image: "bt_hilight.png" COMP;
image: "bt_shine.png" COMP;
image: "bt_glow.png" COMP;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image: "bt_dis_base.png" COMP;
- image: "bt_dis_hilight.png" COMP;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
image: "arrow_right.png" COMP;
image: "arrow_left.png" COMP;
description { state: "disabled" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image {
- normal: "bt_dis_base.png";
- border: 4 4 4 4;
- }
visible: 0;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part { name: "over1";
description { state: "disabled" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image {
- normal: "bt_dis_hilight.png";
- border: 4 4 4 0;
- }
visible: 0;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part { name: "over2";
color: 255 255 255 255;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
part { name:"bar_disabled";
type: RECT;
description { state:"default" 0.0;
visible: 1;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part {
-<<<<<<< HEAD
//fix the pane
program {
name: "panes_fixed";
target: "over1";
target: "bar_disabled";
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
image: "bt_hilight.png" COMP;
image: "bt_shine.png" COMP;
image: "bt_glow.png" COMP;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image: "bt_dis_base.png" COMP;
- image: "bt_dis_hilight.png" COMP;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
image: "arrow_up.png" COMP;
image: "arrow_down.png" COMP;
description { state: "disabled" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image {
- normal: "bt_dis_base.png";
- border: 4 4 4 4;
- }
visible: 0;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part { name: "over1";
description { state: "disabled" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- image {
- normal: "bt_dis_hilight.png";
- border: 4 4 4 0;
- }
visible: 0;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part { name: "over2";
color: 255 255 255 255;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
part { name:"bar_disabled";
type: RECT;
description { state:"default" 0.0;
visible: 1;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
part {
target: "arrow_left";
transition: DECELERATE 0.4;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
//fix the pane
program {
name: "panes_fixed";
target: "over1";
target: "bar_disabled";
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Object *ic = elm_icon_add(win);
elm_icon_standard_set(ic, "home");
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_flip_content_front_set(o, ic);
-ic = elm_icon_add(win);
-elm_icon_standard_set(ic, "file");
-elm_flip_content_back_set(o, ic);
elm_object_part_content_set(o, "front", ic);
ic = elm_icon_add(win);
elm_icon_standard_set(ic, "file");
elm_object_part_content_set(o, "back", ic);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
ecore_timer_add(0.35, _func, o);
elm_flip_go(data, ELM_FLIP_CUBE_RIGHT);
return 0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s", elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_01.jpg");
elm_bg_file_set(o, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "front", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
ly = elm_layout_add(win);
elm_layout_file_set(ly, buf, "layout");
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(ly, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(ly, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl, ly);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "back", ly);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
bt = elm_button_add(ly);
elm_box_pack_end(o, li);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "front", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
en = elm_entry_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(en, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(en, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl, en);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "back", en);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_object_text_set(fr, "Front");
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(fr, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(fr, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl, fr);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "front", fr);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
fl_f = elm_flip_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s", elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_01.jpg");
elm_bg_file_set(o, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl_f, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl_f, "front", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
o = elm_bg_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s", elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_02.jpg");
elm_bg_file_set(o, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl_f, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl_f, "back", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
fr = elm_frame_add(win);
elm_object_text_set(fr, "Back");
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(fr, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(fr, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl, fr);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "back", fr);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
fl_b = elm_flip_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s", elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_03.jpg");
elm_bg_file_set(o, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl_b, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl_b, "front", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
o = elm_bg_add(win);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s", elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_04.jpg");
elm_bg_file_set(o, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl_b, o);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl_b, "back", o);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
bx2 = elm_box_add(win);
evas_object_data_set(win, "fl", fl);
elm_flip_interaction_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, 0.25);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, 0.25);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, 0.25);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, 0.25);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, 0.25);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, 0.25);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(fl, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, 0.25);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
im = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas_object_evas_get(win));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s",
elm_app_data_dir_get(), "twofish.jpg");
evas_object_image_file_set(im, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(fl, im);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "front", im);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
#if 0
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/images/%s",
elm_app_data_dir_get(), "sky_04.jpg");
evas_object_image_file_set(im, buf, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl, im);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "back", im);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
li = elm_list_add(win);
elm_list_item_append(li, "Item 2", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
elm_list_item_append(li, "Item 3 (Which is very long just for testing purposes)", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_back_set(fl, li);
