Add mk_delta GitHub action and test workflow 86/307086/1
authorMarek Pikuła <>
Tue, 16 Jan 2024 16:21:28 +0000 (17:21 +0100)
committerMarek Pikuła <>
Mon, 4 Mar 2024 14:15:20 +0000 (15:15 +0100)
Change-Id: I0266a6442be27e3c444c20cfa4c7644d85750777
Signed-off-by: Marek Pikuła <>
.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml [new file with mode: 0644]
mk_delta/action.yml [new file with mode: 0644]
mk_delta/summarize/action.yml [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml b/.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4012c90
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+name: Test build delta images
+  push:
+    branches: [tizen]
+  pull_request:
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  schedule:
+    - cron: "0 * * * *"
+  BART_REPO: tizen-system-upgrade-tools-generic-local
+  # Overall default quota is 100G per BART repo. Here, we do separate cleanup
+  # for 7-8 and 8-9 artifacts, preserving 4G margin.
+  prepare:
+    runs-on:
+      - code-linux
+      - code-default
+    outputs:
+      docker_tag: ${{ steps.environment.outputs.docker_tag }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Get Docker tag for this branch
+        id: environment
+        run: |
+          echo "docker_tag=$([ "${GITHUB_REF}" == "tizen" ] && echo latest || echo ${GITHUB_REF})" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+      - name: Cleanup Tizen 7-8 artifacts
+        uses: srpol-ar-glasses/actions/bart-size-cleanup@main
+        with:
+          bart_id: ${{ secrets.BART_ID }}
+          bart_key: ${{ secrets.BART_KEY }}
+          search_pattern: "${{ env.BART_REPO }}/${{ env.BART_OUTPUT_DIR }}/Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_*"
+          target_quota: ${{ env.BART_TARGET_QUOTA }}
+      - name: Cleanup Tizen 8-9 artifacts
+        uses: srpol-ar-glasses/actions/bart-size-cleanup@main
+        with:
+          bart_id: ${{ secrets.BART_ID }}
+          bart_key: ${{ secrets.BART_KEY }}
+          search_pattern: "${{ env.BART_REPO }}/${{ env.BART_OUTPUT_DIR }}/Tizen-8.0_Tizen_*"
+          target_quota: ${{ env.BART_TARGET_QUOTA }}
+  build-delta:
+    runs-on:
+      - code-linux
+      - code-large
+    needs: prepare
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        old:
+          - Tizen-7.0
+          - Tizen-8.0
+        new:
+          - Tizen-8.0
+          - Tizen
+        variant:
+          - headed
+          - headless
+        arch:
+          - armv7hl
+          - armv7l
+          - aarch64
+        target:
+          - rpi4
+        include_boot:
+          - true
+          - false
+        exclude:
+          - old: Tizen-7.0
+            new: Tizen
+          - old: Tizen-8.0
+            new: Tizen-8.0
+          - variant: headless
+            arch: armv7hl
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout sources
+        uses: code-actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: Prepare environment
+        run: |
+          IMAGE_TYPE=${{ matrix.include_boot && 'all' || 'platform' }}
+          echo "IMAGE_TYPE=${IMAGE_TYPE}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+          echo "RUN_NAME=${{ matrix.old }}_${{ }}_${{ matrix.variant }}_${{ }}_${IMAGE_TYPE}_${{ matrix.arch }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+          BOOT_ARCH=$([ ${{ matrix.arch }} == "aarch64" ] && echo arm64 || echo ${{ matrix.arch }} )
+          echo "BOOT_OLD=${{ matrix.old }}/${{ matrix.old }}-Unified/latest/images/standard/tizen-boot-${BOOT_ARCH}-${{ }}/" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+          echo "BOOT_NEW=${{ }}/${{ }}-Unified/latest/images/standard/tizen-boot-${BOOT_ARCH}-${{ }}/" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+          echo "MAIN_OLD=${{ matrix.old }}/${{ matrix.old }}-Unified/latest/images/standard/tizen-${{ matrix.variant }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+          echo "MAIN_NEW=${{ }}/${{ }}-Unified/latest/images/standard/tizen-${{ matrix.variant }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+      - name: Build delta images
+        uses: ./mk_delta  # For external action execution, use `tizen/upgrade-tools/mk_delta@tizen`.
