* ------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
#include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
-#include <cmath>
#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp"
#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp"
#include "vktTestCaseUtil.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
namespace vkt
typedPtr[offset + ndx] = randomScalar<T>(rnd, minValue, maxValue);
+// Filter is a function that returns true if a value should pass, false otherwise.
+template<typename T, typename FilterT>
+static void fillRandomScalars (de::Random& rnd, T minValue, T maxValue, void* dst, int numValues, FilterT filter, int offset = 0)
+ T* const typedPtr = (T*)dst;
+ T value;
+ for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
+ {
+ do
+ value = randomScalar<T>(rnd, minValue, maxValue);
+ while (!filter(value));
+ typedPtr[offset + ndx] = value;
+ }
+inline bool filterNotZero (const deInt32 value)
+ return value != 0;
static void floorAll (vector<float>& values)
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
return group.release();
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSRemGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsrem", "Test the OpSRem instruction"));
+ de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
+ const int numElements = 200;
+ const struct CaseParams
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ const char* failMessage; // customized status message
+ qpTestResult failResult; // override status on failure
+ int op1Min, op1Max; // operand ranges
+ int op2Min, op2Max;
+ } cases[] =
+ {
+ { "positive", "Output doesn't match with expected", QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, 0, 65536, 0, 100 },
+ { "all", "Inconsistent results, but within specification", QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, -65536, 65536, -100, 100 }, // see below
+ };
+ // If either operand is negative the result is undefined. Some implementations may still return correct values.
+ for (int caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(cases); ++caseNdx)
+ {
+ const CaseParams& params = cases[caseNdx];
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ vector<deInt32> inputInts1 (numElements, 0);
+ vector<deInt32> inputInts2 (numElements, 0);
+ vector<deInt32> outputInts (numElements, 0);
+ fillRandomScalars(rnd, params.op1Min, params.op1Max, &inputInts1[0], numElements);
+ fillRandomScalars(rnd, params.op2Min, params.op2Max, &inputInts2[0], numElements, filterNotZero);
+ for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
+ {
+ // The return value of std::fmod() has the same sign as its first operand, which is how OpFRem spec'd.
+ outputInts[ndx] = inputInts1[ndx] % inputInts2[ndx];
+ }
+ spec.assembly =
+ string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
+ "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
+ "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
+ "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata2 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 1\n"
+ "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
+ "OpDecorate %i32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
+ "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
+ + string(s_CommonTypes) +
+ "%buf = OpTypeStruct %i32arr\n"
+ "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
+ "%indata1 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%indata2 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
+ "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
+ "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
+ "%label = OpLabel\n"
+ "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
+ "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
+ "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
+ "%inval1 = OpLoad %i32 %inloc1\n"
+ "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
+ "%inval2 = OpLoad %i32 %inloc2\n"
+ "%rem = OpSRem %i32 %inval1 %inval2\n"
+ "%outloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
+ " OpStore %outloc %rem\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ spec.inputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts1)));
+ spec.inputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts2)));
+ spec.outputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(outputInts)));
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
+ spec.failResult = params.failResult;
+ spec.failMessage = params.failMessage;
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, params.name, "", spec));
+ }
+ return group.release();
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSModGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsmod", "Test the OpSMod instruction"));
+ de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
+ const int numElements = 200;
+ const struct CaseParams
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ const char* failMessage; // customized status message
+ qpTestResult failResult; // override status on failure
+ int op1Min, op1Max; // operand ranges
+ int op2Min, op2Max;
+ } cases[] =
+ {
+ { "positive", "Output doesn't match with expected", QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, 0, 65536, 0, 100 },
+ { "all", "Inconsistent results, but within specification", QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, -65536, 65536, -100, 100 }, // see below
+ };
+ // If either operand is negative the result is undefined. Some implementations may still return correct values.
