libicu-dev \
liblttng-ust-dev \
libssl-dev \
- libnuma-dev \
libkrb5-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
libicu-dev \
liblttng-ust-dev \
libssl-dev \
- libnuma-dev \
libkrb5-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
* liblttng-ust-dev
* libssl-dev
* libkrb5-dev
-* libnuma-dev (optional, enables numa support)
* zlib1g-dev
* ninja-build (optional, enables building native code with ninja instead of make)
sudo apt install -y cmake llvm lld clang build-essential \
python-is-python3 curl git lldb libicu-dev liblttng-ust-dev \
-libssl-dev libnuma-dev libkrb5-dev zlib1g-dev ninja-build
+libssl-dev libkrb5-dev zlib1g-dev ninja-build
You now have all the required components.
apt update
apt install -y build-essential gettext locales cmake llvm clang lldb liblldb-dev libunwind8-dev libicu-dev liblttng-ust-dev \
- libssl-dev libkrb5-dev libnuma-dev zlib1g-dev
+ libssl-dev libkrb5-dev zlib1g-dev
localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8
- numasupport.dynamic.cpp
+ numasupport.cpp
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_MAP_HUGETLB
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_SCHED_GETCPU
-#cmakedefine01 HAVE_NUMA_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_VM_ALLOCATE
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_SWAPCTL
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME
check_include_files(sys/time.h HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
check_include_files(sys/mman.h HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H)
-check_include_files(numa.h HAVE_NUMA_H)
check_include_files(pthread_np.h HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H)
check_function_exists(vm_allocate HAVE_VM_ALLOCATE)
munmap(g_helperPage, OS_PAGE_SIZE);
- NUMASupportCleanup();
// Get numeric id of the current thread if possible on the
if (success && g_numaAvailable && (node != NUMA_NODE_UNDEFINED))
if ((int)node <= g_highestNumaNode)
int index = node / sizeof(unsigned long);
nodeMask[index] = ((unsigned long)1) << (node & (sizeof(unsigned long) - 1));
- int st = mbind(address, size, MPOL_PREFERRED, nodeMask, usedNodeMaskBits, 0);
+ int st = BindMemoryPolicy(address, size, nodeMask, usedNodeMaskBits);
assert(st == 0);
// If the mbind fails, we still return the allocated memory since the node is just a hint
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
+#endif // TARGET_LINUX
return success;
if (availableProcNumber == heap_number)
*proc_no = procNumber;
if (GCToOSInterface::CanEnableGCNumaAware())
- int result = numa_node_of_cpu(procNumber);
+ int result = GetNumaNodeNumByCpu(procNumber);
*node_no = (result >= 0) ? (uint16_t)result : NUMA_NODE_UNDEFINED;
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
+#endif // TARGET_LINUX
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+#include "numasupport.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <minipal/utils.h>
+// The highest NUMA node available
+int g_highestNumaNode = 0;
+// Is numa available
+bool g_numaAvailable = false;
+static int GetNodeNum(const char* path, bool firstOnly)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ int result = -1;
+ dir = opendir(path);
+ if (dir)
+ {
+ while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (strncmp(entry->d_name, "node", STRING_LENGTH("node")))
+ continue;
+ int nodeNum = strtoul(entry->d_name + STRING_LENGTH("node"), NULL, 0);
+ if (result < nodeNum)
+ result = nodeNum;
+ if (firstOnly)
+ break;
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ return result;
+void NUMASupportInitialize()
+ if (syscall(__NR_get_mempolicy, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0) < 0 && errno == ENOSYS)
+ return;
+ int highestNumaNode = GetNodeNum("/sys/devices/system/node", false);
+ // we only use this implementation when there are two or more NUMA nodes available
+ if (highestNumaNode < 1)
+ return;
+ g_numaAvailable = true;
+ g_highestNumaNode = highestNumaNode;
+int GetNumaNodeNumByCpu(int cpu)
+ char path[64];
+ if (snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d", cpu) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return GetNodeNum(path, true);
+ return -1;
+long BindMemoryPolicy(void* start, unsigned long len, const unsigned long* nodemask, unsigned long maxnode)
+ return syscall(__NR_mbind, (long)start, len, 1, (long)nodemask, maxnode, 0);
+ return -1;
+++ /dev/null
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-#include "numasupport.h"
-// The highest NUMA node available
-int g_highestNumaNode = 0;
-// Is numa available
-bool g_numaAvailable = false;
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(fn) decltype(fn)* fn##_ptr;
-void* g_numaHandle = nullptr;
-static bool ShouldOpenLibNuma()
- // This is a simple heuristic to determine if should be opened. There's
- // no point in linking and resolving everything in this library if we're running on
- // a system that's not NUMA-capable.