+        with:
+          docker_image_tag: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.docker_tag }}
+          bart_id: ${{ secrets.BART_ID }}
+          bart_key: ${{ secrets.BART_KEY }}
+          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          old_images: |
+            ${{ matrix.include_boot && env.BOOT_OLD || '' }}
+            ${{ env.MAIN_OLD }}
+          new_images: |
+            ${{ matrix.include_boot && env.BOOT_NEW || '' }}
+            ${{ env.MAIN_NEW }}
+          image_type: ${{ env.IMAGE_TYPE }}
+          run_name: ${{ env.RUN_NAME }}
+          arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+          output_repository: ${{ env.BART_REPO }}
+          output_directory: ${{ env.BART_OUTPUT_DIR }}
+  summarize:
+    runs-on:
+      - code-linux
+      - code-large
+    needs: build-delta
+    if: ${{ always() }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout sources
+        uses: code-actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: Summarize workflow
+        uses: ./mk_delta/summarize  # For external action execution, use `tizen/upgrade-tools/mk_delta/summarize@tizen`.
+        with:
+          bart_id: ${{ secrets.BART_ID }}
+          bart_key: ${{ secrets.BART_KEY }}
+          output_repository: ${{ env.BART_REPO }}
+          output_directory: ${{ env.BART_OUTPUT_DIR }}
diff --git a/README b/README
index 9c25ad1..e37fe5d 100644 (file)
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -92,3 +92,191 @@ $ docker run --privileged=true \
 Generated delta images will be stored in `images/result`.
+## GitHub Actions
+### `mk_delta` action
+`mk_delta` action creates delta OS Upgrade image for two sets of source images
+(old and new), and stores the result on BART.
+Before executing the delta script, the action checks if the delta needs to be
+built – if input image checksums match with the previous build the delta image
+is not built, thus reducing run time of the action (about 15 seconds for cache
+check). This in turn allows to run the action frequently to check if new input
+images are available.
+Example use case of the action can be found in this repository in
+[test-image-build](./.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml) workflow. For
+external repositories this action should be referenced as
+**The action does the following things:**
+1. Install JFrog tool – used for BART interaction.
+2. Prepare environment – generate environment variables and pull cached input
+   checksums from BART.
+3. Download source images:
+    1. Download `SHA256SUM` files if available.
+    2. Check if new images need to be generated – **if not, no additional steps
+       are executed**.
+    3. Download input tar.gz images.
+4. Log in to Docker registry.
+5. Generate delta image – execute `` script in Docker
+   environment.
+6. Upload to artifactory:
+    1. Compress resulting tar archive to `.tar.gz`.
+    2. Upload delta archive to BART.
+    3. Upload input file SHA256 checksums.
+7. Add GitHub PR comment with links to generated delta image.
+The tool uploads two copies of the archive to `${{ inputs.output_repository
+}}`/`${{ inputs.output_directory }}` directory. One has a deterministic name,
+which can be inferred from the upgraded system filesystem, and the second has
+some additional information and is uploaded to `archive` subdirectory:
+- deterministic name: `${device_type}--${model_name}--${image_type}--${arch}--${tz_build_date}@${{ inputs.docker_image_tag }}.tar.gz`,
+- archival name: `archive/${device_type}--${model_name}--${image_type}--${arch}--${build_string.txt}--${delta_timestamp}.tar.gz`.
+- `device_type`, `model_name`, `tz_build_date` – taken from `update-info.ini`
+  delta file.
+- `image_type`:
+  - `all` contains delta of all sub-images,
+  - `platform` doesn't contain boot delta.
+- `build_string.txt` – contents of `build_string.txt` delta file.
+- `delta_timestamp` – delta build timestamp in format `%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.
+- `arch` – `${{ inputs.arch }}` for now, until `tz_build_arch` from
+  `update-info.ini` is fixed.
+In addition to the main `.tar.gz` archive, a `.sha256sums` file containing input
+file checksums is uploaded along the delta files, and in `action_checksums/${{
+inputs.run_name }}` directory.
