ibus-x11 can work now.
authorHuang Peng <shawn.p.huang@gmail.com>
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 07:46:21 +0000 (15:46 +0800)
committerHuang Peng <shawn.p.huang@gmail.com>
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 07:46:21 +0000 (15:46 +0800)
45 files changed:
client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/IMConn.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/IMMethod.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/IMValues.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/IMdkit.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/Makefile.am [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18n.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/XimFunc.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/XimProto.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/Xtrans.h [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIc.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c [deleted file]
client/x11/IMdkit/i18nX.c [deleted file]
util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/IMConn.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/IMMethod.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/IMValues.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/IMdkit.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/Makefile.am [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/Xi18n.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/XimFunc.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/XimProto.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/Xtrans.h [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nIc.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/IMdkit/i18nX.c [new file with mode: 0644]
util/Makefile.am [new file with mode: 0644]

index 38a98f9b7fcf5fe5278743339031652d8963eacc..654c5f4368504496f3d7cc285eabc1c6d69bf612 100644 (file)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
        launcher \
        panel \
        lib \
+       util \
        client \
        setup \
        icons \
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9b49794..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2466 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
-                        All Rights Reserved
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
-both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
-supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
-software without specific, written prior permission.  
-  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
-                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlibint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-/* Convenient macro */
-#define _UNIT(n)   ((int)(n) & 0xFF)
-#define _NUMBER(n) (((int)(n) >> 8) & 0xFF)
-/* For byte swapping */
-#define Swap16(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?       \
-(((n) << 8 & 0xFF00) | \
- ((n) >> 8 & 0xFF)     \
-) : n)
-#define Swap32(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?            \
-        (((n) << 24 & 0xFF000000) | \
-         ((n) <<  8 & 0xFF0000) |   \
-         ((n) >>  8 & 0xFF00) |     \
-         ((n) >> 24 & 0xFF)         \
-        ) : n)
-#define Swap64(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?            \
-        (((n) << 56 & 0xFF00000000000000) | \
-         ((n) << 40 & 0xFF000000000000) |   \
-         ((n) << 24 & 0xFF0000000000) |     \
-         ((n) <<  8 & 0xFF00000000) |       \
-         ((n) >>  8 & 0xFF000000) |         \
-         ((n) >> 24 & 0xFF0000) |           \
-         ((n) >> 40 & 0xFF00) |             \
-         ((n) >> 56 & 0xFF)                 \
-        ) : n)
-/* Type definition */
-typedef struct _Iter *Iter;
-typedef struct _FrameInst *FrameInst;
-typedef union
-    int num;           /* For BARRAY */
-    FrameInst fi;      /* For POINTER */
-    Iter iter;                 /* For ITER */
-} ExtraDataRec, *ExtraData;
-typedef struct _Chain
-    ExtraDataRec d;
-    int frame_no;
-    struct _Chain *next;
-} ChainRec, *Chain;
-typedef struct _ChainMgr
-    Chain top;
-    Chain tail;
-} ChainMgrRec, *ChainMgr;
-typedef struct _ChainIter
-    Chain cur;
-} ChainIterRec, *ChainIter;
-typedef struct _FrameIter
-    Iter iter;
-    Bool counting;
-    unsigned int counter;
-    int end;
-    struct _FrameIter* next;
-} FrameIterRec, *FrameIter;
-typedef struct _FrameInst
-    XimFrame template;
-    ChainMgrRec cm;
-    int cur_no;
-} FrameInstRec;
-typedef void (*IterStartWatchProc) (Iter it, void *client_data);
-typedef struct _Iter
-    XimFrame template;
-    int max_count;
-    Bool allow_expansion;
-    ChainMgrRec cm;
-    int cur_no;
-    IterStartWatchProc start_watch_proc;
-    void *client_data;
-    Bool start_counter;
-} IterRec;
-typedef struct _FrameMgr
-    XimFrame frame;
-    FrameInst fi;
-    char *area;
-    int idx;
-    Bool byte_swap;
-    int total_size;
-    FrameIter iters;
-} FrameMgrRec;
-typedef union
-    int num;           /* For BARRAY and PAD */
-    struct
-    {          /* For COUNTER_* */
-        Iter iter;
-        Bool is_byte_len;
-    } counter;
-} XimFrameTypeInfoRec, *XimFrameTypeInfo;
-/* Special values */
-#define NO_VALUE -1
-#define NO_VALID_FIELD -2
-static FrameInst FrameInstInit(XimFrame frame);
-static void FrameInstFree(FrameInst fi);
-static XimFrameType FrameInstGetNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
-static XimFrameType FrameInstPeekNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
-static FmStatus FrameInstSetSize(FrameInst fi, int num);
-static FmStatus FrameInstSetIterCount(FrameInst fi, int num);
-static int FrameInstGetTotalSize(FrameInst fi);
-static void FrameInstReset(FrameInst fi);
-static Iter IterInit(XimFrame frame, int count);
-static void IterFree(Iter it);
-static int FrameInstGetSize(FrameInst fi);
-static int IterGetSize(Iter it);
-static XimFrameType IterGetNextType(Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
-static XimFrameType IterPeekNextType(Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
-static FmStatus IterSetSize(Iter it, int num);
-static FmStatus IterSetIterCount(Iter it, int num);
-static int IterGetTotalSize(Iter it);
-static void IterReset(Iter it);
-static Bool IterIsLoopEnd(Iter it, Bool* myself);
-static void IterSetStartWatch(Iter it, IterStartWatchProc proc, void* client_data);
-static void _IterStartWatch(Iter it, void* client_data);
-static ExtraData ChainMgrGetExtraData(ChainMgr cm, int frame_no);
-static ExtraData ChainMgrSetData(ChainMgr cm, int frame_no,
-                                 ExtraDataRec data);
-static Bool ChainIterGetNext(ChainIter ci, int* frame_no, ExtraData d);
-static int _FrameInstIncrement(XimFrame frame, int count);
-static int _FrameInstDecrement(XimFrame frame, int count);
-static int _FrameInstGetItemSize(FrameInst fi, int cur_no);
-static Bool FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd(FrameInst fi);
-static FrameIter _FrameMgrAppendIter(FrameMgr fm, Iter it, int end);
-static FrameIter _FrameIterCounterIncr(FrameIter fitr, int i);
-static void _FrameMgrRemoveIter(FrameMgr fm, FrameIter it);
-static Bool _FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd(FrameMgr fm);
-static Bool _FrameMgrProcessPadding(FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status);
-#define IterGetIterCount(it) ((it)->allow_expansion ? \
-NO_VALUE : (it)->max_count)
-#define IterFixIteration(it) ((it)->allow_expansion = False)
-#define IterSetStarter(it) ((it)->start_counter = True)
-#define ChainMgrInit(cm) (cm)->top = (cm)->tail = NULL
-#define ChainMgrFree(cm)                \
-{                                       \
-    Chain tmp;                          \
-    Chain cur = (cm)->top;              \
-                                       \
-    while (cur)                         \
-    {                                   \
-        tmp = cur->next;                \
-        Xfree (cur);                    \
-       cur = tmp;                      \
-    }                                   \
-#define ChainIterInit(ci, cm)           \
-{                                       \
-    (ci)->cur = (cm)->top;              \
-/* ChainIterFree has nothing to do. */
-#define ChainIterFree(ci)
-#define FrameInstIsEnd(fi) ((fi)->template[(fi)->cur_no].type == EOL)
-FrameMgr FrameMgrInit (XimFrame frame, char* area, Bool byte_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    fm = (FrameMgr) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameMgrRec));
-    fm->frame = frame;
-    fm->fi = FrameInstInit (frame);
-    fm->area = (char *) area;
-    fm->idx = 0;
-    fm->byte_swap = byte_swap;
-    fm->total_size = NO_VALUE;
-    fm->iters = NULL;
-    return fm;
-void FrameMgrInitWithData (FrameMgr fm,
-                           XimFrame frame,
-                           void * area,
-                           Bool byte_swap)
-    fm->frame = frame;
-    fm->fi = FrameInstInit (frame);
-    fm->area = (char *) area;
-    fm->idx = 0;
-    fm->byte_swap = byte_swap;
-    fm->total_size = NO_VALUE;
-void FrameMgrFree (FrameMgr fm)
-    FrameIter p, cur;
-    p = fm->iters;
-    cur = p;
-    while (p)
-    {
-        p = p->next;
-        Xfree (cur);
-        cur = p;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    FrameInstFree (fm->fi);
-    Xfree (fm);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetBuffer (FrameMgr fm, void* area)
-    if (fm->area)
-        return FmBufExist;
-    fm->area = (char *) area;
-    return FmSuccess;
-FmStatus _FrameMgrPutToken (FrameMgr fm, void *data, int data_size)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
-    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    /*endif*/
-    type = FrameInstGetNextType(fm->fi, &info);
-    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
-    {
-        unsigned long input_length;
-        if (info.counter.is_byte_len)
-        {
-            if ((input_length = IterGetTotalSize (info.counter.iter))
-                    == NO_VALUE)
-            {
-                return FmCannotCalc;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if ((input_length = IterGetIterCount (info.counter.iter))
-                == NO_VALUE)
-            {
-                return FmCannotCalc;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case COUNTER_BIT8:
-            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = input_length;
-            fm->idx++;
-            break;
-        case COUNTER_BIT16:
-            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, input_length);
-            fm->idx += 2;
-            break;
-        case COUNTER_BIT32:
-            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, input_length);
-            fm->idx += 4;
-            break;
-#if defined(_NEED64BIT)
-        case COUNTER_BIT64:
-            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, input_length);
-            fm->idx += 8;
-            break;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        _FrameMgrPutToken(fm, data, data_size);
-        return FmSuccess;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
-            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
-            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
-            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
-            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never be reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx++;
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BIT16:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
-            *(CARD16*)(fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
-            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
-            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
-            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 2;
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BIT32:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
-            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
-            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
-            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
-            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 4;
-        return FmSuccess;
-#if defined(_NEED64BIT)
-    case BIT64:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
-            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
-            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
-            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
-            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 4;
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-            return FmInvalidCall;
-        /*endif*/
-        if (info.num > 0)
-        {
-            bcopy (*(char **) data, fm->area + fm->idx, info.num);
-            fm->idx += info.num;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case PADDING:
-        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-            return FmInvalidCall;
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += info.num;
-        return _FrameMgrPutToken(fm, data, data_size);
-    case ITER:
-        return FmInvalidCall;
-    case EOL:
-        return FmEOD;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return (FmStatus) NULL;  /* Should never be reached */
-FmStatus _FrameMgrGetToken (FrameMgr fm , void* data, int data_size)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    static XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;  /* memory */
-    FrameIter fitr;
-    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    /*endif*/
-    type = FrameInstGetNextType(fm->fi, &info);
-    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
-    {
-        int end=0;
-        FrameIter client_data;
-        type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case BIT8:
-            end = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
-            break;
-        case BIT16:
-            end = Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-            break;
-        case BIT32:
-            end = Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-            break;
-#if defined(_NEED64BIT)        
-        case BIT64:
-            end = Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-            break;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        if ((client_data = _FrameMgrAppendIter (fm, info.counter.iter, end)))
-        {
-            IterSetStarter (info.counter.iter);
-            IterSetStartWatch (info.counter.iter,
-                               _IterStartWatch,
-                               (void *) client_data);
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            *(unsigned char*) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            *(unsigned short *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            *(unsigned int *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            *(unsigned long *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx++;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 1/*BIT8*/)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BIT16:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            *(unsigned char *) data =
-                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            *(unsigned short *) data =
-                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            *(unsigned int *) data =
-                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            *(unsigned long *) data =
-                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 2;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 2/*BIT16*/)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter(fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BIT32:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            *(unsigned char *) data =
-                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            *(unsigned short *) data =
-                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            *(unsigned int *) data =
-                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            *(unsigned long *) data =
-                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 4;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 4/*BIT32*/)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-#if defined(_NEED64BIT)    
-    case BIT64:
-        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
-        {
-            *(unsigned char *) data =
-                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
-        {
-            *(unsigned short *) data =
-                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
-        {
-            *(unsigned int *) data =
-                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
-        {
-            *(unsigned long *) data =
-                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ; /* Should never reached */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += 8;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 8/*BIT64*/)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-            return FmInvalidCall;
-        /*endif*/
-        if (info.num > 0)
-        {
-            *(char **) data = fm->area + fm->idx;
-            fm->idx += info.num;
-            if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
-                _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            *(char **) data = NULL;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        return FmSuccess;
-    case PADDING:
-        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-            return FmInvalidCall;
-        /*endif*/
-        fm->idx += info.num;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        return _FrameMgrGetToken (fm, data, data_size);
-    case ITER:
-        return FmInvalidCall;  /* if comes here, it's a bug! */
-    case EOL:
-        return FmEOD;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return (FmStatus) NULL;  /* Should never be reached */
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetSize (FrameMgr fm, int barray_size)
-    if (FrameInstSetSize (fm->fi, barray_size) == FmSuccess)
-        return FmSuccess;
-    /*endif*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetIterCount (FrameMgr fm, int count)
-    if (FrameInstSetIterCount (fm->fi, count) == FmSuccess)
-        return FmSuccess;
-    /*endif*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetTotalSize (FrameMgr fm, int total_size)
-    fm->total_size = total_size;
-    return FmSuccess;
-int FrameMgrGetTotalSize (FrameMgr fm)
-    return FrameInstGetTotalSize (fm->fi);
-int FrameMgrGetSize (FrameMgr fm)
-    register int ret_size;
-    ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (fm->fi);
-    if (ret_size == NO_VALID_FIELD)
-        return NO_VALUE;
-    /*endif*/
-    return ret_size;
-FmStatus FrameMgrSkipToken (FrameMgr fm, int skip_count)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
-    register int i;
-    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    /*endif*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < skip_count;  i++)
-    {
-        type = FrameInstGetNextType (fm->fi, &info);
-        type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case BIT8:
-            fm->idx++;
-            break;
-        case BIT16:
-            fm->idx += 2;
-            break;
-        case BIT32:
-            fm->idx += 4;
-            break;
-        case BIT64:
-            fm->idx += 8;
-            break;
-        case BARRAY:
-            if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-                return FmInvalidCall;
-            /*endif*/
-            fm->idx += info.num;
-            break;
-        case PADDING:
-            if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-                return FmInvalidCall;
-            /*endif*/
-            fm->idx += info.num;
-            return FrameMgrSkipToken (fm, skip_count);
-        case ITER:
-            return FmInvalidCall;
-        case EOL:
-            return FmEOD;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    return FmSuccess;
-void FrameMgrReset (FrameMgr fm)
-    fm->idx = 0;
-    FrameInstReset (fm->fi);
-Bool FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status)
-    do
-    {
-        if (_FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm))
-            return  True;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    while (_FrameMgrProcessPadding (fm, status));
-    return False;
-/* Internal routines */
-static Bool _FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (FrameMgr fm)
-    return FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (fm->fi);
-static Bool _FrameMgrProcessPadding (FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status)
-    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
-    XimFrameType next_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fm->fi, &info);
-    FrameIter fitr;
-    if (next_type == PADDING)
-    {
-        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
-        {
-            *status = FmInvalidCall;
-            return True;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        next_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fm->fi, &info);
-        fm->idx += info.num;
-        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
-            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
-        /*endif*/
-        *status = FmSuccess;
-        return True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    *status = FmSuccess;
-    return False;
-static FrameInst FrameInstInit (XimFrame frame)
-    FrameInst fi;
-    fi = (FrameInst) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameInstRec));
-    fi->template = frame;
-    fi->cur_no = 0;
-    ChainMgrInit (&fi->cm);
-    return fi;
-static void FrameInstFree (FrameInst fi)
-    ChainIterRec ci;
-    int frame_no;
-    ExtraDataRec d;
-    ChainIterInit (&ci, &fi->cm);
-    while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &frame_no, &d))
-    {
-        register XimFrameType type;
-        type = fi->template[frame_no].type;
-        if (type == ITER)
-        {
-            if (d.iter)
-                IterFree (d.iter);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else if (type == POINTER)
-        {
-            if (d.fi)
-                FrameInstFree (d.fi);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    ChainIterFree (&ci);
-    ChainMgrFree (&fi->cm);
-    Xfree (fi);
-static XimFrameType FrameInstGetNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
-    XimFrameType ret_type;
-    ret_type = fi->template[fi->cur_no].type;
-    switch (ret_type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-    case EOL:
-        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement(fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-        break;
-    case COUNTER_BIT8:
-    case COUNTER_BIT16:
-    case COUNTER_BIT32:
-    case COUNTER_BIT64:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            register int offset, iter_idx;
-            info->counter.is_byte_len =
-                (((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data & 0xFF)) == FmCounterByte;
-            offset = ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) >> 8;
-            iter_idx = fi->cur_no + offset;
-            if (fi->template[iter_idx].type == ITER)
-            {
-                ExtraData d;
-                ExtraDataRec dr;
-                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, iter_idx)) == NULL)
-                {
-                    dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[iter_idx + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, iter_idx, dr);
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                info->counter.iter = d->iter;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* Should never reach here */
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-        break;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-                info->num = NO_VALUE;
-            else
-                info->num = d->num;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-        break;
-    case PADDING:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            register int unit;
-            register int number;
-            register int size;
-            register int i;
-            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
-            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
-            i = fi->cur_no;
-            size = 0;
-            while (number > 0)
-            {
-                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
-                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
-                number--;
-            }
-            /*endwhile*/
-            info->num = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-        break;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            XimFrameType sub_type;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_type = IterGetNextType (d->iter, info);
-            if (sub_type == EOL)
-            {
-                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-                ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fi, info);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ret_type = sub_type;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            XimFrameType sub_type;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_type = FrameInstGetNextType (d->fi, info);
-            if (sub_type == EOL)
-            {
-                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-                ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fi, info);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ret_type = sub_type;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return ret_type;
-static XimFrameType FrameInstPeekNextType (FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
-    XimFrameType ret_type;
-    ret_type = fi->template[fi->cur_no].type;
-    switch (ret_type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-    case EOL:
-        break;
-    case COUNTER_BIT8:
-    case COUNTER_BIT16:
-    case COUNTER_BIT32:
-    case COUNTER_BIT64:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            register int offset;
-           register int iter_idx;
-            info->counter.is_byte_len =
-                (((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) & 0xFF) == FmCounterByte;
-            offset = ((long)fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) >> 8;
-            iter_idx = fi->cur_no + offset;
-            if (fi->template[iter_idx].type == ITER)
-            {
-                ExtraData d;
-                ExtraDataRec dr;
-                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, iter_idx)) == NULL)
-                {
-                    dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[iter_idx + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, iter_idx, dr);
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                info->counter.iter = d->iter;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* Should not be reached here */
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        break;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-                info->num = NO_VALUE;
-            else
-                info->num = d->num;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        break;
-    case PADDING:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            register int unit;
-            register int number;
-            register int size;
-            register int i;
-            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
-            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
-            i = fi->cur_no;
-            size = 0;
-            while (number > 0)
-            {
-                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
-                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
-                number--;
-            }
-            /*endwhile*/
-            info->num = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        break;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            XimFrameType sub_type;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_type = IterPeekNextType (d->iter, info);
-            if (sub_type == EOL)
-                ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fi, info);
-            else
-                ret_type = sub_type;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            XimFrameType sub_type;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (d->fi, info);
-            if (sub_type == EOL)
-                ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fi, info);
-            else
-                ret_type = sub_type;
-            /*endif*/
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return ret_type;
-static Bool FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (FrameInst fi)
-    Bool ret = False;
-    if (fi->template[fi->cur_no].type == ITER)
-    {
-        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no);
-        Bool yourself;
-        if (d)
-        {
-            ret = IterIsLoopEnd (d->iter, &yourself);
-            if (ret  &&  yourself)
-                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return (ret);
-static FrameIter _FrameMgrAppendIter (FrameMgr fm, Iter it, int end)
-    FrameIter p = fm->iters;
-    while (p  &&  p->next)
-        p = p->next;
-    /*endwhile*/
-    if (!p)
-    {
-        fm->iters =
-        p = (FrameIter) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameIterRec));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        p->next = (FrameIter) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameIterRec));
-        p = p->next;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (p)
-    {
-        p->iter = it;
-        p->counting = False;
-        p->counter = 0;
-        p->end = end;
-        p->next = NULL;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return (p);
-static void _FrameMgrRemoveIter (FrameMgr fm, FrameIter it)
-    FrameIter prev;
-    FrameIter p;
-    prev = NULL;
-    p = fm->iters;
-    while (p)
-    {
-        if (p == it)
-        {
-            if (prev)
-                prev->next = p->next;
-            else
-                fm->iters = p->next;
-            /*endif*/
-            Xfree (p);
-            break;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        prev = p;
-        p = p->next;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-static FrameIter _FrameIterCounterIncr (FrameIter fitr, int i)
-    FrameIter p = fitr;
-    while (p)
-    {
-        if (p->counting)
-        {
-            p->counter += i;
-            if (p->counter >= p->end)
-            {
-                IterFixIteration (p->iter);
-                return (p);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        p = p->next;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return (NULL);
-static void _IterStartWatch (Iter it, void *client_data)
-    FrameIter p = (FrameIter) client_data;
-    p->counting = True;
-static FmStatus FrameInstSetSize (FrameInst fi, int num)
-    ExtraData d;
-    ExtraDataRec dr;
-    XimFrameType type;
-    register int i;
-    i = 0;
-    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
-    {
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case BARRAY:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.num = -1;
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
