THUDNERX2T99: Add optimized D/C/Z ASUM Implementations
authorAshwin Sekhar T K <>
Wed, 1 Feb 2017 07:25:41 +0000 (23:25 -0800)
committerAshwin Sekhar T K <>
Thu, 2 Feb 2017 09:56:22 +0000 (15:26 +0530)
kernel/arm64/dasum_thunderx2t99.c [new file with mode: 0644]
kernel/arm64/sasum_thunderx2t99.c [new file with mode: 0644]
kernel/arm64/zasum_thunderx2t99.c [new file with mode: 0644]

index 8e5d1b0d08bcb0730f0681754911285990db4b97..6964aabf820748dafcbbbc960023c0a0f7d8ebf5 100644 (file)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+SASUMKERNEL    = sasum_thunderx2t99.c
+DASUMKERNEL    = dasum_thunderx2t99.c
 CASUMKERNEL    = casum_thunderx2t99.c
+ZASUMKERNEL    = zasum_thunderx2t99.c
 SNRM2KERNEL    = snrm2_thunderx2t99.c
 CNRM2KERNEL    = cnrm2_thunderx2t99.S
@@ -9,6 +12,7 @@ DAXPYKERNEL    = daxpy_thunderx2t99.S
 DDOTKERNEL     = ddot_thunderx2t99.c
 ifeq ($(DGEMM_UNROLL_M)x$(DGEMM_UNROLL_N), 8x4)
 DGEMMKERNEL    = dgemm_kernel_8x4_thunderx2t99.S
diff --git a/kernel/arm64/dasum_thunderx2t99.c b/kernel/arm64/dasum_thunderx2t99.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd6bb05
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017, The OpenBLAS Project
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+3. Neither the name of the OpenBLAS project nor the names of
+its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "common.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#define        N       "x0"    /* vector length */
+#define        X       "x1"    /* "X" vector address */
+#define        INC_X   "x2"    /* "X" stride */
+#define J      "x5"    /* loop variable */
+#define REG0   "xzr"
+#define SUMF   "d0"
+#define TMPF   "d1"
+#define KERNEL_F1                                      \
+       "ldr    "TMPF", ["X"]                   \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #8                    \n"     \
+       "fabs   "TMPF", "TMPF"                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", "TMPF"          \n"
+#define KERNEL_F32                                     \
+       "ldr    q16, ["X"]                      \n"     \
+       "ldr    q17, ["X", #16]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q18, ["X", #32]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q19, ["X", #48]                 \n"     \
+       "ldp    q20, q21, ["X", #64]            \n"     \
+       "ldp    q22, q23, ["X", #96]            \n"     \
+       "fabs   v16.2d, v16.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v17.2d, v17.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v18.2d, v18.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v19.2d, v19.2d                  \n"     \
+       "ldp    q24, q25, ["X", #128]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q26, q27, ["X", #160]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v20.2d, v20.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v21.2d, v21.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v22.2d, v22.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v23.2d, v23.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v16.2d, v16.2d, v17.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v18.2d, v18.2d, v19.2d          \n"     \
+       "ldp    q28, q29, ["X", #192]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q30, q31, ["X", #224]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v24.2d, v24.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v25.2d, v25.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v26.2d, v26.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v27.2d, v27.2d                  \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #256                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v20.2d, v20.2d, v21.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v22.2d, v22.2d, v23.2d          \n"     \
+       "fabs   v28.2d, v28.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v29.2d, v29.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v30.2d, v30.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v31.2d, v31.2d                  \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024]         \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+64]      \n"     \
+       "fadd   v24.2d, v24.2d, v25.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v26.2d, v26.2d, v27.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v28.2d, v28.2d, v29.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v30.2d, v30.2d, v31.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v16.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v1.2d, v1.2d, v18.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.2d, v2.2d, v20.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v3.2d, v3.2d, v22.2d            \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+128]     \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+192]     \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v24.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v5.2d, v5.2d, v26.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.2d, v6.2d, v28.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v7.2d, v7.2d, v30.2d            \n"
+#define KERNEL_F32_FINALIZE                            \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v1.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.2d, v2.2d, v3.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v5.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.2d, v6.2d, v7.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v2.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v6.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v4.2d             \n"     \
+       "faddp  "SUMF", v0.2d                   \n"
+#define INIT_S                                         \
+       "lsl    "INC_X", "INC_X", #3            \n"
+#define KERNEL_S1                                      \
+       "ldr    "TMPF", ["X"]                   \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", "INC_X"               \n"     \
+       "fabs   "TMPF", "TMPF"                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", "TMPF"          \n"
+#if defined(SMP)
+extern int blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(int mode, BLASLONG m, BLASLONG n,
