- if (pMT->IsByRefLike())
+ BOOL isByRefLike = pMT->IsByRefLike();
+ if (isByRefLike)
[&](size_t pointerOffset)
+ _ASSERTE(gcLayout.Count() == 0 || pointerOffset > (gcLayout[gcLayout.Count() - 1] & ~(ULONG)1));
*gcLayout.AppendThrowing() = (ULONG)(pointerOffset | 1); // "| 1" to mark it as an interior pointer
size_t stop = start - (cur->GetSeriesSize() + size);
for (size_t off = stop + sizeof(void*); off <= start; off += sizeof(void*))
- _ASSERTE(gcLayout.Count() == 0 || off > gcLayout[gcLayout.Count() - 1]);
- *gcLayout.AppendThrowing() = (ULONG)off;
+ int gcLayoutInsertIndex = gcLayout.Count();
+ _ASSERTE(gcLayoutInsertIndex >= 0);
+ if (isByRefLike)
+ {
+ // Offsets in 'gcLayout' are expected to be in increasing order and for by-ref-like types the by-refs would
+ // have already been inserted into 'gcLayout' above. Find the appropriate index at which to insert this
+ // offset.
+ while (gcLayoutInsertIndex != 0 && off < gcLayout[gcLayoutInsertIndex - 1])
+ {
+ --gcLayoutInsertIndex;
+ _ASSERTE(off != (gcLayout[gcLayoutInsertIndex] & ~(ULONG)1));
+ }
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(gcLayoutInsertIndex == 0 || off > (gcLayout[gcLayoutInsertIndex - 1] & ~(ULONG)1));
+ *gcLayout.InsertThrowing(gcLayoutInsertIndex) = (ULONG)off;
- SIZE_T fieldStartIndex = pFD->GetOffset() / sizeof(void *);
- FindByRefPointerOffsetsInByRefLikeObject(pFieldMT, baseOffset + fieldStartIndex, processPointerOffset);
+ FindByRefPointerOffsetsInByRefLikeObject(pFieldMT, baseOffset + pFD->GetOffset(), processPointerOffset);
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Threading;
+ref struct MyStruct<A, B>
+ static Random r = new Random();
+ Span<int> s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10;
+ public static void Test(int depth)
+ {
+ MyStruct<A, B> u;
+ u.s1 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s2 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s3 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s4 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s5 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s6 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s6 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s7 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s8 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s9 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ u.s10 = My.g[r.Next(My.g.Length)];
+ Test(depth, u);
+ }
+ public static void Test(int depth, MyStruct<A, B> u)
+ {
+ int x1 = u.s1.Length + u.s2.Length + u.s3.Length + u.s4.Length + u.s5.Length +
+ u.s6.Length + u.s7.Length + u.s8.Length + u.s9.Length + u.s10.Length;
+ int x2 = u.s1[0] + u.s2[0] + u.s3[0] + u.s4[0] + u.s5[0] +
+ u.s6[0] + u.s7[0] + u.s8[0] + u.s9[0] + u.s10[0];
+ if (x1 != x2)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException();
+ if (depth-- == 0)
+ return;
+ MyStruct<KeyValuePair<A, B>, B>.Test(depth);
+ MyStruct<A, KeyValuePair<B, A>>.Test(depth);
+ }
+class My
+ static void Stress()
+ {
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ GC.Collect();
+ Thread.Sleep(1);
+ }
+ }
+ static void Churn()
+ {
+ Random r = new Random();
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ var a = new int[1 + r.Next(100)];
+ a[0] = a.Length;
+ g[r.Next(g.Length)] = a;
+ }
+ }
+ public static int[][] g = new int[10000][];
+ static int Main()
+ {
+ int[] empty = new int[] { 1 };
+ for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++)
+ g[i] = empty;
+ var t = new Thread(Stress);
+ t.IsBackground = true;
+ t.Start();
+ t = new Thread(Churn);
+ t.IsBackground = true;
+ t.Start();
+ int result = 100; // pass
+ try
+ {
+ MyStruct<int, uint>.Test(3);
+ }
+ catch (InvalidOperationException)
+ {
+ result = 1; // fail
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
--- /dev/null
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