+ for (int caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(cases); ++caseNdx)
+ {
+ const CaseParams& params = cases[caseNdx];
+ ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+ vector<deInt32> inputInts1 (numElements, 0);
+ vector<deInt32> inputInts2 (numElements, 0);
+ vector<deInt32> outputInts (numElements, 0);
+ fillRandomScalars(rnd, params.op1Min, params.op1Max, &inputInts1[0], numElements);
+ fillRandomScalars(rnd, params.op2Min, params.op2Max, &inputInts2[0], numElements, filterNotZero);
+ for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
+ {
+ deInt32 rem = inputInts1[ndx] % inputInts2[ndx];
+ if (rem == 0)
+ {
+ outputInts[ndx] = 0;
+ }
+ else if ((inputInts1[ndx] >= 0) == (inputInts2[ndx] >= 0))
+ {
+ // They have the same sign
+ outputInts[ndx] = rem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // They have opposite sign. The remainder operation takes the
+ // sign inputInts1[ndx] but OpSMod is supposed to take ths sign
+ // of inputInts2[ndx]. Adding inputInts2[ndx] will ensure that
+ // the result has the correct sign and that it is still
+ // congruent to inputInts1[ndx] modulo inputInts2[ndx]
+ //
+ // See also http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52343.html
+ outputInts[ndx] = rem + inputInts2[ndx];
+ }
+ }
+ spec.assembly =
+ string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
+ "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
+ "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
+ "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata2 DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 1\n"
+ "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
+ "OpDecorate %i32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
+ "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
+ + string(s_CommonTypes) +
+ "%buf = OpTypeStruct %i32arr\n"
+ "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
+ "%indata1 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%indata2 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
+ "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
+ "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
+ "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
+ "%label = OpLabel\n"
+ "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
+ "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
+ "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
+ "%inval1 = OpLoad %i32 %inloc1\n"
+ "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
+ "%inval2 = OpLoad %i32 %inloc2\n"
+ "%rem = OpSMod %i32 %inval1 %inval2\n"
+ "%outloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
+ " OpStore %outloc %rem\n"
+ " OpReturn\n"
+ " OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ spec.inputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts1)));
+ spec.inputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts2)));
+ spec.outputs.push_back (BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(outputInts)));
+ spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
+ spec.failResult = params.failResult;
+ spec.failMessage = params.failMessage;
+ group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, params.name, "", spec));
+ }
+ return group.release();
// Copy contents in the input buffer to the output buffer.
tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpCopyMemoryGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
StageToSpecConstantMap specConstants;
bool hasTessellation;
VkShaderStageFlagBits requiredStages;
+ qpTestResult failResult;
+ string failMessageTemplate; //!< ${reason} in the template will be replaced with a detailed failure message
InstanceContext (const RGBA (&inputs)[4], const RGBA (&outputs)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments_, const StageToSpecConstantMap& specConstants_)
: testCodeFragments (testCodeFragments_)
, specConstants (specConstants_)
, hasTessellation (false)
, requiredStages (static_cast<VkShaderStageFlagBits>(0))
+ , failResult (QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL)
+ , failMessageTemplate ("${reason}")
inputColors[0] = inputs[0];
inputColors[1] = inputs[1];
InstanceContext (const InstanceContext& other)
- : moduleMap (other.moduleMap)
- , testCodeFragments (other.testCodeFragments)
- , specConstants (other.specConstants)
- , hasTessellation (other.hasTessellation)
- , requiredStages (other.requiredStages)
+ : moduleMap (other.moduleMap)
+ , testCodeFragments (other.testCodeFragments)
+ , specConstants (other.specConstants)
+ , hasTessellation (other.hasTessellation)
+ , requiredStages (other.requiredStages)
+ , failResult (other.failResult)
+ , failMessageTemplate (other.failMessageTemplate)
inputColors[0] = other.inputColors[0];
inputColors[1] = other.inputColors[1];
outputColors[2] = other.outputColors[2];
outputColors[3] = other.outputColors[3];
+ string getSpecializedFailMessage (const string& failureReason)
+ {
+ map<string, string> parameters;
+ parameters["reason"] = failureReason;
+ return StringTemplate(failMessageTemplate).specialize(parameters);
+ }
// A description of a shader to be used for a single stage of the graphics pipeline.
// by setting up the mapping of modules to their contained shaders and stages.