elm_object_part_content_set(fl, "back", li);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_map_util_3d_perspective(m, x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2), 0, 1024);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Evas_Coord x, y, z;
- evas_map_point_coord_get(m, i, &x, &y, &z);
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, x, y, 0);
Evas_Coord xx, yy, zz;
evas_map_point_coord_get(m, i, &xx, &yy, &zz);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, xx, yy, 0);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (evas_map_util_clockwise_get(m)) evas_object_show(sl->obj);
else evas_object_hide(sl->obj);
static void
_slice_xyz(State *st __UNUSED__, Slice *sl,
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- double x1, double y1, double z1,
- double x2, double y2, double z2,
- double x3, double y3, double z3,
- double x4, double y4, double z4)
- sl->x[0] = x1; sl->y[0] = y1; sl->z[0] = z1;
- sl->x[1] = x2; sl->y[1] = y2; sl->z[1] = z2;
- sl->x[2] = x3; sl->y[2] = y3; sl->z[2] = z3;
- sl->x[3] = x4; sl->y[3] = y4; sl->z[3] = z4;
double xx1, double yy1, double zz1,
double xx2, double yy2, double zz2,
double xx3, double yy3, double zz3,
sl->x[1] = xx2; sl->y[1] = yy2; sl->z[1] = zz2;
sl->x[2] = xx3; sl->y[2] = yy3; sl->z[2] = zz3;
sl->x[3] = xx4; sl->y[3] = yy4; sl->z[3] = zz4;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
static int
_state_update(State *st)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Evas_Coord x1, y1, x2, y2, mx, my, dst, dx, dy;
Evas_Coord xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, mx, my, dst, dx, dy;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, ox, oy, ow, oh;
int i, j, num, nn, jump, num2;
Slice *sl;
evas_object_geometry_get(st->front, &x, &y, &w, &h);
ox = x; oy = y; ow = w; oh = h;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- x1 = st->down_x;
- y1 = st->down_y;
- x2 = st->x;
- y2 = st->y;
- dx = x2 - x1;
- dy = y2 - y1;
xx1 = st->down_x;
yy1 = st->down_y;
xx2 = st->x;
dx = xx2 - xx1;
dy = yy2 - yy1;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
dst = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
if (st->dir == -1)
if (st->dir == -1)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if ((x1 > (w / 2)) && (dx < 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) st->dir = 0; // left
- else if ((x1 < (w / 2)) && (dx >= 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) st->dir = 1; // right
- else if ((y1 > (h / 2)) && (dy < 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) st->dir = 2; // up
- else if ((y1 < (h / 2)) && (dy >= 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) st->dir = 3; // down
if ((xx1 > (w / 2)) && (dx < 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) st->dir = 0; // left
else if ((xx1 < (w / 2)) && (dx >= 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) st->dir = 1; // right
else if ((yy1 > (h / 2)) && (dy < 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) st->dir = 2; // up
else if ((yy1 < (h / 2)) && (dy >= 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) st->dir = 3; // down
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (st->dir == -1) return 0;
if (st->dir == 0)
else if (st->dir == 1)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- x1 = (w - 1) - x1;
- x2 = (w - 1) - x2;
xx1 = (w - 1) - xx1;
xx2 = (w - 1) - xx2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (st->dir == 2)
Evas_Coord tmp;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- tmp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = tmp;
- tmp = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = tmp;
tmp = xx1; xx1 = yy1; yy1 = tmp;
tmp = xx2; xx2 = yy2; yy2 = tmp;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
else if (st->dir == 3)
Evas_Coord tmp;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- tmp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = tmp;
- tmp = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = tmp;
- tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
- x1 = (w - 1) - x1;
- x2 = (w - 1) - x2;
- }
- if (x2 >= x1) x2 = x1 - 1;
- mx = (x1 + x2) / 2;
- my = (y1 + y2) / 2;
tmp = xx1; xx1 = yy1; yy1 = tmp;
tmp = xx2; xx2 = yy2; yy2 = tmp;
tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
if (xx2 >= xx1) xx2 = xx1 - 1;
mx = (xx1 + xx2) / 2;
my = (yy1 + yy2) / 2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (mx < 0) mx = 0;
else if (mx >= w) mx = w - 1;
if (my < 0) my = 0;
else if (my >= h) my = h - 1;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- mgrad = (double)(y1 - y2) / (double)(x1 - x2);
mgrad = (double)(yy1 - yy2) / (double)(xx1 - xx2);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (mx < 1) mx = 1; // quick hack to keep curl line visible
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- perc = (double)x2 / (double)x1;
- percm = (double)mx / (double)x1;
perc = (double)xx2 / (double)xx1;
percm = (double)mx / (double)xx1;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (perc < 0.0) perc = 0.0;
else if (perc > 1.0) perc = 1.0;
if (percm < 0.0) percm = 0.0;
notify = elm_notify_add(win);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_notify_repeat_events_set(notify, EINA_FALSE);
elm_notify_allow_events_set(notify, EINA_FALSE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(notify, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_notify_orient_set(notify, ELM_NOTIFY_ORIENT_BOTTOM);
elm_notify_timeout_set(notify, 5.0);
struct _Elm_Params_Notify {
Elm_Params base;
Evas_Object *content; /* part name whose obj is to be set as content */
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Eina_Bool repeat_events_exists;
- Eina_Bool repeat_events;
Eina_Bool allow_events_exists;
Eina_Bool allow_events;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Eina_Bool timeout_exists;
double timeout;
if (p->content) {
elm_object_content_set(obj, p->content);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (p->repeat_events_exists)
- elm_notify_repeat_events_set(obj, p->repeat_events);
if (p->allow_events_exists)
elm_notify_allow_events_set(obj, p->allow_events);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (p->timeout_exists)
elm_notify_timeout_set(obj, p->timeout);
if (p->orient)
elm_object_content_set(obj, content);
return EINA_TRUE;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "repeat_events"))
- && (param->type == EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL))
- {
- elm_notify_repeat_events_set(obj, param->i);
else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "allow_events"))
&& (param->type == EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL))
elm_notify_allow_events_set(obj, param->i);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
return EINA_TRUE;
else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "timeout"))
/* not easy to get content name back from live object */
return EINA_FALSE;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "repeat_events"))
- && (param->type == EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL))
- {
- param->i = elm_notify_repeat_events_get(obj);
else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "allow_events"))
&& (param->type == EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL))
param->i = elm_notify_allow_events_get(obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
return EINA_TRUE;
else if ((!strcmp(param->name, "timeout"))
mem->timeout = param->d;
mem->timeout_exists = EINA_TRUE;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- else if (!strcmp(param->name, "repeat_events"))
- {
- mem->repeat_events = param->i;
- mem->repeat_events_exists = EINA_TRUE;
else if (!strcmp(param->name, "allow_events"))
mem->allow_events = param->i;
