return "MorphInitBlock";
- static GenTree* MorphBlock(Compiler* comp, GenTree* tree, bool isDest);
- static GenTree* MorphCommaBlock(Compiler* comp, GenTreeOp* firstComma);
- void TryInitFieldByField();
- void TryPrimitiveInit();
+ void TryInitFieldByField();
+ void TryPrimitiveInit();
+ GenTree* EliminateCommas(GenTree** commaPool);
Compiler* m_comp;
JITDUMP("%s:\n", GetHelperName());
+ GenTree* commaPool;
+ GenTree* sideEffects = EliminateCommas(&commaPool);
m_result->gtDebugFlags |= GTF_DEBUG_NODE_MORPHED;
- if (m_comp->verbose)
+ while (sideEffects != nullptr)
- printf("%s (after):\n", GetHelperName());
- m_comp->gtDispTree(m_result);
+ if (commaPool != nullptr)
+ {
+ GenTree* comma = commaPool;
+ commaPool = commaPool->gtNext;
+ assert(comma->OperIs(GT_COMMA));
+ comma->AsOp()->gtOp1 = sideEffects;
+ comma->AsOp()->gtOp2 = m_result;
+ comma->gtFlags = (sideEffects->gtFlags | m_result->gtFlags) & GTF_ALL_EFFECT;
+ m_result = comma;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_result = m_comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_COMMA, m_result->TypeGet(), sideEffects, m_result);
+ }
+ INDEBUG(m_result->gtDebugFlags |= GTF_DEBUG_NODE_MORPHED);
+ sideEffects = sideEffects->gtNext;
-#endif // DEBUG
+ JITDUMP("%s (after):\n", GetHelperName());
+ DISPTREE(m_result);
return m_result;
-// MorphBlock: Morph a block node preparatory to morphing a block assignment.
-// Arguments:
-// comp - a compiler instance;
-// tree - a struct type node;
-// isDest - true if this is the destination of an assignment;
-// Return Value:
-// Returns the possibly-morphed node. The caller is responsible for updating
-// the parent of this node.
-// static
-GenTree* MorphInitBlockHelper::MorphBlock(Compiler* comp, GenTree* tree, bool isDest)
- JITDUMP("MorphBlock for %s tree, before:\n", (isDest ? "dst" : "src"));
- DISPTREE(tree);
- assert(varTypeIsStruct(tree));
- if (tree->OperIs(GT_COMMA))
- {
- // TODO-Cleanup: this block is not needed for not struct nodes, but
- // TryPrimitiveCopy works wrong without this transformation.
- tree = MorphCommaBlock(comp, tree->AsOp());
- if (isDest)
- {
- tree->SetDoNotCSE();
- }
- }
- assert(!tree->OperIsIndir() || varTypeIsI(genActualType(tree->AsIndir()->Addr())));
- JITDUMP("MorphBlock after:\n");
- DISPTREE(tree);
- return tree;
-// MorphCommaBlock: transform COMMA<struct>(X) as OBJ<STRUCT>(COMMA byref(ADDR(X)).
-// Notes:
-// In order to CSE and value number array index expressions and bounds checks,
-// the commas in which they are contained need to match.
-// The pattern is that the COMMA should be the address expression.
-// Therefore, we insert a GT_ADDR just above the node, and wrap it in an obj or ind.
-// TODO-1stClassStructs: Consider whether this can be improved.
-// Example:
-// before: [3] comma struct <- [2] comma struct <- [1] LCL_VAR struct
-// after: [5] obj <- [3] comma byref <- [2] comma byref <- [4] addr byref <- [1] LCL_VAR struct
-// static
-GenTree* MorphInitBlockHelper::MorphCommaBlock(Compiler* comp, GenTreeOp* firstComma)
- assert(firstComma->OperIs(GT_COMMA));
- ArrayStack<GenTree*> commas(comp->getAllocator(CMK_ArrayStack));
- for (GenTree* currComma = firstComma; currComma != nullptr && currComma->OperIs(GT_COMMA);
- currComma = currComma->gtGetOp2())
- {
- commas.Push(currComma);
- }
- GenTree* lastComma = commas.Top();
- GenTree* effectiveVal = lastComma->gtGetOp2();
- if (!effectiveVal->OperIsIndir() && !effectiveVal->IsLocal())
- {
- return firstComma;
- }
- assert(effectiveVal == firstComma->gtEffectiveVal());
- GenTree* effectiveValAddr = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_ADDR, TYP_BYREF, effectiveVal);
- INDEBUG(effectiveValAddr->gtDebugFlags |= GTF_DEBUG_NODE_MORPHED);
- lastComma->AsOp()->gtOp2 = effectiveValAddr;
- while (!commas.Empty())
- {
- GenTree* comma = commas.Pop();
- comma->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
- // The "IND(COMMA)" => "COMMA(IND)" transform may have set NO_CSEs on these COMMAs, clear them.