-            {
-                d->num = num;
-                return FmSuccess;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-        case ITER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (IterSetSize (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-        case POINTER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData(&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit(fi->template[i + 1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData(&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (FrameInstSetSize(d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        i = _FrameInstIncrement(fi->template, i);
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-static int FrameInstGetSize (FrameInst fi)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    register int i;
-    ExtraData d;
-    ExtraDataRec dr;
-    int ret_size;
-    i = fi->cur_no;
-    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
-    {
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case BARRAY:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            return d->num;
-        case ITER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_size = IterGetSize(d->iter);
-            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
-                return ret_size;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-        case POINTER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[i + 1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (d->fi);
-            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
-                return ret_size;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return NO_VALID_FIELD;
-static FmStatus FrameInstSetIterCount (FrameInst fi, int num)
-    ExtraData d;
-    ExtraDataRec dr;
-    register int i;
-    XimFrameType type;
-    i = 0;
-    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
-    {
-        switch (type)
-        {
-        case ITER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], num);
-                (void)ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-                return FmSuccess;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (IterSetIterCount (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-        case POINTER:
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[i + 1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-            break;
-       default:
-           break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-static int FrameInstGetTotalSize (FrameInst fi)
-    register int size;
-    register int i;
-    size = 0;
-    i = 0;
-    while (fi->template[i].type != EOL)
-    {
-        size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
-        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return size;
-static void FrameInstReset (FrameInst fi)
-    ChainIterRec ci;
-    int frame_no;
-    ExtraDataRec d;
-    ChainIterInit (&ci, &fi->cm);
-    while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &frame_no, &d))
-    {
-        register XimFrameType type;
-        type = fi->template[frame_no].type;
-        if (type == ITER)
-        {
-            if (d.iter)
-                IterReset (d.iter);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else if (type == POINTER)
-        {
-            if (d.fi)
-                FrameInstReset (d.fi);
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    ChainIterFree (&ci);
-    fi->cur_no = 0;
-static Iter IterInit (XimFrame frame, int count)
-    Iter it;
-    register XimFrameType type;
-    it = (Iter) Xmalloc (sizeof (IterRec));
-    it->template = frame;
-    it->max_count = (count == NO_VALUE)  ?  0  :  count;
-    it->allow_expansion = (count == NO_VALUE);
-    it->cur_no = 0;
-    it->start_watch_proc = NULL;
-    it->client_data = NULL;
-    it->start_counter = False;
-    type = frame->type;
-    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
-    {
-        /* COUNTER_XXX cannot be an item of a ITER */
-        Xfree (it);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-        /* Do nothing */
-        break;
-    case BARRAY:
-    case ITER:
-    case POINTER:
-        ChainMgrInit (&it->cm);
-        break;
-    default:
-        Xfree (it);
-        return NULL; /* This should never occur */
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return it;
-static void IterFree (Iter it)
-    switch (it->template->type)
-    {
-    case BARRAY:
-        ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
-        break;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            ChainIterRec ci;
-            int count;
-            ExtraDataRec d;
-            ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
-            while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
-                IterFree (d.iter);
-            /*endwhile*/
-            ChainIterFree (&ci);
-            ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
-        }
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            ChainIterRec ci;
-            int count;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
-            while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &dr))
-                FrameInstFree (dr.fi);
-            /*endwhile*/
-            ChainIterFree (&ci);
-            ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    Xfree (it);
-static Bool IterIsLoopEnd (Iter it, Bool *myself)
-    Bool ret = False;
-    *myself = False;
-    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  (it->cur_no == it->max_count))
-    {
-        *myself = True;
-        return True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (it->template->type == POINTER)
-    {
-        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no);
-        if (d)
-        {
-            if (FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (d->fi))
-            {
-                ret = True;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if (FrameInstIsEnd (d->fi))
-                {
-                    it->cur_no++;
-                    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->cur_no == it->max_count)
-                    {
-                        *myself = True;
-                        ret = True;
-                    }
-                    /*endif*/
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    else if (it->template->type == ITER)
-    {
-        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no);
-        if (d)
-        {
-            Bool yourself;
-            if (IterIsLoopEnd (d->iter, &yourself))
-                ret = True;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return ret;
-static XimFrameType IterGetNextType (Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
-    XimFrameType type = it->template->type;
-    if (it->start_counter)
-    {
-        (*it->start_watch_proc) (it, it->client_data);
-        it->start_counter = False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
-    {
-        if (it->allow_expansion)
-            it->max_count = it->cur_no + 1;
-        else
-            return EOL;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-        it->cur_no++;
-        return type;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-                info->num = NO_VALUE;
-            else
-                info->num = d->num;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        it->cur_no++;
-        return BARRAY;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            XimFrameType ret_type;
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_type = IterGetNextType (d->iter, info);
-            if (ret_type == EOL)
-            {
-                it->cur_no++;
-                ret_type = IterGetNextType (it, info);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-           return ret_type;
-        }
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            XimFrameType ret_type;
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (d->fi, info);
-            if (ret_type == EOL)
-            {
-                it->cur_no++;
-                ret_type = IterGetNextType (it, info);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-           return ret_type;
-        }
-    default:
-       return (XimFrameType) NULL;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return (XimFrameType) NULL;  /* This should never occur */
-static XimFrameType IterPeekNextType (Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
-    XimFrameType type = it->template->type;
-    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
-        return (EOL);
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-        return type;
-    case BARRAY:
-        if (info)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-                info->num = NO_VALUE;
-            else
-                info->num = d->num;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        return BARRAY;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            XimFrameType ret_type;
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_type = IterPeekNextType (d->iter, info);
-            if (ret_type == EOL)
-                ret_type = IterPeekNextType (it, info);
-            /*endif*/
-            return ret_type;
-        }
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            XimFrameType ret_type;
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (d->fi, info);
-            if (ret_type == EOL)
-                ret_type = IterPeekNextType (it, info);
-            /*endif*/
-            return (ret_type);
-        }
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    /* Reaching here is a bug! */
-    return (XimFrameType) NULL;
-static FmStatus IterSetSize (Iter it, int num)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    register int i;
-    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->max_count == 0)
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    /*endif*/
-    type = it->template->type;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BARRAY:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-            {
-                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                {
-                    dr.num = NO_VALUE;
-                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
-                {
-                    d->num = num;
-                    return FmSuccess;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-            if (it->allow_expansion)
-            {
-                ExtraDataRec dr;
-                dr.num = num;
-                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
-                it->max_count++;
-                return FmSuccess;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }   
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-            {
-                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                {
-                    dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
-                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                if (IterSetSize (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
-                    return FmSuccess;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-            if (it->allow_expansion)
-            {
-                ExtraDataRec dr;
-                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
-                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
-                it->max_count++;
-                if (IterSetSize(dr.iter, num) == FmSuccess)
-                    return FmSuccess;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-            {
-                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                {
-                    dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                if (FrameInstSetSize (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                    return FmSuccess;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-            if (it->allow_expansion)
-            {
-                ExtraDataRec dr;
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
-                it->max_count++;
-                if (FrameInstSetSize (dr.fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                    return FmSuccess;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-static int IterGetSize (Iter it)
-    register int i;
-    ExtraData d;
-    ExtraDataRec dr;
-    if (it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
-        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (it->template->type)
-    {
-    case BARRAY:
-        if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
-            return NO_VALUE;
-        /*endif*/
-        return d->num;
-    case ITER:
-        for (i = it->cur_no; i < it->max_count; i++)
-        {
-            int ret_size;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_size = IterGetSize (d->iter);
-            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
-                return ret_size;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
-    case POINTER:
-        for (i = it->cur_no;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            int ret_size;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (d->fi);
-            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
-                return ret_size;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return NO_VALID_FIELD;
-static FmStatus IterSetIterCount (Iter it, int num)
-    register int i;
-    if (it->allow_expansion)
-    {
-        it->max_count = num;
-        it->allow_expansion = False;
-        return FmSuccess;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (it->max_count == 0)
-        return FmNoMoreData;
-    /*endif*/
-    switch (it->template->type)
-    {
-    case ITER:
-        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData(&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.iter = IterInit(it->template + 1, num);
-                (void)ChainMgrSetData(&it->cm, i, dr);
-                return FmSuccess;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (IterSetIterCount(d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        if (it->allow_expansion)
-        {
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, num);
-            ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
-            it->max_count++;
-            return FmSuccess;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        if (it->allow_expansion)
-        {
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-            ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
-            it->max_count++;
-            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (dr.fi, num) == FmSuccess)
-                return FmSuccess;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        break;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return FmNoMoreData;
-static int IterGetTotalSize (Iter it)
-    register int size, i;
-    XimFrameType type;
-    if (it->allow_expansion)
-        return NO_VALUE;
-    /*endif*/
-    if (it->max_count == 0)
-        return 0;
-    /*endif*/
-    size = 0;
-    type = it->template->type;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-        size = it->max_count;
-        break;
-    case BIT16:
-        size = it->max_count*2;
-        break;
-    case BIT32:
-        size = it->max_count*4;
-        break;
-    case BIT64:
-        size = it->max_count*8;
-        break;
-    case BARRAY:
-        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            register int num;
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                return  NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            if ((num = d->num) == NO_VALUE)
-                return  NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            size += num;
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        break;
-    case ITER:
-        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            register int num;
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-                return  NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            if ((num = IterGetTotalSize (d->iter)) == NO_VALUE)
-                return  NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            size += num;
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
-        {
-            register int num;
-            ExtraData d;
-            ExtraDataRec dr;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
-            {
-                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
-                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if ((num = FrameInstGetTotalSize (d->fi)) == NO_VALUE)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            size += num;
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        break;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return  size;
-static void IterReset (Iter it)
-    ChainIterRec ci;
-    int count;
-    ExtraDataRec d;
-    switch (it->template->type)
-    {
-    case ITER:
-        ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
-        while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
-            IterReset (d.iter);
-        /*endwhile*/
-        ChainIterFree (&ci);
-        break;
-    case POINTER:
-        ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
-        while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
-            FrameInstReset (d.fi);
-        /*endwhile*/
-        ChainIterFree (&ci);
-        break;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    it->cur_no = 0;
-static void IterSetStartWatch (Iter it,
-                               IterStartWatchProc proc,
-                               void *client_data)
-    it->start_watch_proc = proc;
-    it->client_data = client_data;
-static ExtraData ChainMgrSetData (ChainMgr cm,
-                                  int frame_no,
-                                  ExtraDataRec data)
-    Chain cur = (Chain) Xmalloc (sizeof (ChainRec));
-    cur->frame_no = frame_no;
-    cur->d = data;
-    cur->next = NULL;
-    if (cm->top == NULL)
-    {
-        cm->top = cm->tail = cur;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        cm->tail->next = cur;
-        cm->tail = cur;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return &cur->d;
-static ExtraData ChainMgrGetExtraData (ChainMgr cm, int frame_no)
-    Chain cur;
-    cur = cm->top;
-    while (cur)
-    {
-        if (cur->frame_no == frame_no)
-            return &cur->d;
-        /*endif*/
-        cur = cur->next;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return NULL;
-static Bool ChainIterGetNext (ChainIter ci, int *frame_no, ExtraData d)
-    if (ci->cur == NULL)
-        return False;
-    /*endif*/
-    *frame_no = ci->cur->frame_no;
-    *d = ci->cur->d;
-    ci->cur = ci->cur->next;
-    return True;
-static int _FrameInstIncrement (XimFrame frame, int count)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    type = frame[count].type;
-    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-    case BARRAY:
-    case PADDING:
-        return count + 1;
-    case POINTER:
-        return count + 2;
-    case ITER:
-        return _FrameInstIncrement (frame, count + 1);
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return - 1;    /* Error */
-static int _FrameInstDecrement (XimFrame frame, int count)
-    register int i;
-    XimFrameType type;
-    if (count == 0)
-        return - 1;    /* cannot decrement */
-    /*endif*/
-    if (count == 1)
-        return 0;     /* BOGUS - It should check the contents of data */
-    /*endif*/
-    type = frame[count - 2].type;
-    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-    case BIT16:
-    case BIT32:
-    case BIT64:
-    case BARRAY:
-    case PADDING:
-    case PTR_ITEM:
-        return count - 1;
-    case POINTER:
-    case ITER:
-        i = count - 3;
-        while (i >= 0)
-        {
-            if (frame[i].type != ITER)
-                return i + 1;
-            /*endif*/
-            i--;
-        }
-        /*endwhile*/
-        return 0;
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*enswitch*/
-    return - 1;    /* Error */
-static int _FrameInstGetItemSize (FrameInst fi, int cur_no)
-    XimFrameType type;
-    type = fi->template[cur_no].type;
-    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
-    switch (type)
-    {
-    case BIT8:
-        return 1;
-    case BIT16:
-        return 2;
-    case BIT32:
-        return 4;
-    case BIT64:
-        return 8;
-    case BARRAY:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            return d->num;
-        }
-    case PADDING:
-        {
-            register int unit;
-            register int number;
-            register int size;
-            register int i;
-            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[cur_no].data);
-            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[cur_no].data);
-            i = cur_no;
-            size = 0;
-            while (number > 0)
-            {
-                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
-                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
-                number--;
-            }
-            /*endwhile*/
-            size = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
-            return size;
-        }
-    case ITER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            int sub_size;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_size = IterGetTotalSize (d->iter);
-            if (sub_size == NO_VALUE)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            return sub_size;
-        }
-    case POINTER:
-        {
-            ExtraData d;
-            int sub_size;
-            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            sub_size = FrameInstGetTotalSize (d->fi);
-            if (sub_size == NO_VALUE)
-                return NO_VALUE;
-            /*endif*/
-            return sub_size;
-        }
-    default:
-       break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return NO_VALUE;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ce7ed50..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
-                        All Rights Reserved
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
-both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
-supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
-software without specific, written prior permission.  
-  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
-                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef FRAMEMGR_H
-#define FRAMEMGR_H
-#include <X11/Xmd.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#if defined(VAXC) && !defined(__DECC)
-#define xim_externalref globalref
-#define xim_externaldef globaldef
-#define xim_externalref extern
-#define xim_externaldef
-/* Definitions for FrameMgr */
-#define COUNTER_MASK 0x10
-typedef enum
-    BIT8     = 0x1,       /* {CARD8* | INT8*}   */
-    BIT16    = 0x2,       /* {CARD16* | INT16*} */
-    BIT32    = 0x3,       /* {CARD32* | INT32*} */
-    BIT64    = 0x4,      /* {CARD64* | INT64*} */
-    BARRAY   = 0x5,       /* int*, void*        */
-    ITER     = 0x6,       /* int*               */
-    POINTER  = 0x7,       /* specifies next item is a PTR_ITEM */
-    PTR_ITEM = 0x8,       /* specifies the item has a pointer */
-     *   In the current implementation, PTR_ITEM should be lead by
-     *   POINTER.  But actually, it's just redundant logically.  Someone 
-     *   may remove this redundancy and POINTER from the enum member but he
-     *   should also modify the logic in FrameMgr program.
-     */
-    PADDING  = 0x9,       /* specifies that a padding is needed.
-                          * This requires extra data in data field.
-                          */
-    EOL      = 0xA,       /* specifies the end of list */
-} XimFrameType;
-/* Convenient macro */
-#define _FRAME(a) {a, NULL}
-#define _PTR(p)   {PTR_ITEM, (void *)p}
-/* PADDING's usage of data field
- * B15-B8  : Shows the number of effective items.
- * B7-B0   : Shows padding unit.  ex) 04 shows 4 unit padding.
- */
-#define _PAD2(n)   {PADDING, (void*)((n)<<8|2)}
-#define _PAD4(n)   {PADDING, (void*)((n)<<8|4)}
-#define FmCounterByte 0
-#define FmCounterNumber 1
-#define _BYTE_COUNTER(type, offset) \
-               {(COUNTER_MASK|type), (void*)((offset)<<8|FmCounterByte)}
-#define _NUMBER_COUNTER(type, offset) \
-               {(COUNTER_MASK|type), (void*)((offset)<<8|FmCounterNumber)}
-typedef struct _XimFrame
-    XimFrameType type;
-    void* data;       /* For PTR_ITEM and PADDING */
-} XimFrameRec, *XimFrame;
-typedef enum
-    FmSuccess, 
-    FmEOD,
-    FmInvalidCall,
-    FmBufExist,
-    FmCannotCalc,
-    FmNoMoreData
-} FmStatus;
-typedef struct _FrameMgr *FrameMgr;
-FrameMgr FrameMgrInit(XimFrame frame, char* area, Bool byte_swap);
-void FrameMgrInitWithData(FrameMgr fm, XimFrame frame, void* area,
-                         Bool byte_swap);
-void FrameMgrFree(FrameMgr fm);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetBuffer(FrameMgr, void*);
-FmStatus _FrameMgrPutToken(FrameMgr, void*, int);
-FmStatus _FrameMgrGetToken(FrameMgr, void*, int);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetSize(FrameMgr, int);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetIterCount(FrameMgr, int);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSetTotalSize(FrameMgr, int);
-int FrameMgrGetTotalSize(FrameMgr);
-int FrameMgrGetSize(FrameMgr);
-FmStatus FrameMgrSkipToken(FrameMgr, int);
-void FrameMgrReset(FrameMgr);
-Bool FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd(FrameMgr, FmStatus*);
-#define FrameMgrPutToken(fm, obj) _FrameMgrPutToken((fm), &(obj), sizeof(obj))
-#define FrameMgrGetToken(fm, obj) _FrameMgrGetToken((fm), &(obj), sizeof(obj))
-#endif /* FRAMEMGR_H */
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/IMConn.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/IMConn.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6d36589..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#define Va_start(a,b) va_start(a,b)
-static void _IMCountVaList(va_list var, int *total_count)
-    char *attr;
-    *total_count = 0;
-    for (attr = va_arg (var, char*);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char*))
-    {
-       (void)va_arg (var, XIMArg *);
-       ++(*total_count);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-static void _IMVaToNestedList(va_list var, int max_count, XIMArg **args_return)
-    XIMArg *args;
-    char   *attr;
-    if (max_count <= 0)
-    {
-       *args_return = (XIMArg *) NULL;
-       return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    args = (XIMArg *) malloc ((unsigned) (max_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMArg));
-    *args_return = args;
-    if (!args)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    for (attr = va_arg (var, char*);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
-    {
-       args->name = attr;
-       args->value = va_arg (var, XPointer);
-       args++;
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    args->name = (char*)NULL;
-static char *_FindModifiers (XIMArg *args)
-    char *modifiers;
-    while (args->name)
-    {
-       if (strcmp (args->name, IMModifiers) == 0)
-       {
-           modifiers = args->value;
-           return modifiers;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-           args++;
-       }
-       /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return NULL;
-XIMS _GetIMS (char *modifiers)
-    XIMS ims;
-    extern IMMethodsRec Xi18n_im_methods;
-    if ((ims = (XIMS) malloc (sizeof (XIMProtocolRec))) == (XIMS) NULL)
-       return ((XIMS) NULL);
-    /*endif*/
-    memset ((void *) ims, 0, sizeof (XIMProtocolRec));
-    if (modifiers == NULL
-       ||
-       modifiers[0] == '\0'
-       ||
-       strcmp (modifiers, "Xi18n") == 0)
-    {
-       ims->methods = &Xi18n_im_methods;
-       return ims;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    XFree (ims);
-    return (XIMS) NULL;
-XIMS IMOpenIM (Display *display, ...)
-    va_list var;
-    int total_count;
-    XIMArg *args;
-    XIMS ims;
-    char *modifiers;
-    Status ret;
-    Va_start (var, display);
-    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
-    va_end (var);
-    Va_start (var, display);
-    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
-    va_end (var);
-    modifiers = _FindModifiers (args);
-    ims = _GetIMS (modifiers);
-    if (ims == (XIMS) NULL)
-        return (XIMS) NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    ims->core.display = display;
-    ims->protocol = (*ims->methods->setup) (display, args);
-    XFree (args);
-    if (ims->protocol == (void *) NULL)
-    {
-       XFree (ims);
-       return (XIMS) NULL;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    ret = (ims->methods->openIM) (ims);
-    if (ret == False)
-    {
-       XFree (ims);
-       return (XIMS) NULL;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return (XIMS) ims;
-Status IMCloseIM (XIMS ims)
-    (ims->methods->closeIM) (ims);
-    XFree (ims);
-    return True;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/IMMethod.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/IMMethod.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5a33878..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-/* Public Function */
-void IMForwardEvent (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    (ims->methods->forwardEvent) (ims, call_data);
-void IMCommitString (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    (ims->methods->commitString) (ims, call_data);
-int IMCallCallback (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    return (ims->methods->callCallback) (ims, call_data);
-int IMPreeditStart (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    return (ims->methods->preeditStart) (ims, call_data);
-int IMPreeditEnd (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    return (ims->methods->preeditEnd) (ims, call_data);
-int IMSyncXlib(XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
-    ims->sync = True;
-    return (ims->methods->syncXlib) (ims, call_data);
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/IMValues.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/IMValues.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 687014a..0000000
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@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#define Va_start(a,b) va_start(a,b)
-static void _IMCountVaList (va_list var, int *total_count)
-    char *attr;
-    *total_count = 0;
-    for (attr = va_arg (var, char *);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
-    {
-       (void)va_arg (var, XIMArg *);
-       ++(*total_count);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-static void _IMVaToNestedList (va_list var, int max_count, XIMArg **args_return)
-    XIMArg *args;
-    char   *attr;
-    if (max_count <= 0)
-    {
-       *args_return = (XIMArg *) NULL;
-       return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    args = (XIMArg *) malloc ((unsigned) (max_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMArg));
-    *args_return = args;
-    if (!args)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    for (attr = va_arg (var, char *);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
-    {
-       args->name = attr;
-       args->value = va_arg (var, XPointer);
-       args++;
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    args->name = (char *) NULL;
-char *IMGetIMValues (XIMS ims, ...)
