+int UtcDaliToolkitTextlabelFastTextFitStressTest(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ tet_infoline(" UtcDaliToolkitTextlabelFastTextFitStressTest");
+ TextLabel label = TextLabel::New();
+ label.SetProperty(TextLabel::Property::TEXT, "Hello world");
+ label.SetProperty(TextLabel::Property::POINT_SIZE, 120.f);
+ // connect to the text git changed signal.
+ ConnectionTracker* testTracker = new ConnectionTracker();
+ DevelTextLabel::TextFitChangedSignal(label).Connect(&TestTextFitChangedCallback);
+ bool textFitChangedSignal = false;
+ label.ConnectSignal(testTracker, "textFitChanged", CallbackFunctor(&textFitChangedSignal));
+ gTextFitChangedCallBackCalled = false;
+ application.GetScene().Add(label);
+ // check text label width at range [100, 299]
+ for(int i=100; i<300; i++)
+ {
+ Vector2 size((float)i, 200.f);
+ label.SetProperty(Actor::Property::SIZE, size);
+ // check point size with veryvery big range
+ Property::Map textFitMapSet;
+ textFitMapSet["enable"] = true;
+ textFitMapSet["minSize"] = 10.f;
+ textFitMapSet["maxSize"] = 10000.f;
+ textFitMapSet["stepSize"] = -1.0f;
+ textFitMapSet["fontSizeType"] = "pointSize";
+ label.SetProperty(Toolkit::DevelTextLabel::Property::TEXT_FIT, textFitMapSet);
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ }
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK(gTextFitChangedCallBackCalled);
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK(textFitChangedSignal);
+int UtcDaliToolkitTextlabelTextFitMultiLine(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ tet_infoline(" UtcDaliToolkitTextlabelTextFitMultiLine");
+ TextLabel label = TextLabel::New();
+ Vector2 size(500.0f, 100.0f);
+ label.SetProperty(Actor::Property::SIZE, size);
+ label.SetProperty(TextLabel::Property::TEXT, "Hello world\nHello world");
+ label.SetProperty(TextLabel::Property::MULTI_LINE, true);
+ // connect to the text git changed signal.
+ ConnectionTracker* testTracker = new ConnectionTracker();
+ DevelTextLabel::TextFitChangedSignal(label).Connect(&TestTextFitChangedCallback);
+ bool textFitChangedSignal = false;
+ label.ConnectSignal(testTracker, "textFitChanged", CallbackFunctor(&textFitChangedSignal));
+ gTextFitChangedCallBackCalled = false;
+ Property::Map textFitMapSet;
+ textFitMapSet["enable"] = true;
+ textFitMapSet["minSize"] = 10.f;
+ textFitMapSet["maxSize"] = 100.f;
+ textFitMapSet["stepSize"] = -1.0f;
+ textFitMapSet["fontSizeType"] = "pointSize";
+ label.SetProperty(Toolkit::DevelTextLabel::Property::TEXT_FIT, textFitMapSet);
+ label.SetProperty(TextLabel::Property::POINT_SIZE, 120.f);
+ application.GetScene().Add(label);
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ float textFitFontSize = (label.GetProperty(Dali::Toolkit::DevelTextLabel::Property::TEXT_FIT).Get<Property::Map>())["fontSize"].Get<float>();
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK(gTextFitChangedCallBackCalled);
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK(textFitChangedSignal);
int UtcDaliToolkitTextlabelTextFitArray(void)
ToolkitTestApplication application;
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/controller/text-controller-relayouter.h>
+#include <cmath>
#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
#include <dali/integration-api/trace.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/common/constants.h>
#include <dali/public-api/math/math-utils.h>
#include <limits>
float pointInterval = impl.mTextFitStepSize;
float currentFitPointSize = impl.mFontDefaults->mFitPointSize;
float currentDefaultLineSize = impl.mLayoutEngine.GetDefaultLineSize();
+ bool isMultiLine = impl.mLayoutEngine.GetLayout() == Layout::Engine::MULTI_LINE_BOX;
// Instead of using the LineSize of the current TextLabel, the LineSize set in TextFit is used.
model->mElideEnabled = false;
+ float bestPointSize = minPointSize;
// check zero value
if(pointInterval < 1.f)
impl.mTextFitStepSize = pointInterval = 1.0f;
- uint32_t pointSizeRange = static_cast<uint32_t>(ceil((maxPointSize - minPointSize) / pointInterval));
- // Ensure minPointSize + pointSizeRange * pointInverval >= maxPointSize
- while(minPointSize + static_cast<float>(pointSizeRange) * pointInterval < maxPointSize)
- {
- ++pointSizeRange;
- }
+ uint32_t pointSizeRange = static_cast<uint32_t>(ceil((maxPointSize - minPointSize) / pointInterval));
- uint32_t bestSizeIndex = 0;
- uint32_t minIndex = bestSizeIndex + 1u;
- uint32_t maxIndex = pointSizeRange + 1u;
- bool bestSizeUpdatedLatest = false;
- // Find best size as binary search.
- // Range format as [l r). (left closed, right opened)
- // It mean, we already check all i < l is valid, and r <= i is invalid.
- // Below binary search will check m = (l+r)/2 point.
- // Search area sperate as [l m) or [m+1 r)
- //
- // Basically, we can assume that 0 (minPointSize) is always valid.