mem->allow_events_exists = EINA_TRUE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (!strcmp(param->name, "orient"))
mem->orient = eina_stringshare_add(param->s);
static Edje_External_Param_Info external_notify_params[] = {
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
flip = elm_flip_add(win);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_content_front_set(flip, rect);
- elm_flip_content_back_set(flip, rect2);
elm_object_part_content_set(flip, "front", rect);
elm_object_part_content_set(flip, "back", rect2);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_resize(flip, 150, 150);
evas_object_move(flip, 10, 10);
elm_flip_interaction_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, EINA_TRUE);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, 1);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, 1);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, 1);
- elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, 1);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, EINA_TRUE);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN, 1);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT, 1);
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(flip, ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT, 1);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
radio = elm_radio_add(win);
elm_object_text_set(radio, "page");
Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__,
void *event_info __UNUSED__)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_slideshow_show(data);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__,
void *event_info __UNUSED__)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_slideshow_show(data);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
static Eina_Bool
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-_elm_flip_focus_next_hook(const Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Focus_Direction dir, Evas_Object **next)
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- if (!wd)
- return EINA_FALSE;
_elm_flip_focus_next_hook(const Evas_Object *obj,
Elm_Focus_Direction dir, Evas_Object **next)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd) return EINA_FALSE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
/* Try Focus cycle in subitem */
if (wd->state)
return elm_widget_focus_next_get(wd->front.content, dir, next);
return elm_widget_focus_next_get(wd->back.content, dir, next);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
if (!wd) return;
if (sub == wd->front.content)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_event_callback_del_full(sub, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS,
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
_changed_size_hints, obj);
wd->front.content = NULL;
else if (sub == wd->back.content)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_event_callback_del_full(sub, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS,
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
_changed_size_hints, obj);
wd->back.content = NULL;
elm_widget_sub_object_add(st->obj, sl->obj);
evas_object_clip_set(sl->obj, evas_object_clip_get(st->obj));
evas_object_smart_member_add(sl->obj, st->obj);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(sl->obj, 0);
- evas_object_pass_events_set(sl->obj, 1);
evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(sl->obj, EINA_FALSE);
evas_object_pass_events_set(sl->obj, EINA_TRUE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_image_source_set(sl->obj, obj);
return sl;
static void
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-_slice_apply(Widget_Data *st, Slice *sl,
- Evas_Coord x __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord y __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h __UNUSED__,
_slice_apply(Widget_Data *st, Slice *sl, Evas_Coord x __UNUSED__,
Evas_Coord y __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h __UNUSED__,
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Coord ox, Evas_Coord oy, Evas_Coord ow, Evas_Coord oh)
Evas_Map *m;
m = evas_map_new(4);
if (!m) return;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_smooth_set(m, 0);
evas_map_smooth_set(m, EINA_FALSE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
evas_map_point_color_set(m, i, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (st->dir == 0)
int p[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->x[p[i]], oy + sl->y[p[i]], sl->z[p[i]]);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->x[p[i]], oy + sl->y[p[i]],
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(m, i, sl->u[p[i]] , sl->v[p[i]]);
else if (st->dir == 1)
int p[4] = { 1, 0, 3, 2 };
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + (w - sl->x[p[i]]), oy + sl->y[p[i]], sl->z[p[i]]);
- evas_map_point_image_uv_set(m, i, ow - sl->u[p[i]] , sl->v[p[i]]);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + (w - sl->x[p[i]]),
oy + sl->y[p[i]], sl->z[p[i]]);
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(m, i, ow - sl->u[p[i]], sl->v[p[i]]);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (st->dir == 2)
int p[4] = { 1, 0, 3, 2 };
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->y[p[i]], oy + sl->x[p[i]], sl->z[p[i]]);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->y[p[i]], oy + sl->x[p[i]],
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(m, i, sl->v[p[i]] , sl->u[p[i]]);
else/* if (st->dir == 3) will be this anyway */
int p[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->y[p[i]], oy + (w - sl->x[p[i]]), sl->z[p[i]]);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, ox + sl->y[p[i]],
oy + (w - sl->x[p[i]]), sl->z[p[i]]);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_map_point_image_uv_set(m, i, sl->v[p[i]] , oh - sl->u[p[i]]);
static void
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-_slice_3d(Widget_Data *st __UNUSED__, Slice *sl, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
_slice_3d(Widget_Data *st __UNUSED__, Slice *sl, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y,
Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Map *m = (Evas_Map *)evas_object_map_get(sl->obj);
int i;
evas_map_util_3d_perspective(m, x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2), 0, 1024);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Evas_Coord x, y, z;
- evas_map_point_coord_get(m, i, &x, &y, &z);
- evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, x, y, 0);
Evas_Coord xx, yy, zz;
evas_map_point_coord_get(m, i, &xx, &yy, &zz);
evas_map_point_coord_set(m, i, xx, yy, 0);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (evas_map_util_clockwise_get(m)) evas_object_show(sl->obj);
else evas_object_hide(sl->obj);
static void
_slice_xyz(Widget_Data *st __UNUSED__, Slice *sl,
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- double x1, double y1, double z1,
- double x2, double y2, double z2,
- double x3, double y3, double z3,
- double x4, double y4, double z4)
- sl->x[0] = x1; sl->y[0] = y1; sl->z[0] = z1;
- sl->x[1] = x2; sl->y[1] = y2; sl->z[1] = z2;
- sl->x[2] = x3; sl->y[2] = y3; sl->z[2] = z3;
- sl->x[3] = x4; sl->y[3] = y4; sl->z[3] = z4;
double xx1, double yy1, double zz1,
double xx2, double yy2, double zz2,
double xx3, double yy3, double zz3,
sl->x[1] = xx2; sl->y[1] = yy2; sl->z[1] = zz2;
sl->x[2] = xx3; sl->y[2] = yy3; sl->z[2] = zz3;
sl->x[3] = xx4; sl->y[3] = yy4; sl->z[3] = zz4;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
Evas_Map *m;
if (!s) return;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- m = (Evas_Map *)evas_object_map_get(s->obj);
m = (Evas_Map *) evas_object_map_get(s->obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (!m) return;
