CONTEXT_DIR: "docker/android/"
DOCKERFILE: "docker/android/Dockerfile"
extends: .base
-.local_rules: &local_rules
- rules:
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "gstreamer/gst-ci"'
- when: 'never'
- - when: 'manual'
- allow_failure: true
-.local_template: &local_template
- <<: *local_rules
- needs:
- - 'manifest'
-# Test the build job against the latest build image tag and the local manifest
-build fedora x86_64 local:
- extends: '.build'
- stage: 'build'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/fedora:latest"
- artifacts:
- expire_in: '5 days'
- when: always
- paths:
- - "manifest.xml"
- - "gst-build/"
- <<: *local_template
-build cerbero fedora x86_64 local:
- extends: 'build cerbero fedora x86_64'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/cerbero-fedora:latest"
- <<: *local_template
-build cerbero cross-android universal local:
- extends: 'build cerbero cross-android universal'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/cerbero-fedora:latest"
- <<: *local_template
-build cerbero cross win32 local:
- extends: 'build cerbero cross win32'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/cerbero-fedora:latest"
- <<: *local_template
-build cerbero cross win64 local:
- extends: 'build cerbero cross win64'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/cerbero-fedora:latest"
- <<: *local_template
-# Note: dependencies: will be deprecated in the future, but current manual
-# jobs with needs: (even if they are allowed to fail) will leave the pipeline
-# pending.
-.test fedora x86_64 local:
- image: '${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/fedora:latest'
- extends: '.test'
- <<: *local_rules
-check fedora local:
- extends: '.test fedora x86_64 local'
- variables:
- TEST_SUITE: 'check.gst*'
-cross-android universal examples local:
- extends: '.cross-android universal examples'
- image: "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/amd64/android:latest"
- <<: *local_rules
- dependencies:
- - 'build cerbero cross-android universal local'
-integration testsuites fedora local:
- extends: '.test fedora x86_64 local'
- before_script:
- - rm -f gst-build/build/subprojects/gstreamer-vaapi/gst/vaapi/
- variables:
- EXTRA_VALIDATE_ARGS: "--timeout-factor=2 --retry-on-failures"
- TEST_SUITE: "validate ges"