+       BLASLONG k, void *alpha, void *a, BLASLONG lda, void *b, BLASLONG ldb,
+       void *c, BLASLONG ldc, int (*function)(), int nthreads);
+static FLOAT dasum_compute(BLASLONG n, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x)
+       FLOAT  asum = 0.0 ;
+       if ( n < 0 )  return(asum);
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "       mov     "N", %[N_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "X", %[X_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "INC_X", %[INCX_]               \n"
+       "       fmov    "SUMF", "REG0"                  \n"
+       "       fmov    d1, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d2, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d3, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d4, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d5, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d6, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d7, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       cmp     "N", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", xzr                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", #1                     \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN           \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #5                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       beq     .Lasum_kernel_F1                \n"
+       ".align 5                                       \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F32:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F32"                            \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F32               \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F32_FINALIZE"                   \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #31                   \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F10               \n"
+       "       b       .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       "INIT_S"                                \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #2                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_S1                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S4:                              \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S4                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #3                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S10               \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_L999:                            \n"
+       "       fmov    %[ASUM_], "SUMF"                \n"
+       : [ASUM_] "=r" (asum)           //%0
+       : [N_]    "r"  (n),             //%1
+         [X_]    "r"  (x),             //%2
+         [INCX_] "r"  (inc_x)          //%3
+       : "cc",
+         "memory",
+         "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5",
+         "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7"
+       );
+       return asum;
+#if defined(SMP)
+static int dasum_thread_function(BLASLONG n, BLASLONG dummy0,
+       BLASLONG dummy1, FLOAT dummy2, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x, FLOAT *y,
+       BLASLONG inc_y, FLOAT *result, BLASLONG dummy3)
+       *result = dasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return 0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       int nthreads;
+       FLOAT dummy_alpha;
+       FLOAT asum = 0.0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       nthreads = num_cpu_avail(1);
+       if (inc_x == 0)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (n <= 10000)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (nthreads == 1) {
+               asum = dasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       } else {
+               int mode, i;
+               char result[MAX_CPU_NUMBER * sizeof(double) * 2];
+               FLOAT *ptr;
+               mode = BLAS_DOUBLE;
+               blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(mode, n, 0, 0, &dummy_alpha,
+                                  x, inc_x, NULL, 0, result, 0,
+                                  ( void *)dasum_thread_function, nthreads);
+               ptr = (FLOAT *)result;
+               for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
+                       asum = asum + (*ptr);
+                       ptr = (FLOAT *)(((char *)ptr) + sizeof(double) * 2);
+               }
+       }
+       asum = dasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return asum;
diff --git a/kernel/arm64/sasum_thunderx2t99.c b/kernel/arm64/sasum_thunderx2t99.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..767535d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017, The OpenBLAS Project
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+3. Neither the name of the OpenBLAS project nor the names of
+its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "common.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#define        N       "x0"    /* vector length */
+#define        X       "x1"    /* "X" vector address */
+#define        INC_X   "x2"    /* "X" stride */
+#define J      "x5"    /* loop variable */
+#define REG0   "wzr"
+#define SUMF   "s0"
+#define SUMFD  "d0"
+#define KERNEL_F1                                      \
+       "ldr    s1, ["X"]                       \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #4                    \n"     \
+       "fabs   s1, s1                          \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", s1              \n"
+#define KERNEL_F64                                     \
+       "ldr    q16, ["X"]                      \n"     \
+       "ldr    q17, ["X", #16]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q18, ["X", #32]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q19, ["X", #48]                 \n"     \
+       "ldp    q20, q21, ["X", #64]            \n"     \
+       "ldp    q22, q23, ["X", #96]            \n"     \
+       "fabs   v16.4s, v16.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v17.4s, v17.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v18.4s, v18.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v19.4s, v19.4s                  \n"     \