evas_map_point_color_set(m, p, r, g, b, a);
evas_object_map_set(s->obj, m);
static int
_state_update(Widget_Data *st)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Evas_Coord x1, y1, x2, y2, mx, my;
Evas_Coord xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, mx, my;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, ox, oy, ow, oh;
int i, j, num, nn, jump, num2;
Slice *sl;
Vertex3 *tvo, *tvol;
Evas_Object *front, *back;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- st->backflip = 1;
st->backflip = EINA_TRUE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (st->state)
front = st->front.content;
evas_object_geometry_get(st->obj, &x, &y, &w, &h);
ox = x; oy = y; ow = w; oh = h;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- x1 = st->down_x;
- y1 = st->down_y;
- x2 = st->x;
- y2 = st->y;
xx1 = st->down_x;
yy1 = st->down_y;
xx2 = st->x;
yy2 = st->y;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (st->dir == 0)
else if (st->dir == 1)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- x1 = (w - 1) - x1;
- x2 = (w - 1) - x2;
xx1 = (w - 1) - xx1;
xx2 = (w - 1) - xx2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (st->dir == 2)
Evas_Coord tmp;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- tmp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = tmp;
- tmp = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = tmp;
tmp = xx1; xx1 = yy1; yy1 = tmp;
tmp = xx2; xx2 = yy2; yy2 = tmp;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
else/* if (st->dir == 3) will be this anyway */
Evas_Coord tmp;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- tmp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = tmp;
- tmp = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = tmp;
- tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
- x1 = (w - 1) - x1;
- x2 = (w - 1) - x2;
- }
- if (x2 >= x1) x2 = x1 - 1;
- mx = (x1 + x2) / 2;
- my = (y1 + y2) / 2;
tmp = xx1; xx1 = yy1; yy1 = tmp;
tmp = xx2; xx2 = yy2; yy2 = tmp;
tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
if (xx2 >= xx1) xx2 = xx1 - 1;
mx = (xx1 + xx2) / 2;
my = (yy1 + yy2) / 2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (mx < 0) mx = 0;
else if (mx >= w) mx = w - 1;
if (my < 0) my = 0;
else if (my >= h) my = h - 1;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- mgrad = (double)(y1 - y2) / (double)(x1 - x2);
mgrad = (double)(yy1 - yy2) / (double)(xx1 - xx2);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (mx < 1) mx = 1; // quick hack to keep curl line visible
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- perc = (double)x2 / (double)x1;
- percm = (double)mx / (double)x1;
perc = (double)xx2 / (double)xx1;
percm = (double)mx / (double)xx1;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (perc < 0.0) perc = 0.0;
else if (perc > 1.0) perc = 1.0;
if (percm < 0.0) percm = 0.0;
vo[2].x, vo[2].y, vo[2].z,
vo[3].x, vo[3].y, vo[3].z);
if (b <= 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- gx, gy, gx + gw, gy,
- gx + gw, gy + gh, gx, gy + gh);
- else
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- gx, h - (gy + gh), gx + gw, h - (gy + gh),
- gx + gw, h - gy, gx, h - gy);
- // BACK
_slice_uv(st, sl,
gx, gy, gx + gw, gy, gx + gw, gy + gh, gx, gy + gh);
h - gy, gx, h - gy);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
sl = st->slices2[nn];
if (!sl)
if (st->backflip)
if (b <= 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- gx + gw, gy, gx, gy,
- gx, gy + gh, gx + gw, gy + gh);
- else
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- gx + gw, h - (gy + gh), gx, h - (gy + gh),
- gx, h - gy, gx + gw, h - gy);
_slice_uv(st, sl, gx + gw, gy, gx, gy, gx, gy + gh, gx + gw,
gy + gh);
_slice_uv(st, sl, gx + gw, h - (gy + gh), gx, h - (gy + gh),
gx, h - gy, gx + gw, h - gy);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (b <= 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- w - (gx + gw), gy, w - (gx), gy,
- w - (gx), gy + gh, w - (gx + gw), gy + gh);
- else
- _slice_uv(st, sl,
- w - (gx + gw), h - (gy + gh), w - (gx), h - (gy + gh),
- w - (gx), h - gy, w - (gx + gw), h - gy);
_slice_uv(st, sl, w - (gx + gw), gy, w - (gx), gy, w - (gx),
gy + gh, w - (gx + gw), gy + gh);
_slice_uv(st, sl, w - (gx + gw), h - (gy + gh), w - (gx),
h - (gy + gh), w - (gx), h - gy, w - (gx + gw),
h - gy);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Slice *s[4];
s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = s[3] = NULL;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if ((i > 0) && (j > 0))
- s[0] = st->slices[num - 1 - st->slices_h];
- if ((i < st->slices_w) && (j > 0))
- s[1] = st->slices[num - 1];
- if ((i > 0) && (j < st->slices_h))
if ((i > 0) && (j > 0))
s[0] = st->slices[num - 1 - st->slices_h];
if ((i < st->slices_w) && (j > 0))
s[1] = st->slices[num - 1];
if ((i > 0) && (j < st->slices_h))
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
s[2] = st->slices[num - st->slices_h];
if ((i < st->slices_w) && (j < st->slices_h))
s[3] = st->slices[num];
if (st->dir == 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3,
- s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
- else if (st->dir == 1)
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2,
- s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
- else if (st->dir == 2)
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2,
- s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
- else/* if (st->dir == 3) will be this anyway */
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3,
- s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
- s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = s[3] = NULL;
- if ((i > 0) && (j > 0))
- s[0] = st->slices2[num - 1 - st->slices_h];
- if ((i < st->slices_w) && (j > 0))
- s[1] = st->slices2[num - 1];
- if ((i > 0) && (j < st->slices_h))
- s[2] = st->slices2[num - st->slices_h];
- if ((i < st->slices_w) && (j < st->slices_h))
- s[3] = st->slices2[num];
- if (st->dir == 0)
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2,
- s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
- else if (st->dir == 1)
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3,
- s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
- else if (st->dir == 2)
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3,
- s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
- else/* if (st->dir == 3) will be this anyway */
- _slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2,
- s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
_slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3, s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
else if (st->dir == 1)
_slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2, s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
_slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 2, s[1], 3, s[2], 1, s[3], 0);
else/* if (st->dir == 3) will be this anyway */
_slice_obj_vert_color_merge(s[0], 3, s[1], 2, s[2], 0, s[3], 1);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
flip_show_hide(Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (elm_flip_front_get(obj))
if (elm_flip_front_visible_get(obj))
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (wd->pageflip)
if (!wd) return;
mf = evas_map_new(4);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_map_smooth_set(mf, 0);
- mb = evas_map_new(4);
- evas_map_smooth_set(mb, 0);
evas_map_smooth_set(mf, EINA_FALSE);
mb = evas_map_new(4);
evas_map_smooth_set(mb, EINA_FALSE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (wd->front.content)
if (wd->dir == 0)
if (wd->down_x > 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- t = 1.0 - ((double)wd->x / (double)wd->down_x);
