After #81006, the calling convention is no longer part of the type system identity of a function pointer type - it serves more like a modopt as far as the type system is concerned. The type system only cares whether the pointer is managed or not. Adjust the managed type system accordingly:
* If we're reading/representing a standalone method signature, read it as usual. Calling convention is available in flags/modopts.
* If we're reading/representing a function pointer type, collapse the calling convention information into the managed/unmanaged bit only.
RequiredCustomModifier = 0,
OptionalCustomModifier = 1,
- ArrayShape = 2
+ ArrayShape = 2,
+ UnmanagedCallConv = 3,
public struct EmbeddedSignatureData
public FunctionPointerType GetFunctionPointerType(MethodSignature signature)
+ // The type system only distinguishes between unmanaged and managed signatures.
+ // The caller should have normalized the signature by modifying flags and stripping modopts.
+ Debug.Assert((signature.Flags & MethodSignatureFlags.UnmanagedCallingConventionMask) is 0 or MethodSignatureFlags.UnmanagedCallingConvention);
+ Debug.Assert(!signature.HasEmbeddedSignatureData);
return _functionPointerTypes.GetOrCreateValue(signature);
Debug.Assert((int)MethodSignatureFlags.CallingConventionVarargs == (int)SignatureCallingConvention.VarArgs);
Debug.Assert((int)MethodSignatureFlags.UnmanagedCallingConvention == (int)SignatureCallingConvention.Unmanaged);
- flags = (MethodSignatureFlags)signatureCallConv;
+ // If skipEmbeddedSignatureData is true, we're building the signature for the purposes of building a type.
+ // We normalize unmanaged calling convention into a single value - "unmanaged".
+ if (skipEmbeddedSignatureData)
+ {
+ flags = MethodSignatureFlags.UnmanagedCallingConvention;
+ // But we still need to remember this signature is different, so add this to the EmbeddedSignatureData of the owner signature.
+ _embeddedSignatureDataList?.Add(new EmbeddedSignatureData { index = string.Join(".", _indexStack) + "|" + ((int)signatureCallConv).ToString(), kind = EmbeddedSignatureDataKind.UnmanagedCallConv, type = null });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flags = (MethodSignatureFlags)signatureCallConv;
+ }
if (!header.IsInstance)
+ public void UpdateSignatureCallingConventionAtCurrentIndexStack(ref SignatureCallingConvention callConv)
+ {
+ if (!Complete)
+ {
+ if (_embeddedDataIndex < _embeddedData.Length)
+ {
+ if (_embeddedData[_embeddedDataIndex].kind == EmbeddedSignatureDataKind.UnmanagedCallConv)
+ {
+ string indexData = string.Join(".", _indexStack);
+ var unmanagedCallConvPossibility = _embeddedData[_embeddedDataIndex].index.Split('|');
+ if (unmanagedCallConvPossibility[0] == indexData)
+ {
+ callConv = (SignatureCallingConvention)int.Parse(unmanagedCallConvPossibility[1]);
+ _embeddedDataIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void EmitArrayShapeAtCurrentIndexStack(BlobBuilder signatureBuilder, int rank)
var shapeEncoder = new ArrayShapeEncoder(signatureBuilder);
+ if (sigCallingConvention != SignatureCallingConvention.Default)
+ signatureDataEmitter.UpdateSignatureCallingConventionAtCurrentIndexStack(ref sigCallingConvention);
signatureEncoder.MethodSignature(sigCallingConvention, genericParameterCount, isInstanceMethod);
EncodeType(signatureBuilder, sig.ReturnType, signatureDataEmitter);
+ <AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>
<!-- Don't add references to the netstandard platform since this is a core assembly -->
public struct RuntimeMethodHandle { }
public struct RuntimeFieldHandle { }
+ public class Type
+ {
+ public static Type GetTypeFromHandle(RuntimeTypeHandle handle) => null;
+ }
public class Attribute { }
public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute
+ public class CallConvCdecl { }
+ public class CallConvStdcall { }
+ public class CallConvSuppressGCTransition { }
public static class RuntimeFeature
public const string ByRefFields = nameof(ByRefFields);
+ public const string UnmanagedSignatureCallingConvention = nameof(UnmanagedSignatureCallingConvention);
public const string VirtualStaticsInInterfaces = nameof(VirtualStaticsInInterfaces);
+ unsafe class FunctionPointerOverloadBase
+ {
+ // Do not reorder these, the test assumes this order
+ public virtual Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<void> p) => typeof(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<void>);
+ public virtual Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<void> p) => typeof(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<void>);
+ public virtual Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall, SuppressGCTransition]<void> p) => typeof(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall, SuppressGCTransition]<void>);
+ public virtual Type Method(delegate*<void> p) => typeof(delegate*<void>);
+ }
+ unsafe class FunctionPointerOverloadDerived : FunctionPointerOverloadBase
+ {
+ // Do not reorder these, the test assumes this order
+ public override Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<void> p) => null;
+ public override Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<void> p) => null;
+ public override Type Method(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall, SuppressGCTransition]<void> p) => null;
+ public override Type Method(delegate*<void> p) => null;
+ }
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Internal.TypeSystem;
Assert.Contains("!0,!1", md1.Name);
Assert.Contains("!1,!0", md2.Name);
+ [Fact]
+ public void TestFunctionPointerOverloads()
+ {
+ MetadataType baseClass = _testModule.GetType("VirtualFunctionOverride", "FunctionPointerOverloadBase");
+ MetadataType derivedClass = _testModule.GetType("VirtualFunctionOverride", "FunctionPointerOverloadDerived");
+ var resolvedMethods = new List<MethodDesc>();
+ foreach (MethodDesc baseMethod in baseClass.GetVirtualMethods())
+ resolvedMethods.Add(derivedClass.FindVirtualFunctionTargetMethodOnObjectType(baseMethod));
+ var expectedMethods = new List<MethodDesc>();
+ foreach (MethodDesc derivedMethod in derivedClass.GetVirtualMethods())
+ expectedMethods.Add(derivedMethod);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedMethods, resolvedMethods);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedMethods[0].Signature[0], expectedMethods[1].Signature[0]);
+ Assert.NotEqual(expectedMethods[0].Signature[0], expectedMethods[3].Signature[0]);
+ }