+       "ldp    q24, q25, ["X", #128]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q26, q27, ["X", #160]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v20.4s, v20.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v21.4s, v21.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v22.4s, v22.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v23.4s, v23.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v16.4s, v16.4s, v17.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v18.4s, v18.4s, v19.4s          \n"     \
+       "ldp    q28, q29, ["X", #192]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q30, q31, ["X", #224]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v24.4s, v24.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v25.4s, v25.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v26.4s, v26.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v27.4s, v27.4s                  \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #256                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v20.4s, v20.4s, v21.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v22.4s, v22.4s, v23.4s          \n"     \
+       "fabs   v28.4s, v28.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v29.4s, v29.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v30.4s, v30.4s                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v31.4s, v31.4s                  \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024]         \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+64]      \n"     \
+       "fadd   v24.4s, v24.4s, v25.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v26.4s, v26.4s, v27.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.4s, v0.4s, v16.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v1.4s, v1.4s, v18.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.4s, v2.4s, v20.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v3.4s, v3.4s, v22.4s            \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+128]     \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+192]     \n"     \
+       "fadd   v28.4s, v28.4s, v29.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v30.4s, v30.4s, v31.4s          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.4s, v4.4s, v24.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v5.4s, v5.4s, v26.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.4s, v6.4s, v28.4s            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v7.4s, v7.4s, v30.4s            \n"
+#define KERNEL_F64_FINALIZE                            \
+       "fadd   v0.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.4s, v4.4s, v5.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.4s, v0.4s, v2.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.4s, v4.4s, v6.4s             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.4s, v0.4s, v4.4s             \n"     \
+       "ext    v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8      \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2s, v0.2s, v1.2s             \n"     \
+       "faddp  "SUMF", v0.2s                   \n"
+#define INIT_S                                         \
+       "lsl    "INC_X", "INC_X", #2            \n"
+#define KERNEL_S1                                      \
+       "ldr    s1, ["X"]                       \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", "INC_X"               \n"     \
+       "fabs   s1, s1                          \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", s1              \n"
+#if defined(SMP)
+extern int blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(int mode, BLASLONG m, BLASLONG n,
+       BLASLONG k, void *alpha, void *a, BLASLONG lda, void *b, BLASLONG ldb,
+       void *c, BLASLONG ldc, int (*function)(), int nthreads);
+static FLOAT sasum_compute(BLASLONG n, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x)
+       FLOAT  asum = 0.0 ;
+       if ( n < 0 )  return(asum);
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "       mov     "N", %[N_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "X", %[X_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "INC_X", %[INCX_]               \n"
+       "       fmov    "SUMF", "REG0"                  \n"
+       "       fmov    s1, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s2, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s3, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s4, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s5, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s6, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    s7, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       cmp     "N", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", xzr                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", #1                     \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN           \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #6                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       beq     .Lasum_kernel_F1                \n"
+       ".align 5                                       \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F64:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F64"                            \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F64               \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F64_FINALIZE"                   \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #63                   \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F10               \n"
+       "       b       .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       "INIT_S"                                \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #2                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_S1                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S4:                              \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S4                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #3                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S10               \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_L999:                            \n"