t = 1.0 - ((double)wd->x / (double)wd->down_x);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
*rev = 1;
else if (wd->dir == 1)
if (wd->down_x < w)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- t = 1.0 - ((double)(w - wd->x) / (double)(w - wd->down_x));
t = 1.0 - ((double)(w - wd->x) / (double)(w - wd->down_x));
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (wd->dir == 2)
if (wd->down_y > 0)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- t = 1.0 - ((double)wd->y / (double)wd->down_y);
t = 1.0 - ((double)wd->y / (double)wd->down_y);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (wd->dir == 3)
if (wd->down_y < h)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- t = 1.0 - ((double)(h - wd->y) / (double)(h - wd->down_y));
t = 1.0 - ((double)(h - wd->y) / (double)(h - wd->down_y));
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
*rev = 1;
dx = wd->x - wd->down_x;
dy = wd->y - wd->down_y;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > (_elm_config->finger_size * _elm_config->finger_size / 4))
- {
- wd->dir = 0;
- if ((wd->x > (w / 2)) && (dx < 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) wd->dir = 0; // left
- else if ((wd->x < (w / 2)) && (dx >= 0) && (abs(dx) > abs(dy))) wd->dir = 1; // right
- else if ((wd->y > (h / 2)) && (dy < 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) wd->dir = 2; // up
- else if ((wd->y < (h / 2)) && (dy >= 0) && (abs(dy) >= abs(dx))) wd->dir = 3; // down
- wd->started = EINA_TRUE;
- if (wd->intmode == ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE)
- wd->pageflip = EINA_TRUE;
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) >
(_elm_config->finger_size * _elm_config->finger_size / 4))
wd->started = EINA_TRUE;
if (wd->intmode == ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_PAGE)
wd->pageflip = EINA_TRUE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
// FIXME: hack around evas rendering bug (only fix makes evas bitch-slow)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_map_enable_set(wd->front.content, 0);
- evas_object_map_enable_set(wd->back.content, 0);
evas_object_map_enable_set(wd->front.content, EINA_FALSE);
evas_object_map_enable_set(wd->back.content, EINA_FALSE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
// FIXME: XXX why does this bork interactive flip??
// evas_object_resize(wd->front.content, 0, 0);
// evas_object_resize(wd->back.content, 0, 0);
wd->job = ecore_job_add(_update_job, wd);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
static void
_flip_content_front_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content)
return NULL;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_flip_add(Evas_Object *parent)
elm_widget_theme_hook_set(obj, _theme_hook);
elm_widget_focus_next_hook_set(obj, _elm_flip_focus_next_hook);
elm_widget_can_focus_set(obj, EINA_FALSE);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
elm_widget_content_set_hook_set(obj, _content_set_hook);
elm_widget_content_get_hook_set(obj, _content_get_hook);
elm_widget_content_unset_hook_set(obj, _content_unset_hook);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd->obj = obj;
wd->clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->clip, 1);
evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->clip, EINA_TRUE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_color_set(wd->clip, 255, 255, 255, 255);
evas_object_move(wd->clip, -49999, -49999);
evas_object_resize(wd->clip, 99999, 99999);
evas_object_smart_member_add(wd->clip, obj);
wd->front.clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->front.clip, 1);
evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->front.clip, EINA_TRUE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_data_set(wd->front.clip, "_elm_leaveme", obj);
evas_object_color_set(wd->front.clip, 255, 255, 255, 255);
evas_object_move(wd->front.clip, -49999, -49999);
evas_object_clip_set(wd->front.clip, wd->clip);
wd->back.clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->back.clip, 1);
evas_object_static_clip_set(wd->back.clip, EINA_TRUE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
evas_object_data_set(wd->back.clip, "_elm_leaveme", obj);
evas_object_color_set(wd->back.clip, 255, 255, 255, 255);
evas_object_move(wd->back.clip, -49999, -49999);
evas_object_smart_callbacks_descriptions_set(obj, _signals);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- wd->state = 1;
wd->state = EINA_TRUE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
elm_flip_content_front_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- int i;
- if (!wd) return;
- if (wd->front.content == content) return;
- if (wd->front.content) evas_object_del(wd->front.content);
- wd->front.content = content;
- if (content)
- {
- elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, content);
- evas_object_smart_member_add(content, obj);
- evas_object_clip_set(content, wd->front.clip);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(content,
- _changed_size_hints, obj);
- _sizing_eval(obj);
- }
- // force calc to contents are the right size before transition
- evas_smart_objects_calculate(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
- flip_show_hide(obj);
- _configure(obj);
- if (wd->intmode != ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) evas_object_raise(wd->event[i]);
- }
elm_object_part_content_set(obj, NULL, content);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
elm_flip_content_back_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- int i;
- if (!wd) return;
- if (wd->back.content == content) return;
- if (wd->back.content) evas_object_del(wd->back.content);
- wd->back.content = content;
- if (content)
- {
- elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, content);
- evas_object_smart_member_add(content, obj);
- evas_object_clip_set(content, wd->back.clip);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(content,
- _changed_size_hints, obj);
- _sizing_eval(obj);
- }
- // force calc to contents are the right size before transition
- evas_smart_objects_calculate(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
- flip_show_hide(obj);
- _configure(obj);
- if (wd->intmode != ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) evas_object_raise(wd->event[i]);
- }
elm_object_part_content_set(obj, "back", content);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_flip_content_front_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) NULL;
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- return wd->front.content;
-EAPI Evas_Object *
-elm_flip_content_back_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) NULL;
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- return wd->back.content;
return elm_object_part_content_get(obj, NULL);
elm_flip_content_back_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return elm_object_part_content_get(obj, "back");
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_flip_content_front_unset(Evas_Object *obj)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) NULL;
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- if (!wd) return NULL;
- if (!wd->front.content) return NULL;
- Evas_Object *content = wd->front.content;
- evas_object_clip_unset(content);
- elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
- evas_object_event_callback_del_full(content,
- _changed_size_hints, obj);
- evas_object_smart_member_del(content);
- wd->front.content = NULL;
- return content;
return elm_object_part_content_unset(obj, NULL);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_flip_content_back_unset(Evas_Object *obj)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype) NULL;