-    va_list var;
-    int total_count;
-    XIMArg *args;
-    char *ret;
-    Va_start (var, ims);
-    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
-    va_end (var);
-    Va_start (var, ims);
-    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
-    va_end (var);
-    ret = (*ims->methods->getIMValues) (ims, args);
-    if (args)
-        XFree ((char *) args);
-    /*endif*/
-    return ret;
-char *IMSetIMValues (XIMS ims, ...)
-    va_list var;
-    int total_count;
-    XIMArg *args;
-    char *ret;  
-    Va_start (var, ims);
-    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
-    va_end (var);
-    Va_start (var, ims);
-    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
-    va_end (var);
-    ret = (*ims->methods->setIMValues) (ims, args);
-    if (args)
-        XFree ((char *) args);
-    /*endif*/
-    return ret;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/IMdkit.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/IMdkit.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f8d673..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef _IMdkit_h
-#define _IMdkit_h
-#include <X11/Xmd.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* IM Attributes Name */
-#define IMModifiers            "modifiers"
-#define IMServerWindow         "serverWindow"
-#define IMServerName           "serverName"
-#define IMServerTransport      "serverTransport"
-#define IMLocale               "locale"
-#define IMInputStyles          "inputStyles"
-#define IMProtocolHandler      "protocolHandler"
-#define IMOnKeysList           "onKeysList"
-#define IMOffKeysList          "offKeysList"
-#define IMEncodingList         "encodingList"
-#define IMFilterEventMask      "filterEventMask"
-#define IMProtocolDepend       "protocolDepend"
-/* Masks for IM Attributes Name */
-#define I18N_IMSERVER_WIN      0x0001 /* IMServerWindow */
-#define I18N_IM_NAME           0x0002 /* IMServerName */
-#define I18N_IM_LOCALE         0x0004 /* IMLocale */
-#define I18N_IM_ADDRESS                0x0008 /* IMServerTransport */
-#define I18N_INPUT_STYLES      0x0010 /* IMInputStyles */
-#define I18N_ON_KEYS           0x0020 /* IMOnKeysList */
-#define I18N_OFF_KEYS          0x0040 /* IMOffKeysList */
-#define I18N_IM_HANDLER                0x0080 /* IMProtocolHander */
-#define I18N_ENCODINGS         0x0100 /* IMEncodingList */
-#define I18N_FILTERMASK                0x0200 /* IMFilterEventMask */
-#define I18N_PROTO_DEPEND      0x0400 /* IMProtoDepend */
-typedef struct
-    char       *name;
-    XPointer   value;
-} XIMArg;
-typedef struct
-    CARD32     keysym;
-    CARD32     modifier;
-    CARD32     modifier_mask;
-} XIMTriggerKey;
-typedef struct
-    unsigned short count_keys;
-    XIMTriggerKey *keylist;
-} XIMTriggerKeys;
-typedef char *XIMEncoding;
-typedef struct
-    unsigned short count_encodings;
-    XIMEncoding *supported_encodings;
-} XIMEncodings;
-typedef struct _XIMS *XIMS;
-typedef struct
-    void*      (*setup) (Display *, XIMArg *);
-    Status     (*openIM) (XIMS);
-    Status     (*closeIM) (XIMS);
-    char*      (*setIMValues) (XIMS, XIMArg *);
-    char*      (*getIMValues) (XIMS, XIMArg *);
-    Status     (*forwardEvent) (XIMS, XPointer);
-    Status     (*commitString) (XIMS, XPointer);
-    int                (*callCallback) (XIMS, XPointer);
-    int                (*preeditStart) (XIMS, XPointer);
-    int                (*preeditEnd) (XIMS, XPointer);
-    int                (*syncXlib) (XIMS, XPointer);
-} IMMethodsRec, *IMMethods;
-typedef struct
-    Display    *display;
-    int                screen;
-} IMCoreRec, *IMCore;
-typedef struct _XIMS
-    IMMethods  methods;
-    IMCoreRec  core;
-    Bool       sync;
-    void       *protocol;
-} XIMProtocolRec;
- * X function declarations.
- */
-extern XIMS IMOpenIM (Display *, ...);
-extern Status IMCloseIM (XIMS);
-extern char *IMSetIMValues (XIMS, ...);
-extern char *IMGetIMValues (XIMS, ...);
-void IMForwardEvent (XIMS, XPointer);
-void IMCommitString (XIMS, XPointer);
-int IMCallCallback (XIMS, XPointer);
-int IMPreeditStart (XIMS, XPointer);
-int IMPreeditEnd (XIMS, XPointer);
-int IMSyncXlib (XIMS, XPointer);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* IMdkit_h */
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/Makefile.am b/client/x11/IMdkit/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b567d9d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libIMdkit.la
-libIMdkit_la_SOURCES = \
-       FrameMgr.c \
-       i18nAttr.c \
-       i18nClbk.c \
-       i18nIc.c \
-       i18nIMProto.c \
-       i18nMethod.c \
-       i18nPtHdr.c \
-       i18nUtil.c \
-       i18nX.c \
-       IMConn.c \
-       IMMethod.c \
-       IMValues.c \
-       $(NULL)
-noinst_HEADERS = \
-       FrameMgr.h \
-       IMdkit.h \
-       Xi18n.h \
-       Xi18nX.h \
-       XimFunc.h \
-       XimProto.h \
-       Xtrans.h \
-       $(NULL)
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18n.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18n.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aaf7768..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef _Xi18n_h
-#define _Xi18n_h
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xfuncs.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-#include "XimProto.h"
- * Minor Protocol Number for Extension Protocol 
- */
-#define XIM_EXTENSION                          128
-#define XIM_EXT_SET_EVENT_MASK                 (0x30)
-#define        XIM_EXT_FORWARD_KEYEVENT                (0x32)
-#define        XIM_EXT_MOVE                            (0x33)
-#define COMMON_EXTENSIONS_NUM                  3
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-/* XI18N Valid Attribute Name Definition */
-#define ExtForwardKeyEvent     "extForwardKeyEvent"
-#define ExtMove                        "extMove"
-#define ExtSetEventMask                "extSetEventMask"
- * Padding macro
- */
-#define        IMPAD(length) ((4 - ((length)%4))%4)
- * Target Atom for Transport Connection
- */
-#define LOCALES                "LOCALES"
-#define I18N_OPEN      0
-#define I18N_SET       1
-#define I18N_GET       2
-typedef struct
-    char        *transportname;
-    int         namelen;
-    Bool        (*checkAddr) ();
-} TransportSW;
-typedef struct _XIMPending
-    unsigned    char *p;
-    struct _XIMPending *next;
-} XIMPending;
-typedef struct _XimProtoHdr
-    CARD8      major_opcode;
-    CARD8      minor_opcode;
-    CARD16     length;
-} XimProtoHdr;
-typedef struct
-    CARD16     attribute_id;
-    CARD16     type;
-    CARD16     length;
-    char       *name;
-} XIMAttr;
-typedef struct
-    CARD16     attribute_id;
-    CARD16     type;
-    CARD16     length;
-    char       *name;
-} XICAttr;
-typedef struct
-    int                attribute_id;
-    CARD16     name_length; 
-    char       *name;
-    int                value_length;
-    void       *value;
-    int                type;
-} XIMAttribute;
-typedef struct
-    int                attribute_id;
-    CARD16     name_length;
-    char       *name;
-    int                value_length;
-    void       *value;
-    int                type;
-} XICAttribute;
-typedef struct
-    int                length;
-    char       *name;
-} XIMStr;
-typedef struct
-    CARD16     major_opcode;
-    CARD16     minor_opcode;
-    CARD16     length;
-    char       *name;
-} XIMExt;
-typedef struct _Xi18nClient
-    int                connect_id;
-    CARD8      byte_order;
-    /*
-       '?': initial value
-       'B': for Big-Endian
-       'l': for little-endian
-     */
-    int                sync;
-    XIMPending  *pending;
-    void *trans_rec;           /* contains transport specific data  */
-    struct _Xi18nClient *next;
-} Xi18nClient;
-typedef struct _Xi18nCore *Xi18n;
- * Callback Struct for XIM Protocol
- */
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-} IMAnyStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD8      byte_order;
-    CARD16     major_version;
-    CARD16     minor_version;
-} IMConnectStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-} IMDisConnectStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    XIMStr     lang;
-} IMOpenStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-} IMCloseStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     number;
-    XIMStr     *extension;
-} IMQueryExtensionStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     number;
-    char       **im_attr_list;
-} IMGetIMValuesStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD16     preedit_attr_num;
-    CARD16     status_attr_num;
-    CARD16     ic_attr_num;
-    XICAttribute *preedit_attr;
-    XICAttribute *status_attr;
-    XICAttribute *ic_attr;
-} IMChangeICStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-} IMDestroyICStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD16     length;
-    char       *commit_string;
-} IMResetICStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-} IMChangeFocusStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    BITMASK16  sync_bit;
-    CARD16     serial_number;
-    XEvent     event;
-} IMForwardEventStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD16     flag;
-    KeySym     keysym;
-    char       *commit_string;
-} IMCommitStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD32     flag;
-    CARD32     key_index;
-    CARD32     event_mask;
-} IMTriggerNotifyStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     encoding_number;
-    XIMStr     *encoding;      /* name information */
-    CARD16     encoding_info_number;
-    XIMStr     *encodinginfo;  /* detailed information */
-    CARD16     category;       /* #0 for name, #1 for detail */
-    INT16      enc_index;      /* index of the encoding determined */
-} IMEncodingNegotiationStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD32     flag;
-    CARD32     forward_event_mask;
-    CARD32     sync_event_mask;
-} IMSetEventMaskStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD32     filter_event_mask;
-    CARD32     intercept_event_mask;
-    CARD32     select_event_mask;
-    CARD32     forward_event_mask;
-    CARD32     sync_event_mask;
-} IMExtSetEventMaskStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    CARD16     x;
-    CARD16     y;
-} IMMoveStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    BITMASK16  flag;
-    CARD16     error_code;
-    CARD16     str_length;
-    CARD16     error_type;
-    char       *error_detail;
-} IMErrorStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-} IMPreeditStateStruct;
-/* Callbacks */
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-} IMGeometryCBStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    union
-    {
-       int return_value;                       /* PreeditStart */
-       XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct draw;      /* PreeditDraw */
-       XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct caret;    /* PreeditCaret */
-    } todo;
-} IMPreeditCBStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    union
-    {
-       XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct draw;       /* StatusDraw */
-    } todo;
-} IMStatusCBStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-    XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct strconv;
-} IMStrConvCBStruct;
-typedef struct
-    int                major_code;
-    int                minor_code;
-    CARD16     connect_id;
-    CARD16     icid;
-} IMSyncXlibStruct;
-typedef union _IMProtocol
-    int        major_code;
-    IMAnyStruct any;
-    IMConnectStruct imconnect;
-    IMDisConnectStruct imdisconnect;
-    IMOpenStruct imopen;
-    IMCloseStruct imclose;
-    IMQueryExtensionStruct queryext;
-    IMGetIMValuesStruct getim;
-    IMEncodingNegotiationStruct encodingnego;
-    IMExtSetEventMaskStruct extsetevent;
-    IMMoveStruct extmove;
-    IMSetEventMaskStruct setevent;
-    IMChangeICStruct changeic;
-    IMDestroyICStruct destroyic;
-    IMResetICStruct resetic;
-    IMChangeFocusStruct changefocus;
-    IMCommitStruct commitstring;
-    IMForwardEventStruct forwardevent;
-    IMTriggerNotifyStruct triggernotify;
-    IMPreeditStateStruct preedit_state;
-    IMErrorStruct imerror;
-    IMGeometryCBStruct geometry_callback;
-    IMPreeditCBStruct preedit_callback;
-    IMStatusCBStruct status_callback;
-    IMStrConvCBStruct strconv_callback;
-    IMSyncXlibStruct sync_xlib;
-    long pad[32];
-} IMProtocol;
-typedef int (*IMProtoHandler) (XIMS, IMProtocol*);
-#define DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK    (KeyPressMask)
-/* Xi18nAddressRec structure */
-typedef struct _Xi18nAddressRec
-    Display    *dpy;
-    CARD8      im_byteOrder;   /* byte order 'B' or 'l' */
-    /* IM Values */
-    long       imvalue_mask;
-    Window     im_window;      /* IMServerWindow */
-    char       *im_name;       /* IMServerName */
-    char       *im_locale;     /* IMLocale */
-    char       *im_addr;       /* IMServerTransport */
-    XIMStyles  input_styles;   /* IMInputStyles */
-    XIMTriggerKeys on_keys;    /* IMOnKeysList */
-    XIMTriggerKeys off_keys;   /* IMOffKeysList */
-    XIMEncodings encoding_list; /* IMEncodingList */
-    IMProtoHandler improto;    /* IMProtocolHander */
-    long       filterevent_mask; /* IMFilterEventMask */
-    /* XIM_SERVERS target Atoms */
-    Atom       selection;
-    Atom       Localename;
-    Atom       Transportname;
-    /* XIM/XIC Attr */
-    int                im_attr_num;
-    XIMAttr    *xim_attr;
-    int                ic_attr_num;
-    XICAttr    *xic_attr;
-    CARD16     preeditAttr_id;
-    CARD16     statusAttr_id;
-    CARD16     separatorAttr_id;
-    /* XIMExtension List */
-    int                ext_num;
-    XIMExt     extension[COMMON_EXTENSIONS_NUM];
-    /* transport specific connection address */
-    void       *connect_addr;
-    /* actual data is defined:
-       XSpecRec in Xi18nX.h for X-based connection.
-       TransSpecRec in Xi18nTr.h for Socket-based connection.
-     */
-    /* clients table */
-    Xi18nClient *clients;
-    Xi18nClient *free_clients;
-} Xi18nAddressRec;
-typedef struct _Xi18nMethodsRec
-    Bool (*begin) (XIMS);
-    Bool (*end) (XIMS);
-    Bool (*send) (XIMS, CARD16, unsigned char*, long);
-    Bool (*wait) (XIMS, CARD16, CARD8, CARD8);
-    Bool (*disconnect) (XIMS, CARD16);
-} Xi18nMethodsRec;
-typedef struct _Xi18nCore
-    Xi18nAddressRec address;
-    Xi18nMethodsRec methods;
-} Xi18nCore;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ff91b1a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef _Xi18nTrX_h
-#define _Xi18nTrX_h
-#define _XIM_PROTOCOL           "_XIM_PROTOCOL"
-#define _XIM_XCONNECT           "_XIM_XCONNECT"
-#define XCM_DATA_LIMIT         20
-typedef struct _XClient
-    Window     client_win;     /* client window */
-    Window     accept_win;     /* accept window */
-} XClient;
-typedef struct
-    Atom       xim_request;
-    Atom       connect_request;
-} XSpecRec;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/XimFunc.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/XimFunc.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a9f4a04..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef _XimFunc_h
-#define _XimFunc_h
-/* i18nAttr.c */
-void _Xi18nInitAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core);
-void _Xi18nInitExtension(Xi18n i18n_core);
-/* i18nClbk.c */
-int _Xi18nGeometryCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-int _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
-/* i18nIc.c */
-void _Xi18nChangeIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p,
-                     int create_flag);
-void _Xi18nGetIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p);
-/* i18nUtil.c */
-int _Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
-Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n i18n_core);
-Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
-void _Xi18nDeleteClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
-void _Xi18nSendMessage (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, CARD8 major_opcode,
-                        CARD8 minor_opcode, unsigned char *data, long length);
-void _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id);
-void _Xi18nSetEventMask (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, CARD16 im_id,
-                         CARD16 ic_id, CARD32 forward_mask, CARD32 sync_mask);
-/* Xlib internal */
-void _XRegisterFilterByType(Display*, Window, int, int,
-               Bool (*filter)(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer), XPointer);
-void _XUnregisterFilter(Display*, Window, 
-               Bool (*filter)(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer), XPointer);
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/XimProto.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/XimProto.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e3ed168..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* $XConsortium: XimProto.h,v 1.2 94/01/20 18:02:24 rws Exp $ */
-           Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of FUJITSU LIMITED
-not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
-of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-FUJITSU LIMITED makes no representations about the suitability of
-this software for any purpose. 
-It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Takashi Fujiwara     FUJITSU LIMITED 
-                               fujiwara@a80.tech.yk.fujitsu.co.jp
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#ifndef _XIMPROTO_H
-#define _XIMPROTO_H
- * Default Preconnection selection target
- */
-#define XIM_SERVERS            "XIM_SERVERS"
-#define XIM_LOCALES            "LOCALES"
-#define XIM_TRANSPORT          "TRANSPORT"
- * categories in XIM_SERVERS
- */
-#define XIM_SERVER_CATEGORY    "@server="
-#define XIM_LOCAL_CATEGORY     "@locale="
-#define XIM_TRANSPORT_CATEGORY "@transport="
- * Xim implementation revision
- */
-#define PROTOCOLMAJORVERSION           0
-#define PROTOCOLMINORVERSION           0
- * Major Protocol number
- */
-#define        XIM_CONNECT                       1
-#define        XIM_CONNECT_REPLY                 2
-#define        XIM_DISCONNECT                    3
-#define        XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY              4
-#define XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED               10
-#define XIM_AUTH_REPLY                  11
-#define XIM_AUTH_NEXT                   12
-#define XIM_AUTH_SETUP                  13
-#define XIM_AUTH_NG                     14
-#define        XIM_ERROR                        20
-#define        XIM_OPEN                         30
-#define        XIM_OPEN_REPLY                   31
-#define        XIM_CLOSE                        32
-#define        XIM_CLOSE_REPLY                  33
-#define        XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS         34
-#define        XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY               35
-#define        XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY         36
-#define        XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK               37
-#define        XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION         38
-#define        XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION              40
-#define        XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY        41
-#define        XIM_SET_IM_VALUES                42
-#define        XIM_SET_IM_VALUES_REPLY          43
-#define        XIM_GET_IM_VALUES                44
-#define        XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY          45
-#define XIM_CREATE_IC                   50
-#define        XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY              51
-#define        XIM_DESTROY_IC                   52
-#define        XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY             53
-#define XIM_SET_IC_VALUES               54
-#define        XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY          55
-#define XIM_GET_IC_VALUES               56
-#define XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY                 57
-#define        XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS                 58
-#define        XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS               59
-#define        XIM_FORWARD_EVENT                60
-#define        XIM_SYNC                         61
-#define        XIM_SYNC_REPLY                   62
-#define        XIM_COMMIT                       63
-#define        XIM_RESET_IC                     64
-#define        XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY               65
-#define        XIM_GEOMETRY                     70
-#define        XIM_STR_CONVERSION               71
-#define        XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY         72
-#define        XIM_PREEDIT_START                73
-#define        XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY          74
-#define        XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW                 75
-#define        XIM_PREEDIT_CARET                76
-#define XIM_PREEDIT_CARET_REPLY                 77
-#define        XIM_PREEDIT_DONE                 78
-#define        XIM_STATUS_START                 79
-#define        XIM_STATUS_DRAW                  80
-#define        XIM_STATUS_DONE                  81
- * values for the flag of XIM_ERROR
- */
-#define        XIM_IMID_VALID                  0x0001
-#define        XIM_ICID_VALID                  0x0002
- * XIM Error Code
- */
-#define XIM_BadAlloc                   1
-#define XIM_BadStyle                   2
-#define XIM_BadClientWindow            3
-#define XIM_BadFocusWindow             4
-#define XIM_BadArea                    5
-#define XIM_BadSpotLocation            6
-#define XIM_BadColormap                        7
-#define XIM_BadAtom                    8
-#define XIM_BadPixel                   9
-#define XIM_BadPixmap                  10
-#define XIM_BadName                    11
-#define XIM_BadCursor                  12
-#define XIM_BadProtocol                        13
-#define XIM_BadForeground              14
-#define XIM_BadBackground              15
-#define XIM_LocaleNotSupported         16
-#define XIM_BadSomething               999
- * byte order
- */
-#define BIGENDIAN      (CARD8) 0x42    /* MSB first */
-#define LITTLEENDIAN   (CARD8) 0x6c    /* LSB first */
- * values for the type of XIMATTR & XICATTR
- */
-#define        XimType_SeparatorOfNestedList   0
-#define        XimType_CARD8                   1
-#define        XimType_CARD16                  2
-#define        XimType_CARD32                  3
-#define        XimType_STRING8                 4
-#define        XimType_Window                  5
-#define        XimType_XIMStyles               10
-#define        XimType_XRectangle              11
-#define        XimType_XPoint                  12
-#define XimType_XFontSet               13
-#define XimType_XIMOptions             14
-#define XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers      15
-#define XimType_XIMHotKeyState         16
-#define XimType_XIMStringConversion    17
-#define XimType_XIMValuesList          18
-#define        XimType_NEST                    0x7FFF
- * values for the category of XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATON_REPLY
- */
-#define        XIM_Encoding_NameCategory       0
-#define        XIM_Encoding_DetailCategory     1
- * value for the index of XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATON_REPLY
- */
-#define        XIM_Default_Encoding_IDX        -1
- * value for the flag of XIM_FORWARD_EVENT, XIM_COMMIT
- */
-#define XimSYNCHRONUS            0x0001
-#define XimLookupChars           0x0002
-#define XimLookupKeySym                  0x0004
-#define XimLookupBoth            0x0006
- * request packet header size
- */
-#define XIM_HEADER_SIZE                                                \
-         sizeof(CARD8)         /* sizeof mejor-opcode */       \
-       + sizeof(CARD8)         /* sizeof minor-opcode */       \
-       + sizeof(INT16)         /* sizeof length */
- * Client Message data size
- */
-#define        XIM_CM_DATA_SIZE        20
- * XIM data structure
- */
-typedef CARD16 BITMASK16;
-typedef CARD32 BITMASK32;
-typedef CARD32 EVENTMASK;
-typedef CARD16 XIMID;          /* Input Method ID */
-typedef CARD16 XICID;          /* Input Context ID */
- * Padding macro
- */
-#define        XIM_PAD(length) ((4 - ((length) % 4)) % 4)
-#define XIM_SET_PAD(ptr, length)                                       \
-    {                                                                  \
-       register int     Counter = XIM_PAD((int)length);                \
-       if (Counter) {                                                  \
-           register char       *Ptr = (char *)(ptr) + (length);        \
-           length += Counter;                                          \
-           for (; Counter; --Counter, ++Ptr)                           \
-               *Ptr = '\0';                                            \
-       }                                                               \
-    }
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/Xtrans.h b/client/x11/IMdkit/Xtrans.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cae691c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-/* $XConsortium: Xtrans.h,v 1.24 94/05/02 10:45:32 mor Exp $ */
-Copyright (c) 1993, 1994  X Consortium
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
-not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
-other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
-from the X Consortium.