+       "       fmov    %[ASUM_], "SUMFD"               \n"
+       : [ASUM_] "=r" (asum)           //%0
+       : [N_]    "r"  (n),             //%1
+         [X_]    "r"  (x),             //%2
+         [INCX_] "r"  (inc_x)          //%3
+       : "cc",
+         "memory",
+         "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5",
+         "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7"
+       );
+       return asum;
+#if defined(SMP)
+static int sasum_thread_function(BLASLONG n, BLASLONG dummy0,
+       BLASLONG dummy1, FLOAT dummy2, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x, FLOAT *y,
+       BLASLONG inc_y, FLOAT *result, BLASLONG dummy3)
+       *result = sasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return 0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       int nthreads;
+       FLOAT dummy_alpha;
+       FLOAT asum = 0.0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       nthreads = num_cpu_avail(1);
+       if (inc_x == 0)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (n <= 10000)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (nthreads == 1) {
+               asum = sasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       } else {
+               int mode, i;
+               char result[MAX_CPU_NUMBER * sizeof(double) * 2];
+               FLOAT *ptr;
+               mode = BLAS_SINGLE;
+               blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(mode, n, 0, 0, &dummy_alpha,
+                                  x, inc_x, NULL, 0, result, 0,
+                                  ( void *)sasum_thread_function, nthreads);
+               ptr = (FLOAT *)result;
+               for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
+                       asum = asum + (*ptr);
+                       ptr = (FLOAT *)(((char *)ptr) + sizeof(double) * 2);
+               }
+       }
+       asum = sasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return asum;
diff --git a/kernel/arm64/zasum_thunderx2t99.c b/kernel/arm64/zasum_thunderx2t99.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e0f4ae2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017, The OpenBLAS Project
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+3. Neither the name of the OpenBLAS project nor the names of
+its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "common.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#define        N       "x0"    /* vector length */
+#define        X       "x1"    /* "X" vector address */
+#define        INC_X   "x2"    /* "X" stride */
+#define J      "x5"    /* loop variable */
+#define REG0   "xzr"
+#define SUMF   "d0"
+#define TMPF   "d1"
+#define KERNEL_F1                                      \
+       "ldr    q1, ["X"]                       \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #16                   \n"     \
+       "fabs   v1.2d, v1.2d                    \n"     \
+       "faddp  d1, v1.2d                       \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", d1              \n"
+#define KERNEL_F16                                     \
+       "ldr    q16, ["X"]                      \n"     \
+       "ldr    q17, ["X", #16]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q18, ["X", #32]                 \n"     \
+       "ldr    q19, ["X", #48]                 \n"     \
+       "ldp    q20, q21, ["X", #64]            \n"     \
+       "ldp    q22, q23, ["X", #96]            \n"     \
+       "fabs   v16.2d, v16.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v17.2d, v17.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v18.2d, v18.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v19.2d, v19.2d                  \n"     \
+       "ldp    q24, q25, ["X", #128]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q26, q27, ["X", #160]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v20.2d, v20.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v21.2d, v21.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v22.2d, v22.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v23.2d, v23.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v16.2d, v16.2d, v17.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v18.2d, v18.2d, v19.2d          \n"     \
+       "ldp    q28, q29, ["X", #192]           \n"     \
+       "ldp    q30, q31, ["X", #224]           \n"     \
+       "fabs   v24.2d, v24.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v25.2d, v25.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v26.2d, v26.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v27.2d, v27.2d                  \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", #256                  \n"     \
+       "fadd   v20.2d, v20.2d, v21.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v22.2d, v22.2d, v23.2d          \n"     \
+       "fabs   v28.2d, v28.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v29.2d, v29.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v30.2d, v30.2d                  \n"     \
+       "fabs   v31.2d, v31.2d                  \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024]         \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+64]      \n"     \
+       "fadd   v24.2d, v24.2d, v25.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v26.2d, v26.2d, v27.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v28.2d, v28.2d, v29.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v30.2d, v30.2d, v31.2d          \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v16.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v1.2d, v1.2d, v18.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.2d, v2.2d, v20.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v3.2d, v3.2d, v22.2d            \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+128]     \n"     \
+       "PRFM   PLDL1KEEP, ["X", #1024+192]     \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v24.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v5.2d, v5.2d, v26.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.2d, v6.2d, v28.2d            \n"     \
