It returns the widget object handle which contains the given item.
SVN revision: 63861
#define elm_object_content_unset(obj) elm_object_content_part_unset((obj), NULL)
+ /**
+ * Get the wiget object's handle which contains a given item
+ *
+ * @param item The Elementary object item
+ * @return The widget object
+ *
+ * @note This returns the widget object itself that an item belongs to.
+ *
+ * @ingroup General
+ */
+ EAPI Evas_Object *elm_object_item_object_get(const Elm_Object_Item *it) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
* Set a content of an object item
return _elm_config->longpress_timeout;
+EAPI Evas_Object *
+elm_object_item_object_get(const Elm_Object_Item *it)
+ return ((Elm_Widget_Item *) it)->widget;
EAPI void
elm_object_item_content_part_set(Elm_Object_Item *it,
const char *part,