-/* Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 NCR Corporation - Dayton, Ohio, USA
- *
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name NCR not be used in advertising
- * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission.  NCR makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _XTRANS_H_
-#define _XTRANS_H_
-#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
- * Set the functions names according to where this code is being compiled.
- */
-#ifdef X11_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _X11Trans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _X11Trans/**/func
-#endif /* X11_t */
-#ifdef XSERV_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _XSERVTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _XSERVTrans/**/func
-#define X11_t
-#endif /* X11_t */
-#ifdef XIM_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _XimdXTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _XimdXTrans/**/func
-#endif /* XIM_t */
-#ifdef FS_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _FSTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _FSTrans/**/func
-#endif /* FS_t */
-#ifdef FONT_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _FontTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _FontTrans/**/func
-#endif /* FONT_t */
-#ifdef ICE_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _IceTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _IceTrans/**/func
-#endif /* ICE_t */
-#ifdef TEST_t
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _TESTTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _TESTTrans/**/func
-#endif /* TEST_t */
-#if !defined(TRANS)
-#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
-#define TRANS(func) _XTrans##func
-#define TRANS(func) _XTrans/**/func
-#endif /* !TRANS */
- * Create a single address structure that can be used wherever
- * an address structure is needed. struct sockaddr is not big enough
- * to hold a sockadd_un, so we create this definition to have a single
- * structure that is big enough for all the structures we might need.
- *
- * This structure needs to be independent of the socket/TLI interface used.
- */
-#define XTRANS_MAX_ADDR_LEN    128     /* large enough to hold sun_path */
-typedef        struct {
-    unsigned char      addr[XTRANS_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
-} Xtransaddr;
-#ifdef LONG64
-typedef int BytesReadable_t;
-typedef long BytesReadable_t;
-#if defined(WIN32) || (defined(USG) && !defined(CRAY) && !defined(umips) && !defined(MOTOROLA) && !defined(uniosu) && !defined(__sxg__))
- *      TRANS(Readv) and TRANS(Writev) use struct iovec, normally found
- *      in Berkeley systems in <sys/uio.h>.  See the readv(2) and writev(2)
- *      manual pages for details.
- */
-struct iovec {
-    caddr_t iov_base;
-    int iov_len;
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-typedef struct _XtransConnInfo *XtransConnInfo;
- * Transport Option definitions
- */
-#define TRANS_NONBLOCKING      1
-#define        TRANS_CLOSEONEXEC       2
- * Return values of Connect (0 is success)
- */
- * Return values of Accept (0 is success)
- */
-#define TRANS_ACCEPT_BAD_MALLOC                        -1
-#define TRANS_ACCEPT_FAILED                    -2
-#define TRANS_ACCEPT_MISC_ERROR                        -3
- * ResetListener return values
- */
-#define TRANS_RESET_NOOP       1
-#define TRANS_RESET_NEW_FD     2
- * Function prototypes for the exposed interface
- */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCOTSClient)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *             /* address */
-#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCOTSServer)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *             /* address */
-#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCLTSClient)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *             /* address */
-#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCLTSServer)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *             /* address */
-#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(ReopenCOTSServer)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    int,               /* trans_id */
-    int,               /* fd */
-    char *             /* port */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(ReopenCLTSServer)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    int,               /* trans_id */
-    int,               /* fd */
-    char *             /* port */
-int TRANS(GetReopenInfo)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    int *,             /* trans_id */
-    int *,             /* fd */
-    char **            /* port */
-#endif /* TRANS_REOPEN */
-int TRANS(SetOption)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    int,               /* option */
-    int                        /* arg */
-int TRANS(CreateListener)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    char *             /* port */
-int TRANS(ResetListener)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-XtransConnInfo TRANS(Accept)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    int *              /* status */
-#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
-int TRANS(Connect)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    char *             /* address */
-#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
-int TRANS(BytesReadable)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    BytesReadable_t *  /* pend */
-int TRANS(Read)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    char *,            /* buf */
-    int                        /* size */
-int TRANS(Write)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    char *,            /* buf */
-    int                        /* size */
-int TRANS(Readv)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    struct iovec *,    /* buf */
-    int                        /* size */
-int TRANS(Writev)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    struct iovec *,    /* buf */
-    int                        /* size */
-int TRANS(Disconnect)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-int TRANS(Close)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-int TRANS(CloseForCloning)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-int TRANS(IsLocal)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-int TRANS(GetMyAddr)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    int *,             /* familyp */
-    int *,             /* addrlenp */
-    Xtransaddr **      /* addrp */
-int TRANS(GetPeerAddr)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
-    int *,             /* familyp */
-    int *,             /* addrlenp */
-    Xtransaddr **      /* addrp */
-int TRANS(GetConnectionNumber)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-int TRANS(MakeAllCOTSServerListeners)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *,            /* port */
-    int *,             /* partial */
-    int *,             /* count_ret */
-    XtransConnInfo **  /* ciptrs_ret */
-int TRANS(MakeAllCLTSServerListeners)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    char *,            /* port */
-    int *,             /* partial */
-    int *,             /* count_ret */
-    XtransConnInfo **  /* ciptrs_ret */
-#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
- * Function Prototypes for Utility Functions.
- */
-#ifdef X11_t
-int TRANS(ConvertAddress)(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    int *,             /* familyp */
-    int *,             /* addrlenp */
-    Xtransaddr *       /* addrp */
-#endif /* X11_t */
-#ifdef ICE_t
-char *
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-char *
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
-#endif /* ICE_t */
-#endif /* _XTRANS_H_ */
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a52370b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xresource.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-typedef struct 
-    char *name;
-    CARD16 type;
-} IMListOfAttr;
-typedef struct
-    char *name;
-    CARD8 major_opcode;
-    CARD8 minor_opcode;
-} IMExtList;
-IMListOfAttr Default_IMattr[] =
-    {XNQueryInputStyle,   XimType_XIMStyles},
-/*    {XNQueryIMValuesList, XimType_XIMValuesList},    */
-    {(char *) NULL, (CARD16) 0}
-IMListOfAttr Default_ICattr[] =
-    {XNInputStyle,              XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNClientWindow,            XimType_Window},
-    {XNFocusWindow,             XimType_Window},
-    {XNFilterEvents,            XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNPreeditAttributes,       XimType_NEST},
-    {XNStatusAttributes,        XimType_NEST},
-    {XNFontSet,                 XimType_XFontSet},
-    {XNArea,                    XimType_XRectangle},
-    {XNAreaNeeded,              XimType_XRectangle},
-    {XNColormap,                XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNStdColormap,             XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNForeground,              XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNBackground,              XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNBackgroundPixmap,        XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNSpotLocation,            XimType_XPoint},
-    {XNLineSpace,               XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNPreeditState,            XimType_CARD32},
-    {XNSeparatorofNestedList,   XimType_SeparatorOfNestedList},
-    {(char *) NULL, 0}
-IMExtList Default_Extension[] =
-    {(char *) NULL, 0, 0}
-static void CountAttrList(IMListOfAttr *attr, int *total_count)
-    *total_count = 0;
-    while (attr->name != NULL)
-    {
-        attr++;
-        ++(*total_count);
-    }
-static XIMAttr *CreateAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                                IMListOfAttr *attr,
-                                int *total_count)
-    XIMAttr *args, *p;
-    unsigned int buf_size;
-    CountAttrList(attr, total_count);
-    buf_size = (unsigned) (*total_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMAttr);
-    args = (XIMAttr *) malloc (buf_size);
-    if (!args)
-        return (XIMAttr *) NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (args, 0, buf_size);
-    for (p = args;  attr->name != NULL;  attr++, p++)
-    {
-        p->name = attr->name;
-        p->length = strlen (attr->name);
-        p->type = (CARD16) attr->type;
-        p->attribute_id = XrmStringToQuark (p->name);
-        if (strcmp (p->name, XNPreeditAttributes) == 0)
-            i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
-        else if (strcmp (p->name, XNStatusAttributes) == 0)
-            i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
-        else if (strcmp (p->name, XNSeparatorofNestedList) == 0)
-            i18n_core->address.separatorAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    p->name = (char *) NULL;
-    return args;
-void _Xi18nInitAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core)
-    XIMAttr *args;
-    int        total_count;
-    /* init IMAttr list */
-    if (i18n_core->address.xim_attr)
-        XFree ((char *)i18n_core->address.xim_attr);
-    /*endif*/
-    args = CreateAttrList (i18n_core, Default_IMattr, &total_count);
-    i18n_core->address.im_attr_num = total_count;
-    i18n_core->address.xim_attr = (XIMAttr *)args;
-    /* init ICAttr list */
-    if (i18n_core->address.xic_attr)
-        XFree ((char *) i18n_core->address.xic_attr);
-    /*endif*/
-    args = CreateAttrList (i18n_core, Default_ICattr, &total_count);
-    i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num = total_count;
-    i18n_core->address.xic_attr = (XICAttr *) args;
-void _Xi18nInitExtension(Xi18n i18n_core)
-    register int i;
-    IMExtList *extensions = (IMExtList *) Default_Extension;
-    XIMExt *ext_list = (XIMExt *) i18n_core->address.extension;
-    for (i = 0;  extensions->name;  i++, ext_list++, extensions++)
-    {
-        ext_list->major_opcode = extensions->major_opcode;
-        ext_list->minor_opcode = extensions->minor_opcode;
-        ext_list->name = extensions->name;
-        ext_list->length = strlen(ext_list->name);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    i18n_core->address.ext_num = i;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b3edf3a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-int _Xi18nGeometryCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec geometry_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMGeometryCBStruct *geometry_CB =
-        (IMGeometryCBStruct *) &call_data->geometry_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (geometry_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, geometry_CB->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_GEOMETRY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_GEOMETRY is an asyncronous protocol,
-       so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_start_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct*) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_start_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage(ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_PREEDIT_START,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_draw_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *draw =
-        (XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *) &preedit_CB->todo.draw;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    register int feedback_count;
-    register int i;
-    BITMASK32 status = 0x0;
-    if (draw->text->length == 0)
-        status = 0x00000001;
-    else if (draw->text->feedback[0] == 0)
-        status = 0x00000002;
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_draw_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set length of preedit string */
-    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, draw->text->length);
-    /* set iteration count for list of feedback */
-    for (i = 0;  draw->text->feedback[i] != 0;  i++)
-        ;
-    /*endfor*/
-    feedback_count = i;
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, feedback_count);
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->caret);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->chg_first);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->chg_length);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->length);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->string);
-    for (i = 0;  i < feedback_count;  i++)
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->feedback[i]);
-    /*endfor*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_caret_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct*) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *caret =
-        (XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *) &preedit_CB->todo.caret;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_caret_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->position);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->direction);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->style);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_PREEDIT_CARET,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_done_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_done_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_PREEDIT_DONE,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_PREEDIT_DONE is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec status_start_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
-        (IMStatusCBStruct*) &call_data->status_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (status_start_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_STATUS_START,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_STATUS_START is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm = (FrameMgr)0;
-    extern XimFrameRec status_draw_text_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec status_draw_bitmap_fr[];
-    register int total_size = 0;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
-        (IMStatusCBStruct *) &call_data->status_callback;
-    XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct *draw =
-        (XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct *) &status_CB->todo.draw;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    register int feedback_count;
-    register int i;
-    BITMASK32 status = 0x0;
-    switch (draw->type)
-    {
-    case XIMTextType:
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (status_draw_text_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-        if (draw->data.text->length == 0)
-            status = 0x00000001;
-        else if (draw->data.text->feedback[0] == 0)
-            status = 0x00000002;
-        /*endif*/
-        /* set length of status string */
-        FrameMgrSetSize(fm, draw->data.text->length);
-        /* set iteration count for list of feedback */
-        for (i = 0;  draw->data.text->feedback[i] != 0;  i++)
-            ;
-        /*endfor*/
-        feedback_count = i;
-        FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, feedback_count);
-        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-        if (!reply)
-        {
-            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->type);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->string);
-        for (i = 0;  i < feedback_count;  i++)
-            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->feedback[i]);
-        /*endfor*/
-        break;
-    case XIMBitmapType:
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (status_draw_bitmap_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-        if (!reply)
-        {
-            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.bitmap);
-        break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_STATUS_DRAW,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_STATUS_DRAW is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec status_done_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
-        (IMStatusCBStruct *) &call_data->status_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (status_done_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_STATUS_DONE,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_STATUS_DONE is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
-    return True;
-int _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec str_conversion_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMStrConvCBStruct *call_back =
-        (IMStrConvCBStruct *) &call_data->strconv_callback;
-    XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct *strconv =
-        (XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct *) &call_back->strconv;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (str_conversion_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                      _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_back->icid);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->position);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->direction);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->operation);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id,
-                       XIM_STR_CONVERSION,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* XIM_STR_CONVERSION is a syncronous protocol,
-       so should wait here for XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY. */
-    if (i18n_core->methods.wait (ims,
-                                 connect_id,
-                                 XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY,
-                                 0) == False)
-    {
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return True;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 618da9d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
-Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-                        All Rights Reserved
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
-both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
-supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
-software without specific, written prior permission.  
-  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
-                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
-         Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-/* Protocol Packet frames */
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-/* Data type definitions */
-static XimFrameRec ximattr_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of the value */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of im-attribute */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* im-attribute */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec xicattr_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of the value */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of ic-attribute */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* ic-attribute */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec ximattribute_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* value length */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),             /* value */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec xicattribute_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* value length */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),             /* value */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec ximtriggerkey_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* keysym */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* modifier */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* modifier mask */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec encodinginfo_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of encoding info */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* encoding info */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec str_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* number of byte */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec xpcs_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of string in bytes */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-static XimFrameRec ext_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* extension major-opcode */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* extension minor-opcode */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of extension name */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* extension name */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-static XimFrameRec inputstyle_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* inputstyle */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-/* Protocol definitions */
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* attribute id */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* attribute length */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec short_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* value */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec long_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT32),     /* value */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* x */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* y */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* width */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* height */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* x */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* y */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec fontset_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* length of base font name */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),    /* base font name list */
-    _PAD4(2),          /* unused */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec input_styles_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* number of list */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* XIMStyle list */
-    _PTR(inputstyle_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* major-opcode */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* minor-opcode */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec error_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Error Code */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of error detail */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of error detail */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* error detail */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec connect_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* byte order */
-    _PAD2(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* client-major-protocol-version */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* client-minor-protocol-version */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* length of client-auth-protocol-names */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* client-auth-protocol-names */
-    _PTR(xpcs_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec connect_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* server-major-protocol-version */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* server-minor-protocol-version */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_required_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-protocol-index */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-data1 */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* auth-data2 */
-    _PAD4(3),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_next_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-data1 */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* auth-data2 */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_setup_fr[] =
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of client-auth-protocol-names */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* server-auth-protocol-names */
-    _PTR(xpcs_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_ng_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec disconnect_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec disconnect_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec open_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(POINTER),           /* locale name */
-    _PTR(str_fr),
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec open_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of IM attributes supported */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* IM attribute supported */
-    _PTR(ximattr_fr),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of IC attribute supported */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* IC attribute supported */
-    _PTR(xicattr_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec close_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec close_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec register_triggerkeys_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT32, 1),    /* byte length of on-keys */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* on-keys list */
-    _PTR(ximtriggerkey_fr),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT32, 1),   /* byte length of off-keys */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* off-keys list */
-    _PTR(ximtriggerkey_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec trigger_notify_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-mehotd-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* index of keys list */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* client-select-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec trigger_notify_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_event_mask_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* forward-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* synchronous-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of encodings listed by name */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* supported list of encoding in IM library */
-    _PTR(str_fr),
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of encodings listed by
-                                       detailed data */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* list of encodings supported in the
-                                  IM library */
-    _PTR(encodinginfo_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* category of the encoding determined */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* index of the encoding dterminated */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec query_extension_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of extensions supported
-                                  by the IM library */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* extensions supported by the IM library */
-    _PTR(str_fr),
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec query_extension_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of extensions supported
-                                  by the IM server */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* list of extensions supported by the
-                                  IM server */
-    _PTR(ext_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_im_values_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of im-attribute-id */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* im-attribute-id */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_im_values_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of im-attribute returned */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* im-attribute returned */
-    _PTR(ximattribute_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec create_ic_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of ic-attributes */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attributes */
-    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec create_ic_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec destroy_ic_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec destroy_ic_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_values_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of ic-attributes */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
-    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_values_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_ic_values_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of ic-attribute-id */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_ic_values_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of ic-attribute */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
-    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_focus_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec unset_ic_focus_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* sequence number */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[] = {
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* type */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* detail */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* serial number */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* time */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* root */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* window */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* subwindow */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* rootX */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* rootY */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* X */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Y */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* state */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* sameScreen */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec sync_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec sync_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-#if 0
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of keysym */
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* keysym */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_chars_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_both_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* keysym */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec reset_ic_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec reset_ic_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec geometry_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec str_conversion_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionPosition */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionType */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionOperation */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length to multiply the
-                                  XIMStringConversionType */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of the string to be
-                                  substituted */
-#if 0
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec str_conversion_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionFeedback */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of the retrieved string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* retrieved string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_start_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_start_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* return value */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_draw_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* caret */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* chg_first */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* chg_length */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* status */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of preedit string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* preedit string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_caret_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* position */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* direction */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* style */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_caret_reply_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* position */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_done_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_start_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_draw_text_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* type */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* status */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of status string */
-    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* status string */
-    _PAD4(2),
-    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
-    _PAD4(1),
-    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_draw_bitmap_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* type */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* pixmap data */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_done_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_set_event_mask_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* filter-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* intercept-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* select-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* forward-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* synchronous-event-mask */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_forward_keyevent_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* sequence number */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* xEvent.u.u.type */
-    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* keycode */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* state */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* time */
-    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* window */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
-xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_move_fr[] =
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* X */
-    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Y */
-    _FRAME(EOL),
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIc.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nIc.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 61b576f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1106 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-#define IC_SIZE 64
-/* Set IC values */
-static void SetCardAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                              char *p,
-                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
-                              int value_length,
-                              int need_swap,
-                              void **value_buf)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    /*endif*/
-    if (value_length == sizeof (CARD8))
-    {
-        memmove (*value_buf, p, value_length);
-    }
-    else if (value_length == sizeof (CARD16))
-    {
-        INT16 value;
-        extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
-        /* get data */
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
-        FrameMgrFree (fm);
-        memmove (*value_buf, &value, value_length);
-    }
-    else if (value_length == sizeof(CARD32))
-    {
-        INT32 value;
-        extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
-        /* get data */
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
-        FrameMgrFree (fm);
-        memmove (*value_buf, &value, value_length);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
-    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
-    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
-    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
-    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
-    value_ret->value = *value_buf;
-    *value_buf += value_length;
-static void SetFontAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                              char *p,
-                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
-                              int value_length,
