6.2 local loopback of sent frames
6.3 CAN controller hardware filters
6.4 The virtual CAN driver (vcan)
- 6.5 currently supported CAN hardware
- 6.6 todo
+ 6.5 The CAN network device driver interface
+ 6.5.1 Netlink interface to set/get devices properties
+ 6.5.2 Setting the CAN bit-timing
+ 6.5.3 Starting and stopping the CAN network device
+ 6.6 supported CAN hardware
- 7 Credits
+ 7 Socket CAN resources
+ 8 Credits
the user application using the common CAN filter mechanisms. Inside
this filter definition the (interested) type of errors may be
selected. The reception of error frames is disabled by default.
+ The format of the CAN error frame is briefly decribed in the Linux
+ header file "include/linux/can/error.h".
4. How to use Socket CAN
removal of vcan network devices can be managed with the ip(8) tool:
- Create a virtual CAN network interface:
- ip link add type vcan
+ $ ip link add type vcan
- Create a virtual CAN network interface with a specific name 'vcan42':
- ip link add dev vcan42 type vcan
+ $ ip link add dev vcan42 type vcan
- Remove a (virtual CAN) network interface 'vcan42':
- ip link del vcan42
- The tool 'vcan' from the SocketCAN SVN repository on BerliOS is obsolete.
- Virtual CAN network device creation in older Kernels:
- In Linux Kernel versions < 2.6.24 the vcan driver creates 4 vcan
- netdevices at module load time by default. This value can be changed
- with the module parameter 'numdev'. E.g. 'modprobe vcan numdev=8'
- 6.5 currently supported CAN hardware
+ $ ip link del vcan42
+ 6.5 The CAN network device driver interface
+ The CAN network device driver interface provides a generic interface
+ to setup, configure and monitor CAN network devices. The user can then
+ configure the CAN device, like setting the bit-timing parameters, via
+ the netlink interface using the program "ip" from the "IPROUTE2"
+ utility suite. The following chapter describes briefly how to use it.
+ Furthermore, the interface uses a common data structure and exports a
+ set of common functions, which all real CAN network device drivers
+ should use. Please have a look to the SJA1000 or MSCAN driver to
+ understand how to use them. The name of the module is can-dev.ko.
+ 6.5.1 Netlink interface to set/get devices properties
+ The CAN device must be configured via netlink interface. The supported
+ netlink message types are defined and briefly described in
+ "include/linux/can/netlink.h". CAN link support for the program "ip"
+ of the IPROUTE2 utility suite is avaiable and it can be used as shown
+ below:
+ - Setting CAN device properties:
+ $ ip link set can0 type can help
+ Usage: ip link set DEVICE type can
+ [ bitrate BITRATE [ sample-point SAMPLE-POINT] ] |
+ [ tq TQ prop-seg PROP_SEG phase-seg1 PHASE-SEG1
+ phase-seg2 PHASE-SEG2 [ sjw SJW ] ]
+ [ loopback { on | off } ]
+ [ listen-only { on | off } ]
+ [ triple-sampling { on | off } ]
+ [ restart-ms TIME-MS ]
+ [ restart ]
+ Where: BITRATE := { 1..1000000 }
+ SAMPLE-POINT := { 0.000..0.999 }
+ TQ := { NUMBER }
+ PROP-SEG := { 1..8 }
+ PHASE-SEG1 := { 1..8 }
+ PHASE-SEG2 := { 1..8 }
+ SJW := { 1..4 }
+ RESTART-MS := { 0 | NUMBER }
+ - Display CAN device details and statistics:
+ $ ip -details -statistics link show can0
+ 2: can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 10
+ link/can
+ can <TRIPLE-SAMPLING> state ERROR-ACTIVE restart-ms 100
+ bitrate 125000 sample_point 0.875
+ tq 125 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
+ sja1000: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
+ clock 8000000
+ re-started bus-errors arbit-lost error-warn error-pass bus-off
+ 41 17457 0 41 42 41
+ RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast
+ 140859 17608 17457 0 0 0
+ TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns
+ 861 112 0 41 0 0
+ More info to the above output:
+ Shows the list of selected CAN controller modes: LOOPBACK,
+ "state ERROR-ACTIVE"
+ The current state of the CAN controller: "ERROR-ACTIVE",
+ "restart-ms 100"
+ Automatic restart delay time. If set to a non-zero value, a
+ restart of the CAN controller will be triggered automatically
+ in case of a bus-off condition after the specified delay time
+ in milliseconds. By default it's off.
+ "bitrate 125000 sample_point 0.875"
+ Shows the real bit-rate in bits/sec and the sample-point in the
+ range 0.000..0.999. If the calculation of bit-timing parameters
+ is enabled in the kernel (CONFIG_CAN_CALC_BITTIMING=y), the
+ bit-timing can be defined by setting the "bitrate" argument.
+ Optionally the "sample-point" can be specified. By default it's
+ 0.000 assuming CIA-recommended sample-points.
+ "tq 125 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1"
+ Shows the time quanta in ns, propagation segment, phase buffer
+ segment 1 and 2 and the synchronisation jump width in units of
+ tq. They allow to define the CAN bit-timing in a hardware
+ independent format as proposed by the Bosch CAN 2.0 spec (see
+ chapter 8 of http://www.semiconductors.bosch.de/pdf/can2spec.pdf).
+ "sja1000: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
+ clock 8000000"
+ Shows the bit-timing constants of the CAN controller, here the
+ "sja1000". The minimum and maximum values of the time segment 1
+ and 2, the synchronisation jump width in units of tq, the
+ bitrate pre-scaler and the CAN system clock frequency in Hz.
+ These constants could be used for user-defined (non-standard)
+ bit-timing calculation algorithms in user-space.
