
+ " %idx = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function\n"
+ " OpStore %idx %inv_id\n"
+ " %ptr0 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_16_ptr %dataOutput %int_0\n"
+ " %ptr1 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_rt_ptr %dataOutput %int_1\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %void %func0 %ptr0 %idx\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %void %func1 %ptr1 %idx\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %void None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_16_ptr\n"
+ " %i0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func0_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx0 = OpLoad %uint %i0\n"
+ " %out_ptr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %f0 %idx0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr0 %vec4_5\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %void None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %i1 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx1 = OpLoad %uint %i1\n"
+ " %out_ptr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %f1 %idx1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr1 %vec4_2\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ expectedOutput.reserve(numFloats);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(5.0f);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(2.0f);
+ spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput)));
+ spec.assembly = shaderSource;
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(16, 1, 1);
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "buffer_memory", "", spec));
+void addComputePointerBufferMemoryVariablePointersTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext();
+ const int numFloats = 128;
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // layout (binding = 0) buffer Output
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[16];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } dataOutput;
+ //
+ // void func0(vec4* f0[16], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f0[i] = vec4(5.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void func1(vec4* f1[], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f1[i] = vec4(2.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void main()
+ // {
+ // uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
+ // func0(dataOutput.arr0, idx);
+ // func1(dataOutput.arr1, idx);
+ // }
+ const string shaderSource =
+ " OpCapability Shader\n"
+ " OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer\n"
+ " OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\n"
+ " OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\"\n"
+ " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n"
+ " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
+ " OpSource GLSL 430\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 1 Offset 256\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_16 ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_rt ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output Block\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid\n"
+ " %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
+ " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float\n"
+ " %float_5 = OpConstant %float 5\n"
+ " %float_2 = OpConstant %float 2\n"
+ " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint\n"
+ " %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16\n"
+ " %vec4 = OpTypeVector %float 4\n"
+ " %vec4_5 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %float_5 %float_5 %float_5 %float_5\n"
+ " %vec4_2 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %float_2 %float_2 %float_2 %float_2\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16 = OpTypeArray %vec4 %uint_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt = OpTypeRuntimeArray %vec4\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_16_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_rt_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %arr_vec4_16 %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_Output = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_Output StorageBuffer\n"
+ " %int = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
+ " %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0\n"
+ " %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+ " %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint\n"
+ " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input\n"
+ " %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_vec4 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %vec4\n"
+ " %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %inv_id_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_GlobalInvocationID %uint_0\n"
+ " %inv_id = OpLoad %uint %inv_id_ptr\n"
+ " %idx = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function\n"
+ " OpStore %idx %inv_id\n"
+ " %ptr0 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_16_ptr %dataOutput %int_0\n"
+ " %ptr1 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_rt_ptr %dataOutput %int_1\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %void %func0 %ptr0 %idx\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %void %func1 %ptr1 %idx\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %void None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_16_ptr\n"
+ " %i0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func0_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx0 = OpLoad %uint %i0\n"
+ " %out_ptr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %f0 %idx0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr0 %vec4_5\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %void None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %i1 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx1 = OpLoad %uint %i1\n"
