The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last
merge done from the dlang/dmd repository.
Expression *semanticY(DotIdExp *exp, Scope *sc, int flag);
Expression *semanticY(DotTemplateInstanceExp *exp, Scope *sc, int flag);
StringExp *semanticString(Scope *sc, Expression *exp, const char *s);
+Initializer *semantic(Initializer *init, Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret);
* Preprocess arguments to function.
exp->error("no constructor for %s", cd->toChars());
return setError();
+ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19941
+ // Run semantic on all field initializers to resolve any forward
+ // references. This is the same as done for structs in sd->fill().
+ for (ClassDeclaration *c = cd; c; c = c->baseClass)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c->fields.dim; i++)
+ {
+ VarDeclaration *v = c->fields[i];
+ if (v->inuse || v->_scope == NULL || v->_init == NULL ||
+ v->_init->isVoidInitializer())
+ continue;
+ v->inuse++;
+ v->_init = semantic(v->_init, v->_scope, v->type, INITinterpret);
+ v->inuse--;
+ }
+ }
else if (tb->ty == Tstruct)
--- /dev/null
+// https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19941
+immutable i4 = 42;
+const v4 = new C4;
+class C4 { int f4 = i4; }
+const v5 = new C5;
+immutable i5 = 42;
+class C5 { int f5 = i5; }
+const v6 = new C6;
+class C6 { int f6 = i6; }
+immutable i6 = 42;
+immutable i10 = 42;
+__gshared v10 = new C10;
+class C10 { int f10 = i10; }
+__gshared v11 = new C11;
+immutable i11 = 42;
+class C11 { int f11 = i11; }
+__gshared v12 = new C12;
+class C12 { int f12 = i12; }
+immutable i12 = 42;
+immutable i13 = 42;
+immutable v13 = new C13;
+class C13 { int f13 = i13; }
+immutable v14 = new C14;
+immutable i14 = 42;
+class C14 { int f14 = i14; }
+immutable v15 = new C15;
+class C15 { int f15 = i15; }
+immutable i15 = 42;
+immutable i16 = 42;
+shared v16 = new C16;
+class C16 { int f16 = i16; }
+shared v17 = new C17;
+immutable i17 = 42;
+class C17 { int f17 = i17; }
+shared v18 = new C18;
+class C18 { int f18 = i18; }
+immutable i18 = 42;
--- /dev/null
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(8): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+auto a = new Auto;
+class Auto { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(17): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+const c = new Const;
+class Const { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(26): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+enum e = new Enum;
+class Enum { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(35): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+__gshared g = new Gshared;
+class Gshared { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(44): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+immutable i = new Immutable;
+class Immutable { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(53): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+shared s = new Shared;
+class Shared { int field = &dne; }
+fail_compilation/fail19941.d(62): Error: undefined identifier `dne`
+static t = new Static;
+class Static { int field = &dne; }