+**Example file tree on BART after a successful run:**
+- `${{ inputs.output_repository }}`/`${{ inputs.output_directory }}/`
+  - `IoT_Headless--rpi4--all--aarch64--20240124_061003@latest.tar.gz` –
+    resulting delta archive after latest run on the main branch (`tizen`).
+  - `IoT_Headless--rpi4--all--aarch64--20240124_061003@latest.tar.gz.sha256sums`
+    – SHA256 checksums of input files for the run above.
+  - `archive/`
+    - `IoT_Headless--rpi4--all--aarch64--20240124_061003@20240123_164559--20240124_121048.tar.gz`
+      – resulting delta archive after run executed on 2024-01-24 at 12:10:48
+      UTC.
+    - `IoT_Headless--rpi4--all--aarch64--20240124_061003@20240123_164559--20240124_121048.sha256sums`
+      – SHA256 checksums of input files for the run above.
+  - `action_checksums/${{ inputs.run_name }}/`
+    - `latest.sha256sums` – copy of
+    `IoT_Headless--rpi4--all--aarch64--20240124_061003@latest.tar.gz.sha256sums`
+    (used for cache check in cache check in the second step).
+#### Action inputs
+For default values of some inputs please refer to [the action
+**Docker image configuration:**
+For regular run it is not required to change these, but it can be useful for
+checking if new images work properly.
+- `docker_image_registry` – Docker image registry used for the delta build.
+- `docker_image_name` – Docker image used for the delta build.
+- `docker_image_tag` – Docker image tag used for the delta build.
+**Secrets (BART and GitHub):**
+It is advised to use GitHub secrets to store the BART credentials. Example on
+how to use them, refer to the
+[test-image-build](./.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml) workflow. It is the
+safest to create service account especially for CI purpose and store the secrets
+in GitHub repository (not organization-wide). You can access GitHub secrets in
+project *Settings → Secrets and variables*.
+- `bart_id` – user ID used for BART authentication.
+- `bart_key` – BART Identity Token which can be generated
+  [here](
+- `github_token` – GitHub Token used for API access to fetch the job ID. Can be
+  passed from `${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`.
+**Delta tool configuration:**
+Input image URL can be either directory or `tar.gz` file. Mind that previous
+build detection doesn't currently work for `tar.gz` variant – only for
+directories with `SHA256SUMS` file (as on
+For multiple images, separate them with newline, e.g.:
+- name: Build delta images
+  uses: srpol-syskern/upgrade-tools/mk_delta@tizen
+  with:
+    old_images: |
+- `old_images` – Old image URLs.
+- `new_images` – New image URLs.
+- `arch` – Build architecture. Used for artifact naming.
+- `target` – `` script target.
+- `image_type` – Name of the image type for given input images.
+**Output configuration:**
+- `run_name` – Delta generation run name. Used in artifact path and messages.
+- `output_repository` – Output BART repository.
+- `output_directory` – Output directory in BART repository.
+- `output_gzip_flags` – Flags given to gzip command used to compress the final
+  delta tar.
+#### Action outputs
+- `artifact_path_latest` – Path to result delta image artifact in BART
+  repository with `latest` tag.
+- `artifact_path_archvie` – Path to result delta image artifact in BART
+  repository with deterministic path.
+### `mk_delta/summarize` action
+`mk_delta/summarize` action processes job state and presents it in a concise
+GitHub PR message.
+Example use case of the action can be found in this repository in
+[test-image-build](./.github/workflows/test-image-build.yml) workflow. For
+external repositories this action should be referenced as
+#### Action inputs
+**BART secrets:** Same as in `mk_delta` action.
+**Output configuration:** `output_repository` and `output_directory` same as in `mk_delta` action.
+#### Example output
+> Here is the list of all jobs in run [8394854](
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_all_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_all_armv7hl]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_all_armv7l]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_platform_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_platform_armv7hl]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headed_rpi4_platform_armv7l]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headless_rpi4_all_aarch64]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headless_rpi4_all_armv7l]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headless_rpi4_platform_aarch64]( ✔️ Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas.
