+ reverse_weight_ih,
+ reverse_weight_hh,
+ reverse_bias_h,
+ reverse_bias_ih,
+ reverse_bias_hh,
+ reverse_hidden_state,
+ reverse_cell_state,
+ reverse_ifgo,
+ * @brief run lstm fowarding for batch_first input
+ *
+ * @param NUM_GATE Number of gate which is 4 for lstm
+ * @param unit number of output neurons
+ * @param batch_size batch size
+ * @param max_timestep maximum timestep for lstm
+ * @param integrate_bias integrate bias_ih, bias_hh to bias_h
+ * @param acti_func activation function for memory cell, cell state
+ * @param recurrent_acti_func activation function for input/output/forget
+ * gate
+ * @param reverse indicate forward for reverse input in bidirectional lstm
+ * @param enable_dropout whether to apply dropout
+ * @param dropout_rate dropout rate
+ * @param input_ input
+ * @param weight_ih weight_ih. weight for input to hidden
+ * @param weight_hh weight_hh. weight for hidden to hidden
+ * @param bias_h bias_h. bias for input and hidden.
+ * @param bias_ih bias_ih. bias for input
+ * @param bias_hh bias_hh. bias for hidden
+ * @param hidden_state_ hidden state
+ * @param cell_state_ cell state
+ * @param ifgo_ input gate, forget gate, memory cell, output gate
+ * @param mask_ dropout mask
+ */
+static void batch_first_forwarding(
+ unsigned int NUM_GATE, const unsigned int unit, const unsigned int batch_size,
+ const unsigned int max_timestep, const unsigned int feature_size,
+ const bool disable_bias, const bool integrate_bias, ActiFunc &acti_func,
+ ActiFunc &recurrent_acti_func, const bool reverse, const bool enable_dropout,
+ const float dropout_rate, const Tensor &input_, const Tensor &weight_ih,
+ const Tensor &weight_hh, const Tensor &bias_h, const Tensor &bias_ih,
+ const Tensor &bias_hh, Tensor &hidden_state_, Tensor &cell_state_,
+ Tensor &ifgo_, const Tensor &mask_) {
+ hidden_state_.setZero();
+ cell_state_.setZero();
+ for (unsigned int batch = 0; batch < batch_size; ++batch) {
+ const Tensor input_sample = input_.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
+ Tensor hidden_state_sample = hidden_state_.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
+ Tensor cell_state_sample = cell_state_.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
+ Tensor ifgo_sample = ifgo_.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
+ for (unsigned int t = 0; t < max_timestep; ++t) {
+ Tensor input = input_sample.getSharedDataTensor(
+ {feature_size}, (reverse ? max_timestep - 1 - t : t) * feature_size);
+ Tensor prev_hidden_state;
+ if (!t) {
+ prev_hidden_state = Tensor(unit);
+ prev_hidden_state.setZero();
+ } else {
+ prev_hidden_state = hidden_state_sample.getSharedDataTensor(
+ {unit}, (reverse ? (max_timestep - t) : (t - 1)) * unit);
+ }
+ Tensor hidden_state = hidden_state_sample.getSharedDataTensor(
+ {unit}, (reverse ? max_timestep - 1 - t : t) * unit);
+ Tensor prev_cell_state;
+ if (!t) {
+ prev_cell_state = Tensor(unit);
+ prev_cell_state.setZero();
+ } else {
+ prev_cell_state =
+ cell_state_sample.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, (t - 1) * unit);
+ }
+ Tensor cell_state =
+ cell_state_sample.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, t * unit);
+ Tensor ifgo =
+ ifgo_sample.getSharedDataTensor({unit * NUM_GATE}, unit * t * NUM_GATE);
+ lstmcell_forwarding(unit, 1, disable_bias, integrate_bias, acti_func,
+ recurrent_acti_func, input, prev_hidden_state,
+ prev_cell_state, hidden_state, cell_state, weight_ih,
+ weight_hh, bias_h, bias_ih, bias_hh, ifgo);
+ if (enable_dropout) {
+ Tensor mask_sample = mask_.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
+ Tensor mask = mask_sample.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, t * unit);
+ mask.dropout_mask(dropout_rate);
+ hidden_state.multiply_i(mask);
+ }
+ }
+ }
LSTMLayer::LSTMLayer() :
lstm_props(props::Unit(), props::IntegrateBias(),
props::HiddenStateActivation() = ActivationType::ACT_TANH,
props::RecurrentActivation() = ActivationType::ACT_SIGMOID,
- props::ReturnSequences(), props::DropOutRate(),
- props::MaxTimestep()),
+ props::ReturnSequences(), props::Bidirectional(),
+ props::DropOutRate(), props::MaxTimestep()),
acti_func(ActivationType::ACT_NONE, true),
recurrent_acti_func(ActivationType::ACT_NONE, true),
epsilon(1e-3) {
const bool return_sequences =
+ const bool bidirectional = std::get<props::Bidirectional>(lstm_props).get();
const float dropout_rate = std::get<props::DropOutRate>(lstm_props).get();
if (context.getNumInputs() != 1) {
const unsigned int feature_size = input_dim.width();
- // if return_sequences == false :
- // output_dim = [ batch_size, 1, 1, unit ]
- // else:
- // output_dim = [ batch_size, 1, time_iteration, unit ]
+ // output_dim = [ batch_size, 1, return_sequences ? time_iteration : 1,
+ // bidirectional ? 2 * unit : unit ]
const TensorDim output_dim(batch_size, 1, return_sequences ? max_timestep : 1,
- unit);
+ bidirectional ? 2 * unit : unit);
// weight_initializer can be set seperately. weight_ih initializer,
- // weight_hh initializer kernel initializer & recurrent_initializer in keras
- // for now, it is set same way.
