* @param[in] value The @c bool value for comparison
* @exception E_SUCCESS The method is successful.
* @exception E_INVALID_ARG Either of the following conditions has occurred:
- * - The @c filterProperty is not an element of the enumerator that corresponds with the type of this filter.
- * - The type of the @c filterProperty is not @c bool.
- * - The @c comparisonOperator is no #FI_CMP_OP_EQUAL.
- * - The specified @c conjuctiveOperator is invalid.
+ * - The @c filterProperty is not an element of the enumerator that corresponds with the type of this filter.
+ * - The type of the @c filterProperty is not @c bool.
+ * - The @c comparisonOperator is no #FI_CMP_OP_EQUAL.
+ * - The specified @c conjuctiveOperator is invalid.
* @remarks If the filtering expression is appended firstly, the @c conjunctiveOperator is ignored.
result AppendBool(FilterConjunctiveOperator conjunctiveOperator, unsigned long filterProperty, FilterComparisonOperator comparisonOperator, bool value);