// The inputs and expected outputs are given by inputColors and outputColors
template<size_t N>
-InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, const StageToSpecConstantMap& specConstants)
+InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N],
+ const RGBA (&inputColors)[4],
+ const RGBA (&outputColors)[4],
+ const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments,
+ const StageToSpecConstantMap& specConstants,
+ const qpTestResult failResult = QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+ const string& failMessageTemplate = string())
InstanceContext ctx (inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstants);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
ctx.moduleMap[elements[i].moduleName].push_back(std::make_pair(elements[i].entryName, elements[i].stage));
ctx.requiredStages = static_cast<VkShaderStageFlagBits>(ctx.requiredStages | elements[i].stage);
+ ctx.failResult = failResult;
+ if (!failMessageTemplate.empty())
+ ctx.failMessageTemplate = failMessageTemplate;
return ctx;
template<size_t N>
-inline InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
+inline InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N],
+ RGBA (&inputColors)[4],
+ const RGBA (&outputColors)[4],
+ const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
return createInstanceContext(elements, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, StageToSpecConstantMap());
// The same as createInstanceContext above, but with default colors.
template<size_t N>
-InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
+InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N],
+ const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
RGBA defaultColors[4];
"%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" \
"%v3f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 3\n" \
+ "%v4i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 4\n" \
"%v4f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n" \
"%v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4\n" \
const RGBA threshold(1, 1, 1, 1);
const RGBA upperLeft(pixelBuffer.getPixel(1, 1));
if (!tcu::compareThreshold(upperLeft, instance.outputColors[0], threshold))
- return TestStatus::fail("Upper left corner mismatch");
+ return TestStatus(instance.failResult, instance.getSpecializedFailMessage("Upper left corner mismatch"));
const RGBA upperRight(pixelBuffer.getPixel(pixelBuffer.getWidth() - 1, 1));
if (!tcu::compareThreshold(upperRight, instance.outputColors[1], threshold))
- return TestStatus::fail("Upper right corner mismatch");
+ return TestStatus(instance.failResult, instance.getSpecializedFailMessage("Upper right corner mismatch"));
const RGBA lowerLeft(pixelBuffer.getPixel(1, pixelBuffer.getHeight() - 1));
if (!tcu::compareThreshold(lowerLeft, instance.outputColors[2], threshold))
- return TestStatus::fail("Lower left corner mismatch");
+ return TestStatus(instance.failResult, instance.getSpecializedFailMessage("Lower left corner mismatch"));
const RGBA lowerRight(pixelBuffer.getPixel(pixelBuffer.getWidth() - 1, pixelBuffer.getHeight() - 1));
if (!tcu::compareThreshold(lowerRight, instance.outputColors[3], threshold))
- return TestStatus::fail("Lower right corner mismatch");
+ return TestStatus(instance.failResult, instance.getSpecializedFailMessage("Lower right corner mismatch"));
return TestStatus::pass("Rendered output matches input");
-void createTestsForAllStages (const std::string& name, const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, const vector<deInt32>& specConstants, tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests)
+void createTestsForAllStages (const std::string& name,
+ const RGBA (&inputColors)[4],
+ const RGBA (&outputColors)[4],
+ const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments,
+ const vector<deInt32>& specConstants,
+ tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests,
+ const qpTestResult failResult = QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+ const string& failMessageTemplate = string())
const ShaderElement vertFragPipelineStages[] =
specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT] = specConstants;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_vert", "", addShaderCodeCustomVertex, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
- createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
+ createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap, failResult, failMessageTemplate));
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_tessc", "", addShaderCodeCustomTessControl, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
- createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
+ createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap, failResult, failMessageTemplate));
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_tesse", "", addShaderCodeCustomTessEval, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
- createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
+ createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap, failResult, failMessageTemplate));
specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT] = specConstants;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_geom", "", addShaderCodeCustomGeometry, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
- createInstanceContext(geomPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
+ createInstanceContext(geomPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap, failResult, failMessageTemplate));
specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT] = specConstants;
addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_frag", "", addShaderCodeCustomFragment, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
- createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
+ createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap, failResult, failMessageTemplate));
-inline void createTestsForAllStages (const std::string& name, const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests)
+inline void createTestsForAllStages (const string& name,
+ const RGBA (&inputColors)[4],
+ const RGBA (&outputColors)[4],
+ const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments,
+ tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests,
+ const qpTestResult failResult = QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
+ const string& failMessageTemplate = string())
vector<deInt32> noSpecConstants;
- createTestsForAllStages(name, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, noSpecConstants, tests);
+ createTestsForAllStages(name, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, noSpecConstants, tests, failResult, failMessageTemplate);
} // anonymous
return testGroup.release();
+// Test for the OpSRem instruction.