+ " %out_ptr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %f1 %idx1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr1 %vec4_2\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ expectedOutput.reserve(numFloats);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(5.0f);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(2.0f);
+ spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput)));
+ spec.extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_variable_pointers");
+ spec.assembly = shaderSource;
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(16, 1, 1);
+ spec.requestedVulkanFeatures = requiredFeatures;
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "buffer_memory_variable_pointers", "", spec));
+void addComputePointerWorkgroupMemoryVariablePointersTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext();
+ const int numFloats = 128;
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
+ //
+ // layout (binding = 0) buffer Output
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[16];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } dataOutput;
+ //
+ // shared struct
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[16];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } sharedData;
+ //
+ // void func0(vec4* f0[16], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f0[i] = vec4(i);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void func1(vec4* f1[], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f1[i] = vec4(i+5);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void main()
+ // {
+ // uint idx = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
+ // func0(sharedData.arr0, idx);
+ // func1(sharedData.arr1, idx);
+ // barier();
+ // dataOutput.arr0[idx] = sharedData.arr1[(idx+1) % 16];
+ // dataOutput.arr1[idx] = sharedData.arr0[(idx+1) % 16];
+ // }
+ const string shaderSource =
+ " OpCapability Shader\n"
+ " OpCapability VariablePointers\n"
+ " OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\n"
+ " OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\"\n"
+ " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_LocalInvocationID\n"
+ " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 16 1 1\n"
+ " OpSource GLSL 430\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 1 Offset 256\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Offset 256\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_16 ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_vec4_rt ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output Block\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %gl_LocalInvocationID BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n"
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid\n"
+ " %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
+ " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float\n"
+ " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint\n"
+ " %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1\n"
+ " %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2\n"
+ " %uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5\n"
+ " %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16\n"
+ " %uint_264 = OpConstant %uint 264\n"
+ " %vec4 = OpTypeVector %float 4\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16 = OpTypeArray %vec4 %uint_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt = OpTypeRuntimeArray %vec4\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16_sb_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt_sb_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_16_wg_ptr = OpTypePointer Workgroup %arr_vec4_16\n"
+ " %arr_vec4_rt_wg_ptr = OpTypePointer Workgroup %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_16_wg_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_vec4_rt_wg_ptr %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %arr_vec4_16 %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %struct = OpTypeStruct %arr_vec4_16 %arr_vec4_rt\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_struct = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n"
+ " %_ptr_wg_struct = OpTypePointer Workgroup %struct\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_struct StorageBuffer\n"
+ " %sharedData = OpVariable %_ptr_wg_struct Workgroup\n"
+ " %int = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
+ " %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0\n"
+ " %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+ " %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint\n"
+ " %gl_LocalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input\n"
+ " %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0\n"
+ " %_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_vec4 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %vec4\n"
+ " %_ptr_wg_vec4 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %vec4\n"
+ " %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %inv_id_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %gl_LocalInvocationID %uint_0\n"
+ " %inv_id = OpLoad %uint %inv_id_ptr\n"
+ " %idx = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function\n"
+ " OpStore %idx %inv_id\n"
+ " %ptr0 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_16_wg_ptr %sharedData %int_0\n"
+ " %ptr1 = OpAccessChain %arr_vec4_rt_wg_ptr %sharedData %int_1\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %void %func0 %ptr0 %idx\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %void %func1 %ptr1 %idx\n"
+ " OpControlBarrier %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_264\n"
+ " %inv_id_plus1 = OpIAdd %uint %inv_id %uint_1\n"
+ " %inv_id_mod = OpUMod %uint %inv_id_plus1 %uint_16\n"
+ " %shared_arr1_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_wg_vec4 %sharedData %int_1 %inv_id_mod\n"
+ " %shared_arr1_data = OpLoad %vec4 %shared_arr1_ptr\n"
+ " %outPtr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %dataOutput %int_0 %inv_id\n"