+ // weight_hh initializer kernel initializer & recurrent_initializer in
+ // keras for now, it is set same way.
- // weight_ih ( input to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, feature_size, NUM_GATE * unit ] ->
- // i, f, g, o
+ // weight_ih ( input to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, feature_size, NUM_GATE * unit ]
+ // -> i, f, g, o
const TensorDim weight_ih_dim({feature_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
wt_idx[LSTMParams::weight_ih] =
context.requestWeight(weight_ih_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
weight_regularizer_constant, "weight_ih", true);
- // weight_hh ( hidden to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, unit, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f,
- // g, o
+ // weight_hh ( hidden to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, unit, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i,
+ // f, g, o
const TensorDim weight_hh_dim({unit, NUM_GATE * unit});
wt_idx[LSTMParams::weight_hh] =
context.requestWeight(weight_hh_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
weight_regularizer_constant, "weight_hh", true);
if (!disable_bias) {
if (integrate_bias) {
- // bias_h ( input bias, hidden bias are integrate to 1 bias ) : [ 1, 1, 1,
- // NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g, o
+ // bias_h ( input bias, hidden bias are integrate to 1 bias ) : [ 1,
+ // 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g, o
const TensorDim bias_h_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
wt_idx[LSTMParams::bias_h] =
context.requestWeight(bias_h_dim, bias_initializer,
wt_idx[LSTMParams::bias_ih] =
context.requestWeight(bias_ih_dim, bias_initializer,
WeightRegularizer::NONE, 1.0f, "bias_ih", true);
- // bias_hh ( hidden bias ) : [ 1, 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g, o
+ // bias_hh ( hidden bias ) : [ 1, 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g,
+ // o
const TensorDim bias_hh_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
wt_idx[LSTMParams::bias_hh] =
context.requestWeight(bias_hh_dim, bias_initializer,
context.requestTensor(ifgo_dim, "ifgo", Tensor::Initializer::NONE, true,
+ if (bidirectional) {
+ // weight_initializer can be set seperately. weight_ih initializer,
+ // weight_hh initializer kernel initializer & recurrent_initializer in
+ // keras for now, it is set same way.
