public abstract partial class Constraint
- protected Constraint() { }
+ internal Constraint() { }
public virtual string ConstraintName { get { throw null; } set { } }
internal string _name = string.Empty;
internal PropertyCollection _extendedProperties = null;
+ internal Constraint() {}
/// <summary>
/// The name of this constraint within the <see cref='System.Data.ConstraintCollection'/>.
/// </summary>
public abstract partial class DiagnosticCounter : System.IDisposable
- public DiagnosticCounter(string name, System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource eventSource) { }
+ internal DiagnosticCounter(string name, System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource eventSource) { }
public void AddMetadata(string key, string value) { }
public void Dispose() { }
public string DisplayName { get { throw null; } set { } }
public abstract partial class EnumerableExecutor
- protected EnumerableExecutor() { }
+ internal EnumerableExecutor() { }
public partial class EnumerableExecutor<T> : System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor
public abstract partial class EnumerableQuery
- protected EnumerableQuery() { }
+ internal EnumerableQuery() { }
public partial class EnumerableQuery<T> : System.Linq.EnumerableQuery, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable, System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable<T>, System.Linq.IQueryable, System.Linq.IQueryable<T>, System.Linq.IQueryProvider
internal abstract object ExecuteBoxed();
+ internal EnumerableExecutor() { }
internal static EnumerableExecutor Create(Expression expression)
Type execType = typeof(EnumerableExecutor<>).MakeGenericType(expression.Type);
internal abstract Expression Expression { get; }
internal abstract IEnumerable Enumerable { get; }
+ internal EnumerableQuery() {}
internal static IQueryable Create(Type elementType, IEnumerable sequence)
Type seqType = typeof(EnumerableQuery<>).MakeGenericType(elementType);
public virtual XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety Variety { get { return XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety.Atomic; } }
+ internal XmlSchemaDatatype() {}
public virtual object ChangeType(object value, Type targetType)
public abstract class XmlSchemaGroupBase : XmlSchemaParticle
+ internal XmlSchemaGroupBase() {}
public abstract XmlSchemaObjectCollection Items { get; }
public abstract partial class GenericSecurityDescriptor
- protected GenericSecurityDescriptor() { }
+ internal GenericSecurityDescriptor() { }
public int BinaryLength { get { throw null; } }
public abstract System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags ControlFlags { get; }
public abstract System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier Group { get; set; }
#region Constructors
- protected GenericSecurityDescriptor()
+ internal GenericSecurityDescriptor()
{ }
public abstract partial class XmlSchemaDatatype
- protected XmlSchemaDatatype() { }
+ internal XmlSchemaDatatype() { }
public abstract System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType TokenizedType { get; }
public virtual System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode TypeCode { get { throw null; } }
public abstract System.Type ValueType { get; }
public abstract partial class XmlSchemaGroupBase : System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle
- protected XmlSchemaGroupBase() { }
+ internal XmlSchemaGroupBase() { }
public abstract System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection Items { get; }
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 27
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.Schema:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.ReaderWriter:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Data.Constraint:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 59
\ No newline at end of file
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 86
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 118
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 92
\ No newline at end of file
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.Schema:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.ReaderWriter:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Data.Constraint:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 124
\ No newline at end of file
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 89
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 121
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 98
\ No newline at end of file
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.Schema:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Xml.ReaderWriter:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+Compat issues with assembly System.Data.Constraint:
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 130
\ No newline at end of file
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, System.Globalization.CultureInfo, System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
-Total Issues: 77
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(System.Object, System.Type, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(System.String, System.Xml.XmlNameTable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TokenizedType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.TypeCode.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ValueType.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.Variety.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase.Items.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Data.Constraint' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Data.Constraint..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ConstraintName.set(System.String)' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.Table.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint.ToString()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual : Member 'System.Data.Constraint._DataSet.get()' is non-virtual in the implementation but is virtual in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+CannotSealType : Type 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery' is effectively (has a private constructor) sealed in the implementation but not sealed in the contract.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'System.Linq.EnumerableQuery..ctor()' does not exist in the implementation but it does exist in the contract.
+Total Issues: 109