+> - [Tizen-7.0_Tizen-8.0_headless_rpi4_platform_armv7l]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_all_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_all_armv7hl]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_all_armv7l]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_platform_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_platform_armv7hl]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headed_rpi4_platform_armv7l]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headless_rpi4_all_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headless_rpi4_all_armv7l]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headless_rpi4_platform_aarch64]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
+> - [Tizen-8.0_Tizen_headless_rpi4_platform_armv7l]( ✔️ You can find the delta image [here]( ([direct](
diff --git a/mk_delta/action.yml b/mk_delta/action.yml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b57d016
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+name: Make OS Upgrade delta
+description: Make OS Upgrade delta image.
+author: "Marek Pikuła <>"
+  # Docker image configuration.
+  docker_image_registry:
+    description: Docker image registry used for the delta build.
+    default:
+  docker_image_name:
+    description: Docker image used for the delta build.
+    default: upgrade-tools
+  docker_image_tag:
+    description: Docker image tag used for the delta build.
+    default: latest
+  # Secrets (BART and GitHub).
+  bart_id:
+    description: BART user ID.
+    required: true
+  bart_key:
+    description: BART Identity Token.
+    required: true
+  github_token:
+    description: GitHub Token.
+    required: true
+  # Delta tool configuration.
+  old_images:
+    description: Old image URLs. For multiple images, separate them with newline.
+    required: true
+  new_images:
+    description: New image URLs. For multiple images, separate them with newline.
+    required: true
+  arch:
+    description: Build architecture. Used for artifact naming.
+    required: true
+  target:
+    description: script target.
+    default: rpi4
+  image_type:
+    description: Name of the image type for given input images.
+    default: all
+  # Output
+  run_name:
+    description: Delta generation run name. Used in artifact path and messages.
+    default: "tizen_osu"
+  output_repository:
+    description: Output BART repository.
+    required: true
+  output_directory:
+    description: Output directory in BART repository.
+    default: ""
+  output_gzip_flags:
+    description: Flags given to gzip command used to compress the final delta tar.
+    default: ""
+  artifact_path:
+    description: Path to result delta image artifact in BART repository.
+    value: ${{ steps.upload_artifacts.outputs.artifact_path }}
+  using: composite
+  steps:
+    - name: Install JFrog tool
+      uses: code-actions/jfrog-setup-jfrog-cli@v3
+      env:
+        JF_URL:
+        JF_USER: ${{ inputs.bart_id }}
+        JF_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.bart_key }}
+    - name: Prepare environment
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        echo Preparing environment...
+        # Environment
+        OUTPUT_REPO_DIR=${{ inputs.output_repository }}/${{ inputs.output_directory }}
+        ACTION_STATE=${OUTPUT_REPO_DIR}/action_state
+        INPUT_SUMS=input_sums.sha256sums
+        INPUT_SUMS_BART=${{ inputs.docker_image_tag }}.sha256sums
+        INPUT_SUMS_BART_DIR=${ACTION_STATE}/checksums/${{ inputs.run_name }}
+        echo "INPUT_SUMS=${INPUT_SUMS}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+        # Pull input checksums from BART
+        jf rt dl --flat "${INPUT_SUMS_BART_DIR}/${INPUT_SUMS_BART}" "${INPUT_SUMS_BART}"
+        if [ ! -f "${INPUT_SUMS_BART}" ]; then
+          echo "::notice::Input checksum state file not found on BART. Creating a new one."
+          touch "${INPUT_SUMS_BART}"
+        fi
+        # Action execution state
+        get_job_id() {
+          curl -L \
+            -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
+            -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ inputs.github_token }}"\
+            -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
+            ${{ github.api_url }}/repos/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}/attempts/${{ github.run_attempt }}/jobs \
+          | jq -r '.jobs | map(select(.runner_name | contains("${{ }}"))) | .[0].id'
+        }
+        while ! get_job_id; do sleep 1; done  # Needed as sometimes race condition occurrs.
