return N;
+template <typename T, typename... U>
+std::tuple<bool, DynTypedNodeList, const T *, const U *...>
+matchParents(const DynTypedNodeList &NodeList,
+ ParentMapContext::ParentMap *ParentMap);
+template <typename, typename...> struct MatchParents;
class ParentMapContext::ParentMap {
+ template <typename, typename...> friend struct ::MatchParents;
/// Contains parents of a node.
using ParentVector = llvm::SmallVector<DynTypedNode, 2>;
if (Node.getNodeKind().hasPointerIdentity()) {
auto ParentList =
getDynNodeFromMap(Node.getMemoizationData(), PointerParents);
- if (ParentList.size() == 1 && TK == TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource) {
- const auto *E = ParentList[0].get<Expr>();
- const auto *Child = Node.get<Expr>();
- if (E && Child)
- return AscendIgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource(E, Child);
+ if (ParentList.size() > 0 && TK == TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource) {
+ const auto *ChildExpr = Node.get<Expr>();
+ {
+ // Don't match explicit node types because different stdlib
+ // implementations implement this in different ways and have
+ // different intermediate nodes.
+ // Look up 4 levels for a cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator as that is
+ // enough for the major stdlib implementations.
+ auto RewrittenBinOpParentsList = ParentList;
+ int I = 0;
+ while (ChildExpr && RewrittenBinOpParentsList.size() == 1 &&
+ I++ < 4) {
+ const auto *S = RewrittenBinOpParentsList[0].get<Stmt>();
+ if (!S)
+ break;
+ const auto *RWBO = dyn_cast<CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator>(S);
+ if (!RWBO) {
+ RewrittenBinOpParentsList = getDynNodeFromMap(S, PointerParents);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (RWBO->getLHS()->IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource() != ChildExpr &&
+ RWBO->getRHS()->IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource() != ChildExpr)
+ break;
+ return DynTypedNode::create(*RWBO);
+ }
+ }
+ const auto *ParentExpr = ParentList[0].get<Expr>();
+ if (ParentExpr && ChildExpr)
+ return AscendIgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource(ParentExpr, ChildExpr);
+ {
+ auto AncestorNodes =
+ matchParents<DeclStmt, CXXForRangeStmt>(ParentList, this);
+ if (std::get<bool>(AncestorNodes) &&
+ std::get<const CXXForRangeStmt *>(AncestorNodes)
+ ->getLoopVarStmt() ==
+ std::get<const DeclStmt *>(AncestorNodes))
+ return std::get<DynTypedNodeList>(AncestorNodes);
+ }
+ {
+ auto AncestorNodes = matchParents<VarDecl, DeclStmt, CXXForRangeStmt>(
+ ParentList, this);
+ if (std::get<bool>(AncestorNodes) &&
+ std::get<const CXXForRangeStmt *>(AncestorNodes)
+ ->getRangeStmt() ==
+ std::get<const DeclStmt *>(AncestorNodes))
+ return std::get<DynTypedNodeList>(AncestorNodes);
+ }
+ {
+ auto AncestorNodes =
+ matchParents<CXXMethodDecl, CXXRecordDecl, LambdaExpr>(ParentList,
+ this);
+ if (std::get<bool>(AncestorNodes))
+ return std::get<DynTypedNodeList>(AncestorNodes);
+ }
+ {
+ auto AncestorNodes =
+ matchParents<FunctionTemplateDecl, CXXRecordDecl, LambdaExpr>(
+ ParentList, this);
+ if (std::get<bool>(AncestorNodes))
+ return std::get<DynTypedNodeList>(AncestorNodes);
+ }
return ParentList;
+template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is>
+auto tuple_pop_front_impl(const Tuple &tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
+ return std::make_tuple(std::get<1 + Is>(tuple)...);
+template <typename Tuple> auto tuple_pop_front(const Tuple &tuple) {
+ return tuple_pop_front_impl(
+ tuple, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value - 1>());
+template <typename T, typename... U> struct MatchParents {
+ static std::tuple<bool, DynTypedNodeList, const T *, const U *...>
+ match(const DynTypedNodeList &NodeList,
+ ParentMapContext::ParentMap *ParentMap) {
+ if (const auto *TypedNode = NodeList[0].get<T>()) {
+ auto NextParentList =
+ ParentMap->getDynNodeFromMap(TypedNode, ParentMap->PointerParents);