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSRemTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> testGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "srem", "OpSRem"));
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ "%c_f32_255 = OpConstant %f32 255.0\n"
+ "%c_i32_128 = OpConstant %i32 128\n"
+ "%c_i32_255 = OpConstant %i32 255\n"
+ "%c_v4f32_255 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 \n"
+ "%c_v4f32_0_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 \n"
+ "%c_v4i32_128 = OpConstantComposite %v4i32 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 \n";
+ // The test does the following.
+ // ivec4 ints = int(param1 * 255.0 + 0.5) - 128;
+ // ivec4 result = ivec4(srem(ints.x, ints.y), srem(ints.y, ints.z), srem(ints.z, ints.x), 255);
+ // return float(result + 128) / 255.0;
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
+ "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
+ "%div255 = OpFMul %v4f32 %param1 %c_v4f32_255\n"
+ "%add0_5 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %div255 %c_v4f32_0_5\n"
+ "%uints_in = OpConvertFToS %v4i32 %add0_5\n"
+ "%ints_in = OpISub %v4i32 %uints_in %c_v4i32_128\n"
+ "%x_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 0\n"
+ "%y_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 1\n"
+ "%z_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 2\n"
+ "%x_out = OpSRem %i32 %x_in %y_in\n"
+ "%y_out = OpSRem %i32 %y_in %z_in\n"
+ "%z_out = OpSRem %i32 %z_in %x_in\n"
+ "%ints_out = OpCompositeConstruct %v4i32 %x_out %y_out %z_out %c_i32_255\n"
+ "%ints_offset = OpIAdd %v4i32 %ints_out %c_v4i32_128\n"
+ "%f_ints_offset = OpConvertSToF %v4f32 %ints_offset\n"
+ "%float_out = OpFDiv %v4f32 %f_ints_offset %c_v4f32_255\n"
+ "OpReturnValue %float_out\n"
+ "OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ const struct CaseParams
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ const char* failMessageTemplate; // customized status message
+ qpTestResult failResult; // override status on failure
+ int operands[4][3]; // four (x, y, z) vectors of operands
+ int results[4][3]; // four (x, y, z) vectors of results
+ } cases[] =
+ {
+ {
+ "positive",
+ "${reason}",
+ { { 5, 12, 17 }, { 5, 5, 7 }, { 75, 8, 81 }, { 25, 60, 100 } }, // operands
+ { { 5, 12, 2 }, { 0, 5, 2 }, { 3, 8, 6 }, { 25, 60, 0 } }, // results
+ },
+ {
+ "all",
+ "Inconsistent results, but within specification: ${reason}",
+ QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, // negative operands, not required by the spec
+ { { 5, 12, -17 }, { -5, -5, 7 }, { 75, 8, -81 }, { 25, -60, 100 } }, // operands
+ { { 5, 12, -2 }, { 0, -5, 2 }, { 3, 8, -6 }, { 25, -60, 0 } }, // results
+ },
+ };
+ // If either operand is negative the result is undefined. Some implementations may still return correct values.
+ for (int caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(cases); ++caseNdx)
+ {
+ const CaseParams& params = cases[caseNdx];
+ RGBA inputColors[4];
+ RGBA outputColors[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ inputColors [i] = RGBA(params.operands[i][0] + 128, params.operands[i][1] + 128, params.operands[i][2] + 128, 255);
+ outputColors[i] = RGBA(params.results [i][0] + 128, params.results [i][1] + 128, params.results [i][2] + 128, 255);
+ }
+ createTestsForAllStages(params.name, inputColors, outputColors, fragments, testGroup.get(), params.failResult, params.failMessageTemplate);
+ }
+ return testGroup.release();
+// Test for the OpSMod instruction.
