+GST_START_TEST (test_out_of_order_loss_not_reported)
+ GstHarness *h = gst_harness_new ("rtpjitterbuffer");
+ GstTestClock *testclock;
+ GstClockID id;
+ GstBuffer *buf;
+ gint latency_ms = 100;
+ guint next_seqnum;
+ guint first_packet;
+ guint late_packet;
+ guint third_packet;
+ testclock = gst_harness_get_testclock (h);
+ g_object_set (h->element, "do-lost", TRUE, NULL);
+ next_seqnum = construct_deterministic_initial_state (h, latency_ms);
+ /* hop over 2 packets and make another one (gap of 2) */
+ first_packet = next_seqnum;
+ late_packet = next_seqnum + 1;
+ third_packet = next_seqnum + 2;
+ push_test_buffer (h, first_packet);
+ /* push the third packet without moving the time */
+ fail_unless_equals_int (GST_FLOW_OK,
+ gst_harness_push (h, generate_test_buffer (third_packet)));
+ /* verify that the jitterbuffer waits for the latest moment it can push the
+ * @late_packet packet out.
+ */
+ gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (testclock, &id);
+ fail_unless_equals_uint64 (late_packet * TEST_BUF_DURATION +
+ latency_ms * GST_MSECOND, gst_clock_id_get_time (id));
+ gst_clock_id_unref (id);
+ /* @late_packet now arrives just in time for the latency */
+ gst_harness_set_time (h, late_packet * TEST_BUF_DURATION +
+ latency_ms * GST_MSECOND);
+ fail_unless_equals_int (GST_FLOW_OK,
+ gst_harness_push (h, generate_test_buffer (late_packet)));
+ fail_unless (gst_harness_crank_single_clock_wait (h));
+ /* verify that @first_packet made it through */
+ buf = gst_harness_pull (h);
+ fail_unless_equals_int (get_rtp_seq_num (buf), first_packet);
+ gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+ /* verify that @late_packet made it through */
+ buf = gst_harness_pull (h);
+ fail_unless_equals_int (get_rtp_seq_num (buf), late_packet);
+ gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+ /* verify that @third_packet made it through */
+ buf = gst_harness_pull (h);
+ fail_unless_equals_int (get_rtp_seq_num (buf), third_packet);
+ gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+ fail_unless (verify_jb_stats (h->element,
+ gst_structure_new ("application/x-rtp-jitterbuffer-stats",
+ "num-pushed", G_TYPE_UINT64, (guint64) third_packet + 1,
+ "num-lost", G_TYPE_UINT64, (guint64) 0, NULL)));
+ gst_object_unref (testclock);
+ gst_harness_teardown (h);
GST_START_TEST (test_late_packets_still_makes_lost_events)
GstHarness *h = gst_harness_new ("rtpjitterbuffer");
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_lost_event);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_only_one_lost_event_on_large_gaps);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_two_lost_one_arrives_in_time);
+ tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_out_of_order_loss_not_reported);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_late_packets_still_makes_lost_events);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_lost_event_uses_pts);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_lost_event_with_backwards_rtptime);