cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangTidyCategory));
static cl::opt<bool> ExplainConfig("explain-config", cl::desc(R"(
-for each enabled check explains, where it is enabled, i.e. in clang-tidy binary,
-command line or a specific configuration file.
+For each enabled check explains, where it is
+enabled, i.e. in clang-tidy binary, command
+line or a specific configuration file.
cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangTidyCategory));
-enable-check-profile -
Enable per-check timing profiles, and print a
report to stderr.
+ -explain-config -
+ For each enabled check explains, where it is
+ enabled, i.e. in clang-tidy binary, command
+ line or a specific configuration file.
-export-fixes=<filename> -
YAML file to store suggested fixes in. The
stored fixes can be applied to the input source