+       "fadd   v7.2d, v7.2d, v30.2d            \n"
+#define KERNEL_F16_FINALIZE                            \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v1.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v2.2d, v2.2d, v3.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v5.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v6.2d, v6.2d, v7.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v2.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v4.2d, v4.2d, v6.2d             \n"     \
+       "fadd   v0.2d, v0.2d, v4.2d             \n"     \
+       "faddp  "SUMF", v0.2d                   \n"
+#define INIT_S                                         \
+       "lsl    "INC_X", "INC_X", #4            \n"
+#define KERNEL_S1                                      \
+       "ldr    q1, ["X"]                       \n"     \
+       "add    "X", "X", "INC_X"               \n"     \
+       "fabs   v1.2d, v1.2d                    \n"     \
+       "faddp  d1, v1.2d                       \n"     \
+       "fadd   "SUMF", "SUMF", d1              \n"
+#if defined(SMP)
+extern int blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(int mode, BLASLONG m, BLASLONG n,
+       BLASLONG k, void *alpha, void *a, BLASLONG lda, void *b, BLASLONG ldb,
+       void *c, BLASLONG ldc, int (*function)(), int nthreads);
+static FLOAT zasum_compute(BLASLONG n, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x)
+       FLOAT  asum = 0.0 ;
+       if ( n < 0 )  return(asum);
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+       "       mov     "N", %[N_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "X", %[X_]                      \n"
+       "       mov     "INC_X", %[INCX_]               \n"
+       "       fmov    "SUMF", "REG0"                  \n"
+       "       fmov    d1, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d2, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d3, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d4, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d5, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d6, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       fmov    d7, "REG0"                      \n"
+       "       cmp     "N", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", xzr                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       "       cmp     "INC_X", #1                     \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN           \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #4                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       beq     .Lasum_kernel_F1                \n"
+       ".align 5                                       \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F16:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F16"                            \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F16               \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F16_FINALIZE"                   \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #15                   \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_F10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_F1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_F10               \n"
+       "       b       .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S_BEGIN:                         \n"
+       "       "INIT_S"                                \n"
+       "       asr     "J", "N", #2                    \n"
+       "       cmp     "J", xzr                        \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_S1                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S4:                              \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S4                \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S1:                              \n"
+       "       ands    "J", "N", #3                    \n"
+       "       ble     .Lasum_kernel_L999              \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_S10:                             \n"
+       "       "KERNEL_S1"                             \n"
+       "       subs    "J", "J", #1                    \n"
+       "       bne     .Lasum_kernel_S10               \n"
+       ".Lasum_kernel_L999:                            \n"
+       "       fmov    %[ASUM_], "SUMF"                \n"
+       : [ASUM_] "=r" (asum)           //%0
+       : [N_]    "r"  (n),             //%1
+         [X_]    "r"  (x),             //%2
+         [INCX_] "r"  (inc_x)          //%3
+       : "cc",
+         "memory",
+         "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5",
+         "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7"
+       );
+       return asum;
+#if defined(SMP)
+static int zasum_thread_function(BLASLONG n, BLASLONG dummy0,
+       BLASLONG dummy1, FLOAT dummy2, FLOAT *x, BLASLONG inc_x, FLOAT *y,
+       BLASLONG inc_y, FLOAT *result, BLASLONG dummy3)
+       *result = zasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return 0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       int nthreads;
+       FLOAT dummy_alpha;
+       FLOAT asum = 0.0;
+#if defined(SMP)
+       nthreads = num_cpu_avail(1);
+       if (inc_x == 0)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (n <= 10000)
+               nthreads = 1;
+       if (nthreads == 1) {
+               asum = zasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       } else {
+               int mode, i;
+               char result[MAX_CPU_NUMBER * sizeof(double) * 2];
+               FLOAT *ptr;
+               mode = BLAS_DOUBLE | BLAS_COMPLEX;
+               blas_level1_thread_with_return_value(mode, n, 0, 0, &dummy_alpha,
+                                  x, inc_x, NULL, 0, result, 0,
+                                  ( void *)zasum_thread_function, nthreads);
+               ptr = (FLOAT *)result;
+               for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
+                       asum = asum + (*ptr);
+                       ptr = (FLOAT *)(((char *)ptr) + sizeof(double) * 2);
+               }
+       }
+       asum = zasum_compute(n, x, inc_x);
+       return asum;