+ if (NextParentList.size() == 1) {
+ auto TailTuple = MatchParents<U...>::match(NextParentList, ParentMap);
+ if (std::get<bool>(TailTuple)) {
+ return std::tuple_cat(
+ std::make_tuple(true, std::get<DynTypedNodeList>(TailTuple),
+ TypedNode),
+ tuple_pop_front(tuple_pop_front(TailTuple)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(false, NodeList),
+ std::tuple<const T *, const U *...>());
+ }
+template <typename T> struct MatchParents<T> {
+ static std::tuple<bool, DynTypedNodeList, const T *>
+ match(const DynTypedNodeList &NodeList,
+ ParentMapContext::ParentMap *ParentMap) {
+ if (const auto *TypedNode = NodeList[0].get<T>()) {
+ auto NextParentList =
+ ParentMap->getDynNodeFromMap(TypedNode, ParentMap->PointerParents);
+ if (NextParentList.size() == 1)
+ return std::make_tuple(true, NodeList, TypedNode);
+ }
+ return std::make_tuple(false, NodeList, nullptr);
+ }
+template <typename T, typename... U>
+std::tuple<bool, DynTypedNodeList, const T *, const U *...>
+matchParents(const DynTypedNodeList &NodeList,
+ ParentMapContext::ParentMap *ParentMap) {
+ return MatchParents<T, U...>::match(NodeList, ParentMap);
/// Template specializations to abstract away from pointers and TypeLocs.
/// @{
template <typename T> static DynTypedNode createDynTypedNode(const T &Node) {
EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
EXPECT_FALSE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ {
+ auto M = ifStmt(hasParent(compoundStmt(hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ }
+ {
+ auto M = cxxForRangeStmt(
+ has(varDecl(hasName("i"), hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ }
+ {
+ auto M = cxxForRangeStmt(hasDescendant(varDecl(
+ hasName("i"), hasParent(declStmt(hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))))));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ }
+ {
+ auto M = cxxForRangeStmt(hasRangeInit(declRefExpr(
+ to(varDecl(hasName("arr"))), hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ }
+ {
+ auto M = cxxForRangeStmt(hasRangeInit(declRefExpr(
+ to(varDecl(hasName("arr"))), hasParent(varDecl(hasParent(declStmt(
+ hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))))))));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matches(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M)));
+ }
Code = R"cpp(
struct Range {
matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M),
true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ {
+ auto M = cxxForRangeStmt(hasInitStatement(declStmt(
+ hasSingleDecl(varDecl(hasName("a"))), hasParent(cxxForRangeStmt()))));
+ matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M), true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M),
+ true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ }
Code = R"cpp(
struct Range {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(Code,
+ traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource,
+ compoundStmt(hasParent(lambdaExpr(forFunction(
+ functionDecl(hasName("func13"))))))),
+ langCxx20OrLater()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matches(
+ Code,
+ traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource,
+ templateTypeParmDecl(hasName("TemplateType"),
+ hasParent(lambdaExpr(forFunction(
+ functionDecl(hasName("func14"))))))),
+ langCxx20OrLater()));
matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M),
true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ {
+ auto M = cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator(
+ hasLHS(expr(hasParent(cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator()))),
+ hasRHS(expr(hasParent(cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator()))));
+ matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_AsIs, M), true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ matchesConditionally(Code, traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, M),
+ true, {"-std=c++20"}));
+ }