- comma->ClearDoNotCSE();
- comp->gtUpdateNodeSideEffects(comma);
- }
- const var_types blockType = effectiveVal->TypeGet();
- GenTree* addr = firstComma;
- GenTree* res;
- if (blockType == TYP_STRUCT)
- {
- CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd = comp->gtGetStructHandleIfPresent(effectiveVal);
- if (structHnd == NO_CLASS_HANDLE)
- {
- // TODO-1stClassStructs: get rid of all such cases.
- res = comp->gtNewIndir(blockType, addr);
- }
- else
- {
- res = comp->gtNewObjNode(structHnd, addr);
- comp->gtSetObjGcInfo(res->AsObj());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- res = comp->gtNewIndir(blockType, addr);
- }
- comp->gtUpdateNodeSideEffects(res);
- return res;
// InitFieldByField: Attempts to promote a local block init tree to a tree
// of promoted field initialization assignments.
+// EliminateCommas: Prepare for block morphing by removing commas from the
+// source operand of the assignment.
+// Parameters:
+// commaPool - [out] Pool of GT_COMMA nodes linked by their gtNext nodes that
+// can be used by the caller to avoid unnecessarily creating
+// new commas.
+// Returns:
+// Extracted side effects, in reverse order, linked via the gtNext fields of
+// the nodes.
+// Notes:
+// We have a tree like the following (note that location-valued commas are
+// illegal, so there cannot be a comma on the left):
+// ASG
+// / \.
+// | / \.
+// B C D
+// We'd like downstream code to just see and be expand ASG(IND(B), D).
+// We will produce:
+// / \.
+// / \ / \.
+// tmp B C ASG
+// / \.
+// IND D
+// |
+// tmp
+// If the ASG has GTF_REVERSE_OPS then we will produce:
+// / \.
+// C ASG
+// / \.
+// IND D
+// |
+// B
+// While keeping the GTF_REVERSE_OPS.
+// Note that the final resulting tree is created in the caller since it also
+// needs to propagate side effect flags from the decomposed assignment to all
+// the created commas. Therefore this function just returns a linked list of
+// the side effects to be used for that purpose.
+GenTree* MorphInitBlockHelper::EliminateCommas(GenTree** commaPool)
+ *commaPool = nullptr;
+ GenTree* sideEffects = nullptr;
+ auto addSideEffect = [&sideEffects](GenTree* sideEff) {
+ sideEff->gtNext = sideEffects;
+ sideEffects = sideEff;
+ };
+ auto addComma = [commaPool, &addSideEffect](GenTree* comma) {
+ addSideEffect(comma->gtGetOp1());
+ comma->gtNext = *commaPool;
+ *commaPool = comma;
+ };
+ GenTree* lhs = m_asg->gtGetOp1();
+ assert(lhs->OperIsIndir() || lhs->OperIsLocal());
+ GenTree* rhs = m_asg->gtGetOp2();
+ if (m_asg->IsReverseOp())
+ {
+ while (rhs->OperIs(GT_COMMA))
+ {
+ addComma(rhs);
+ rhs = rhs->gtGetOp2();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lhs->OperIsIndir() && rhs->OperIs(GT_COMMA))
+ {
+ GenTree* addr = lhs->gtGetOp1();
+ if (((addr->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) != 0) || (((rhs->gtFlags & GTF_ASG) != 0) && !addr->IsInvariant()))
+ {
+ unsigned lhsAddrLclNum = m_comp->lvaGrabTemp(true DEBUGARG("Block morph LHS addr"));
+ addSideEffect(m_comp->gtNewTempAssign(lhsAddrLclNum, addr));
+ lhs->AsUnOp()->gtOp1 = m_comp->gtNewLclvNode(lhsAddrLclNum, genActualType(addr));
+ m_comp->gtUpdateNodeSideEffects(lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ while (rhs->OperIs(GT_COMMA))
+ {
+ addComma(rhs);
+ rhs = rhs->gtGetOp2();
+ }
+ }
+ if (sideEffects != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_asg->gtOp2 = rhs;
+ m_comp->gtUpdateNodeSideEffects(m_asg);
+ }
+ return sideEffects;
class MorphCopyBlockHelper : public MorphInitBlockHelper
void MorphCopyBlockHelper::PrepareSrc()
- GenTree* origSrc = m_asg->gtGetOp2();
- m_src = MorphBlock(m_comp, origSrc, false);
- if (m_src != origSrc)
- {
- m_asg->gtOp2 = m_src;
- }
+ m_src = m_asg->gtGetOp2();
if (m_src->IsLocal())