+ // reverse_weight_ih ( input to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, feature_size,
+ // NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g, o
+ const TensorDim reverse_weight_ih_dim({feature_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_weight_ih] = context.requestWeight(
+ reverse_weight_ih_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
+ weight_regularizer_constant, "reverse_weight_ih", true);
+ // reverse_weight_hh ( hidden to hidden ) : [ 1, 1, unit, NUM_GATE *
+ // unit ]
+ // -> i, f, g, o
+ const TensorDim reverse_weight_hh_dim({unit, NUM_GATE * unit});
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_weight_hh] = context.requestWeight(
+ reverse_weight_hh_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
+ weight_regularizer_constant, "reverse_weight_hh", true);
+ if (!disable_bias) {
+ if (integrate_bias) {
+ // reverse_bias_h ( input bias, hidden bias are integrate to 1 bias
+ // ) : [ 1, 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] -> i, f, g, o
+ const TensorDim reverse_bias_h_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_h] = context.requestWeight(
+ reverse_bias_h_dim, bias_initializer, WeightRegularizer::NONE, 1.0f,
+ "reverse_bias_h", true);
+ } else {
+ // reverse_bias_ih ( input bias ) : [ 1, 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] ->
+ // i, f, g, o
+ const TensorDim reverse_bias_ih_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_ih] = context.requestWeight(
+ reverse_bias_ih_dim, bias_initializer, WeightRegularizer::NONE, 1.0f,
+ "reverse_bias_ih", true);
+ // reverse_bias_hh ( hidden bias ) : [ 1, 1, 1, NUM_GATE * unit ] ->
+ // i, f, g, o
+ const TensorDim reverse_bias_hh_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_hh] = context.requestWeight(
+ reverse_bias_hh_dim, bias_initializer, WeightRegularizer::NONE, 1.0f,
+ "reverse_bias_hh", true);
+ }
+ }
+ // reverse_hidden_state_dim : [ batch_size, 1, max_timestep, unit ]
+ const TensorDim reverse_hidden_state_dim(batch_size, 1, max_timestep, unit);
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_hidden_state] = context.requestTensor(
+ reverse_hidden_state_dim, "reverse_hidden_state",
+ Tensor::Initializer::NONE, true, TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+ // reverse_cell_state_dim : [ batch_size, 1, max_timestep, unit ]
+ const TensorDim reverse_cell_state_dim(batch_size, 1, max_timestep, unit);
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_cell_state] = context.requestTensor(
+ reverse_cell_state_dim, "reverse_cell_state", Tensor::Initializer::NONE,
+ true, TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+ // reverse_ifgo_dim : [ batch_size, 1, max_timestep, NUM_GATE * unit ]
+ const TensorDim reverse_ifgo_dim(batch_size, 1, max_timestep,
+ NUM_GATE * unit);
+ wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_ifgo] = context.requestTensor(
+ reverse_ifgo_dim, "reverse_ifgo", Tensor::Initializer::NONE, true,
+ TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+ }
if (dropout_rate > epsilon) {
// dropout_mask_dim = [ batch, 1, time_iteration, unit ]
const TensorDim dropout_mask_dim(batch_size, 1, max_timestep, unit);
const bool integrate_bias = std::get<props::IntegrateBias>(lstm_props).get();
const bool return_sequences =
+ const bool bidirectional = std::get<props::Bidirectional>(lstm_props).get();
const float dropout_rate = std::get<props::DropOutRate>(lstm_props).get();
const unsigned int max_timestep =
- const Tensor &inputs = context.getInput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
- const TensorDim input_dim = inputs.getDim();
+ unsigned int bidirectional_constant = bidirectional ? 2 : 1;
+ bool enable_dropout = dropout_rate > epsilon && training;
+ const Tensor &input = context.getInput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+ const TensorDim input_dim = input.getDim();
const unsigned int batch_size = input_dim.batch();
const unsigned int feature_size = input_dim.width();
Tensor &output = context.getOutput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
? context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::bias_hh])
: empty;
- Tensor &hs = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::hidden_state]);
- Tensor &cs = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::cell_state]);
- Tensor &ifgos = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::ifgo]);
- hs.setZero();
- cs.setZero();
- for (unsigned int batch = 0; batch < batch_size; ++batch) {
- const Tensor input_batch = inputs.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
- Tensor hs_batch = hs.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
- Tensor cs_batch = cs.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
- Tensor ifgo_batch = ifgos.getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
- for (unsigned int t = 0; t < max_timestep; ++t) {
- Tensor input;
- if (input_batch.height() != 1)
- input =
- input_batch.getSharedDataTensor({feature_size}, t * feature_size);
- else
- input = input_batch;
- Tensor prev_hidden_state;
- if (!t) {
