\li Qt.RightToLeft - Text and graphics elements should be positioned
from right to left.
+ \row
+ \li \c application.arguments
+ \li This is a string list of the arguments the executable was invoked with.
+ \row
+ \li \c application.name
+ \li This is the application name set on the QCoreApplication instance. This property can be written
+ to in order to set the application name.
+ \row
+ \li \c application.version
+ \li This is the application version set on the QCoreApplication instance. This property can be written
+ to in order to set the application name.
+ The object also has one signal, aboutToQuit(), which is the same as \l QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit().
The following example uses the \c application object to indicate
whether the application is currently active:
\snippet qml/application.qml document
+ Note that when using QML without a QGuiApplication, the following properties will be undefined:
+ \list
+ \li application.active
+ \li application.layoutDirection
+ \endlist
#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
QQmlGuiProvider::~QQmlGuiProvider() {}
-QObject *QQmlGuiProvider::application(QObject *) { return 0; }
+QObject *QQmlGuiProvider::application(QObject *) { return new QQmlApplication(); }
QStringList QQmlGuiProvider::fontFamilies() { return QStringList(); }
bool QQmlGuiProvider::openUrlExternally(QUrl &) { return false; }
static QQmlGuiProvider **getGuiProvider(void)
if (guiProvider == 0) {
- qWarning() << "Warning: QQml_guiProvider: no GUI provider has been set!";
- static QQmlGuiProvider nullGuiProvider;
+ static QQmlGuiProvider nullGuiProvider; //Still provides an application with no GUI support
guiProvider = &nullGuiProvider;
return *providerPtr;
+//Docs in qqmlengine.cpp
+QQmlApplication::QQmlApplication(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(*(new QQmlApplicationPrivate),parent)
+ connect(QCoreApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()),
+ this, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()));
+QQmlApplication::QQmlApplication(QQmlApplicationPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(dd, parent)
+ connect(QCoreApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()),
+ this, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()));
+QStringList QQmlApplication::args()
+ Q_D(QQmlApplication);
+ if (!d->argsInit) {
+ d->argsInit = true;
+ d->args = QCoreApplication::arguments();
+ }
+ return d->args;
+QString QQmlApplication::name() const
+ return QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName();
+QString QQmlApplication::version() const
+ return QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationVersion();
+void QQmlApplication::setName(const QString &arg)
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->setApplicationName(arg);
+ emit nameChanged(); //Note that we don't get notified if it's changed from C++
+void QQmlApplication::setVersion(const QString &arg)
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->setApplicationVersion(arg);
+ emit versionChanged(); //Note that we don't get notified if it's changed from C++
Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQmlGuiProvider *QQml_setGuiProvider(QQmlGuiProvider *);
Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QQmlGuiProvider *QQml_guiProvider();
+class QQmlApplicationPrivate;
+class Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQmlApplication : public QObject
+ //Application level logic, subclassed by QtQuick if available via QQmlGuiProvider
+ Q_PROPERTY(QStringList arguments READ args CONSTANT)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString version READ version WRITE setVersion NOTIFY versionChanged)
+ QQmlApplication(QObject* parent=0);
+ QStringList args();
+ QString name() const;
+ QString version() const;
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void setName(const QString &arg);
+ void setVersion(const QString &arg);
+ void aboutToQuit();
+ void nameChanged();
+ void versionChanged();
+ QQmlApplication(QQmlApplicationPrivate &dd, QObject* parent=0);
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QQmlApplication);
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QQmlApplication);
+class QQmlApplicationPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
+ Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QQmlApplication)
+ QQmlApplicationPrivate() {
+ argsInit = false;
+ }
+ bool argsInit;
+ QStringList args;
#endif // QQMLGLOBAL_H
#include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtQml/private/qqmlglobal_p.h>
-class QQuickApplicationPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
+class QQuickApplicationPrivate : public QQmlApplicationPrivate
QQuickApplication::QQuickApplication(QObject *parent)
- : QObject(*new QQuickApplicationPrivate(), parent)
+ : QQmlApplication(*new QQuickApplicationPrivate(), parent)
if (qApp) {
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <qqml.h>
+#include <QtQml/private/qqmlglobal_p.h>
#include <private/qtquickglobal_p.h>
class QQuickApplicationPrivate;
-class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QQuickApplication : public QObject
+class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QQuickApplication : public QQmlApplication
Q_PROPERTY(bool active READ active NOTIFY activeChanged)
void initTestCase();
void colorProviderWarning();
- void guiProviderWarning();
+ void noGuiProviderWarning();
void tst_qqmlglobal::initTestCase()
-void tst_qqmlglobal::guiProviderWarning()
+void tst_qqmlglobal::noGuiProviderWarning()
- const QLatin1String expected("Warning: QQml_guiProvider: no GUI provider has been set! ");
- QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, expected.data());
- QQml_guiProvider();
+ QVERIFY(QQml_guiProvider()); //No GUI provider, so a default non-zero application instance is returned.