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- if (!wd) return NULL;
- if (!wd->back.content) return NULL;
- Evas_Object *content = wd->back.content;
- evas_object_clip_unset(content);
- elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
- evas_object_event_callback_del_full(content,
- _changed_size_hints, obj);
- evas_object_smart_member_del(content);
- wd->back.content = NULL;
- return content;
-EAPI Eina_Bool
-elm_flip_front_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return elm_object_part_content_unset(obj, "back");
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_flip_front_visible_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
return wd->state;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_flip_front_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return elm_flip_front_visible_get(obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
elm_flip_perspective_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord foc __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord x __UNUSED__, Evas_Coord y __UNUSED__)
if ((wd->dir_enabled[i]) && (!wd->event[i]))
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- wd->event[i] = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(obj);
wd->event[i] = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, wd->event[i]);
evas_object_clip_set(wd->event[i], evas_object_clip_get(obj));
evas_object_color_set(wd->event[i], 0, 0, 0, 0);
evas_object_smart_member_add(wd->event[i], obj);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _down_cb, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _up_cb, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _move_cb, obj);
_down_cb, obj);
_move_cb, obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, Eina_Bool enabled)
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, Eina_Bool enabled)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
int i = -1;
if (!wd) return;
enabled = !!enabled;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT) i = 3;
evas_object_color_set(wd->event[i], 0, 0, 0, 0);
evas_object_smart_member_add(wd->event[i], obj);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _down_cb, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, _up_cb, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, _move_cb, obj);
evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN,
_down_cb, obj);
evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP,
_up_cb, obj);
evas_object_event_callback_add(wd->event[i], EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE,
_move_cb, obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (!(wd->dir_enabled[i]) && (wd->event[i]))
EAPI Eina_Bool
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir)
elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
int i = -1;
if (!wd) return EINA_FALSE;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT) i = 3;
if (i < 0) return EINA_FALSE;
return wd->dir_enabled[i];
EAPI void
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, double hitsize)
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, double hitsize)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
int i = -1;
if (!wd) return;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT) i = 3;
if (i < 0) return;
if (hitsize < 0.0) hitsize = 0.0;
EAPI double
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir)
elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
int i = -1;
if (!wd) return 0.0;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
- else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_UP) i = 0;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_DOWN) i = 1;
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_LEFT) i = 2;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
else if (dir == ELM_FLIP_DIRECTION_RIGHT) i = 3;
if (i < 0) return 0.0;
return wd->dir_hitsize[i];
* "animate,begin" - when a flip animation was started
* "animate,done" - when a flip animation is finished
-<<<<<<< HEAD
* Default content parts of the flip widget that you can use for are:
* @li "front" - A front content of the flip
* @li "back" - A back content of the flip
* @li elm_object_part_content_get
* @li elm_object_part_content_unset
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @ref tutorial_flip show how to use most of the API.
* @{
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_add(Evas_Object *parent);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * @brief Set the front content of the flip widget.
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @param content The new front content object
- *
- * Once the content object is set, a previously set one will be deleted.
- * If you want to keep that old content object, use the
- * elm_flip_content_front_unset() function.
- */
-EAPI void elm_flip_content_front_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content);
- * @brief Set the back content of the flip widget.
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @param content The new back content object
- *
- * Once the content object is set, a previously set one will be deleted.
- * If you want to keep that old content object, use the
- * elm_flip_content_back_unset() function.
- */
-EAPI void elm_flip_content_back_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content);
- * @brief Get the front content used for the flip
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @return The front content object that is being used
- *
- * Return the front content object which is set for this widget.
- */
-EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_content_front_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
- * @brief Get the back content used for the flip
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @return The back content object that is being used
- *
- * Return the back content object which is set for this widget.
- */
-EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_content_back_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
- * @brief Unset the front content used for the flip
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @return The front content object that was being used
- *
- * Unparent and return the front content object which was set for this widget.
- */
-EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_content_front_unset(Evas_Object *obj);
- * @brief Unset the back content used for the flip
- *
- * @param obj The flip object
- * @return The back content object that was being used
- *
- * Unparent and return the back content object which was set for this widget.
- */
-EAPI Evas_Object *elm_flip_content_back_unset(Evas_Object *obj);
- * @brief Get flip front visibility state
- *
- * @param obj The flip objct
- * @return EINA_TRUE if front front is showing, EINA_FALSE if the back is
- * showing.
- */
-EAPI Eina_Bool elm_flip_front_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Get flip front visibility state
* @param obj The flip object
* showing.
Eina_Bool elm_flip_front_visible_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @brief Set flip perspective
* @param mode The mode type
* Flips the front and back contents using the @p mode animation. This
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * efectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.
* effectively hides the currently visible content and shows the hidden one.
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* There a number of possible animations to use for the flipping:
* @li ELM_FLIP_ROTATE_X_CENTER_AXIS - Rotate the currently visible content
* drag a side of the flip to reveal the back page and cause it to flip).