+ "re-started bus-errors arbit-lost error-warn error-pass bus-off"
+ Shows the number of restarts, bus and arbitration lost errors,
+ and the state changes to the error-warning, error-passive and
+ bus-off state. RX overrun errors are listed in the "overrun"
+ field of the standard network statistics.
+ 6.5.2 Setting the CAN bit-timing
+ The CAN bit-timing parameters can always be defined in a hardware
+ independent format as proposed in the Bosch CAN 2.0 specification
+ specifying the arguments "tq", "prop_seg", "phase_seg1", "phase_seg2"
+ and "sjw":
+ $ ip link set canX type can tq 125 prop-seg 6 \
+ phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
+ If the kernel option CONFIG_CAN_CALC_BITTIMING is enabled, CIA
+ recommended CAN bit-timing parameters will be calculated if the bit-
+ rate is specified with the argument "bitrate":
+ $ ip link set canX type can bitrate 125000
+ Note that this works fine for the most common CAN controllers with
+ standard bit-rates but may *fail* for exotic bit-rates or CAN system
+ clock frequencies. Disabling CONFIG_CAN_CALC_BITTIMING saves some
+ space and allows user-space tools to solely determine and set the
+ bit-timing parameters. The CAN controller specific bit-timing
+ constants can be used for that purpose. They are listed by the
+ following command:
+ $ ip -details link show can0
+ ...
+ sja1000: clock 8000000 tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
+ 6.5.3 Starting and stopping the CAN network device
+ A CAN network device is started or stopped as usual with the command
+ "ifconfig canX up/down" or "ip link set canX up/down". Be aware that
+ you *must* define proper bit-timing parameters for real CAN devices
+ before you can start it to avoid error-prone default settings:
+ $ ip link set canX up type can bitrate 125000
+ A device may enter the "bus-off" state if too much errors occurred on
+ the CAN bus. Then no more messages are received or sent. An automatic
+ bus-off recovery can be enabled by setting the "restart-ms" to a
+ non-zero value, e.g.:
+ $ ip link set canX type can restart-ms 100
+ Alternatively, the application may realize the "bus-off" condition
+ by monitoring CAN error frames and do a restart when appropriate with
+ the command:
+ $ ip link set canX type can restart
+ Note that a restart will also create a CAN error frame (see also
+ chapter 3.4).
- On the project website http://developer.berlios.de/projects/socketcan
- there are different drivers available:
+ 6.6 Supported CAN hardware
- vcan: Virtual CAN interface driver (if no real hardware is available)
- sja1000: Philips SJA1000 CAN controller (recommended)
- i82527: Intel i82527 CAN controller
- mscan: Motorola/Freescale CAN controller (e.g. inside SOC MPC5200)
- ccan: CCAN controller core (e.g. inside SOC h7202)
- slcan: For a bunch of CAN adaptors that are attached via a
- serial line ASCII protocol (for serial / USB adaptors)
+ Please check the "Kconfig" file in "drivers/net/can" to get an actual
+ list of the support CAN hardware. On the Socket CAN project website
+ (see chapter 7) there might be further drivers available, also for
+ older kernel versions.
- Additionally the different CAN adaptors (ISA/PCI/PCMCIA/USB/Parport)
- from PEAK Systemtechnik support the CAN netdevice driver model
- since Linux driver v6.0: http://www.peak-system.com/linux/index.htm
+7. Socket CAN resources
- Please check the Mailing Lists on the berlios OSS project website.
+ You can find further resources for Socket CAN like user space tools,
+ support for old kernel versions, more drivers, mailing lists, etc.
+ at the BerliOS OSS project website for Socket CAN:
- 6.6 todo
+ http://developer.berlios.de/projects/socketcan
- The configuration interface for CAN network drivers is still an open
- issue that has not been finalized in the socketcan project. Also the
- idea of having a library module (candev.ko) that holds functions
- that are needed by all CAN netdevices is not ready to ship.
- Your contribution is welcome.
+ If you have questions, bug fixes, etc., don't hesitate to post them to
+ the Socketcan-Users mailing list. But please search the archives first.
-7. Credits
+8. Credits
- Oliver Hartkopp (PF_CAN core, filters, drivers, bcm)
+ Oliver Hartkopp (PF_CAN core, filters, drivers, bcm, SJA1000 driver)
Urs Thuermann (PF_CAN core, kernel integration, socket interfaces, raw, vcan)
Jan Kizka (RT-SocketCAN core, Socket-API reconciliation)
- Wolfgang Grandegger (RT-SocketCAN core & drivers, Raw Socket-API reviews)
+ Wolfgang Grandegger (RT-SocketCAN core & drivers, Raw Socket-API reviews,
+ CAN device driver interface, MSCAN driver)
Robert Schwebel (design reviews, PTXdist integration)
Marc Kleine-Budde (design reviews, Kernel 2.6 cleanups, drivers)
Benedikt Spranger (reviews)
Thomas Gleixner (LKML reviews, coding style, posting hints)
- Andrey Volkov (kernel subtree structure, ioctls, mscan driver)
+ Andrey Volkov (kernel subtree structure, ioctls, MSCAN driver)
Matthias Brukner (first SJA1000 CAN netdevice implementation Q2/2003)
Klaus Hitschler (PEAK driver integration)
Uwe Koppe (CAN netdevices with PF_PACKET approach)
Michael Schulze (driver layer loopback requirement, RT CAN drivers review)
+ Pavel Pisa (Bit-timing calculation)
+ Sascha Hauer (SJA1000 platform driver)
+ Sebastian Haas (SJA1000 EMS PCI driver)
+ Markus Plessing (SJA1000 EMS PCI driver)
+ Per Dalen (SJA1000 Kvaser PCI driver)
+ Sam Ravnborg (reviews, coding style, kbuild help)