+        JOB_ID=$(get_job_id)
+        ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL=$(pwd)/state
+        ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_REMOTE=${ACTION_STATE}/execution/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ inputs.run_name }}/${JOB_ID}
+        # Push default action state
+        echo "❌ Job failed or cancelled." > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
+    - name: Download source images
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        echo Downloading source images...
+        WGET_DEFAULT="wget --no-parent -r --no-verbose --no-directories"
+        WGET_BART="${WGET_DEFAULT} --user ${{ inputs.bart_id }} --password ${{ inputs.bart_key }}"
+        WGET_SHA256SUMS="--accept SHA256SUMS"
+        WGET_TARGZ="--accept .tar.gz"
+        INPUT_SUMS=$(pwd)/${{ env.INPUT_SUMS }}
+        touch ${INPUT_SUMS}
+        download_images() {
+          pushd $1
+          for item in $2; do
+            # Ignore empty lines
+            if [ "x$item" == "x" ]; then
+              continue
+            fi
+            echo "Downloading $item..."
+            DL="$([[ $item == ""* ]] && echo ${WGET_BART} $3 $item || echo ${WGET_DEFAULT} $3 $item)"
+            if ! ${DL}; then
+              MSG="Failed to download $item."
+              echo "::error::${MSG}"
+              echo "❌ ${MSG}" > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
+              exit 1
+            fi
+            # Concat input file checksums
+            if [ -f SHA256SUMS ]; then
+              cat SHA256SUMS >> ${INPUT_SUMS}
+              rm SHA256SUMS
+            fi
+          done
+          popd
+        }
+        # Download SHA256SUMS
+        mkdir -p images/old images/new images/result
+        download_images images/old "${{ inputs.old_images }}" "${WGET_SHA256SUMS}"
+        download_images images/new "${{ inputs.new_images }}" "${WGET_SHA256SUMS}"
+        echo "Input file difference since the last run:"
+        if [ -s ${{ env.INPUT_SUMS }} ] && diff ${{ env.INPUT_SUMS_BART }} ${{ env.INPUT_SUMS }}; then
+          MSG="Inputs are not different from the last run. Not generating deltas."
+          echo "::notice::${MSG}"
+          echo "✔️ ${MSG}" > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
+          exit
+        fi
+        echo "::notice::Inputs are different from the last run. Generating deltas."
+        echo SUM_DIFFERS=1 >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+        # Download tar.gz images
+        download_images images/old "${{ inputs.old_images }}" "${WGET_TARGZ}"
+        download_images images/new "${{ inputs.new_images }}" "${WGET_TARGZ}"
+        echo "Downloaded files:"
+        if ! find images/old/* images/new/*; then
+          MSG="No source images exist."
+          echo "::error::${MSG}"
+          echo "❌ ${MSG}" > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
+          exit 1
+        fi
+    - name: Log in to Docker registry
+      uses: code-actions/docker-login-action@v3
+      with:
+        registry: ${{ inputs.docker_image_registry }}
+        username: ${{ inputs.bart_id }}
+        password: ${{ inputs.bart_key }}
+    - if: ${{ env.SUM_DIFFERS }}
+      name: Generate delta image
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        echo Generating delta images...
+        docker run --privileged=true \
+          -v $(pwd)/images/old:/tota-upg/mk_delta/${{ }}/data/old_tar:ro \
+          -v $(pwd)/images/new:/tota-upg/mk_delta/${{ }}/data/new_tar:ro \
+          -v $(pwd)/images/result:/tota-upg/mk_delta/${{ }}/result \
+          ${{ inputs.docker_image_registry }}/${{ inputs.docker_image_name }}:${{ inputs.docker_image_tag }} \
+          /tota-upg/scripts/ /tota-upg/ ${{ }}
+        echo "Generated files:"
+        if ! find images/result/*; then
+          MSG="No files generated."
+          echo "::error::${MSG}"
+          echo "❌ ${MSG}" > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
+          exit 1
+        fi
+    - if: ${{ env.SUM_DIFFERS }}
+      name: Upload to artifactory
+      shell: bash
+      id: upload_artifacts
+      run: |
+        echo Uploading artifacts...
