use warnings;
require './';
-plan( tests => 138 );
+plan( tests => 154 );
# type coersion on assignment
$foo = 'foo';
is($msg, '');
*foo = undef;
like($msg, qr/Undefined value assigned to typeglob/);
+ no warnings 'once';
+ # test warnings for converting globs to other forms
+ my $copy = *PWOMPF;
+ foreach ($copy, *SKREEE) {
+ $msg = '';
+ my $victim = sprintf "%d", $_;
+ like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/,
+ "Warning on conversion to IV");
+ is($victim, 0);
+ $msg = '';
+ $victim = sprintf "%u", $_;
+ like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/,
+ "Warning on conversion to UV");
+ is($victim, 0);
+ $msg = '';
+ $victim = sprintf "%e", $_;
+ like($msg, qr/Argument "\*main::[A-Z]{6}" isn't numeric in sprintf/,
+ "Warning on conversion to NV");
+ like($victim, qr/^0\.0+E\+?00/i, "Expect floating point zero");
+ $msg = '';
+ $victim = sprintf "%s", $_;
+ is($msg, '', "No warning on stringification");
+ is($victim, '' . $_);
+ }
my $test = curr_test();