- prev_hidden_state = Tensor(unit);
- prev_hidden_state.setZero();
- } else {
- prev_hidden_state =
- hs_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, (t - 1) * unit);
- }
- Tensor hidden_state = hs_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, t * unit);
- Tensor prev_cell_state;
- if (!t) {
- prev_cell_state = Tensor(unit);
- prev_cell_state.setZero();
- } else {
- prev_cell_state = cs_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, (t - 1) * unit);
- }
- Tensor cell_state = cs_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, t * unit);
- Tensor ifgo =
- ifgo_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit * NUM_GATE}, unit * t * NUM_GATE);
- lstmcell_forwarding(unit, 1, disable_bias, integrate_bias, acti_func,
- recurrent_acti_func, input, prev_hidden_state,
- prev_cell_state, hidden_state, cell_state, weight_ih,
- weight_hh, bias_h, bias_ih, bias_hh, ifgo);
- if (dropout_rate > epsilon && training) {
- Tensor masks = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::dropout_mask])
- .getBatchSlice(batch, 1);
- Tensor mask = masks.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, t * unit);
- mask.dropout_mask(dropout_rate);
- hidden_state.multiply_i(mask);
- }
- }
+ Tensor &hidden_state = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::hidden_state]);
+ Tensor &cell_state = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::cell_state]);
+ Tensor &ifgo = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::ifgo]);
+ Tensor &mask = enable_dropout
+ ? context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::dropout_mask])
+ : empty;
+ batch_first_forwarding(
+ NUM_GATE, unit, batch_size, max_timestep, feature_size, disable_bias,
+ integrate_bias, acti_func, recurrent_acti_func, false, enable_dropout,
+ dropout_rate, input, weight_ih, weight_hh, bias_h, bias_ih, bias_hh,
+ hidden_state, cell_state, ifgo, mask);
+ if (bidirectional) {
+ const Tensor &reverse_weight_ih =
+ context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_weight_ih]);
+ const Tensor &reverse_weight_hh =
+ context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_weight_hh]);
+ const Tensor &reverse_bias_h =
+ !disable_bias && integrate_bias
+ ? context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_h])
+ : empty;
+ const Tensor &reverse_bias_ih =
+ !disable_bias && !integrate_bias
+ ? context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_ih])
+ : empty;
+ const Tensor &reverse_bias_hh =
+ !disable_bias && !integrate_bias
+ ? context.getWeight(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_bias_hh])
+ : empty;
+ Tensor &reverse_hidden_state =
+ context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_hidden_state]);
+ Tensor &reverse_cell_state =
+ context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_cell_state]);
+ Tensor &reverse_ifgo = context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_ifgo]);
+ batch_first_forwarding(
+ NUM_GATE, unit, batch_size, max_timestep, feature_size, disable_bias,
+ integrate_bias, acti_func, recurrent_acti_func, true, enable_dropout,
+ dropout_rate, input, reverse_weight_ih, reverse_weight_hh, reverse_bias_h,
+ reverse_bias_ih, reverse_bias_hh, reverse_hidden_state,
+ reverse_cell_state, reverse_ifgo, mask);
- if (return_sequences) {
- std::copy(hs.getData(), hs.getData() + hs.size(), output.getData());
+ if (return_sequences && !bidirectional) {
+ std::copy(hidden_state.getData(),
+ hidden_state.getData() + hidden_state.size(), output.getData());
} else {
+ unsigned int start_timestep = 0;
+ unsigned int end_timestep = return_sequences ? max_timestep : 1;
for (unsigned int batch = 0; batch < batch_size; ++batch) {
- float *hidden_state_data =
- hs.getAddress(batch * max_timestep * unit + (max_timestep - 1) * unit);
- float *output_data = output.getAddress(batch * unit);
- std::copy(hidden_state_data, hidden_state_data + unit, output_data);
+ for (unsigned int timestep = start_timestep; timestep < end_timestep;
+ ++timestep) {
+ float *hidden_state_data = hidden_state.getAddress(
+ batch * max_timestep * unit +
+ (return_sequences ? 0 : (max_timestep - 1) * unit) + timestep * unit);
+ float *output_data =
+ output.getAddress(batch * (return_sequences ? max_timestep : 1) *
+ bidirectional_constant * unit +
+ timestep * bidirectional_constant * unit);
+ std::copy(hidden_state_data, hidden_state_data + unit, output_data);
+ if (bidirectional) {
+ Tensor &reverse_hidden_state =
+ context.getTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_hidden_state]);
+ float *reverse_hidden_state_data = reverse_hidden_state.getAddress(
+ batch * max_timestep * unit +
+ (return_sequences ? 0 : (max_timestep - 1) * unit) +
+ timestep * unit);
+ std::copy(reverse_hidden_state_data, reverse_hidden_state_data + unit,
+ output_data + unit);
+ }
+ }
Tensor rdata =
incoming_derivative.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, batch * unit);
- /// @note this is not copying from start ~ end but only start time step
- // This is copying for self rolling as well as last recurrent unrolled.