-                              int need_swap,
-                              void **value_buf)
-    char *base_name;
-    CARD16 base_length;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec fontset_fr[];
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (fontset_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, base_length);
-    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, base_length);
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, base_name);
-    FrameMgrFree(fm);
-    strncpy ((char *) (*value_buf), base_name, base_length);
-    ((char *) *value_buf)[base_length] = (char) 0;
-    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
-    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
-    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
-    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
-    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
-    value_ret->value = *value_buf;
-    *value_buf += (base_length + 1);
-static void SetPointAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                               char *p,
-                               XICAttr *ic_attr,
-                               int value_length,
-                               int need_swap,
-                               void **value_buf)
-    XPoint *buf;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
-    buf = (XPoint *) (*value_buf);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->x);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->y);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
-    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
-    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
-    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
-    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
-    value_ret->value = (char *) buf;
-    *value_buf += value_length;
-static void SetRectAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                              char *p,
-                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
-                              int value_length,
-                              int need_swap,
-                              void **value_buf)
-    XRectangle *buf;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
-    buf = (XRectangle *) (*value_buf);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->x);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->y);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->width);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->height);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
-    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
-    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
-    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
-    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
-    value_ret->value = (char *) buf;
-    *value_buf += value_length;
-#if 0
-static void SetHotKeyAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                                char *p,
-                                XICAttr *ic_attr,
-                                int value_length,
-                                int need_swap,
-                                void **value_buf)
-    INT32 list_number;
-    XIMTriggerKey *hotkeys;
-    memmove (&list_number, p, sizeof(INT32)); p += sizeof(INT32);
-    hotkeys = (XIMTriggerKey *) (*value_buf);
-    memmove (hotkeys, p, list_number*sizeof (XIMTriggerKey));
-    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
-    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
-    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
-    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
-    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
-    value_ret->value = (char *) hotkeys;
-    *value_buf += value_length;
-/* get IC values */
-static void GetAttrHeader (unsigned char *rec,
-                           XICAttribute *list,
-                           int need_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[];
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (attr_head_fr, (char *) rec, need_swap);
-    /* put data */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->attribute_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->value_length);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-static void GetCardAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
-    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
-    recp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-    if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD8))
-    {
-        memmove (recp, list->value, list->value_length);
-    }
-    else if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD16))
-    {
-        INT16 *value = (INT16 *) list->value;
-        extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
-        /* put data */
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, *value);
-        FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    }
-    else if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD32))
-    {
-        INT32 *value = (INT32 *) list->value;
-        extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
-        /* put data */
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, *value);
-        FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void GetFontAttribute(char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec fontset_fr[];
-    char *base_name = (char *) list->value;
-    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
-    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
-    recp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (fontset_fr, (char *)recp, need_swap);
-    /* put data */
-    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, list->value_length);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->value_length);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, base_name);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-static void GetRectAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
-    XRectangle *rect = (XRectangle *) list->value;
-    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
-    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
-    recp += sizeof(CARD16)*2;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
-    /* put data */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->x);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->y);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->width);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->height);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-static void GetPointAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
-    XPoint *rect = (XPoint *) list->value;
-    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
-    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
-    recp += sizeof(CARD16)*2;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
-    /* put data */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->x);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->y);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-static int ReadICValue (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                        CARD16 icvalue_id,
-                        int value_length,
-                        void *p,
-                        XICAttribute *value_ret,
-                        CARD16 *number_ret,
-                        int need_swap,
-                        void **value_buf)
-    XICAttr *ic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
-    int i;
-    *number_ret = (CARD16) 0;
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++, ic_attr++)
-    {
-        if (ic_attr->attribute_id == icvalue_id)
-            break;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    switch (ic_attr->type)
-    {
-    case XimType_NEST:
-        {
-            int total_length = 0;
-            CARD16 attribute_ID;
-            INT16 attribute_length;
-            unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *) p;
-            CARD16 ic_len = 0;
-            CARD16 number;
-            FrameMgr fm;
-            extern XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[];
-            while (total_length < value_length)
-            {
-                fm = FrameMgrInit (attr_head_fr, (char *) p1, need_swap);
-                /* get data */
-                FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attribute_ID);
-                FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attribute_length);
-                FrameMgrFree (fm);
-                p1 += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
-                             attribute_ID,
-                             attribute_length,
-                             p1,
-                             (value_ret + ic_len),
-                             &number,
-                             need_swap,
-                             value_buf);
-                ic_len++;
-                *number_ret += number;
-                p1 += attribute_length;
-                p1 += IMPAD (attribute_length);
-                total_length += (CARD16) sizeof(CARD16)*2
-                                + (INT16) attribute_length
-                                + IMPAD (attribute_length);
-            }
-           /*endwhile*/
-            return ic_len;
-        }
-    case XimType_CARD8:
-    case XimType_CARD16:
-    case XimType_CARD32:
-    case XimType_Window:
-        SetCardAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
-        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
-        return *number_ret;
-    case XimType_XFontSet:
-        SetFontAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
-        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
-        return *number_ret;
-    case XimType_XRectangle:
-        SetRectAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
-        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
-        return *number_ret;
-    case XimType_XPoint:
-        SetPointAttribute(value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
-        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
-        return *number_ret;
-#if 0
-    case XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers:
-        SetHotKeyAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
-       *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
-       return *number_ret;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return 0;
-static XICAttribute *CreateNestedList (CARD16 attr_id,
-                                       XICAttribute *list,
-                                       int number,
-                                       int need_swap)
-    XICAttribute *nest_list = NULL;
-    register int i;
-    char *values = NULL;
-    char *valuesp;
-    int value_length = 0;
-    if (number == 0)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
-    {
-        value_length += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-        value_length += list[i].value_length;
-        value_length += IMPAD (list[i].value_length);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    if ((values = (char *) malloc (value_length)) == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (values, 0, value_length);
-    valuesp = values;
-    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
-    {
-        switch (list[i].type)
-        {
-        case XimType_CARD8:
-        case XimType_CARD16:
-        case XimType_CARD32:
-        case XimType_Window:
-            GetCardAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
-            break;
-        case XimType_XFontSet:
-            GetFontAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
-            break;
-        case XimType_XRectangle:
-            GetRectAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
-            break;
-        case XimType_XPoint:
-            GetPointAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
-            break;
-#if 0
-        case XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers:
-            GetHotKeyAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
-            break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        valuesp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-        valuesp += list[i].value_length;
-        valuesp += IMPAD(list[i].value_length);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    nest_list = (XICAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XICAttribute));
-    if (nest_list == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (nest_list, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute));
-    nest_list->value = (void *) malloc (value_length);
-    if (nest_list->value == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (nest_list->value, 0, sizeof (value_length));
-    nest_list->attribute_id = attr_id;
-    nest_list->value_length = value_length;
-    memmove (nest_list->value, values, value_length);
-    XFree (values);
-    return nest_list;
-static Bool IsNestedList (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 icvalue_id)
-    XICAttr *ic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++, ic_attr++)
-    {
-        if (ic_attr->attribute_id == icvalue_id)
-        {
-            if (ic_attr->type == XimType_NEST)
-                return True;
-            /*endif*/
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    return False;
-static Bool IsSeparator (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 icvalue_id)
-    return (i18n_core->address.separatorAttr_id == icvalue_id);
-static int GetICValue (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                       XICAttribute *attr_ret,
-                       CARD16 *id_list,
-                       int list_num)
-    XICAttr *xic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
-    register int i;
-    register int j;
-    register int n;
-    i =
-    n = 0;
-    if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, id_list[i]))
-    {
-        i++;
-        while (i < list_num  &&  !IsSeparator (i18n_core, id_list[i]))
-        {
-            for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  j++)
-            {
-                if (xic_attr[j].attribute_id == id_list[i])
-                {
-                    attr_ret[n].attribute_id = xic_attr[j].attribute_id;
-                    attr_ret[n].name_length = xic_attr[j].length;
-                    attr_ret[n].name = malloc (xic_attr[j].length + 1);
-                   strcpy(attr_ret[n].name, xic_attr[j].name);
-                    attr_ret[n].type = xic_attr[j].type;
-                    n++;
-                    i++;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-        }
-        /*endwhile*/
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  j++)
-        {
-            if (xic_attr[j].attribute_id == id_list[i])
-            {
-                attr_ret[n].attribute_id = xic_attr[j].attribute_id;
-                attr_ret[n].name_length = xic_attr[j].length;
-                attr_ret[n].name = malloc (xic_attr[j].length + 1);
-               strcpy(attr_ret[n].name, xic_attr[j].name);
-                attr_ret[n].type = xic_attr[j].type;
-                n++;
-                break;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return n;
-static void SwapAttributes (XICAttribute *list,
-                          int number){
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    CARD16 c16;
-    extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
-    CARD32 c32;
-    extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
-    XPoint xpoint;
-    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
-    XRectangle xrect;
-    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < number; ++i, ++list) {
-       if (list->value == NULL)
-           continue;
-       switch (list->type) {
-       case XimType_CARD16:
-           fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
-           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, c16);
-           memmove(list->value, &c16, sizeof(CARD16));
-           FrameMgrFree (fm);
-           break;
-       case XimType_CARD32:
-       case XimType_Window:
-           fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
-           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, c32);
-           memmove(list->value, &c32, sizeof(CARD32));
-           FrameMgrFree (fm);
-           break;
-       case XimType_XRectangle:
-           fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
-           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, xrect);
-           memmove(list->value, &xrect, sizeof(XRectangle));
-           FrameMgrFree (fm);
-           break;
-       case XimType_XPoint:
-           fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
-           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, xpoint);
-           memmove(list->value, &xpoint, sizeof(XPoint));
-           FrameMgrFree (fm);
-           break;
-       default:
-           break;
-       }
-    }
-/* called from CreateICMessageProc and SetICValueMessageProc */
-void _Xi18nChangeIC (XIMS ims,
-                     IMProtocol *call_data,
-                     unsigned char *p,
-                     int create_flag)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    FmStatus status;
-    CARD16 byte_length;
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    register int i;
-    register int attrib_num;
-    XICAttribute *attrib_list;
-    XICAttribute pre_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    XICAttribute sts_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    XICAttribute ic_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    CARD16 preedit_ic_num = 0;
-    CARD16 status_ic_num = 0;
-    CARD16 ic_num = 0;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    IMChangeICStruct *changeic = (IMChangeICStruct *) &call_data->changeic;
-    extern XimFrameRec create_ic_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec create_ic_reply_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_values_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_values_reply_fr[];
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    void *value_buf = NULL;
-    void *value_buf_ptr;
-    register int total_value_length = 0;
-    memset (pre_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    memset (sts_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    memset (ic_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    if (create_flag == True)
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (create_ic_fr,
-                           (char *) p,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-        /* get data */
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_values_fr,
-                           (char *) p,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-        /* get data */
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, changeic->icid);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    attrib_list = (XICAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    if (!attrib_list)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (attrib_list, 0, sizeof(XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    attrib_num = 0;
-    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-    {
-        void *value;
-        int value_length;
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attrib_list[attrib_num].attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value_length);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, value_length);
-        attrib_list[attrib_num].value_length = value_length;
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
-        attrib_list[attrib_num].value = (void *) malloc (value_length + 1);
-        memmove (attrib_list[attrib_num].value, value, value_length);
-       ((char *)attrib_list[attrib_num].value)[value_length] = '\0';
-        attrib_num++;
-        total_value_length += (value_length + 1);
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    value_buf = (void *) malloc (total_value_length);
-    value_buf_ptr = value_buf;
-    if (!value_buf)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
-            XFree (attrib_list[i].value);
-        /*endfor*/
-        XFree (attrib_list);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
-    {
-        CARD16 number;
-        if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, attrib_list[i].attribute_id))
-        {
-            if (attrib_list[i].attribute_id
-                == i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id)
-            {
-                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
-                             attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
-                             attrib_list[i].value_length,
-                             attrib_list[i].value,
-                             &pre_attr[preedit_ic_num],
-                             &number,
-                             _Xi18nNeedSwap(i18n_core, connect_id),
-                             &value_buf_ptr);
-                preedit_ic_num += number;
-            }
-            else if (attrib_list[i].attribute_id == i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id)
-            {
-                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
-                             attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
-                             attrib_list[i].value_length,
-                             attrib_list[i].value,
-                             &sts_attr[status_ic_num],
-                             &number,
-                             _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id),
-                             &value_buf_ptr);
-                status_ic_num += number;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* another nested list.. possible? */
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ReadICValue (i18n_core,
-                         attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
-                         attrib_list[i].value_length,
-                         attrib_list[i].value,
-                         &ic_attr[ic_num],
-                         &number,
-                         _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id),
-                         &value_buf_ptr);
-            ic_num += number;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
-        XFree (attrib_list[i].value);
-    /*endfor*/
-    XFree (attrib_list);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    changeic->preedit_attr_num = preedit_ic_num;
-    changeic->status_attr_num = status_ic_num;
-    changeic->ic_attr_num = ic_num;
-    changeic->preedit_attr = pre_attr;
-    changeic->status_attr = sts_attr;
-    changeic->ic_attr = ic_attr;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data))) {
-            XFree (value_buf);
-            return;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    XFree (value_buf);
-    /*endif*/
-    if (create_flag == True)
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (create_ic_reply_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_values_reply_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, changeic->icid);
-    if (create_flag == True)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY,
-                           0,
-                           reply,
-                           total_size);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY,
-                           0,
-                           reply,
-                           total_size);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (create_flag == True)
-    {
-        int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
-        int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
-        if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
-        {
-            long mask;
-            if (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
-                mask = i18n_core->address.filterevent_mask;
-            else
-                mask = DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK;
-            /*endif*/
-            /* static event flow is default */
-            _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
-                                connect_id,
-                                input_method_ID,
-                                changeic->icid,
-                                mask,
-                                ~mask);
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree(reply);
-/* called from GetICValueMessageProc */
-void _Xi18nGetIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    FmStatus status;
-    extern XimFrameRec get_ic_values_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec get_ic_values_reply_fr[];
-    CARD16 byte_length;
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    XICAttribute *preedit_ret = NULL;
-    XICAttribute *status_ret = NULL;
-    register int i;
-    register int number;
-    int iter_count;
-    CARD16 *attrID_list;
-    XICAttribute pre_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    XICAttribute sts_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    XICAttribute ic_attr[IC_SIZE];
-    CARD16 pre_count = 0;
-    CARD16 sts_count = 0;
-    CARD16 ic_count = 0;
-    IMChangeICStruct *getic = (IMChangeICStruct *) &call_data->changeic;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    memset (pre_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    memset (sts_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    memset (ic_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_ic_values_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, getic->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    attrID_list = (CARD16 *) malloc (sizeof (CARD16)*IC_SIZE);  /* bogus */
-    memset (attrID_list, 0, sizeof (CARD16)*IC_SIZE);
-    number = 0;
-    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attrID_list[number++]);
-    /*endwhile*/
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    i = 0;
-    while (i < number)
-    {
-        int read_number;
-        if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, attrID_list[i]))
-        {
-            if (attrID_list[i] == i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id)
-            {
-                read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
-                                          &pre_attr[pre_count],
-                                          &attrID_list[i],
-                                          number);
-                i += read_number + 1;
-                pre_count += read_number;
-            }
-            else if (attrID_list[i] == i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id)
-            {
-                read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
-                                          &sts_attr[sts_count],
-                                          &attrID_list[i],
-                                          number);
-                i += read_number + 1;
-                sts_count += read_number;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* another nested list.. possible? */
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
-                                      &ic_attr[ic_count],
-                                      &attrID_list[i],
-                                      number);
-            i += read_number;
-            ic_count += read_number;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    getic->preedit_attr_num = pre_count;
-    getic->status_attr_num = sts_count;
-    getic->ic_attr_num = ic_count;
-    getic->preedit_attr = pre_attr;
-    getic->status_attr = sts_attr;
-    getic->ic_attr = ic_attr;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-       if (_Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id))
-         SwapAttributes(getic->ic_attr, getic->ic_attr_num);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    iter_count = getic->ic_attr_num;
-    preedit_ret = CreateNestedList (i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id,
-                                    getic->preedit_attr,
-                                    getic->preedit_attr_num,
-                                    _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    if (preedit_ret)
-        iter_count++;
-    /*endif*/
-    status_ret = CreateNestedList (i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id,
-                                   getic->status_attr,
-                                   getic->status_attr_num,
-                                   _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    if (status_ret)
-        iter_count++;
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_ic_values_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set iteration count for list of ic_attribute */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, iter_count);
-    /* set length of BARRAY item in xicattribute_fr */
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, ic_attr[i].value_length);
-    /*endfor*/
-    if (preedit_ret)
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, preedit_ret->value_length);
-    /*endif*/
-    if (status_ret)
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, status_ret->value_length);
-    /*endif*/
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (reply == NULL)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, getic->icid);
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].value_length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].value);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    if (preedit_ret)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->value_length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->value);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (status_ret)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->value_length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->value);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    XFree (reply);
-    XFree (attrID_list);
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-       if (getic->ic_attr[i].name)
-           XFree (getic->ic_attr[i].name);
-       /*endif*/
-        if (getic->ic_attr[i].value)
-            XFree (getic->ic_attr[i].value);
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->preedit_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-       if (getic->preedit_attr[i].name)
-           XFree (getic->preedit_attr[i].name);
-       /*endif*/
-       if (getic->preedit_attr[i].value)
-           XFree (getic->preedit_attr[i].value);
-       /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->status_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-       if (getic->status_attr[i].name)
-           XFree (getic->status_attr[i].name);
-       /*endif*/
-       if (getic->status_attr[i].value)
-           XFree (getic->status_attr[i].value);
-       /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    if (preedit_ret)
-    {
-        XFree (preedit_ret->value);
-        XFree (preedit_ret);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (status_ret)
-    {
-        XFree (status_ret->value);
-        XFree (status_ret);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 203f831..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
-#define NEED_EVENTS
-#include <X11/Xproto.h>
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
-static void *xi18n_setup (Display *, XIMArg *);
-static Status xi18n_openIM (XIMS);
-static Status xi18n_closeIM (XIMS);
-static char *xi18n_setIMValues (XIMS, XIMArg *);
-static char *xi18n_getIMValues (XIMS, XIMArg *);
-static Status xi18n_forwardEvent (XIMS, XPointer);
-static Status xi18n_commit (XIMS, XPointer);
-static int xi18n_callCallback (XIMS, XPointer);
-static int xi18n_preeditStart (XIMS, XPointer);
-static int xi18n_preeditEnd (XIMS, XPointer);
-static int xi18n_syncXlib (XIMS, XPointer);
-#ifndef XIM_SERVERS
-static Atom XIM_Servers = None;
-IMMethodsRec Xi18n_im_methods =
-    xi18n_setup,
-    xi18n_openIM,
-    xi18n_closeIM,
-    xi18n_setIMValues,
-    xi18n_getIMValues,
-    xi18n_forwardEvent,
-    xi18n_commit,
-    xi18n_callCallback,
-    xi18n_preeditStart,
-    xi18n_preeditEnd,
-    xi18n_syncXlib,
-extern Bool _Xi18nCheckXAddress (Xi18n, TransportSW *, char *);
-extern Bool _Xi18nCheckTransAddress (Xi18n, TransportSW *, char *);
-TransportSW _TransR[] =
-    {"X",               1, _Xi18nCheckXAddress},
-#ifdef TCPCONN
-    {"tcp",             3, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
-    {"local",           5, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
-#ifdef DNETCONN
-    {"decnet",          6, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
-    {(char *) NULL,     0, (Bool (*) ()) NULL}
-static Bool GetInputStyles (Xi18n i18n_core, XIMStyles **p_style)
-    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
-    XIMStyles *p;
-    int        i;
-    p = &address->input_styles;
-    if ((*p_style = (XIMStyles *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStyles)
-                                          + p->count_styles*sizeof (XIMStyle)))
-        == NULL)
-    {
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    (*p_style)->count_styles = p->count_styles;
-    (*p_style)->supported_styles = (XIMStyle *) ((XPointer) *p_style + sizeof (XIMStyles));
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_styles;  i++)
-        (*p_style)->supported_styles[i] = p->supported_styles[i];
-    /*endfor*/
-    return True;
-static Bool GetOnOffKeys (Xi18n i18n_core, long mask, XIMTriggerKeys **p_key)
-    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
-    XIMTriggerKeys *p;
-    int        i;
-    if (mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
-        p = &address->on_keys;
-    else
-        p = &address->off_keys;
-    /*endif*/
-    if ((*p_key = (XIMTriggerKeys *) malloc (sizeof(XIMTriggerKeys)
-                                             + p->count_keys*sizeof(XIMTriggerKey)))
-        == NULL)
-    {
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    (*p_key)->count_keys = p->count_keys;
-    (*p_key)->keylist =
-        (XIMTriggerKey *) ((XPointer) *p_key + sizeof(XIMTriggerKeys));
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_keys;  i++)
-    {
-        (*p_key)->keylist[i].keysym = p->keylist[i].keysym;
-        (*p_key)->keylist[i].modifier = p->keylist[i].modifier;
-        (*p_key)->keylist[i].modifier_mask = p->keylist[i].modifier_mask;
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    return True;
-static Bool GetEncodings(Xi18n i18n_core, XIMEncodings **p_encoding)
-    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
-    XIMEncodings *p;
-    int        i;
-    p = &address->encoding_list;
-    if ((*p_encoding = (XIMEncodings *) malloc (sizeof (XIMEncodings)
-                                              + p->count_encodings*sizeof(XIMEncoding))) == NULL)
-    {
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    (*p_encoding)->count_encodings = p->count_encodings;
-    (*p_encoding)->supported_encodings =
-        (XIMEncoding *) ((XPointer)*p_encoding + sizeof (XIMEncodings));
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_encodings;  i++)
-    {
-        (*p_encoding)->supported_encodings[i]
-            = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->supported_encodings[i]) + 1);
-        strcpy ((*p_encoding)->supported_encodings[i],
-                p->supported_encodings[i]);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return True;
-static char *ParseArgs (Xi18n i18n_core, int mode, XIMArg *args)
-    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
-    XIMArg *p;
-    if (mode == I18N_OPEN  ||  mode == I18N_SET)
-    {
-        for (p = args;  p->name != NULL;  p++)
-        {
-            if (strcmp (p->name, IMLocale) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_LOCALE)
-                    return IMLocale;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->im_locale = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
-                if (!address->im_locale)
-                    return IMLocale;
-                /*endif*/
-                strcpy (address->im_locale, p->value);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_LOCALE;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerTransport) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_ADDRESS)
-                    return IMServerTransport;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->im_addr = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
-                if (!address->im_addr)
-                    return IMServerTransport;
-                /*endif*/
-                strcpy(address->im_addr, p->value);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_ADDRESS;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerName) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_NAME)
-                    return IMServerName;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->im_name = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
-                if (!address->im_name)
-                    return IMServerName;
-                /*endif*/
-                strcpy (address->im_name, p->value);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_NAME;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerWindow) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IMSERVER_WIN)
-                    return IMServerWindow;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->im_window = (Window) p->value;
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IMSERVER_WIN;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMInputStyles) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_INPUT_STYLES)
-                    return IMInputStyles;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->input_styles.count_styles =
-                    ((XIMStyles*)p->value)->count_styles;
-                address->input_styles.supported_styles =
