- Implement other stuff missing in node.cc/process\r
Like setuid, setgid, kill etc.\r
-- Implement missing `net` methods \r
+- Implement missing `net` methods\r
+ A pressing issue is: how do we work with windows api functions that are not utf8 aware?\r
+ E.g. getaddrinfo() is ansi-only; GetAddrInfoW is utf16-only. Can we get utf16 straight out of v8?\r
- Child processes\r
- Stdio (make TTY's / repl / readline work)\r
- Also verify writeError and isStdoutBlocking correctness\r
+ This will be hard: there is no ANSI escape code support in windows.\r
+ Select() doesn't work on TTYs -- use a dedicated `getchar()` thread \r
+ that relays everything to an internal socket?\r
+ Also verify writeError and isStdoutBlocking correctness.\r
- Make `make test` work, think about `make install`\r