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSModTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+ de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> testGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "smod", "OpSMod"));
+ map<string, string> fragments;
+ fragments["pre_main"] =
+ "%c_f32_255 = OpConstant %f32 255.0\n"
+ "%c_i32_128 = OpConstant %i32 128\n"
+ "%c_i32_255 = OpConstant %i32 255\n"
+ "%c_v4f32_255 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 %c_f32_255 \n"
+ "%c_v4f32_0_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 \n"
+ "%c_v4i32_128 = OpConstantComposite %v4i32 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 %c_i32_128 \n";
+ // The test does the following.
+ // ivec4 ints = int(param1 * 255.0 + 0.5) - 128;
+ // ivec4 result = ivec4(smod(ints.x, ints.y), smod(ints.y, ints.z), smod(ints.z, ints.x), 255);
+ // return float(result + 128) / 255.0;
+ fragments["testfun"] =
+ "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
+ "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
+ "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
+ "%div255 = OpFMul %v4f32 %param1 %c_v4f32_255\n"
+ "%add0_5 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %div255 %c_v4f32_0_5\n"
+ "%uints_in = OpConvertFToS %v4i32 %add0_5\n"
+ "%ints_in = OpISub %v4i32 %uints_in %c_v4i32_128\n"
+ "%x_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 0\n"
+ "%y_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 1\n"
+ "%z_in = OpCompositeExtract %i32 %ints_in 2\n"
+ "%x_out = OpSMod %i32 %x_in %y_in\n"
+ "%y_out = OpSMod %i32 %y_in %z_in\n"
+ "%z_out = OpSMod %i32 %z_in %x_in\n"
+ "%ints_out = OpCompositeConstruct %v4i32 %x_out %y_out %z_out %c_i32_255\n"
+ "%ints_offset = OpIAdd %v4i32 %ints_out %c_v4i32_128\n"
+ "%f_ints_offset = OpConvertSToF %v4f32 %ints_offset\n"
+ "%float_out = OpFDiv %v4f32 %f_ints_offset %c_v4f32_255\n"
+ "OpReturnValue %float_out\n"
+ "OpFunctionEnd\n";
+ const struct CaseParams
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ const char* failMessageTemplate; // customized status message
+ qpTestResult failResult; // override status on failure
+ int operands[4][3]; // four (x, y, z) vectors of operands
+ int results[4][3]; // four (x, y, z) vectors of results
+ } cases[] =
+ {
+ {
+ "positive",
+ "${reason}",
+ { { 5, 12, 17 }, { 5, 5, 7 }, { 75, 8, 81 }, { 25, 60, 100 } }, // operands
+ { { 5, 12, 2 }, { 0, 5, 2 }, { 3, 8, 6 }, { 25, 60, 0 } }, // results
+ },
+ {
+ "all",
+ "Inconsistent results, but within specification: ${reason}",
+ QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, // negative operands, not required by the spec
+ { { 5, 12, -17 }, { -5, -5, 7 }, { 75, 8, -81 }, { 25, -60, 100 } }, // operands
+ { { 5, -5, 3 }, { 0, 2, -3 }, { 3, -73, 69 }, { -35, 40, 0 } }, // results
+ },
+ };
+ // If either operand is negative the result is undefined. Some implementations may still return correct values.
+ for (int caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(cases); ++caseNdx)
+ {
+ const CaseParams& params = cases[caseNdx];
+ RGBA inputColors[4];
+ RGBA outputColors[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ inputColors [i] = RGBA(params.operands[i][0] + 128, params.operands[i][1] + 128, params.operands[i][2] + 128, 255);
+ outputColors[i] = RGBA(params.results [i][0] + 128, params.results [i][1] + 128, params.results [i][2] + 128, 255);
+ }
+ createTestsForAllStages(params.name, inputColors, outputColors, fragments, testGroup.get(), params.failResult, params.failMessageTemplate);
+ }
+ return testGroup.release();
enum IntegerType
computeTests ->addChild(createOpQuantizeToF16Group(testCtx));
computeTests ->addChild(createOpFRemGroup(testCtx));
+ computeTests->addChild(createOpSRemGroup(testCtx));
+ computeTests->addChild(createOpSModGroup(testCtx));
+ graphicsTests->addChild(createSRemTests(testCtx));
+ graphicsTests->addChild(createSModTests(testCtx));