-                    (XIMStyle *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStyle)*address->input_styles.count_styles);
-                if (address->input_styles.supported_styles == (XIMStyle *) NULL)
-                    return IMInputStyles;
-                /*endif*/
-                memmove (address->input_styles.supported_styles,
-                         ((XIMStyles *) p->value)->supported_styles,
-                         sizeof (XIMStyle)*address->input_styles.count_styles);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_INPUT_STYLES;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMProtocolHandler) == 0)
-            {
-                address->improto = (IMProtoHandler) p->value;
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_HANDLER;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOnKeysList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
-                    return IMOnKeysList;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->on_keys.count_keys =
-                    ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->count_keys;
-                address->on_keys.keylist =
-                    (XIMTriggerKey *) malloc (sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->on_keys.count_keys);
-                if (address->on_keys.keylist == (XIMTriggerKey *) NULL)
-                    return IMOnKeysList;
-                /*endif*/
-                memmove (address->on_keys.keylist,
-                         ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->keylist,
-                         sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->on_keys.count_keys);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_ON_KEYS;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOffKeysList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS)
-                    return IMOffKeysList;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->off_keys.count_keys =
-                    ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->count_keys;
-                address->off_keys.keylist =
-                    (XIMTriggerKey *) malloc (sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->off_keys.count_keys);
-                if (address->off_keys.keylist == (XIMTriggerKey *) NULL)
-                    return IMOffKeysList;
-                /*endif*/
-                memmove (address->off_keys.keylist,
-                         ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->keylist,
-                         sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->off_keys.count_keys);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_OFF_KEYS;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMEncodingList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ENCODINGS)
-                    return IMEncodingList;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->encoding_list.count_encodings =
-                    ((XIMEncodings *) p->value)->count_encodings;
-                address->encoding_list.supported_encodings =
-                    (XIMEncoding *) malloc (sizeof (XIMEncoding)*address->encoding_list.count_encodings);
-                if (address->encoding_list.supported_encodings
-                    == (XIMEncoding *) NULL)
-                {
-                    return IMEncodingList;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-                memmove (address->encoding_list.supported_encodings,
-                         ((XIMEncodings *) p->value)->supported_encodings,
-                         sizeof (XIMEncoding)*address->encoding_list.count_encodings);
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_ENCODINGS;
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMFilterEventMask) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
-                    return IMFilterEventMask;
-                /*endif*/
-                address->filterevent_mask = (long) p->value;
-                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_FILTERMASK;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-        if (mode == I18N_OPEN)
-        {
-            /* check mandatory IM values */
-            if (!(address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_LOCALE))
-            {
-                /* locales must be set in IMOpenIM */
-                return IMLocale;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            if (!(address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_ADDRESS))
-            {
-                /* address must be set in IMOpenIM */
-                return IMServerTransport;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    else if (mode == I18N_GET)
-    {
-        for (p = args;  p->name != NULL;  p++)
-        {
-            if (strcmp (p->name, IMLocale) == 0)
-            {
-                p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_locale) + 1);
-                if (!p->value)
-                    return IMLocale;
-                /*endif*/
-                strcpy (p->value, address->im_locale);
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerTransport) == 0)
-            {
-                p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_addr) + 1);
-                if (!p->value)
-                    return IMServerTransport;
-                /*endif*/
-                strcpy (p->value, address->im_addr);
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerName) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_NAME)
-                {
-                    p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_name) + 1);
-                    if (!p->value)
-                        return IMServerName;
-                    /*endif*/
-                    strcpy (p->value, address->im_name);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return IMServerName;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerWindow) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IMSERVER_WIN)
-                    *((Window *) (p->value)) = address->im_window;
-                else
-                    return IMServerWindow;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMInputStyles) == 0)
-            {
-                if (GetInputStyles (i18n_core,
-                                    (XIMStyles **) p->value) == False)
-                {
-                    return IMInputStyles;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMProtocolHandler) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_HANDLER)
-                    *((IMProtoHandler *) (p->value)) = address->improto;
-                else
-                    return IMProtocolHandler;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOnKeysList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
-                {
-                    if (GetOnOffKeys (i18n_core,
-                                      I18N_ON_KEYS,
-                                      (XIMTriggerKeys **) p->value) == False)
-                    {
-                        return IMOnKeysList;
-                    }
-                    /*endif*/
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return IMOnKeysList;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOffKeysList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS)
-                {
-                    if (GetOnOffKeys (i18n_core,
-                                      I18N_OFF_KEYS,
-                                      (XIMTriggerKeys **) p->value) == False)
-                    {
-                        return IMOffKeysList;
-                    }
-                    /*endif*/
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return IMOffKeysList;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMEncodingList) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ENCODINGS)
-                {
-                    if (GetEncodings (i18n_core,
-                                      (XIMEncodings **) p->value) == False)
-                    {
-                        return IMEncodingList;
-                    }
-                    /*endif*/
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return IMEncodingList;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMFilterEventMask) == 0)
-            {
-                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
-                    *((long *) (p->value)) = address->filterevent_mask;
-                else
-                    return IMFilterEventMask;
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return NULL;
-static int CheckIMName (Xi18n i18n_core)
-    char *address = i18n_core->address.im_addr;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0;  _TransR[i].transportname;  i++)
-    {
-        while (*address == ' '  ||  *address == '\t')
-            address++;
-        /*endwhile*/
-        if (strncmp (address,
-                     _TransR[i].transportname,
-                     _TransR[i].namelen) == 0
-            &&
-            address[_TransR[i].namelen] == '/')
-        {
-            if (_TransR[i].checkAddr (i18n_core,
-                                      &_TransR[i],
-                                      address + _TransR[i].namelen + 1) == True)
-            {
-                return True;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    return False;
-static int SetXi18nSelectionOwner(Xi18n i18n_core)
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    Window ims_win = i18n_core->address.im_window;
-    Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy));
-    Atom realtype;
-    int realformat;
-    unsigned long bytesafter;
-    long *data=NULL;
-    unsigned long length;
-    Atom atom;
-    int i;
-    int found;
-    int forse = False;
-    char buf[256];
-    (void)snprintf(buf, 256, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name);
-    if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0)
-        return False;
-    i18n_core->address.selection = atom;
-    if (XIM_Servers == None)
-        XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False);
-    /*endif*/
-    XGetWindowProperty (dpy,
-                        root,
-                        XIM_Servers,
-                        0L,
-                        1000000L,
-                        False,
-                        XA_ATOM,
-                        &realtype,
-                        &realformat,
-                        &length,
-                        &bytesafter,
-                        (unsigned char **) (&data));
-    if (realtype != None && (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32)) {
-        if (data != NULL)
-            XFree ((char *) data);
-        return False;
-    }
-    found = False;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        if (data[i] == atom) {
-            Window owner;
-            found = True;
-            if ((owner = XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom)) != ims_win) {
-                if (owner == None  ||  forse == True)
-                    XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime);
-                else
-                    return False;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (found == False) {
-        XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime);
-        XChangeProperty (dpy,
-                         root,
-                         XIM_Servers,
-                         XA_ATOM,
-                         32,
-                         PropModePrepend,
-                         (unsigned char *) &atom,
-                         1);
-    }
-    else {
-       /* 
-        * We always need to generate the PropertyNotify to the Root Window 
-        */
-        XChangeProperty (dpy,
-                         root,
-                         XIM_Servers,
-                         XA_ATOM,
-                         32,
-                         PropModePrepend,
-                         (unsigned char *) data,
-                         0);
-    }
-    if (data != NULL)
-        XFree ((char *) data);
-    /* Intern "LOCALES" and "TRANSOPORT" Target Atoms */
-    i18n_core->address.Localename = XInternAtom (dpy, LOCALES, False);
-    i18n_core->address.Transportname = XInternAtom (dpy, TRANSPORT, False);
-    return (XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom) == ims_win);
-static int DeleteXi18nAtom(Xi18n i18n_core)
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy));
-    Atom realtype;
-    int realformat;
-    unsigned long bytesafter;
-    long *data=NULL;
-    unsigned long length;
-    Atom atom;
-    int i, ret;
-    int found;
-    char buf[256];
-    (void)snprintf(buf, 256, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name);
-    if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0)
-        return False;
-    i18n_core->address.selection = atom;
-    if (XIM_Servers == None)
-        XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False);
-    XGetWindowProperty (dpy,
-                        root,
-                        XIM_Servers,
-                        0L,
-                        1000000L,
-                        False,
-                        XA_ATOM,
-                        &realtype,
-                        &realformat,
-                        &length,
-                        &bytesafter,
-                        (unsigned char **) (&data));
-    if (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32) {
-        if (data != NULL)
-            XFree ((char *) data);
-        return False;
-    }
-    found = False;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        if (data[i] == atom) {
-            found = True;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (found == True) {
-        for (i=i+1; i<length; i++)
-            data[i-1] = data[i];
-        XChangeProperty (dpy,
-                         root,
-                         XIM_Servers,
-                         XA_ATOM,
-                         32,
-                         PropModeReplace,
-                         (unsigned char *)data,
-                         length-1);
-        ret = True;
-    }
-    else {
-        XChangeProperty (dpy,
-                         root,
-                         XIM_Servers,
-                         XA_ATOM,
-                         32,
-                         PropModePrepend,
-                         (unsigned char *)data,
-                         0);
-        ret = False;
-    }
-    if (data != NULL)
-        XFree ((char *) data);
-    return ret;
-/* XIM protocol methods */
-static void *xi18n_setup (Display *dpy, XIMArg *args)
-    Xi18n i18n_core;
-    CARD16 endian = 1;
-    if ((i18n_core = (Xi18n) malloc (sizeof (Xi18nCore))) == (Xi18n) NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (i18n_core, 0, sizeof (Xi18nCore));
-    i18n_core->address.dpy = dpy;
-    if (ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_OPEN, args) != NULL)
-    {
-        XFree (i18n_core);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (*(char *) &endian)
-        i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder = 'l';
-    else
-        i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder = 'B';
-    /*endif*/
-    /* install IMAttr and ICAttr list in i18n_core */
-    _Xi18nInitAttrList (i18n_core);
-    /* install IMExtension list in i18n_core */
-    _Xi18nInitExtension (i18n_core);
-    return i18n_core;
-static void ReturnSelectionNotify (Xi18n i18n_core, XSelectionRequestEvent *ev)
-    XEvent event;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    char buf[4096];
-    event.type = SelectionNotify;
-    event.xselection.requestor = ev->requestor;
-    event.xselection.selection = ev->selection;
-    event.xselection.target = ev->target;
-    event.xselection.time = ev->time;
-    event.xselection.property = ev->property;
-    if (ev->target == i18n_core->address.Localename)
-    {
-        snprintf (buf, 4096, "@locale=%s", i18n_core->address.im_locale);
-    }
-    else if (ev->target == i18n_core->address.Transportname)
-    {
-        snprintf (buf, 4096, "@transport=%s", i18n_core->address.im_addr);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    XChangeProperty (dpy,
-                     event.xselection.requestor,
-                     ev->target,
-                     ev->target,
-                     8,
-                     PropModeReplace,
-                     (unsigned char *) buf,
-                     strlen (buf));
-    XSendEvent (dpy, event.xselection.requestor, False, NoEventMask, &event);
-    XFlush (i18n_core->address.dpy);
-static Bool WaitXSelectionRequest (Display *dpy,
-                                   Window win,
-                                   XEvent *ev,
-                                   XPointer client_data)
-    XIMS ims = (XIMS) client_data;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    if (((XSelectionRequestEvent *) ev)->selection
-        == i18n_core->address.selection)
-    {
-        ReturnSelectionNotify (i18n_core, (XSelectionRequestEvent *) ev);
-        return True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return False;
-static Status xi18n_openIM(XIMS ims)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    if (!CheckIMName (i18n_core)
-        ||
-        !SetXi18nSelectionOwner (i18n_core)
-        ||
-        !i18n_core->methods.begin (ims))
-    {
-        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_name);
-        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_locale);
-        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_addr);
-        XFree (i18n_core);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
-                            i18n_core->address.im_window,
-                            SelectionRequest,
-                            SelectionRequest,
-                            WaitXSelectionRequest,
-                            (XPointer)ims);
-    XFlush(dpy);
-    return True;
-static Status xi18n_closeIM(XIMS ims)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    DeleteXi18nAtom(i18n_core);
-    if (!i18n_core->methods.end (ims))
-        return False;
-    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
-                        i18n_core->address.im_window,
-                        WaitXSelectionRequest,
-                        (XPointer)ims);
-    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_name);
-    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_locale);
-    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_addr);
-    XFree (i18n_core);
-    return True;
-static char *xi18n_setIMValues (XIMS ims, XIMArg *args)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    char *ret;
-    if ((ret = ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_SET, args)) != NULL)
-        return ret;
-    /*endif*/
-    return NULL;
-static char *xi18n_getIMValues (XIMS ims, XIMArg *args)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    char *ret;
-    if ((ret = ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_GET, args)) != NULL)
-        return ret;
-    /*endif*/
-    return NULL;
-static void EventToWireEvent (XEvent *ev, xEvent *event,
-                             CARD16 *serial, Bool byte_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
-    BYTE b;
-    CARD16 c16;
-    CARD32 c32;
-    *serial = (CARD16)(ev->xany.serial >> 16);
-    switch (ev->type) {
-      case KeyPress:
-      case KeyRelease:
-       {
-           XKeyEvent *kev = (XKeyEvent*)ev;
-           /* create FrameMgr */
-           fm = FrameMgrInit(wire_keyevent_fr, (char *)(&(event->u)), byte_swap);
-           /* set values */
-           b = (BYTE)kev->type;          FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
-           b = (BYTE)kev->keycode;       FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
-           c16 = (CARD16)(kev->serial & (unsigned long)0xffff);
-                                         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           c32 = (CARD32)kev->time;      FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
-           c32 = (CARD32)kev->root;      FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
-           c32 = (CARD32)kev->window;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
-           c32 = (CARD32)kev->subwindow; FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
-           c16 = (CARD16)kev->x_root;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           c16 = (CARD16)kev->y_root;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           c16 = (CARD16)kev->x;         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           c16 = (CARD16)kev->y;         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           c16 = (CARD16)kev->state;     FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-           b = (BYTE)kev->same_screen;   FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
-       }
-       break;
-      default:
-         /* create FrameMgr */
-         fm = FrameMgrInit(short_fr, (char *)(&(event->u.u.sequenceNumber)),
-                           byte_swap);
-         c16 = (CARD16)(ev->xany.serial & (unsigned long)0xffff);
-         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
-         break;
-    }
-    /* free FrameMgr */
-    FrameMgrFree(fm);
-static Status xi18n_forwardEvent (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    IMForwardEventStruct *call_data = (IMForwardEventStruct *)xp;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    unsigned char *replyp;
-    CARD16 serial;
-    int event_size;
-    Xi18nClient *client;
-    client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id);
-    /* create FrameMgr */
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (forward_event_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    event_size = sizeof (xEvent);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size + event_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           call_data->connect_id,
-                           XIM_ERROR,
-                           0,
-                           0,
-                           0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size + event_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    replyp = reply;
-    call_data->sync_bit = 1;   /* always sync */
-    client->sync = True;
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->sync_bit);
-    replyp += total_size;
-    EventToWireEvent (&(call_data->event),
-                      (xEvent *) replyp,
-                      &serial,
-                      _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, serial);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       call_data->connect_id,
-                       XIM_FORWARD_EVENT,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size + event_size);
-    XFree (reply);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    return True;
-static Status xi18n_commit (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    IMCommitStruct *call_data = (IMCommitStruct *)xp;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec commit_chars_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec commit_both_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    CARD16 str_length;
-    call_data->flag |= XimSYNCHRONUS;  /* always sync */
-    if (!(call_data->flag & XimLookupKeySym)
-        &&
-        (call_data->flag & XimLookupChars))
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (commit_chars_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
-        /* set length of STRING8 */
-        str_length = strlen (call_data->commit_string);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-        if (!reply)
-        {
-            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                               call_data->connect_id,
-                               XIM_ERROR,
-                               0,
-                               0,
-                               0);
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-        str_length = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->flag);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->commit_string);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (commit_both_fr,
-                           NULL,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
-        /* set length of STRING8 */
-        str_length = strlen (call_data->commit_string);
-        if (str_length > 0)
-            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-        /*endif*/
-        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-        if (!reply)
-        {
-            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                               call_data->connect_id,
-                               XIM_ERROR,
-                               0,
-                               0,
-                               0);
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->flag);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->keysym);
-        if (str_length > 0)
-        {
-            str_length = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
-            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_length);
-            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->commit_string);
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       call_data->connect_id,
-                       XIM_COMMIT,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    return True;
-static int xi18n_callCallback (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
-    switch (call_data->major_code)
-    {
-    case XIM_GEOMETRY:
-        return _Xi18nGeometryCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (ims, call_data);
-    case XIM_STATUS_DRAW:
-        return _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (ims, call_data);
-    case XIM_STATUS_DONE:
-        return _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (ims, call_data);
-        return _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (ims, call_data);
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-    return False;
-/* preeditStart and preeditEnd are used only for Dynamic Event Flow. */
-static int xi18n_preeditStart (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    IMPreeditStateStruct *preedit_state =
-        (IMPreeditStateStruct *) &call_data->preedit_state;
-    long mask;
-    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
-    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
-    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
-        return False;
-    /*endif*/
-    if (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
-        mask = i18n_core->address.filterevent_mask;
-    else
-        mask = DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK;
-    /*endif*/
-    _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
-                        preedit_state->connect_id,
-                        preedit_state->connect_id,
-                        preedit_state->icid,
-                        mask,
-                        ~mask);
-    return True;
-static int xi18n_preeditEnd (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
-    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
-    IMPreeditStateStruct *preedit_state;
-    preedit_state = (IMPreeditStateStruct *) &call_data->preedit_state;
-    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
-        return False;
-    /*endif*/
-    _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
-                        preedit_state->connect_id,
-                        preedit_state->connect_id,
-                        preedit_state->icid,
-                        0,
-                        0);
-    return True;
-static int xi18n_syncXlib (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
-    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    IMSyncXlibStruct *sync_xlib;
-    extern XimFrameRec sync_fr[];
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply;
-    sync_xlib = (IMSyncXlibStruct *) &call_data->sync_xlib;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (sync_fr, NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize(fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply) {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return False;
-    }
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    /* input input-method ID */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    /* input input-context ID */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, sync_xlib->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_SYNC, 0, reply, total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree(reply);
-    return True;
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d350354..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1848 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
-#define NEED_EVENTS
-#include <X11/Xproto.h>
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-static void    DebugLog(char * msg)
-       fprintf(stderr, msg);
-extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
-static void GetProtocolVersion (CARD16 client_major,
-                                CARD16 client_minor,
-                                CARD16 *server_major,
-                                CARD16 *server_minor)
-    *server_major = client_major;
-    *server_minor = client_minor;
-static void ConnectMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec connect_fr[], connect_reply_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    CARD16 server_major_version, server_minor_version;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMConnectStruct *imconnect =
-        (IMConnectStruct*) &call_data->imconnect;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (connect_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->byte_order);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->major_version);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->minor_version);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    GetProtocolVersion (imconnect->major_version,
-                        imconnect->minor_version,
-                        &server_major_version,
-                        &server_minor_version);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (connect_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, server_major_version);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, server_minor_version);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_CONNECT_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-static void DisConnectMessageProc (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       0);
-    i18n_core->methods.disconnect (ims, connect_id);
-static void OpenMessageProc(XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec open_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec open_reply_fr[];
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    int str_size;
-    register int i, total_size;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    int str_length;
-    char *name;
-    IMOpenStruct *imopen = (IMOpenStruct *) &call_data->imopen;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (open_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
-    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
-    imopen->lang.length = str_length;
-    imopen->lang.name = malloc (str_length + 1);
-    strncpy (imopen->lang.name, name, str_length);
-    imopen->lang.name[str_length] = (char) 0;
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if ((i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
-        ||
-        (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS))
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (ims, connect_id);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    XFree (imopen->lang.name);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (open_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set iteration count for list of imattr */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, i18n_core->address.im_attr_num);
-    /* set length of BARRAY item in ximattr_fr */
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = strlen (i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].name);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    /* set iteration count for list of icattr */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num);
-    /* set length of BARRAY item in xicattr_fr */
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = strlen (i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].name);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    /* input input-method ID */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].type);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].name);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].type);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].name);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_OPEN_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-static void CloseMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                              IMProtocol *call_data,
-                              unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec close_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec close_reply_fr[];
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    register int total_size;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (close_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (close_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_ERROR,
-                           0,
-                           0,
-                           0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_CLOSE_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-static XIMExt *MakeExtensionList (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                                  XIMStr *lib_extension,
-                                  int number,
-                                  int *reply_number)
-    XIMExt *ext_list;
-    XIMExt *im_ext = (XIMExt *) i18n_core->address.extension;
-    int im_ext_len = i18n_core->address.ext_num;
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    *reply_number = 0;
-    if (number == 0)
-    {
-        /* query all extensions */
-        *reply_number = im_ext_len;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
-        {
-            for (j = 0;  j < (int) number;  j++)
-            {
-                if (strcmp (lib_extension[j].name, im_ext[i].name) == 0)
-                {
-                    (*reply_number)++;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (!(*reply_number))
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    ext_list = (XIMExt *) malloc (sizeof (XIMExt)*(*reply_number));
-    if (!ext_list)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (ext_list, 0, sizeof (XIMExt)*(*reply_number));
-    if (number == 0)
-    {
-        /* query all extensions */
-        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
-        {
-            ext_list[i].major_opcode = im_ext[i].major_opcode;
-            ext_list[i].minor_opcode = im_ext[i].minor_opcode;
-            ext_list[i].length = im_ext[i].length;
-            ext_list[i].name = malloc (im_ext[i].length + 1);
-            strcpy (ext_list[i].name, im_ext[i].name);
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        int n = 0;
-        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
-        {
-            for (j = 0;  j < (int)number;  j++)
-            {
-                if (strcmp (lib_extension[j].name, im_ext[i].name) == 0)
-                {
-                    ext_list[n].major_opcode = im_ext[i].major_opcode;
-                    ext_list[n].minor_opcode = im_ext[i].minor_opcode;
-                    ext_list[n].length = im_ext[i].length;
-                    ext_list[n].name = malloc (im_ext[i].length + 1);
-                    strcpy (ext_list[n].name, im_ext[i].name);
-                    n++;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*endif*/
-            }
-            /*endfor*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return ext_list;
-static void QueryExtensionMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                       IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                       unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    FmStatus status;
-    extern XimFrameRec query_extension_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec query_extension_reply_fr[];
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    int str_size;
-    register int i;
-    register int number;
-    register int total_size;
-    int byte_length;
-    int reply_number = 0;
-    XIMExt *ext_list;
-    IMQueryExtensionStruct *query_ext =
-        (IMQueryExtensionStruct *) &call_data->queryext;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (query_extension_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    query_ext->extension = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-    memset (query_ext->extension, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-    number = 0;
-    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-    {
-        char *name;
-        int str_length;
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-        query_ext->extension[number].length = str_length;
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
-        query_ext->extension[number].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
-        strncpy (query_ext->extension[number].name, name, str_length);
-        query_ext->extension[number].name[str_length] = (char) 0;
-        number++;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    query_ext->number = number;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    ext_list = MakeExtensionList (i18n_core,
-                                  query_ext->extension,
-                                  number,
-                                  &reply_number);
-    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
-        XFree (query_ext->extension[i].name);
-    /*endfor*/
-    XFree (query_ext->extension);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (query_extension_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set iteration count for list of extensions */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, reply_number);
