return true;
+ template<typename T> bool Pre(const parser::UnlabeledStatement<T> &stmt) {
+ currentStatementSourcePosition_ = stmt.source;
+ return true;
+ }
// C1140 -- Can't deallocate a polymorphic entity in a DO CONCURRENT.
// Deallocation can be caused by exiting a block that declares an allocatable
// entity, assignment to an allocatable variable, or an actual DEALLOCATE
// statement
// Note also that the deallocation of a derived type entity might cause the
- // invocation of an IMPURE final subroutine.
+ // invocation of an IMPURE final subroutine. (C1139)
+ // Only to be called for symbols with ObjectEntityDetails
+ static bool HasImpureFinal(const Symbol &symbol) {
+ if (const Symbol * root{GetAssociationRoot(symbol)}) {
+ CHECK(root->has<ObjectEntityDetails>());
+ if (const DeclTypeSpec * symType{root->GetType()}) {
+ if (const DerivedTypeSpec * derived{symType->AsDerived()}) {
+ return semantics::HasImpureFinal(*derived);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// Predicate for deallocations caused by block exit and direct deallocation
static bool DeallocateAll(const Symbol &) { return true; }
return false;
+ void SayDeallocateWithImpureFinal(const Symbol &entity, const char *reason) {
+ context_.SayWithDecl(entity, currentStatementSourcePosition_,
+ "Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure"
+ " caused by %s not allowed in DO CONCURRENT"_err_en_US,
+ reason);
+ }
+ void SayDeallocateOfPolymorph(
+ parser::CharBlock location, const Symbol &entity, const char *reason) {
+ context_.SayWithDecl(entity, location,
+ "Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by %s"
+ " not allowed in DO CONCURRENT"_err_en_US,
+ reason);
+ }
// Deallocation caused by block exit
// Allocatable entities and all of their allocatable subcomponents will be
// deallocated. This test is different from the other two because it does
const Scope &blockScope{context_.FindScope(endBlockStmt.source)};
const Scope &doScope{context_.FindScope(doConcurrentSourcePosition_)};
if (DoesScopeContain(&doScope, blockScope)) {
+ const char *reason{"block exit"};
for (auto &pair : blockScope) {
- Symbol &entity{*pair.second};
+ const Symbol &entity{*pair.second};
if (IsAllocatable(entity) && !entity.attrs().test(Attr::SAVE) &&
MightDeallocatePolymorphic(entity, DeallocateAll)) {
- context_.SayWithDecl(entity, endBlockStmt.source,
- "Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block"
- " exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT"_err_en_US);
+ SayDeallocateOfPolymorph(endBlockStmt.source, entity, reason);
+ }
+ if (HasImpureFinal(entity)) {
+ SayDeallocateWithImpureFinal(entity, reason);
- // TODO: Check for deallocation of a variable with an IMPURE FINAL
- // subroutine
void Post(const parser::AssignmentStmt &stmt) {
const auto &variable{std::get<parser::Variable>(stmt.t)};
if (const Symbol * entity{GetLastName(variable).symbol}) {
+ const char *reason{"assignment"};
if (MightDeallocatePolymorphic(*entity, DeallocateNonCoarray)) {
- context_.SayWithDecl(*entity, variable.GetSource(),
- "Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by "
- "assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT"_err_en_US);
- // TODO: Check for deallocation of a variable with an IMPURE FINAL
- // subroutine
+ SayDeallocateOfPolymorph(variable.GetSource(), *entity, reason);
+ }
+ if (HasImpureFinal(*entity)) {
+ SayDeallocateWithImpureFinal(*entity, reason);
for (const auto &allocateObject : allocateObjectList) {
const parser::Name &name{GetLastName(allocateObject)};
+ const char *reason{"a DEALLOCATE statement"};
if (name.symbol) {
const Symbol &entity{*name.symbol};
const DeclTypeSpec *entityType{entity.GetType()};
if ((entityType && entityType->IsPolymorphic()) || // POINTER case
MightDeallocatePolymorphic(entity, DeallocateAll)) {
- context_.SayWithDecl(entity, currentStatementSourcePosition_,
- "Deallocation of a polymorphic entity not allowed in DO"
- " CONCURRENT"_err_en_US);
+ SayDeallocateOfPolymorph(
+ currentStatementSourcePosition_, entity, reason);
+ }
+ if (HasImpureFinal(entity)) {
+ SayDeallocateWithImpureFinal(entity, reason);
- // TODO: Check for deallocation of a variable with an IMPURE FINAL
- // subroutine
do concurrent (i = 1:10)
! Bad because deallocation of a polymorphic entity
-!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
! Bad, deallocation of an entity with a polymorphic component
-!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
! Bad, deallocation of a pointer to an entity with a polymorphic component
-!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+!ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
! Deallocation of a nonpolymorphic entity
end do
end subroutine s3
+module m2
+ type :: impureFinal
+ contains
+ final :: impureSub
+ end type
+ type :: pureFinal
+ contains
+ final :: pureSub
+ end type
+ contains
+ impure subroutine impureSub(x)
+ type(impureFinal), intent(in) :: x
+ end subroutine
+ pure subroutine pureSub(x)
+ type(pureFinal), intent(in) :: x
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine s4()
+ type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar, ifvar1
+ type(pureFinal), allocatable :: pfVar
+ allocate(ifVar)
+ allocate(ifVar1)
+ allocate(pfVar)
+ ! OK for an ordinary DO loop
+ do i = 1,10
+ if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar)
+ end do
+ ! OK to invoke a PURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT
+ ! This case does not work currently because the compiler's test for
+ ! HasImpureFinal() in .../lib/semantics/ doesn't work correctly
+! do concurrent (i = 1:10)
+! if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(pfVar)
+! end do
+ ! Error to invoke an IMPURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT
+ do concurrent (i = 1:10)
+ !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+ if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar)
+ end do
+ do concurrent (i = 1:10)
+ if (i .eq. 1) then
+ block
+ type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar
+ allocate(ifVar)
+ ! Error here because exiting this scope causes the finalization of
+ !ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure
+ !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+ end block
+ end if
+ end do
+ do concurrent (i = 1:10)
+ if (i .eq. 1) then
+ ! Error here because the assignment statement causes the finalization
+ ! of ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure
+!ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
+ ifvar = ifvar1
+ end if
+ end do
+ end subroutine s4
+end module m2