+        # Get variables from delta update info
+        set -x
+        source images/result/*/FW_DELTA/DELTA/update-info.ini
+        set +x
+        tz_build_release_name=${tz_build_release_name//\//_}
+        BUILD_STRING=$(cat images/result/*/FW_DELTA/DELTA/build_string.txt | sed "s/_/\./g")
+        # Build file name
+        DELTA_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(TZ=GMT date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S")
+        # ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_BASE=${device_type}--${model_name}--${{ inputs.image_type }}--${tz_build_arch}  # TODO: Use it once `tz_build_arch` correctly distinguishes between armv7l and armv7hl.
+        ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_BASE=${device_type}--${model_name}--${{ inputs.image_type }}--${{ inputs.arch }}
+        TAG_SUFFIX="$([[ "${{ inputs.docker_image_tag }}" == "latest" ]] && echo "" || echo "--${{ inputs.docker_image_tag }}")"
+        JF_UPLOAD="jf rt u --flat=true --fail-no-op=true"
+        set -x
+        pushd images/result
+        gzip ${{ inputs.output_gzip_flags }} */FW_DELTA/delta.tar
+        ${JF_UPLOAD} */FW_DELTA/delta.tar.gz "${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_LATEST}"
+        ${JF_UPLOAD} */FW_DELTA/delta.tar.gz "${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE}"
+        popd
+        ${JF_UPLOAD} ${{ env.INPUT_SUMS }} "${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_LATEST}.sha256sums"
+        ${JF_UPLOAD} ${{ env.INPUT_SUMS }} "${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE}.sha256sums"
+        set +x
+        echo artifact_path_latest=${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_LATEST} >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+        echo artifact_path_archive=${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE} >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+        echo "::notice title="Artifact path on BART for run ${{ inputs.run_name }}"::${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_LATEST}\n${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE}"
+        echo "✔️ You can find the delta image [here](${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE}) ([direct](${ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_ARCHIVE}))." > "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_LOCAL}"
diff --git a/mk_delta/summarize/action.yml b/mk_delta/summarize/action.yml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0d9104f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+name: Summarize OSU delta build
+description: Generate a summary for OS Upgrade delta image matrix build.
+author: "Marek Pikuła <>"
+  # BART credentials.
+  bart_id:
+    description: BART user ID.
+    required: true
+  bart_key:
+    description: BART Identity Token.
+    required: true
+  # Output
+  output_repository:
+    description: Output BART repository.
+    required: true
+  output_directory:
+    description: Output directory in BART repository.
+    default: ""
+  using: composite
+  steps:
+    - name: Install JFrog tool
+      uses: code-actions/jfrog-setup-jfrog-cli@v3
+      env:
+        JF_URL:
+        JF_USER: ${{ inputs.bart_id }}
+        JF_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.bart_key }}
+    - name: Fetch state
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        echo Fetch run state...
+        OUTPUT_REPO_DIR=${{ inputs.output_repository }}/${{ inputs.output_directory }}
+        ACTION_STATE=${OUTPUT_REPO_DIR}/action_state
+        ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_REMOTE=${ACTION_STATE}/execution/${{ github.run_id }}/
+        RUN_URL=${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
+        jf rt dl --fail-no-op --threads=16 "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_REMOTE}" ./
+        echo Build message...
+        MSG="Here is the list of all jobs in run [${{ github.run_id }}](${RUN_URL}):"
+        for f in $(find ${{ inputs.output_directory }} -type f | sort); do
+          JOB_ID=$(basename ${f})
+          JOB_RUN_NAME=$(basename $(dirname ${f}))
+          MSG+="\n- [${JOB_RUN_NAME}](${RUN_URL}/job/${JOB_ID}): $(cat ${f})"
+        done
+        echo "MSG=${MSG}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+        echo Clean state...
+        jf rt del --fail-no-op "${ACTION_EXECUTION_STATE_REMOTE}"
+    - if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
+      name: Push summary as a PR comment
+      uses: code-actions/github-script@v6
+      with:
+        script: |
+            issue_number: context.issue.number,
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            body: "${{ env.MSG }}"
+          })
+    - if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
+      name: Print summary
+      shell: bash
+      run: echo -e "::notice::${MSG}"