+ " OpStore %outPtr0 %shared_arr1_data\n"
+ " %shared_arr0_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_wg_vec4 %sharedData %int_0 %inv_id_mod\n"
+ " %shared_arr0_data = OpLoad %vec4 %shared_arr0_ptr\n"
+ " %outPtr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_vec4 %dataOutput %int_1 %inv_id\n"
+ " OpStore %outPtr1 %shared_arr0_data\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %void None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_16_wg_ptr\n"
+ " %i0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func0_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx0 = OpLoad %uint %i0\n"
+ " %out_ptr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_wg_vec4 %f0 %idx0\n"
+ " %idxFloat0 = OpConvertUToF %float %idx0\n"
+ " %outData0 = OpCompositeConstruct %vec4 %idxFloat0 %idxFloat0 %idxFloat0 %idxFloat0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr0 %outData0\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %void None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_vec4_rt_wg_ptr\n"
+ " %i1 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_uint\n"
+ " %func1_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %idx1 = OpLoad %uint %i1\n"
+ " %out_ptr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_wg_vec4 %f1 %idx1\n"
+ " %idxPlus5 = OpIAdd %uint %idx1 %uint_5\n"
+ " %idxFloat1 = OpConvertUToF %float %idxPlus5\n"
+ " %outData1 = OpCompositeConstruct %vec4 %idxFloat1 %idxFloat1 %idxFloat1 %idxFloat1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr1 %outData1\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ expectedOutput.reserve(numFloats);
+ for (deUint32 vecIdx = 0; vecIdx < numFloats / 8; ++vecIdx)
+ {
+ const deUint32 shuffleIdx = (vecIdx + 1) % 16;
+ const float val = (float)(shuffleIdx + 5);
+ for (deUint32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(val);
+ }
+ for (deUint32 vecIdx = 0; vecIdx < numFloats / 8; ++vecIdx)
+ {
+ const deUint32 shuffleIdx = (vecIdx + 1) % 16;
+ const float val = (float)shuffleIdx;
+ for (deUint32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(val);
+ }
+ spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput)));
+ spec.extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_variable_pointers");
+ spec.assembly = shaderSource;
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "workgroup_memory_variable_pointers", "", spec));
+void addGraphicsPointerParamToParamTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ RGBA defaultColors[4];
+ GraphicsResources resources;
+ vector<string> extensions;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // float func(alias float* f, alias float* g)
+ // {
+ // *g = 5.0;
+ // *f = 2.0;
+ // return *g;
+ // }
+ //
+ // vec4 test_code(vec4 param)
+ // {
+ // float a = 0.0;
+ // o = func(&a, &a); // should return 2.0
+ // float b = 0.0;
+ // o += func(&a, &b); // should return 5.0
+ // return param;
+ // }
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %f32 %fp_f32 %fp_f32\n"
+ " %c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5\n"
+ " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %f32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_f32 = OpTypePointer Uniform %f32\n"
+ " %func = OpFunction %f32 None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f = OpFunctionParameter %fp_f32\n"
+ " %g = OpFunctionParameter %fp_f32\n"
+ " %func_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %g %c_f32_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f %c_f32_2\n"
+ " %ret = OpLoad %f32 %g\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["decoration"] =
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %g Aliased\n";
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n"
+ " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %a = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %b = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %o = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %func %a %a\n"
+ " OpStore %o %ret0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %func %a %b\n"
+ " %o_val = OpLoad %f32 %o\n"
+ " %sum = OpFAdd %f32 %o_val %ret1\n"
+ " %out_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_f32 %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr %sum\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %param\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
+ expectedOutput.push_back(7.0f);
+ requiredFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE;
+ resources.outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput))));
+ createTestsForAllStages("global_to_param", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, resources, extensions, group, requiredFeatures);
+void addGraphicsPointerParamToGlobalTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ RGBA defaultColors[4];
+ GraphicsResources resources;
+ vector<string> extensions;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // alias float a = 0.0;
+ //
+ // float func0(alias float* f0) // f in Private storage class
+ // {
+ // *a = 5.0;
+ // *f0 = 2.0;
+ // return *a;
+ // }
+ //
+ // float func1(alias float* f1) // f in Function storage class
+ // {
+ // *a = 5.0;
+ // *f1 = 2.0;
+ // return *a;
+ // }
+ //
+ // vec4 test_code(vec4 param)
+ // {
+ // o = func0(&a); // should return 2.0
+ // float b = 0.0;
+ // o += func1(&b); // should return 5.0
+ // return param;
+ // }
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ " %pp_f32 = OpTypePointer Private %f32\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %f32 %pp_f32\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %f32 %fp_f32\n"
+ " %c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5\n"
+ " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %f32\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n"
+ " %_ptr_Uniform_f32 = OpTypePointer Uniform %f32\n"
+ " %a = OpVariable %pp_f32 Private %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %f32 None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %pp_f32\n"
