// descriptor. Returns -1 on failure, or if coverage dumping is disabled.
// This is intended for use by sandboxing code.
intptr_t __sanitizer_maybe_open_cov_file(const char *name);
- // Get the number of total unique covered entities (blocks, edges, calls).
+ // Get the number of unique covered blocks (or edges).
// This can be useful for coverage-directed in-process fuzzers.
uintptr_t __sanitizer_get_total_unique_coverage();
+ // Get the number of unique indirect caller-callee pairs.
+ uintptr_t __sanitizer_get_total_unique_caller_callee_pairs();
// Reset the basic-block (edge) coverage to the initial state.
// Useful for in-process fuzzing to start collecting coverage from scratch.
static atomic_uint32_t dump_once_guard; // Ensure that CovDump runs only once.
static atomic_uintptr_t coverage_counter;
+static atomic_uintptr_t caller_callee_counter;
// pc_array is the array containing the covered PCs.
// To make the pc_array thread- and async-signal-safe it has to be large enough.
uptr was = 0;
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&atomic_callee_cache[i], &was, callee,
memory_order_seq_cst)) {
- atomic_fetch_add(&coverage_counter, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_fetch_add(&caller_callee_counter, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
if (was == callee) // Already have this callee.
+uptr __sanitizer_get_total_unique_caller_callee_pairs() {
+ return atomic_load(&caller_callee_counter, memory_order_relaxed);
void __sanitizer_cov_trace_func_enter(s32 *id) {
Foo *foo[3] = {new Foo, new Foo1, new Foo2};
uintptr_t CheckNewTotalUniqueCoverageIsLargerAndReturnIt(uintptr_t old_total) {
- uintptr_t new_total = __sanitizer_get_total_unique_coverage();
+ uintptr_t new_total = __sanitizer_get_total_unique_caller_callee_pairs();
+ fprintf(stderr, "Caller-Callee: old %zd new %zd\n", old_total, new_total);
assert(new_total > old_total);
return new_total;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- uintptr_t total = CheckNewTotalUniqueCoverageIsLargerAndReturnIt(0);
+ uintptr_t total = __sanitizer_get_total_unique_caller_callee_pairs();
total = CheckNewTotalUniqueCoverageIsLargerAndReturnIt(total);