- // Now, we will check [1 pointSizeRange] range s.t. pointSizeRange mean the maxPointSize
- while(minIndex < maxIndex)
+ if(isMultiLine || pointSizeRange < 3)
- uint32_t testIndex = minIndex + ((maxIndex - minIndex) >> 1u);
- const float testPointSize = std::min(maxPointSize, minPointSize + static_cast<float>(testIndex) * pointInterval);
+ // Ensure minPointSize + pointSizeRange * pointInverval >= maxPointSize
+ while(minPointSize + static_cast<float>(pointSizeRange) * pointInterval < maxPointSize)
+ {
+ ++pointSizeRange;
+ }
- if(CheckForTextFit(controller, testPointSize, layoutSize))
+ uint32_t bestSizeIndex = 0;
+ uint32_t minIndex = bestSizeIndex + 1u;
+ uint32_t maxIndex = pointSizeRange + 1u;
+ bool bestSizeUpdatedLatest = false;
+ // Find best size as binary search.
+ // Range format as [l r). (left closed, right opened)
+ // It mean, we already check all i < l is valid, and r <= i is invalid.
+ // Below binary search will check m = (l+r)/2 point.
+ // Search area sperate as [l m) or [m+1 r)
+ //
+ // Basically, we can assume that 0 (minPointSize) is always valid.
+ // Now, we will check [1 pointSizeRange] range s.t. pointSizeRange mean the maxPointSize
+ while(minIndex < maxIndex)
- bestSizeUpdatedLatest = true;
+ uint32_t testIndex = minIndex + ((maxIndex - minIndex) >> 1u);
+ const float testPointSize = std::min(maxPointSize, minPointSize + static_cast<float>(testIndex) * pointInterval);
+ if(CheckForTextFit(controller, testPointSize, layoutSize))
+ {
+ bestSizeUpdatedLatest = true;
- bestSizeIndex = testIndex;
- minIndex = testIndex + 1u;
+ bestSizeIndex = testIndex;
+ minIndex = testIndex + 1u;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bestSizeUpdatedLatest = false;
+ maxIndex = testIndex;
+ }
- else
+ bestPointSize = std::min(maxPointSize, minPointSize + static_cast<float>(bestSizeIndex) * pointInterval);
+ // Best point size was not updated. re-run so the TextFit should be fitted really.
+ if(!bestSizeUpdatedLatest)
- bestSizeUpdatedLatest = false;
- maxIndex = testIndex;
+ CheckForTextFit(controller, bestPointSize, layoutSize);
- const float bestPointSize = std::min(maxPointSize, minPointSize + static_cast<float>(bestSizeIndex) * pointInterval);
- // Best point size was not updated. re-run so the TextFit should be fitted really.
- if(!bestSizeUpdatedLatest)
+ else
- CheckForTextFit(controller, bestPointSize, layoutSize);
+ // assume textSize = a * pointSize + b, finding a and b.
+ Size textSize;
+ TextUpdateInfo& textUpdateInfo = impl.mTextUpdateInfo;
+ const OperationsMask onlyOnceOperations = static_cast<OperationsMask>(CONVERT_TO_UTF32 |
+ float resultBasedX[2];
+ float resultBasedY[2];
+ float tmpPointSize[2] = {minPointSize, maxPointSize};
+ // Calculate a and b by creating simultaneous equations with two calculations.
+ for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ impl.mFontDefaults->mFitPointSize = tmpPointSize[i];
+ impl.mFontDefaults->sizeDefined = true;
+ impl.ClearFontData();
+ textUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex = 0u;
+ textUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mText.Count();
+ // Make sure the model is up-to-date before layouting
+ impl.UpdateModel(onlyOnceOperations);
+ DoRelayout(impl,
+ Size(layoutSize.width, MAX_FLOAT),
+ static_cast<OperationsMask>(onlyOnceOperations | LAYOUT),
+ textSize);
+ // Clear the update info. This info will be set the next time the text is updated.
+ textUpdateInfo.Clear();
+ textUpdateInfo.mClearAll = true;
+ resultBasedX[i] = textSize.x;
+ resultBasedY[i] = textSize.y;
+ }
+ float aBasedX = (resultBasedX[1] - resultBasedX[0]) / (tmpPointSize[1] - tmpPointSize[0]);
+ float bBasedX = resultBasedX[1] - aBasedX * tmpPointSize[1];
+ aBasedX = std::max(aBasedX, Dali::Math::MACHINE_EPSILON_1000);
+ float aBasedY = (resultBasedY[1] - resultBasedY[0]) / (tmpPointSize[1] - tmpPointSize[0]);
+ float bBasedY = resultBasedY[1] - aBasedY * tmpPointSize[1];
+ aBasedY = std::max(aBasedY, Dali::Math::MACHINE_EPSILON_1000);
+ float bestPointSizeBasedX = (layoutSize.x - bBasedX) / aBasedX;
+ float bestPointSizeBasedY = (layoutSize.y - bBasedY) / aBasedY;
+ bestPointSize = std::min(bestPointSizeBasedX, bestPointSizeBasedY);
+ bestPointSize = std::min(std::max(bestPointSize, minPointSize), maxPointSize);
+ bestPointSize = std::floor((bestPointSize - minPointSize) / pointInterval) * pointInterval + minPointSize;
+ if(CheckForTextFit(controller, bestPointSize, layoutSize))
+ {
+ while(bestPointSize + pointInterval <= maxPointSize && CheckForTextFit(controller, bestPointSize + pointInterval, layoutSize))
+ {
+ bestPointSize += pointInterval;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(bestPointSize - pointInterval >= minPointSize)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ bestPointSize -= pointInterval;
+ } while(bestPointSize - pointInterval >= minPointSize && !CheckForTextFit(controller, bestPointSize, layoutSize));
+ }
model->mElideEnabled = actualellipsis;