* By default a flip is not interactive. You may also need to set which
* sides of the flip are "active" for flipping and how much space they use
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * (a minimum of a finger size) with elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set()
- * and elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set()
- *
- * The four avilable mode of interaction are:
* (a minimum of a finger size) with elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set()
* and elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set()
* The four available mode of interaction are:
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @li ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_NONE - No interaction is allowed
* @li ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_ROTATE - Interaction will cause rotate animation
* @li ELM_FLIP_INTERACTION_CUBE - Interaction will cause cube animation
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * happen, those can only be acheived with elm_flip_go();
* happen, those can only be achieved with elm_flip_go();
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void elm_flip_interaction_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Interaction mode);
* @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, Eina_Bool enabled);
EAPI void elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, Eina_Bool enabled);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @brief Get the enabled state of that flip direction
* @param dir The direction to check
* @return If that direction is enabled or not
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * Gets the enabled state set by elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_set()
- *
- * @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
- */
-EAPI Eina_Bool elm_flip_interacton_direction_enabled_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir);
* Gets the enabled state set by elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_set()
* @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_flip_interaction_direction_enabled_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @brief Set the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip
* @see elm_flip_interaction_set()
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, double hitsize);
EAPI void elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir, double hitsize);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @brief Get the amount of the flip that is sensitive to interactive flip
* @param dir The direction to check
* @return The size set for that direction
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * Returns the amount os sensitive area set by
- * elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_set().
- */
-EAPI double elm_flip_interacton_direction_hitsize_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir);
* Returns the amount of sensitive area set by
* elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_set().
EAPI double elm_flip_interaction_direction_hitsize_get(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Flip_Direction dir);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @}
Evas_Object *notify, *content, *parent;
Elm_Notify_Orient orient;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Eina_Bool repeat_events;
Eina_Bool allow_events;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Evas_Object *block_events;
double timeout;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd) return;
elm_notify_parent_set(obj, NULL);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_notify_repeat_events_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
elm_notify_allow_events_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (wd->timer)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd) return;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (!wd->repeat_events)
- evas_object_show(wd->block_events);
if (!wd->allow_events) evas_object_show(wd->block_events);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
_timer_init(obj, wd);
elm_object_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd) return;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (!wd->repeat_events)
- evas_object_hide(wd->block_events);
if (!wd->allow_events) evas_object_hide(wd->block_events);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (wd->timer)
elm_widget_content_get_hook_set(obj, _content_get_hook);
elm_widget_content_unset_hook_set(obj, _content_unset_hook);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- wd->repeat_events = EINA_TRUE;
wd->allow_events = EINA_TRUE;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd->notify = edje_object_add(e);
wd->orient = -1;
return wd->timeout;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void
-elm_notify_repeat_events_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool repeat)
- ELM_CHECK_WIDTYPE(obj, widtype);
- Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
- if (!wd) return;
- if (repeat == wd->repeat_events) return;
- wd->repeat_events = repeat;
- if (!repeat)
elm_notify_repeat_events_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool repeat)
if (allow == wd->allow_events) return;
wd->allow_events = allow;
if (!allow)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd->block_events = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
EAPI Eina_Bool
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-elm_notify_repeat_events_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
elm_notify_allow_events_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd) return EINA_FALSE;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- return wd->repeat_events;
return wd->allow_events;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @li "timeout" - when timeout happens on notify and it's hidden
* @li "block,clicked" - when a click outside of the notify happens
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * Default contents parts of the notify widget that you can use for are:
* Default content parts of the notify widget that you can use for are:
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @li "default" - A content of the notify
* Supported elm_object common APIs.
* @brief Set the notify parent
* @param obj The notify object
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * @param content The new parent
* @param parent The new parent
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Once the parent object is set, a previously set one will be disconnected
* and replaced.
* hidden.
* @param obj The notify object
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * @param time The timeout in seconds
* @param timeout The timeout in seconds
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* This function sets a timeout and starts the timer controlling when the
* notify is hidden. Since calling evas_object_show() on a notify restarts
* its area.
* @param obj The notify object
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * @param repeats EINA_TRUE Events are repeats, else no
* @param allow EINA_TRUE If events are allowed, otherwise not
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* When true if the user clicks outside the window the events will be caught
* by the others widgets, else the events are blocked.
* @note The default value is EINA_TRUE.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void elm_notify_repeat_events_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool repeat);
- * @brief Return true if events are repeat below the notify object
- * @param obj the notify object
- *
- * @see elm_notify_repeat_events_set()
- */
-EAPI Eina_Bool elm_notify_repeat_events_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
EAPI void elm_notify_allow_events_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool allow);
* @see elm_notify_allow_events_set()
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_notify_allow_events_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @}
edje_object_part_swallow(wd->panes, "elm.swallow.left", wd->contents.left);
if (wd->contents.right)
edje_object_part_swallow(wd->panes, "elm.swallow.right", wd->contents.right);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if(wd->contents.left && wd->contents.right)
+ if (wd->contents.left && wd->contents.right)
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.pair", "elm");
- if(wd->fixed)
if (wd->fixed)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.fixed", "elm");
edje_object_scale_set(wd->panes, elm_widget_scale_get(obj) *
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
static void
_clicked(void *data, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__ , const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *source __UNUSED__)
wd->contents.left = NULL;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.unpair", "elm");
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (content)
wd->contents.left = content;
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, content);
edje_object_part_swallow(wd->panes, "elm.swallow.left", content);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if (wd->contents.right)
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.pair", "elm");
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd->contents.right = NULL;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.unpair", "elm");
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
if (content)
wd->contents.right = content;
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, content);
edje_object_part_swallow(wd->panes, "elm.swallow.right", content);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if (wd->contents.left)
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.pair", "elm");
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd->contents.left) return NULL;
Evas_Object *content = wd->contents.left;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
edje_object_part_unswallow(wd->panes, content);
elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
wd->contents.left = NULL;
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.unpair", "elm");
- elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
- edje_object_part_unswallow(wd->panes, content);
- wd->contents.left = NULL;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
return content;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
if (!wd->contents.right) return NULL;
Evas_Object *content = wd->contents.right;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
edje_object_part_unswallow(wd->panes, content);
elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
wd->contents.right = NULL;
edje_object_signal_emit(wd->panes, "elm.panes.unpair", "elm");
- elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, content);
- edje_object_part_unswallow(wd->panes, content);
- wd->contents.right = NULL;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
return content;
return obj;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_left_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content)
_content_set_hook(obj, "left", content);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_right_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *content)
_content_set_hook(obj, "right", content);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI Evas_Object *
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_left_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return _content_get_hook(obj, "left");
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI Evas_Object *
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_right_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return _content_get_hook(obj, "right");
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI Evas_Object *
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_left_unset(Evas_Object *obj)
return _content_unset_hook(obj, "left");
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI Evas_Object *
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
elm_panes_content_right_unset(Evas_Object *obj)
return _content_unset_hook(obj, "right");
edje_object_part_drag_value_set(wd->panes, "", size, 0.0);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
EAPI double
elm_panes_content_right_size_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
elm_panes_content_left_size_set(obj, (1.0 - size));
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
elm_panes_horizontal_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool horizontal)
* @image html img/panes.png
* @image latex img/panes.eps width=\textwidth
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * The panes adds a dragable bar between two contents. When dragged
- * this bar will resize contents size.