+ /// @note this is not copying from start ~ end but only start time
+ /// step
+ // This is copying for self rolling as well as last recurrent
+ // unrolled.
if ((unsigned)start_timestep + 1 == max_timestep) {
} else {
Tensor d_ifgo = d_ifgo_batch.getSharedDataTensor({unit * NUM_GATE},
unit * t * NUM_GATE);
- // Temporary variable for d_prev_hidden_state. d_prev_hidden_state already
- // have precalculated values from incomming derivatives
+ // Temporary variable for d_prev_hidden_state. d_prev_hidden_state
+ // already have precalculated values from incomming derivatives
Tensor d_prev_hidden_state_temp;
lstmcell_calcGradient(unit, 1, disable_bias, integrate_bias, acti_func,
void LSTMLayer::setBatch(RunLayerContext &context, unsigned int batch) {
+ const bool bidirectional = std::get<props::Bidirectional>(lstm_props).get();
context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::hidden_state], batch);
context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::cell_state], batch);
context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::ifgo], batch);
+ if (bidirectional) {
+ context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_hidden_state], batch);
+ context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_cell_state], batch);
+ context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::reverse_ifgo], batch);
+ }
if (std::get<props::DropOutRate>(lstm_props).get() > epsilon) {
context.updateTensor(wt_idx[LSTMParams::dropout_mask], batch);
return ret, loss
class LSTMStacked(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, num_lstm=1):
+ def __init__(self, num_lstm=1, bidirectional=False):
self.input_size = self.hidden_size = 2
self.num_lstm = num_lstm
+ self.bidirectional=bidirectional
self.lstms = torch.nn.ModuleList(
- torch.nn.LSTM(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, batch_first=True)
- # torch.nn.LSTM(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, num_layers=num_lstm, batch_first=True)
- for _ in range(num_lstm)
+ torch.nn.LSTM(self.input_size if self.bidirectional == False or i == 0 else 2 * self.input_size, self.hidden_size, batch_first=True, bidirectional=bidirectional)
+ # Intended comment
+ # torch.nn.LSTM(self.input_size if self.bidirectional == False or i == 0 else 2 * self.input_size, self.hidden_size, num_layers=num_lstm, batch_first=True, bidirectional=bidirectional)
+ for i in range(num_lstm)
self.loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()
out = inputs[0]
states = inputs[1:]
# hs = [states[2 * i] for i in range(self.num_lstm)]
- hs = [torch.zeros((1, 3, 2)) for _ in range(self.num_lstm)]
+ hs = [torch.zeros((2, 3, 2)) if self.bidirectional else torch.zeros((1, 3, 2)) for _ in range(self.num_lstm)]
# cs = [states[2 * i + 1] for i in range(self.num_lstm)]
- cs = [torch.zeros((1, 3, 2)) for _ in range(self.num_lstm)]
+ cs = [torch.zeros((2, 3, 2)) if self.bidirectional else torch.zeros((1, 3, 2)) for _ in range(self.num_lstm)]
for i, (lstm, h, c) in enumerate(zip(self.lstms, hs, cs)):
out, (hs[i], cs[i]) = lstm(out, (h, c))
loss = self.loss(out, labels[0])
return out, loss
- unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration = [2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2]
+ unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration, bidirectional = [2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, False]
- LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm),
+ LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm, bidirectional=bidirectional),
input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)],
# input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)] + [(1, batch_size, unit) for _ in range(2 * num_lstm)],
- unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration = [2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2]
+ unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration, bidirectional = [2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, False]
- LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm),
+ LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm, bidirectional=bidirectional),
input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)],
# input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)] + [(1, batch_size, unit) for _ in range(2 * num_lstm)],
+ unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration, bidirectional = [2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, True]
+ record_v2(
+ LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm, bidirectional=bidirectional),
+ iteration=iteration,
+ input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)],
+ # input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)] + [(2, batch_size, unit) for _ in range(2 * num_lstm)],
+ label_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, 2 * unit)],
+ name="bidirectional_lstm_single",
+ )
+ unroll_for, num_lstm, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration, bidirectional = [2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, True]
+ record_v2(
+ LSTMStacked(num_lstm=num_lstm, bidirectional=bidirectional),
+ iteration=iteration,
+ input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)],
+ # input_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, feature_size)] + [(2, batch_size, unit) for _ in range(2 * num_lstm)],
+ label_dims=[(batch_size, unroll_for, 2 * unit)],
+ name="bidirectional_lstm_stacked",
+ )
unroll_for, num_lstmcell, state_num, batch_size, unit, feature_size, iteration = [2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2]
LSTMCellStacked(unroll_for=unroll_for, num_lstmcell=num_lstmcell),