- int fd = open("/sys/devices/system/node/possible", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
- if (fd == -1)
- {
- // sysfs might not be mounted, not available, or the interface might have
- // changed. Return `true' here so NUMASupportInitialize() can try initializing
- // NUMA support with libnuma.
- return true;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- char buffer[32];
- ssize_t bytesRead = read(fd, buffer, 32);
- if (bytesRead == -1 && errno == EINTR)
- {
- continue;
- }
- close(fd);
- // If an unknown error happened (bytesRead < 0), or the file was empty
- // (bytesRead = 0), let libnuma handle this. Otherwise, if there's just
- // one NUMA node, don't bother linking in libnuma.
- return (bytesRead <= 0) ? true : strncmp(buffer, "0\n", bytesRead) != 0;
- }
- return true;
-#endif // TARGET_LINUX
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
-// Initialize data structures for getting and setting thread affinities to processors and
-// querying NUMA related processor information.
-// On systems with no NUMA support, it behaves as if there was a single NUMA node with
-// a single group of processors.
-void NUMASupportInitialize()
- if (!ShouldOpenLibNuma())
- {
- g_numaAvailable = false;
- g_highestNumaNode = 0;
- return;
- }
- g_numaHandle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
- if (g_numaHandle == 0)
- {
- g_numaHandle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
- if (g_numaHandle == 0)
- {
- g_numaHandle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
- }
- }
- if (g_numaHandle != 0)
- {
-#define PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(fn) \
- fn##_ptr = (decltype(fn)*)dlsym(g_numaHandle, #fn); \
- if (fn##_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get symbol " #fn " from libnuma\n"); abort(); }
- if (numa_available() == -1)
- {
- dlclose(g_numaHandle);
- }
- else
- {
- g_numaAvailable = true;
- g_highestNumaNode = numa_max_node();
- }
- }
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
- if (!g_numaAvailable)
- {
- // No NUMA
- g_highestNumaNode = 0;
- }
-// Cleanup of the NUMA support data structures
-void NUMASupportCleanup()
- if (g_numaAvailable)
- {
- dlclose(g_numaHandle);
- }
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
#ifndef __NUMASUPPORT_H__
#define __NUMASUPPORT_H__
-#include "config.gc.h"
-#include <numa.h>
-#include <numaif.h>
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
void NUMASupportInitialize();
-void NUMASupportCleanup();
-// List of all functions from the numa library that are used
- PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(numa_available) \
- PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(numa_max_node) \
- PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(numa_node_of_cpu)
-// Declare pointers to all the used numa functions
-#define PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(fn) extern decltype(fn)* fn##_ptr;
-// Redefine all calls to numa functions as calls through pointers that are set
-// to the functions of libnuma in the initialization.
-#define mbind(...) mbind_ptr(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define numa_available() numa_available_ptr()
-#define numa_max_node() numa_max_node_ptr()
-#define numa_node_of_cpu(...) numa_node_of_cpu_ptr(__VA_ARGS__)
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
+int GetNumaNodeNumByCpu(int cpu);
+long BindMemoryPolicy(void* start, unsigned long len, const unsigned long* nodemask, unsigned long maxnode);
#endif // __NUMASUPPORT_H__
+++ /dev/null
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-#include "numasupport.h"
-#define PER_FUNCTION_BLOCK(fn) decltype(fn)* fn##_ptr = fn;
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
-// The highest NUMA node available
-int g_highestNumaNode = 0;
-// Is numa available
-bool g_numaAvailable = false;
-void NUMASupportInitialize()
- if (numa_available() != -1)
- {
- g_numaAvailable = true;
- g_highestNumaNode = numa_max_node();
- }
-#endif // HAVE_NUMA_H
-void NUMASupportCleanup()
- // nop
<NativeLibrary Include="$(IlcSdkPath)$(FullRuntimeName).a" />
<NativeLibrary Include="$(IlcSdkPath)$(EventPipeName)$(LibFileExt)" />
<NativeLibrary Condition="'$(LinkStandardCPlusPlusLibrary)' != 'true' and '$(StaticICULinking)' != 'true'" Include="$(IlcSdkPath)libstdc++compat.a" />
