+// Define command classes.
class Command<string name> {
string Name = name;
string EndCommandName = "";
let IsDeclarationCommand = 1;
+// InlineCommand
def B : InlineCommand<"b">;
def C : InlineCommand<"c">;
def P : InlineCommand<"p">;
def E : InlineCommand<"e">;
def Em : InlineCommand<"em">;
+// BlockCommand
def Brief : BlockCommand<"brief"> { let IsBriefCommand = 1; }
def Short : BlockCommand<"short"> { let IsBriefCommand = 1; }
def Param : BlockCommand<"param"> { let IsParamCommand = 1; }
-// Doxygen
+// Doxygen command for template parameter documentation.
def Tparam : BlockCommand<"tparam"> { let IsTParamCommand = 1; }
-// HeaderDoc
+// HeaderDoc command for template parameter documentation.
def Templatefield : BlockCommand<"templatefield"> { let IsTParamCommand = 1; }
def Deprecated : BlockCommand<"deprecated"> {
let IsEmptyParagraphAllowed = 1;
let IsDeprecatedCommand = 1;
def Headerfile : BlockCommand<"headerfile"> { let IsHeaderfileCommand = 1; }
+// We don't do any additional semantic analysis for the following
+// BlockCommands. It might be a good idea to do something extra for them, but
+// for now we model them as plain BlockCommands.
def Author : BlockCommand<"author">;
def Authors : BlockCommand<"authors">;
def Bug : BlockCommand<"bug">;
def Version : BlockCommand<"version">;
def Warning : BlockCommand<"warning">;
+// VerbatimBlockCommand
defm Code : VerbatimBlockCommand<"code", "endcode">;
defm Verbatim : VerbatimBlockCommand<"verbatim", "endverbatim">;
defm Htmlonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"htmlonly", "endhtmlonly">;
defm Dot : VerbatimBlockCommand<"dot", "enddot">;
defm Msc : VerbatimBlockCommand<"msc", "endmsc">;
-// These commands have special support in lexer.
+// These three commands have special support in CommentLexer to recognize their
+// names.
def FDollar : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f$">; // Inline LaTeX formula
defm FBracket : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f[", "f]">; // Displayed LaTeX formula
defm FBrace : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f{", "f}">; // LaTeX environment
+// VerbatimLineCommand
def Defgroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"defgroup">;
def Ingroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"ingroup">;
def Addtogroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"addtogroup">;
def Subpage : VerbatimLineCommand<"subpage">;
def Ref : VerbatimLineCommand<"ref">;
+// DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand
// Doxygen commands.
def Fn : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"fn">;
def Namespace : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"namespace">;