The IT and DE keyboard were mapped looking at real hardware that I have,
but the US one was done looking at:
Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
lt lv nl no pl pt ro ru \
se sk tr tw ua
+! $htcdreamlayouts = us it de
olpc $olpclayouts = olpc+%l%(m)
olpc * = olpc+%l%(v)
$thinkpads br = pc+br(thinkpad)
+ htcdream $htcdreamlayouts = %l(htcdream)
* $nonlatin = pc+us+%l%(v):2
* * = pc+%l%(v)
htcdream us de it = %l(htcdream)
+ <name>htcdream</name>
+ <_description>HTC Dream</_description>
+ <vendor>HTC</vendor>
+ </configItem>
+ </model>
+ <model>
+ <configItem>