+inspect(object, showHidden)+ ::
Return a string representation of the +object+. (For debugging.) If showHidden is true, then the object's non-enumerable properties will be shown too.
++exec(command, callback)+::
Executes the command as a child process, buffers the output and returns it
-in a promise callback.
+in a callback.
var sys = require("sys");
-sys.exec("ls /").addCallback(function (stdout, stderr) {
+sys.exec("ls /", function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err;
-- on success: stdout buffer, stderr buffer
-- on error: exit code, stdout buffer, stderr buffer
+The callback gets the arguments +(err, stdout, stderr)+. On success +err+
+will be +null+. On error +err+ will be an instance of +Error+ and +err.code+
+will be the exit code of the child process.
-exports.exec = function (command) {
+exports.exec = function (command, callback) {
var child = process.createChildProcess("/bin/sh", ["-c", command]);
var stdout = "";
var stderr = "";
- var promise = new events.Promise();
child.addListener("output", function (chunk) {
if (chunk) stdout += chunk;
child.addListener("exit", function (code) {
if (code == 0) {
- promise.emitSuccess(stdout, stderr);
+ if (callback) callback(null, stdout, stderr);
} else {
- promise.emitError(code, stdout, stderr);
+ var e = new Error("Command failed: " + stderr);
+ e.code = code;
+ if (callback) callback(e, stdout, stderr);
- return promise;
success_count = 0;
error_count = 0;
-exec("ls /").addCallback(function (out) {
- success_count++;
- p(out);
-}).addErrback(function (code, out, err) {
- error_count++;
- puts("error!: " + code);
- puts("stdout: " + JSON.stringify(out));
- puts("stderr: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+exec("ls /", function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) {
+ error_count++;
+ puts("error!: " + err.code);
+ puts("stdout: " + JSON.stringify(stdout));
+ puts("stderr: " + JSON.stringify(stderr));
+ } else {
+ success_count++;
+ p(stdout);
+ }
-exec("ls /DOES_NOT_EXIST").addCallback(function (out) {
- success_count++;
- p(out);
- assert.equal(true, out != "");
-}).addErrback(function (code, out, err) {
- error_count++;
- assert.equal("", out);
- assert.equal(true, code != 0);
- puts("error!: " + code);
- puts("stdout: " + JSON.stringify(out));
- puts("stderr: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+exec("ls /DOES_NOT_EXIST", function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) {
+ error_count++;
+ assert.equal("", stdout);
+ assert.equal(true, err.code != 0);
+ puts("error code: " + err.code);
+ puts("stdout: " + JSON.stringify(stdout));
+ puts("stderr: " + JSON.stringify(stderr));
+ } else {
+ success_count++;
+ p(stdout);
+ assert.equal(true, stdout != "");
+ }
function runAb(opts, callback) {
- sys.exec("ab " + opts + "" + PORT + "/")
- .addErrback(error)
- .addCallback(function (out) {
- var matches = /Requests per second:\s*(\d+)\./mi.exec(out);
- var reqSec = parseInt(matches[1]);
- matches = /Keep-Alive requests:\s*(\d+)/mi.exec(out);
- var keepAliveRequests;
- if (matches) {
- keepAliveRequests = parseInt(matches[1]);
- } else {
- keepAliveRequests = 0;
- }
- callback(reqSec, keepAliveRequests);
- });
+ var command = "ab " + opts + "" + PORT + "/";
+ sys.exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ var matches = /Requests per second:\s*(\d+)\./mi.exec(stdout);
+ var reqSec = parseInt(matches[1]);
+ matches = /Keep-Alive requests:\s*(\d+)/mi.exec(stdout);
+ var keepAliveRequests;
+ if (matches) {
+ keepAliveRequests = parseInt(matches[1]);
+ } else {
+ keepAliveRequests = 0;
+ }
+ callback(reqSec, keepAliveRequests);
+ });
runAb("-k -c 100 -t 2", function (reqSec, keepAliveRequests) {
var nodeBinary = process.ARGV[0];
var cmd = 'NODE_PATH='+libDir+' '+nodeBinary+' http://localhost:'+PORT+'/moduleB.js';
- .exec(cmd)
- .addCallback(function() {
- modulesLoaded++;
- server.close();
- })
- .addErrback(function(code, stdout, stderr) {
- assertUnreachable('node binary could not load module from url: ' + stderr);
- });
+sys.exec(cmd, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ puts('success!');
+ modulesLoaded++;
+ server.close();
process.addListener('exit', function() {
assert.equal(1, modulesLoaded);