-    /* set length of BARRAY item in ext_fr */
-    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = strlen (ext_list[i].name);
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_ERROR,
-                           0,
-                           0,
-                           0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
-    {
-        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].major_opcode);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].minor_opcode);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].name);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
-        XFree (ext_list[i].name);
-    /*endfor*/
-    XFree ((char *) ext_list);
-static void SyncReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                  unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec sync_reply_fr[];
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    Xi18nClient *client;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    CARD16 input_context_ID;
-    client = (Xi18nClient *)_Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (sync_reply_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_context_ID);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    client->sync = False;
-    if (ims->sync == True) {
-       ims->sync = False;
-       if (i18n_core->address.improto) {
-           call_data->sync_xlib.major_code = XIM_SYNC_REPLY;
-           call_data->sync_xlib.minor_code = 0;
-           call_data->sync_xlib.connect_id = input_method_ID;
-           call_data->sync_xlib.icid = input_context_ID;
-           i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data);
-       }
-    }
-static void GetIMValueFromName (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                                CARD16 connect_id,
-                                char *buf,
-                                char *name,
-                                int *length)
-    register int i;
-    if (strcmp (name, XNQueryInputStyle) == 0)
-    {
-        XIMStyles *styles = (XIMStyles *) &i18n_core->address.input_styles;
-        *length = sizeof (CARD16)*2;   /* count_styles, unused */
-        *length += styles->count_styles*sizeof (CARD32);
-        if (buf != NULL)
-        {
-            FrameMgr fm;
-            extern XimFrameRec input_styles_fr[];
-            unsigned char *data = NULL;
-            int total_size;
-            fm = FrameMgrInit (input_styles_fr,
-                               NULL,
-                               _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-            /* set iteration count for list of input_style */
-            FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, styles->count_styles);
-            total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-            data = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-            if (!data)
-                return;
-            /*endif*/
-            memset (data, 0, total_size);
-            FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, data);
-            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, styles->count_styles);
-            for (i = 0;  i < (int) styles->count_styles;  i++)
-                FrameMgrPutToken (fm, styles->supported_styles[i]);
-            /*endfor*/
-            memmove (buf, data, total_size);
-            FrameMgrFree (fm);
-            /* ADDED BY SUZHE */
-            free (data);
-            /* ADDED BY SUZHE */
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    else if (strcmp (name, XNQueryIMValuesList) == 0) {
-    }
-static XIMAttribute *MakeIMAttributeList (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                                          CARD16 connect_id,
-                                          CARD16 *list,
-                                          int *number,
-                                          int *length)
-    XIMAttribute *attrib_list;
-    int list_num;
-    XIMAttr *attr = i18n_core->address.xim_attr;
-    int list_len = i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;
-    register int i;
-    register int j;
-    int value_length;
-    int number_ret = 0;
-    *length = 0;
-    list_num = 0;
-    for (i = 0;  i < *number;  i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0;  j < list_len;  j++)
-        {
-            if (attr[j].attribute_id == list[i])
-            {
-                list_num++;
-                break;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    attrib_list = (XIMAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XIMAttribute)*list_num);
-    if (!attrib_list)
-        return NULL;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (attrib_list, 0, sizeof (XIMAttribute)*list_num);
-    number_ret = list_num;
-    list_num = 0;
-    for (i = 0;  i < *number;  i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0;  j < list_len;  j++)
-        {
-            if (attr[j].attribute_id == list[i])
-            {
-                attrib_list[list_num].attribute_id = attr[j].attribute_id;
-                attrib_list[list_num].name_length = attr[j].length;
-                attrib_list[list_num].name = attr[j].name;
-                attrib_list[list_num].type = attr[j].type;
-                GetIMValueFromName (i18n_core,
-                                    connect_id,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    attr[j].name,
-                                    &value_length);
-                attrib_list[list_num].value_length = value_length;
-                attrib_list[list_num].value = (void *) malloc (value_length);
-                memset(attrib_list[list_num].value, 0, value_length);
-                GetIMValueFromName (i18n_core,
-                                    connect_id,
-                                    attrib_list[list_num].value,
-                                    attr[j].name,
-                                    &value_length);
-                *length += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
-                *length += value_length;
-                *length += IMPAD (value_length);
-                list_num++;
-                break;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    *number = number_ret;
-    return attrib_list;
-static void GetIMValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                    unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    FmStatus status;
-    extern XimFrameRec get_im_values_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec get_im_values_reply_fr[];
-    CARD16 byte_length;
-    int list_len, total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    int iter_count;
-    register int i;
-    register int j;
-    int number;
-    CARD16 *im_attrID_list;
-    char **name_list;
-    CARD16 name_number;
-    XIMAttribute *im_attribute_list;
-    IMGetIMValuesStruct *getim = (IMGetIMValuesStruct *)&call_data->getim;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    /* create FrameMgr */
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_im_values_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    im_attrID_list = (CARD16 *) malloc (sizeof (CARD16)*20);
-    memset (im_attrID_list, 0, sizeof (CARD16)*20);
-    name_list = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 20);
-    memset(name_list, 0, sizeof(char *) * 20);
-    number = 0;
-    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-    {
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, im_attrID_list[number]);
-        number++;
-    }
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    name_number = 0;
-    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++) {
-        for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  j++) {
-            if (i18n_core->address.xim_attr[j].attribute_id ==
-                    im_attrID_list[i]) {
-                name_list[name_number++] = 
-                       i18n_core->address.xim_attr[j].name;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    getim->number = name_number;
-    getim->im_attr_list = name_list;
-    XFree (name_list);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto) {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-    }
-#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
-    im_attribute_list = MakeIMAttributeList (i18n_core,
-                                             connect_id,
-                                             im_attrID_list,
-                                             &number,
-                                             &list_len);
-    if (im_attrID_list)
-        XFree (im_attrID_list);
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_im_values_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    iter_count = number;
-    /* set iteration count for list of im_attribute */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, iter_count);
-    /* set length of BARRAY item in ximattribute_fr */
-    for (i = 0;  i < iter_count;  i++)
-        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value_length);
-    /*endfor*/
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    for (i = 0;  i < iter_count;  i++)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].attribute_id);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value_length);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-    for (i = 0; i < iter_count; i++)
-        XFree(im_attribute_list[i].value);
-    XFree (im_attribute_list);
-static void CreateICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                 IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                 unsigned char *p)
-    _Xi18nChangeIC (ims, call_data, p, True);
-static void SetICValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                    unsigned char *p)
-    _Xi18nChangeIC (ims, call_data, p, False);
-static void GetICValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                    unsigned char *p)
-    _Xi18nGetIC (ims, call_data, p);
-static void SetICFocusMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                   unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_focus_fr[];
-    IMChangeFocusStruct *setfocus;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    setfocus = (IMChangeFocusStruct *) &call_data->changefocus;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_focus_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, setfocus->icid);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void UnsetICFocusMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                     IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                     unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec unset_ic_focus_fr[];
-    IMChangeFocusStruct *unsetfocus;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    unsetfocus = (IMChangeFocusStruct *) &call_data->changefocus;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (unset_ic_focus_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, unsetfocus->icid);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void DestroyICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                  unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec destroy_ic_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec destroy_ic_reply_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMDestroyICStruct *destroy =
-        (IMDestroyICStruct *) &call_data->destroyic;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (destroy_ic_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, destroy->icid);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (destroy_ic_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, destroy->icid);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    XFree(reply);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-static void ResetICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec reset_ic_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec reset_ic_reply_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMResetICStruct *resetic =
-        (IMResetICStruct *) &call_data->resetic;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (reset_ic_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, resetic->icid);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    /* create FrameMgr */
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (reset_ic_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set length of STRING8 */
-    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, resetic->length);
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, resetic->icid);
-    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, resetic->length);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, resetic->commit_string);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree(reply);
-static int WireEventToEvent (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                             xEvent *event,
-                             CARD16 serial,
-                             XEvent *ev,
-                             Bool byte_swap)
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[];
-    BYTE b;
-    CARD16 c16;
-    CARD32 c32;
-    int ret = False;
-    /* create FrameMgr */
-    fm = FrameMgrInit(wire_keyevent_fr, (char *)(&(event->u)), byte_swap);
-    /* get & set type */
-    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);
-    ev->type = (unsigned int)b;
-    /* get detail */
-    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);
-    /* get & set serial */
-    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16);
-    ev->xany.serial = (unsigned long)c16;
-    ev->xany.serial |= serial << 16;
-    ev->xany.send_event = False;
-    ev->xany.display = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    /* Remove SendEvent flag from event type to emulate KeyPress/Release */
-    ev->type &= 0x7F;
-    switch (ev->type) {
-      case KeyPress:
-      case KeyRelease:
-      {
-          XKeyEvent *kev = (XKeyEvent*)ev;
-          /* set keycode (detail) */
-          kev->keycode = (unsigned int)b;
-          /* get & set values */
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->time = (Time)c32;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->root = (Window)c32;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->window = (Window)c32;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->subwindow = (Window)c32;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->x_root = (int)c16;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->y_root = (int)c16;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->x = (int)c16;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->y = (int)c16;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->state = (unsigned int)c16;
-          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);   kev->same_screen = (Bool)b;
-      }
-      ret = True;
-      break;
-      default:
-      break;
-    }
-    /* free FrameMgr */
-    FrameMgrFree(fm);
-    return ret;
-static void ForwardEventMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                     IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                     unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[];
-    xEvent wire_event;
-    IMForwardEventStruct *forward =
-        (IMForwardEventStruct*) &call_data->forwardevent;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (forward_event_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->sync_bit);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->serial_number);
-    p += sizeof (CARD16)*4;
-    memmove (&wire_event, p, sizeof (xEvent));
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (WireEventToEvent (i18n_core,
-                          &wire_event,
-                          forward->serial_number,
-                          &forward->event,
-                         _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id)) == True)
-    {
-        if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-        {
-            if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-                return;
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void ExtForwardKeyEventMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                           IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                           unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec ext_forward_keyevent_fr[];
-    CARD8 type, keycode;
-    CARD16 state;
-    CARD32 ev_time, window;
-    IMForwardEventStruct *forward =
-        (IMForwardEventStruct *) &call_data->forwardevent;
-    XEvent *ev = (XEvent *) &forward->event;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (ext_forward_keyevent_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->sync_bit);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->serial_number);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, type);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, keycode);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, state);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, ev_time);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, window);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (type != KeyPress)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    /* make a faked keypress event */
-    ev->type = (int)type;
-    ev->xany.send_event = True;
-    ev->xany.display = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    ev->xany.serial = (unsigned long) forward->serial_number;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->keycode = (unsigned int) keycode;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->state = (unsigned int) state;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->time = (Time) ev_time;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->window = (Window) window;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->root = DefaultRootWindow (ev->xany.display);
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->x = 0;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->y = 0;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->x_root = 0;
-    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->y_root = 0;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void ExtMoveMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec ext_move_fr[];
-    IMMoveStruct *extmove =
-        (IMMoveStruct*) & call_data->extmove;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (ext_move_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->x);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->y);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-static void ExtensionMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                  unsigned char *p)
-    switch (call_data->any.minor_code)
-    {
-        ExtForwardKeyEventMessageProc (ims, call_data, p);
-        break;
-    case XIM_EXT_MOVE:
-        ExtMoveMessageProc (ims, call_data, p);
-        break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
-static void TriggerNotifyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                      IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                      unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec trigger_notify_fr[], trigger_notify_reply_fr[];
-    register int total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMTriggerNotifyStruct *trigger =
-        (IMTriggerNotifyStruct *) &call_data->triggernotify;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    CARD32 flag;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (trigger_notify_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->flag);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->key_index);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->event_mask);
-    /*
-      In order to support Front End Method, this event_mask must be saved
-      per clients so that it should be restored by an XIM_EXT_SET_EVENT_MASK
-      call when preediting mode is reset to off.
-     */
-    flag = trigger->flag;
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (trigger_notify_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, trigger->icid);
-    /* NOTE:
-       XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY should be sent before XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK
-       in case of XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY(flag == ON), while it should be
-       sent after XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK in case of
-       XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY(flag == OFF).
-       */
-    if (flag == 0)
-    {
-        /* on key */
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY,
-                           0,
-                           reply,
-                           total_size);
-        IMPreeditStart (ims, (XPointer)call_data);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (flag == 1)
-    {
-        /* off key */
-        IMPreeditEnd (ims, (XPointer) call_data);
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                           connect_id,
-                           XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY,
-                           0,
-                           reply,
-                           total_size);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree (reply);
-static INT16 ChooseEncoding (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                             IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *enc_nego)
-    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) & i18n_core->address;
-    XIMEncodings *p;
-    int i, j;
-    int enc_index=0;
-    p = (XIMEncodings *) &address->encoding_list;
-    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_encodings;  i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0;  j < (int) enc_nego->encoding_number;  j++)
-        {
-            if (strcmp (p->supported_encodings[i],
-                        enc_nego->encoding[j].name) == 0)
-            {
-                enc_index = j;
-                break;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endfor*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    return (INT16) enc_index;
-#if 0
-    return (INT16) XIM_Default_Encoding_IDX;
-static void EncodingNegotiatonMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                           IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                           unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    FmStatus status;
-    CARD16 byte_length;
-    extern XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_fr[];
-    extern XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_reply_fr[];
-    register int i, total_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *enc_nego =
-        (IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *) &call_data->encodingnego;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (encoding_negotiation_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    /* get ENCODING STR field */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    if (byte_length > 0)
-    {
-        enc_nego->encoding = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-        memset (enc_nego->encoding, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-        i = 0;
-        while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-        {
-            char *name;
-            int str_length;
-            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
-            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-            enc_nego->encoding[i].length = str_length;
-            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
-            enc_nego->encoding[i].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
-            strncpy (enc_nego->encoding[i].name, name, str_length);
-            enc_nego->encoding[i].name[str_length] = '\0';
-            i++;
-        }
-        /*endwhile*/
-        enc_nego->encoding_number = i;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    /* get ENCODING INFO field */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
-    if (byte_length > 0)
-    {
-        enc_nego->encodinginfo = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-        memset (enc_nego->encoding, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
-        i = 0;
-        while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
-        {
-            char *name;
-            int str_length;
-            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
-            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
-            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].length = str_length;
-            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
-            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
-            strncpy (enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name, name, str_length);
-            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name[str_length] = '\0';
-            i++;
-        }
-        /*endwhile*/
-        enc_nego->encoding_info_number = i;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    enc_nego->enc_index = ChooseEncoding (i18n_core, enc_nego);
-    enc_nego->category = 0;
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (encoding_negotiation_reply_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, enc_nego->category);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, enc_nego->enc_index);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION_REPLY,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    XFree (reply);
-    /* free data for encoding list */
-    if (enc_nego->encoding)
-    {
-        for (i = 0;  i < (int) enc_nego->encoding_number;  i++)
-            XFree (enc_nego->encoding[i].name);
-        /*endfor*/
-        XFree (enc_nego->encoding);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    if (enc_nego->encodinginfo)
-    {
-        for (i = 0;  i < (int) enc_nego->encoding_info_number;  i++)
-            XFree (enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name);
-        /*endfor*/
-        XFree (enc_nego->encodinginfo);
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-void PreeditStartReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                   unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_start_reply_fr[];
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_start_reply_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->todo.return_value);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-void PreeditCaretReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
-                                   unsigned char *p)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec preedit_caret_reply_fr[];
-    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
-        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
-    XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *caret =
-        (XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *) & preedit_CB->todo.caret;
-    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
-    CARD16 input_method_ID;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_caret_reply_fr,
-                       (char *) p,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* get data */
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
-    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, caret->position);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
-    {
-        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
-            return;
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-void StrConvReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
-                              IMProtocol *call_data,
-                              unsigned char *p)
-    return;
-static void AddQueue (Xi18nClient *client, unsigned char *p)
-    XIMPending *new;
-    XIMPending *last;
-    if ((new = (XIMPending *) malloc (sizeof (XIMPending))) == NULL)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    new->p = p;
-    new->next = (XIMPending *) NULL;
-    if (!client->pending)
-    {
-        client->pending = new;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (last = client->pending;  last->next;  last = last->next)
-            ;
-        /*endfor*/
-        last->next = new;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return;
-static void ProcessQueue (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Xi18nClient *client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core,
-                                                            connect_id);
-    while (client->sync == False  &&  client->pending)
-    {
-        XimProtoHdr *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *) client->pending->p;
-        unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *) (hdr + 1);
-        IMProtocol call_data;
-        call_data.major_code = hdr->major_opcode;
-        call_data.any.minor_code = hdr->minor_opcode;
-        call_data.any.connect_id = connect_id;
-        switch (hdr->major_opcode)
-        {
-        case XIM_FORWARD_EVENT:
-            ForwardEventMessageProc(ims, &call_data, p1);
-            break;
-        }
-        /*endswitch*/
-        XFree (hdr);
-        {
-            XIMPending *old = client->pending;
-            client->pending = old->next;
-            XFree (old);
-        }
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return;
-void _Xi18nMessageHandler (XIMS ims,
-                           CARD16 connect_id,
-                           unsigned char *p,
-                           Bool *delete)
-    XimProtoHdr        *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *)p;
-    unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *)(hdr + 1);
-    IMProtocol call_data;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Xi18nClient *client;
-    client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    if (hdr == (XimProtoHdr *) NULL)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (&call_data, 0, sizeof(IMProtocol));
-    call_data.major_code = hdr->major_opcode;
-    call_data.any.minor_code = hdr->minor_opcode;
-    call_data.any.connect_id = connect_id;
-    switch (call_data.major_code)
-    {
-    case XIM_CONNECT:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_CONNECT\n");
-        ConnectMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_DISCONNECT\n");
-        DisConnectMessageProc (ims, &call_data);
-        break;
-    case XIM_OPEN:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_OPEN\n");
-        OpenMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_CLOSE:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_CLOSE\n");
-        CloseMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION\n");
-        QueryExtensionMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_GET_IM_VALUES:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_GET_IM_VALUES\n");
-        GetIMValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_CREATE_IC:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_CREATE_IC\n");
-        CreateICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_SET_IC_VALUES:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_SET_IC_VALUES\n");
-        SetICValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_GET_IC_VALUES:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_GET_IC_VALUES\n");
-        GetICValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS\n");
-        SetICFocusMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS\n");
-        UnsetICFocusMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_DESTROY_IC:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_DESTROY_IC\n");
-        DestroyICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_RESET_IC:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_RESET_IC\n");
-        ResetICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_FORWARD_EVENT\n");
-        if (client->sync == True)
-        {
-            AddQueue (client, p);
-            *delete = False;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ForwardEventMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        }
-        break;
-    case XIM_EXTENSION:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_EXTENSION\n");
-        ExtensionMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    case XIM_SYNC:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_SYNC\n");
-        break;
-    case XIM_SYNC_REPLY:
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_SYNC_REPLY\n");
-        SyncReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        ProcessQueue (ims, connect_id);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY\n");
-        TriggerNotifyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION\n");
-        EncodingNegotiatonMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY\n");
-        PreeditStartReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_PREEDIT_CARET_REPLY\n");
-        PreeditCaretReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
-       DebugLog("-- XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY\n");
-        StrConvReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
-        break;
-    }
-    /*endswitch*/
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 22a2376..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
-_Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
-    CARD8 im_byteOrder = i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder;
-    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    return (client->byte_order != im_byteOrder);
-Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n i18n_core)
-    static CARD16 connect_id = 0;
-    int new_connect_id;
-    Xi18nClient *client;
-    if (i18n_core->address.free_clients)
-    {
-        client = i18n_core->address.free_clients;
-        i18n_core->address.free_clients = client->next;
-       new_connect_id = client->connect_id;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        client = (Xi18nClient *) malloc (sizeof (Xi18nClient));
-       new_connect_id = ++connect_id;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (client, 0, sizeof (Xi18nClient));
-    client->connect_id = new_connect_id;
-    client->pending = (XIMPending *) NULL;
-    client->sync = False;
-    client->byte_order = '?';  /* initial value */
-    memset (&client->pending, 0, sizeof (XIMPending *));
-    client->next = i18n_core->address.clients;
-    i18n_core->address.clients = client;
-    return (Xi18nClient *) client;
-Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
-    Xi18nClient *client = i18n_core->address.clients;
-    while (client)
-    {
-        if (client->connect_id == connect_id)
-            return client;
-        /*endif*/
-        client = client->next;
-    }
-    /*endwhile*/
-    return NULL;
-void _Xi18nDeleteClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
-    Xi18nClient *target = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    Xi18nClient *ccp;
-    Xi18nClient *ccp0;
-    for (ccp = i18n_core->address.clients, ccp0 = NULL;
-         ccp != NULL;
-         ccp0 = ccp, ccp = ccp->next)
-    {
-        if (ccp == target)
-        {
-            if (ccp0 == NULL)
-                i18n_core->address.clients = ccp->next;
-            else
-                ccp0->next = ccp->next;
-            /*endif*/
-            /* put it back to free list */
-            target->next = i18n_core->address.free_clients;
-            i18n_core->address.free_clients = target;
-            return;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-void _Xi18nSendMessage (XIMS ims,
-                        CARD16 connect_id,
-                        CARD8 major_opcode,
-                        CARD8 minor_opcode,
-                        unsigned char *data,
-                        long length)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[];
-    unsigned char *reply_hdr = NULL;
-    int header_size;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    unsigned char *replyp;
-    int reply_length;
-    long p_len = length/4;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (packet_header_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    header_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply_hdr = (unsigned char *) malloc (header_size);
-    if (reply_hdr == NULL)
-    {
-        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply_hdr);
-    /* put data */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, major_opcode);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, minor_opcode);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, p_len);
-    reply_length = header_size + length;
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (reply_length);
-    replyp = reply;
-    memmove (reply, reply_hdr, header_size);
-    replyp += header_size;
-    memmove (replyp, data, length);
-    i18n_core->methods.send (ims, connect_id, reply, reply_length);
-    XFree (reply);
-    XFree (reply_hdr);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-void _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec register_triggerkeys_fr[];
-    XIMTriggerKey *on_keys = i18n_core->address.on_keys.keylist;
-    XIMTriggerKey *off_keys = i18n_core->address.off_keys.keylist;
-    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
-    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    register int i, total_size;
-    CARD16 im_id;
-    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (register_triggerkeys_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    /* set iteration count for on-keys list */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, on_key_num);
-    /* set iteration count for off-keys list */
-    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, off_key_num);
-    /* get total_size */
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    /* Right now XIM_OPEN_REPLY hasn't been sent to this new client, so
-       the input-method-id is still invalid, and should be set to zero...