+ " %func0_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %a %c_f32_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f0 %c_f32_2\n"
+ " %func0_ret = OpLoad %f32 %a\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %func0_ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %f32 None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %fp_f32\n"
+ " %func1_entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " OpStore %a %c_f32_5\n"
+ " OpStore %f1 %c_f32_2\n"
+ " %func1_ret = OpLoad %f32 %a\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %func1_ret\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["decoration"] =
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 Aliased\n"
+ " OpDecorate %a Aliased\n";
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n"
+ " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %b = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %o = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_0\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %func0 %a\n"
+ " OpStore %o %ret0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %func1 %b\n"
+ " %o_val = OpLoad %f32 %o\n"
+ " %sum = OpFAdd %f32 %o_val %ret1\n"
+ " %out_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_f32 %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr %sum\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %param\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
+ expectedOutput.push_back(7.0f);
+ requiredFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE;
+ resources.outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput))));
+ createTestsForAllStages("param_to_global", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, resources, extensions, group, requiredFeatures);
+void addGraphicsPointerBufferMemoryTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ const int numFloats = 16;
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ RGBA defaultColors[4];
+ GraphicsResources resources;
+ vector<string> extensions;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // layout (binding = 0) buffer Output
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[2];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } dataOutput;
+ //
+ // void func0(vec4* f0[2], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f0[i] = vec4(5.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void func1(vec4* f1[], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f1[i] = vec4(2.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // vec4 test_code(vec4 param)
+ // {
+ // func0(dataOutput.arr0, idx);
+ // func1(dataOutput.arr1, idx);
+ // return param;
+ // }
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ " %arr_v4f32_2 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_2\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_rt = OpTypeRuntimeArray %v4f32\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_2_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_v4f32_2\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_v4f32_rt\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_v4f32_2_ptr\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5\n"
+ " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n"
+ " %c_v4f32_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5\n"
+ " %c_v4f32_2 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %arr_v4f32_2 %arr_v4f32_rt\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_Output = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_Output StorageBuffer\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_v4f32 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %v4f32\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %void None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_v4f32_2_ptr\n"
+ " %func0Entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %out_ptr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f0 %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr0 %c_v4f32_5\n"
+ " %out_ptr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f0 %c_i32_1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr1 %c_v4f32_5\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %void None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %func1Entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %out_ptr2 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f1 %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr2 %c_v4f32_2\n"
+ " %out_ptr3 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f1 %c_i32_1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr3 %c_v4f32_2\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["decoration"] =
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 1 Offset 32\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output Block\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f0 Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %f1 Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_v4f32_2 ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_v4f32_rt ArrayStride 16\n";
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n"
+ " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %ptr0 = OpAccessChain %arr_v4f32_2_ptr %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n"
+ " %ptr1 = OpAccessChain %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr %dataOutput %c_i32_1\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %void %func0 %ptr0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %void %func1 %ptr1\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %param\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["extension"] =
+ "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\"\n";
+ getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(5.0f);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(2.0f);
+ requiredFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE;
+ resources.outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput))));
+ createTestsForAllStages("buffer_memory", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, resources, extensions, group, requiredFeatures);
+void addGraphicsPointerBufferMemoryVariablePointersTest (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group)
+ const int numFloats = 16;
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ RGBA defaultColors[4];
+ GraphicsResources resources;
+ vector<string> extensions;
+ vector<float> expectedOutput;
+ VulkanFeatures requiredFeatures;
+ // Implements the following pseudo GLSL shader:
+ //
+ // layout (binding = 0) buffer Output
+ // {
+ // vec4 arr0[2];
+ // vec4 arr1[];
+ // } dataOutput;
+ //
+ // void func0(vec4* f0[2], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f0[i] = vec4(5.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // void func1(vec4* f1[], uint i)
+ // {
+ // f1[i] = vec4(2.0);
+ // }
+ //
+ // vec4 test_code(vec4 param)
+ // {
+ // func0(dataOutput.arr0, idx);
+ // func1(dataOutput.arr1, idx);
+ // return param;
+ // }
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ " %arr_v4f32_2 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_2\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_rt = OpTypeRuntimeArray %v4f32\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_2_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_v4f32_2\n"
+ " %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %arr_v4f32_rt\n"
+ " %func0_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_v4f32_2_ptr\n"
+ " %func1_decl = OpTypeFunction %void %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5\n"
+ " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n"
+ " %c_v4f32_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5 %c_f32_5\n"
+ " %c_v4f32_2 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_2\n"
+ " %Output = OpTypeStruct %arr_v4f32_2 %arr_v4f32_rt\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_Output = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n"
+ " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_Output StorageBuffer\n"
+ " %_ptr_sb_v4f32 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %v4f32\n"
+ " %func0 = OpFunction %void None %func0_decl\n"
+ " %f0 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_v4f32_2_ptr\n"
+ " %func0Entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %out_ptr0 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f0 %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr0 %c_v4f32_5\n"
+ " %out_ptr1 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f0 %c_i32_1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr1 %c_v4f32_5\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n"
+ " %func1 = OpFunction %void None %func1_decl\n"
+ " %f1 = OpFunctionParameter %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr\n"
+ " %func1Entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %out_ptr2 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f1 %c_i32_0\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr2 %c_v4f32_2\n"
+ " %out_ptr3 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_sb_v4f32 %f1 %c_i32_1\n"
+ " OpStore %out_ptr3 %c_v4f32_2\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["decoration"] =
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n"
+ " OpMemberDecorate %Output 1 Offset 32\n"
+ " OpDecorate %Output Block\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_v4f32_2 ArrayStride 16\n"
+ " OpDecorate %arr_v4f32_rt ArrayStride 16\n";
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n"
+ " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ " %entry = OpLabel\n"
+ " %ptr0 = OpAccessChain %arr_v4f32_2_ptr %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n"
+ " %ptr1 = OpAccessChain %arr_v4f32_rt_ptr %dataOutput %c_i32_1\n"
+ " %ret0 = OpFunctionCall %void %func0 %ptr0\n"
+ " %ret1 = OpFunctionCall %void %func1 %ptr1\n"
+ " OpReturnValue %param\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ fragments["extension"] =
+ "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\n"
+ "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\"\n";
+ fragments["capability"] =
+ "OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer\n";
+ getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(5.0f);
+ for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numFloats / 2; ++numIdx)
+ expectedOutput.push_back(2.0f);
+ extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_variable_pointers");
+ requiredFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE;
+ resources.outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(expectedOutput))));
+ createTestsForAllStages("buffer_memory_variable_pointers", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, resources, extensions, group, requiredFeatures);
+} // anonymous
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createPointerParameterComputeGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "pointer_parameter", "Compute tests for pointer as function parameter."));
+ addComputePointerParamToParamTest(group.get());
+ addComputePointerParamToGlobalTest(group.get());
+ addComputePointerBufferMemoryTest(group.get());
+ addComputePointerBufferMemoryVariablePointersTest(group.get());
+ addComputePointerWorkgroupMemoryVariablePointersTest(group.get());
+ return group.release();
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createPointerParameterGraphicsGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "pointer_parameter", "Graphics tests for pointer as function parameter."));
+ addGraphicsPointerParamToParamTest(group.get());
+ addGraphicsPointerParamToGlobalTest(group.get());
+ addGraphicsPointerBufferMemoryTest(group.get());
+ addGraphicsPointerBufferMemoryVariablePointersTest(group.get());
+ return group.release();
+} // SpirVAssembly
+} // vkt