* The panes widget adds a draggable bar between two contents. When dragged
* this bar will resize contents' size.
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Panes can be displayed vertically or horizontally, and contents
* size proportion can be customized (homogeneous by default).
* Available styles for it:
* - @c "default"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * Default contents parts of the panes widget that you can use for are:
- * @li "left" - A leftside content of the panes
- * @li "right" - A rightside content of the panes
- *
- * If panes is displayed vertically, left content will be displayed at
- * top.
- *
* Default content parts of the panes widget that you can use are:
* @li "left" - A leftside content of the panes
* @li "right" - A rightside content of the panes
* @li elm_object_part_content_get
* @li elm_object_part_content_unset
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Here is an example on its usage:
* @li @ref panes_example
EAPI Evas_Object *elm_panes_add(Evas_Object *parent);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
* Set whether the left and right panes resize homogeneously or not.
* @param obj The panes object.
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_panes_fixed_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Get the size proportion of panes widget's left side.
* @param obj The panes object.
EAPI void elm_panes_content_left_size_set(Evas_Object *obj, double size);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
* Get the size proportion of panes widget's right side.
* @param obj The panes object.
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Set the orientation of a given panes widget.
* @param obj The panes object.
* @ingroup Panes
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_panes_horizontal_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void elm_panes_fixed_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool fixed);
-EAPI Eina_Bool elm_panes_fixed_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @}
#include "elm_priv.h"
typedef struct _Widget_Data Widget_Data;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
typedef struct _Elm_Slideshow_Item Elm_Slideshow_Item;
struct _Elm_Slideshow_Item
static Eina_Bool
_item_del_pre_hook(Elm_Object_Item *it)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Elm_Slideshow_Item *item = (Elm_Slideshow_Item *) it;
Elm_Slideshow_Item *item = (Elm_Slideshow_Item *)it;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(WIDGET(item));
if (!wd) return EINA_FALSE;
l2 = eina_list_prev(l);
if (l2)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- elm_slideshow_show(eina_list_data_get(l2));
- }
- else
- elm_slideshow_show(eina_list_data_get(l2));
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd->items = eina_list_remove_list(wd->items, item->l);
wd->items = eina_list_merge(wd->items, item->l);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (!wd->current) elm_slideshow_show((Elm_Object_Item *) item);
- return (Elm_Object_Item *) item;
if (!wd->current) elm_slideshow_item_show((Elm_Object_Item *)item);
return (Elm_Object_Item *)item;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI Elm_Object_Item*
wd->items = eina_list_sorted_merge(wd->items, item->l, func);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- if (!wd->current) elm_slideshow_show((Elm_Object_Item *) item);
- return (Elm_Object_Item *) item;
-EAPI void
-elm_slideshow_show(Elm_Object_Item *it)
if (!wd->current) elm_slideshow_item_show((Elm_Object_Item *)item);
return (Elm_Object_Item *)item;
EAPI void
elm_slideshow_item_show(Elm_Object_Item *it)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
char buf[1024];
Elm_Slideshow_Item *item, *next = NULL;
Widget_Data *wd;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- item = (Elm_Slideshow_Item *) it;
item = (Elm_Slideshow_Item *)it;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
wd = elm_widget_data_get(WIDGET(item));
if (!wd) return;
if (item == wd->current) return;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(WIDGET(item), SIG_CHANGED, wd->current);
-<<<<<<< HEAD
elm_slideshow_show(Elm_Object_Item *it)
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
EAPI void
elm_slideshow_next(Evas_Object *obj)
struct _Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class
struct _Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class_Func
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- {
- SlideshowItemGetFunc get;
- SlideshowItemDelFunc del;
- } func;
SlideshowItemGetFunc get;
SlideshowItemDelFunc del;
} func;
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
}; /**< #Elm_Slideshow_Item_Class member definitions */
* @ingroup Slideshow
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-EAPI void elm_slideshow_show(Elm_Object_Item *it);
EAPI void elm_slideshow_item_show(Elm_Object_Item *it);
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* Slide to the @b next item, in a given slideshow widget
* @warning The stringshared strings get no new references
* exclusive to the user grabbing the list, here, so if you'd like
* to use them out of this call's context, you'd better @c
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * eina_stringshare_ref() them.
* eina_stringshare_ref() them. Also the list is an internal list and
* so is only valid for as long as the slideshow object is valid and
* has not internally changed its list for some reason, so make a
* copy if you need it around.
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @see elm_slideshow_transition_set()
* Get the real Evas object created to implement the view of a
* given slideshow item
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * @param item The slideshow item.
* @param it The slideshow item.
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* @return the Evas object implementing this item's view.
* This returns the actual Evas object used to implement the
* The available layouts for slideshows on the default theme are:
* - @c "fullscreen" - item images with original aspect, scaled to
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- * touch top and down slideshow borders or, if the image's heigh
* touch top and down slideshow borders or, if the image's height
->>>>>>> remotes/origin/upstream
* is not enough, left and right slideshow borders.
* - @c "not_fullscreen" - the same behavior as the @c "fullscreen"
* one, but always leaving 10% of the slideshow's dimensions of