- <NativeLibrary Condition="'$(StaticNumaLinking)' == 'true'" Include="$(IlcSdkPath)libnumasupportstatic.a" />
- <NativeLibrary Condition="'$(StaticNumaLinking)' != 'true'" Include="$(IlcSdkPath)libnumasupportdynamic.a" />
<NativeLibrary Include="@(NetCoreAppNativeLibrary->'%(EscapedPath)')" />
- <ItemGroup Condition="'$(StaticNumaLinking)' == 'true' and '$(NativeLib)' != 'Static'">
- <StaticNumaLibs Include="-Wl,-Bstatic" Condition="'$(StaticExecutable)' != 'true'" />
- <StaticNumaLibs Include="-lnuma" />
- <StaticNumaLibs Include="-Wl,-Bdynamic" Condition="'$(StaticExecutable)' != 'true'" />
- </ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(StaticICULinking)' == 'true' and '$(NativeLib)' != 'Static'">
<NativeLibrary Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)libs/System.Globalization.Native/build/libSystem.Globalization.Native.a" />
<DirectPInvoke Include="libSystem.Globalization.Native" />
<LinkerArg Include="-lrt" Condition="'$(_IsApplePlatform)' != 'true'" />
<LinkerArg Include="-licucore" Condition="'$(_IsApplePlatform)' == 'true'" />
<LinkerArg Include="-L/usr/lib/swift" Condition="'$(_IsApplePlatform)' == 'true'" />
- <LinkerArg Include="@(StaticNumaLibs)" Condition="'$(StaticNumaLinking)' == 'true'" />
<LinkerArg Include="@(StaticICULibs)" Condition="'$(StaticICULinking)' == 'true'" />
<LinkerArg Include="@(StaticSslLibs)" Condition="'$(StaticOpenSslLinking)' == 'true'" />
<LinkerArg Include="-lm" />
+ ${GC_DIR}/unix/numasupport.cpp
- add_library(numasupportdynamic STATIC ${GC_DIR}/unix/numasupport.dynamic.cpp)
- install_static_library(numasupportdynamic aotsdk nativeaot)
- add_library(numasupportstatic STATIC ${GC_DIR}/unix/numasupport.static.cpp)
- install_static_library(numasupportstatic aotsdk nativeaot)
apk add cmake openssl-dev openssl-libs-static
-## Using statically linked NUMA
-This feature can statically link NUMA library (libnuma.a) into your applications at build time.
-NativeAOT binaries built with this feature can run even when NUMA libraries are not installed.
-You can use this feature by adding the `StaticNumaLinking` property to your project file as follows:
- <StaticNumaLinking>true</StaticNumaLinking>
-License (LGPL v2.1): Note that this license imposes specific requirements on distribution of statically linked binaries.
-### Prerequisites
-apt install libnuma-dev
-apk add numactl-dev
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_RUNETYPE_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_GNU_LIBNAMES_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_PRCTL_H
-#cmakedefine01 HAVE_NUMA_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_AUXV_HWCAP_H
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_SYS_PTRACE_H
check_include_files(runetype.h HAVE_RUNETYPE_H)
check_include_files(semaphore.h HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H)
check_include_files(sys/prctl.h HAVE_PRCTL_H)
-check_include_files(numa.h HAVE_NUMA_H)
check_include_files("sys/auxv.h;asm/hwcap.h" HAVE_AUXV_HWCAP_H)
check_include_files("sys/ptrace.h" HAVE_SYS_PTRACE_H)
check_symbol_exists(getauxval sys/auxv.h HAVE_GETAUXVAL)
WORKDIR /msquic
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
- apt-get install -y cmake clang ruby-dev gem lttng-tools libssl-dev libnuma-dev && \
+ apt-get install -y cmake clang ruby-dev gem lttng-tools libssl-dev && \
gem install fpm
RUN git clone --recursive
RUN cd msquic/src/msquic && \
WORKDIR /msquic
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
- apt-get install -y cmake clang ruby-dev gem lttng-tools libssl-dev libnuma-dev && \
+ apt-get install -y cmake clang ruby-dev gem lttng-tools libssl-dev && \
gem install fpm
RUN git clone --recursive
RUN cd msquic/src/msquic && \
To consume MsQuic from the current main branch, we use [dotnet/msquic]( repository which will build and publish `msquic.dll` to the transport feed, e.g. [dotnet8-transport]( And from there, it'll get flown into this repository via [Darc subscription]( See and maestro-bot PR:
-System.Net.Quic [project file]( allows switching between those two options with [`UseQuicTransportPackage` property](
\ No newline at end of file
+System.Net.Quic [project file]( allows switching between those two options with [`UseQuicTransportPackage` property](