mPopupLayout.SetFitHeight( 0 ); // Set row to fit.
mPopupLayout.SetFitHeight( 1 ); // Set row to fit.
- mPopupLayout.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
mPopupContainer.Add( mPopupLayout );
// Any content after this point which is added to Self() will be re-parented to mContent.
mAlterAddedChild = true;
SetAsKeyboardFocusGroup( true );
+ SetupTouch();
mPopupBackgroundImage.SetProperty( Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT, AnchorPoint::CENTER );
mPopupBackgroundImage.SetProperty( Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN, ParentOrigin::CENTER );
- // OnDialogTouched only consumes the event. It prevents the touch event to be caught by the backing.
- mPopupBackgroundImage.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
// Set the popup border to be slightly larger than the layout contents.
// Default to being transparent.
backing.SetProperty( Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA, 0.0f );
- backing.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnBackingTouched );
backing.WheelEventSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnBackingWheelEvent );
return backing;
void Popup::SetTouchTransparent( bool enabled )
- mTouchTransparent = enabled;
+ if( mTouchTransparent != enabled )
+ {
+ mTouchTransparent = enabled;
+ SetupTouch();
+ }
const bool Popup::IsTouchTransparent() const
bool Popup::OnBackingTouched( Actor actor, const TouchEvent& touch )
- // Allow events to pass through if touch transparency is enabled.
- if( mTouchTransparent )
- {
- return false;
- }
- if( touch.GetPointCount() > 0 )
+ // Allow events to pass through if the backing isn't the hit-actor
+ if( (touch.GetHitActor(0) == actor) &&
+ (touch.GetPointCount() > 0) &&
+ (touch.GetState( 0 ) == PointState::DOWN))
- if( touch.GetState( 0 ) == PointState::DOWN )
- {
- // Guard against destruction during signal emission.
- Toolkit::Popup handle( GetOwner() );
+ // Guard against destruction during signal emission.
+ Toolkit::Popup handle( GetOwner() );
- mTouchedOutsideSignal.Emit();
- }
+ mTouchedOutsideSignal.Emit();
- // Block anything behind backing becoming touched.
- mLayer.SetProperty( Layer::Property::CONSUMES_TOUCH, true );
- return true;
+ return false;
bool Popup::OnBackingWheelEvent( Actor actor, const WheelEvent& event )
return false;
- // Consume wheel event in dimmed backing actor.
- mLayer.SetProperty( Layer::Property::CONSUMES_TOUCH, true );
return true;
bool Popup::OnDialogTouched( Actor actor, const TouchEvent& touch )
- // Allow events to pass through if touch transparency is enabled.
- if( mTouchTransparent )
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Consume event (stops backing actor receiving touch events)
- mLayer.SetProperty( Layer::Property::CONSUMES_TOUCH, true );
- return true;
+ // Only connecting this so the backing does not become the default hit-actor and inadvertently closes the popup
+ return false;
void Popup::OnSceneConnection( int depth )
return nextFocusableActor;
+void Popup::SetupTouch()
+ if( ! mTouchTransparent )
+ {
+ // Connect all the signals and set us up to consume all touch events
+ mBacking.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnBackingTouched );
+ mPopupBackgroundImage.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
+ mPopupLayout.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
+ mLayer.SetProperty( Layer::Property::CONSUMES_TOUCH, true );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We are touch transparent so disconnect all signals and ensure our layer does not consumed all touch events
+ mBacking.TouchedSignal().Disconnect( this, &Popup::OnBackingTouched );
+ mPopupBackgroundImage.TouchedSignal().Disconnect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
+ mPopupLayout.TouchedSignal().Disconnect( this, &Popup::OnDialogTouched );
+ mLayer.SetProperty( Layer::Property::CONSUMES_TOUCH, false );
+ }
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Toolkit