-       Reter to $(XC)/lib/X11/imDefLkup.c:_XimRegisterTriggerKeysCallback
-     */
-    im_id = 0;
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_id);  /* input-method-id */
-    for (i = 0;  i < on_key_num;  i++)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].keysym);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].modifier);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].modifier_mask);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    for (i = 0;  i < off_key_num;  i++)
-    {
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].keysym);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].modifier);
-        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].modifier_mask);
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree(reply);
-void _Xi18nSetEventMask (XIMS ims,
-                         CARD16 connect_id,
-                         CARD16 im_id,
-                         CARD16 ic_id,
-                         CARD32 forward_mask,
-                         CARD32 sync_mask)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec set_event_mask_fr[];
-    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
-    register int total_size;
-    fm = FrameMgrInit (set_event_mask_fr,
-                       NULL,
-                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
-    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
-    if (!reply)
-        return;
-    /*endif*/
-    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
-    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_id);      /* input-method-id */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_id);      /* input-context-id */
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, forward_mask);
-    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, sync_mask);
-    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
-                       connect_id,
-                       XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK,
-                       0,
-                       reply,
-                       total_size);
-    FrameMgrFree (fm);
-    XFree(reply);
diff --git a/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nX.c b/client/x11/IMdkit/i18nX.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a5ba080..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
-Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
-and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
-that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty.
-  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include "FrameMgr.h"
-#include "IMdkit.h"
-#include "Xi18n.h"
-#include "Xi18nX.h"
-#include "XimFunc.h"
-extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient(Xi18n, CARD16);
-extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n);
-extern void _Xi18nDeleteClient(Xi18n, CARD16);
-static Bool WaitXConnectMessage(Display*, Window,
-                                XEvent*, XPointer);
-static Bool WaitXIMProtocol(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer);
-static XClient *NewXClient (Xi18n i18n_core, Window new_client)
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nNewClient (i18n_core);
-    XClient *x_client;
-    x_client = (XClient *) malloc (sizeof (XClient));
-    x_client->client_win = new_client;
-    x_client->accept_win = XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy,
-                                                DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
-                                                0,
-                                                0,
-                                                1,
-                                                1,
-                                                1,
-                                                0,
-                                                0);
-    client->trans_rec = x_client;
-    return ((XClient *) x_client);
-static unsigned char *ReadXIMMessage (XIMS ims,
-                                      XClientMessageEvent *ev,
-                                      int *connect_id)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Xi18nClient *client = i18n_core->address.clients;
-    XClient *x_client = NULL;
-    FrameMgr fm;
-    extern XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[];
-    unsigned char *p = NULL;
-    unsigned char *p1;
-    while (client != NULL) {
-        x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
-        if (x_client->accept_win == ev->window) {
-            *connect_id = client->connect_id;
-            break;
-        }
-        client = client->next;
-    }
-    if (ev->format == 8) {
-        /* ClientMessage only */
-        XimProtoHdr *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *) ev->data.b;
-        unsigned char *rec = (unsigned char *) (hdr + 1);
-        register int total_size;
-        CARD8 major_opcode;
-        CARD8 minor_opcode;
-        CARD16 length;
-        extern int _Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n, CARD16);
-        if (client->byte_order == '?')
-        {
-            if (hdr->major_opcode != XIM_CONNECT)
-                return (unsigned char *) NULL;         /* can do nothing */
-            client->byte_order = (CARD8) rec[0];
-        }
-        fm = FrameMgrInit (packet_header_fr,
-                           (char *) hdr,
-                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, *connect_id));
-        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
-        /* get data */
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, major_opcode);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, minor_opcode);
-        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, length);
-        FrameMgrFree (fm);
-        if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size + length * 4)) == NULL)
-            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
-        p1 = p;
-        memmove (p1, &major_opcode, sizeof (CARD8));
-        p1 += sizeof (CARD8);
-        memmove (p1, &minor_opcode, sizeof (CARD8));
-        p1 += sizeof (CARD8);
-        memmove (p1, &length, sizeof (CARD16));
-        p1 += sizeof (CARD16);
-        memmove (p1, rec, length * 4);
-    }
-    else if (ev->format == 32) {
-        /* ClientMessage and WindowProperty */
-        unsigned long length = (unsigned long) ev->data.l[0];
-        Atom atom = (Atom) ev->data.l[1];
-        int    return_code;
-        Atom   actual_type_ret;
-        int    actual_format_ret;
-        unsigned long bytes_after_ret;
-        unsigned char *prop;
-        unsigned long nitems;
-        return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                                          x_client->accept_win,
-                                          atom,
-                                          0L,
-                                          length,
-                                          True,
-                                          AnyPropertyType,
-                                          &actual_type_ret,
-                                          &actual_format_ret,
-                                          &nitems,
-                                          &bytes_after_ret,
-                                          &prop);
-        if (return_code != Success || actual_format_ret == 0 || nitems == 0) {
-            if (return_code == Success)
-                XFree (prop);
-            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
-        }
-        if (length != nitems)
-            length = nitems;
-       if (actual_format_ret == 16)
-           length *= 2;
-       else if (actual_format_ret == 32)
-           length *= 4;
-        /* if hit, it might be an error */
-        if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (length)) == NULL)
-            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
-        memmove (p, prop, length);
-        XFree (prop);
-    }
-    return (unsigned char *) p;
-static void ReadXConnectMessage (XIMS ims, XClientMessageEvent *ev)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    XEvent event;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    Window new_client = ev->data.l[0];
-    CARD32 major_version = ev->data.l[1];
-    CARD32 minor_version = ev->data.l[2];
-    XClient *x_client = NewXClient (i18n_core, new_client);
-    if (ev->window != i18n_core->address.im_window)
-        return;                        /* incorrect connection request */
-    /*endif*/
-    if (major_version != 0  ||  minor_version != 0)
-    {
-        major_version =
-        minor_version = 0;
-        /* Only supporting only-CM & Property-with-CM method */
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
-                            x_client->accept_win,
-                            ClientMessage,
-                            ClientMessage,
-                            WaitXIMProtocol,
-                            (XPointer)ims);
-    event.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-    event.xclient.display = dpy;
-    event.xclient.window = new_client;
-    event.xclient.message_type = spec->connect_request;
-    event.xclient.format = 32;
-    event.xclient.data.l[0] = x_client->accept_win;
-    event.xclient.data.l[1] = major_version;
-    event.xclient.data.l[2] = minor_version;
-    event.xclient.data.l[3] = XCM_DATA_LIMIT;
-    XSendEvent (dpy,
-                new_client,
-                False,
-                NoEventMask,
-                &event);
-    XFlush (dpy);
-static Bool Xi18nXBegin (XIMS ims)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    spec->xim_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                                     _XIM_PROTOCOL,
-                                     False);
-    spec->connect_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                                         _XIM_XCONNECT,
-                                         False);
-    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
-                            i18n_core->address.im_window,
-                            ClientMessage,
-                            ClientMessage,
-                            WaitXConnectMessage,
-                            (XPointer)ims);
-    return True;
-static Bool Xi18nXEnd(XIMS ims)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
-                        i18n_core->address.im_window,
-                        WaitXConnectMessage,
-                        (XPointer)ims);
-    return True;
-static char *MakeNewAtom (CARD16 connect_id, char *atomName)
-    static int sequence = 0;
-    sprintf (atomName,
-             "_server%d_%d",
-             connect_id,
-             ((sequence > 20)  ?  (sequence = 0)  :  sequence++));
-    return atomName;
-static Bool Xi18nXSend (XIMS ims,
-                        CARD16 connect_id,
-                        unsigned char *reply,
-                        long length)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
-    XEvent event;
-    event.type = ClientMessage;
-    event.xclient.window = x_client->client_win;
-    event.xclient.message_type = spec->xim_request;
-    if (length > XCM_DATA_LIMIT)
-    {
-        Atom atom;
-        char atomName[16];
-        Atom actual_type_ret;
-        int actual_format_ret;
-        int return_code;
-        unsigned long nitems_ret;
-        unsigned long bytes_after_ret;
-        unsigned char *win_data;
-        event.xclient.format = 32;
-        atom = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                            MakeNewAtom (connect_id, atomName),
-                            False);
-        return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                                          x_client->client_win,
-                                          atom,
-                                          0L,
-                                          10000L,
-                                          False,
-                                          XA_STRING,
-                                          &actual_type_ret,
-                                          &actual_format_ret,
-                                          &nitems_ret,
-                                          &bytes_after_ret,
-                                          &win_data);
-        if (return_code != Success)
-            return False;
-        /*endif*/
-        if (win_data)
-            XFree ((char *) win_data);
-        /*endif*/
-        XChangeProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                         x_client->client_win,
-                         atom,
-                         XA_STRING,
-                         8,
-                         PropModeAppend,
-                         (unsigned char *) reply,
-                         length);
-        event.xclient.data.l[0] = length;
-        event.xclient.data.l[1] = atom;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        unsigned char buffer[XCM_DATA_LIMIT];
-        int i;
-        event.xclient.format = 8;
-        /* Clear unused field with NULL */
-        memmove(buffer, reply, length);
-        for (i = length; i < XCM_DATA_LIMIT; i++)
-            buffer[i] = (char) 0;
-        /*endfor*/
-        length = XCM_DATA_LIMIT;
-        memmove (event.xclient.data.b, buffer, length);
-    }
-    XSendEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                x_client->client_win,
-                False,
-                NoEventMask,
-                &event);
-    XFlush (i18n_core->address.dpy);
-    return True;
-static Bool CheckCMEvent (Display *display, XEvent *event, XPointer xi18n_core)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = (Xi18n) ((void *) xi18n_core);
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    if ((event->type == ClientMessage)
-        &&
-        (event->xclient.message_type == spec->xim_request))
-    {
-        return  True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return  False;
-static Bool Xi18nXWait (XIMS ims,
-                        CARD16 connect_id,
-                        CARD8 major_opcode,
-                        CARD8 minor_opcode)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    XEvent event;
-    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
-    for (;;)
-    {
-        unsigned char *packet;
-        XimProtoHdr *hdr;
-        int connect_id_ret;
-        XIfEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy,
-                  &event,
-                  CheckCMEvent,
-                  (XPointer) i18n_core);
-        if (event.xclient.window == x_client->accept_win)
-        {
-            if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims,
-                                          (XClientMessageEvent *) & event,
-                                          &connect_id_ret))
-                == (unsigned char*) NULL)
-            {
-                return False;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-            hdr = (XimProtoHdr *)packet;
-            if ((hdr->major_opcode == major_opcode)
-                &&
-                (hdr->minor_opcode == minor_opcode))
-            {
-                return True;
-            }
-            else if (hdr->major_opcode == XIM_ERROR)
-            {
-                return False;
-            }
-            /*endif*/
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-    }
-    /*endfor*/
-static Bool Xi18nXDisconnect (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
-    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
-    XDestroyWindow (dpy, x_client->accept_win);
-    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
-                       x_client->accept_win,
-                        WaitXIMProtocol,
-                       (XPointer)ims);
-    XFree (x_client);
-    _Xi18nDeleteClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
-    return True;
-Bool _Xi18nCheckXAddress (Xi18n i18n_core,
-                          TransportSW *transSW,
-                          char *address)
-    XSpecRec *spec;
-    if (!(spec = (XSpecRec *) malloc (sizeof (XSpecRec))))
-        return False;
-    /*endif*/
-    i18n_core->address.connect_addr = (XSpecRec *) spec;
-    i18n_core->methods.begin = Xi18nXBegin;
-    i18n_core->methods.end = Xi18nXEnd;
-    i18n_core->methods.send = Xi18nXSend;
-    i18n_core->methods.wait = Xi18nXWait;
-    i18n_core->methods.disconnect = Xi18nXDisconnect;
-    return True;
-static Bool WaitXConnectMessage (Display *dpy,
-                                 Window win,
-                                 XEvent *ev,
-                                 XPointer client_data)
-    XIMS ims = (XIMS)client_data;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type
-        == spec->connect_request)
-    {
-        ReadXConnectMessage (ims, (XClientMessageEvent *) ev);
-        return True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return False;
-static Bool WaitXIMProtocol (Display *dpy,
-                             Window win,
-                             XEvent *ev,
-                             XPointer client_data)
-    extern void _Xi18nMessageHandler (XIMS, CARD16, unsigned char *, Bool *);
-    XIMS ims = (XIMS) client_data;
-    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
-    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
-    Bool delete = True;
-    unsigned char *packet;
-    int connect_id;
-    if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type
-        == spec->xim_request)
-    {
-        if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims,
-                                      (XClientMessageEvent *) ev,
-                                      &connect_id))
-            == (unsigned char *)  NULL)
-        {
-            return False;
-        }
-        /*endif*/
-        _Xi18nMessageHandler (ims, connect_id, packet, &delete);
-        if (delete == True)
-            XFree (packet);
-        /*endif*/
-        return True;
-    }
-    /*endif*/
-    return False;
index 25517cbc183fab9edbc2adf2e7e75e245c65e523..106ddaf629c57b48f442c1204cbadc3a5947e61c 100644 (file)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 # Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-IMdkit = $(builddir)/IMdkit/libIMdkit.la
-libibus_gtk = $(top_builddir)/gtk2/libibus-gtk.la
+libIMdkit = $(top_builddir)/util/IMdkit/libIMdkit.la
+libibus_gtk = $(top_builddir)/lib/gtk2/libibus-gtk.la
 bin_PROGRAMS = ibus-x11
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ ibus_x11_SOURCES = \
 ibus_x11_DEPENDENCIES = \
-       $(IMdkit) \
+       $(libIMdkit) \
        $(libibus_gtk) \
 ibus_x11_LDADD = \
        @GTK2_LIBS@ \
-       $(IMdkit) \
+       $(libIMdkit) \
        $(libibus_gtk) \
 ibus_x11_CFLAGS = \
        @GTK2_CFLAGS@ \
-       -I$(srcdir)/IMdkit \
-       -I$(top_srcdir)/gtk2 \
+       -I$(top_srcdir)/util/IMdkit \
+       -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/gtk2 \
 noinst_HEADERS = \
@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ noinst_HEADERS = \
-       (cd $(builddir)/IMdkit; make)
+       (cd $(top_builddir)/util/IMdkit; make)
-       (cd $(top_builddir)/gtk2; make)
+       (cd $(top_builddir)/lib/gtk2; make)
-SUBDIRS = IMdkit 
index cb361a27afa2d04988dfdf0b59e10c2d38bdcc1d..338f0cb4d3527d17113caf46cf26588e9bb3ba77 100644 (file)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct _X11ICONN {
 typedef struct _X11ICONN    X11ICONN;
 struct _X11IC {
-    GtkIMContext *context;
+    gchar         *ibus_ic;
     GdkWindow     *client_window;
     GdkWindow     *focus_window;
     gint32        input_style;
@@ -67,9 +67,8 @@ typedef struct _X11IC    X11IC;
-static void _xim_commit_cb (GtkIMContext *context, gchar *arg, gpointer data);
-static GHashTable     *_clients = NULL;
+static GHashTable     *_x11_ic_table = NULL;
+static GHashTable     *_ibus_ic_table = NULL;
 static GHashTable     *_connections = NULL;
 static XIMS _xims = NULL;
 static gchar _server_name[128] = "ibus";
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ static gchar _locale[1024] =
 static gboolean _kill_daemon = FALSE;
 static gint        g_debug_level = 0;
-IBusIMClient *_client = NULL;
+static IBusIMClient *_client = NULL;
 #if 0
 static void
@@ -188,70 +187,32 @@ _xim_store_ic_values (X11IC *ic, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
-static void
-_xim_commit_cb (GtkIMContext *context, gchar *arg, gpointer data)
-    char *clist[1];
-    XTextProperty tp;
-    IMCommitStruct cms;
-    X11IC *ic = (X11IC *)data;
-    clist[0] = arg;
-    Xutf8TextListToTextProperty (GDK_DISPLAY (), clist, 1, XCompoundTextStyle, &tp);
-    memset (&cms, 0, sizeof (cms));
-    cms.major_code = XIM_COMMIT;
-    cms.icid = ic->icid;
-    cms.connect_id = ic->connect_id;
-    cms.flag = XimLookupChars;
-    cms.commit_string = (char *)tp.value;
-    IMCommitString (_xims, (XPointer) & cms);
-    XFree (tp.value);
 xim_create_ic (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
     static int base_icid = 1;
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     int i;
     LOG (1, "XIM_CREATE_IC ic=%d, connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
     call_data->icid = base_icid ++;
-    ic = g_new0 (X11IC, 1);
-    ic->icid = call_data->icid;
-    ic->connect_id = call_data->connect_id;
-    ic->conn = (X11ICONN *)g_hash_table_lookup (_connections,
+    x11ic = g_new0 (X11IC, 1);
+    x11ic->icid = call_data->icid;
+    x11ic->connect_id = call_data->connect_id;
+    x11ic->conn = (X11ICONN *)g_hash_table_lookup (_connections,
                         (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->connect_id);
-    i = _xim_store_ic_values (ic, call_data);
+    i = _xim_store_ic_values (x11ic, call_data);
-    ic->context = (GtkIMContext *)ibus_im_client_create_im_context (_client);
+    x11ic->ibus_ic = g_strdup (ibus_im_client_create_input_context (_client));
+    g_hash_table_insert (_ibus_ic_table, x11ic->ibus_ic, (gpointer)x11ic);
-    if (ic->focus_window)
-        gtk_im_context_set_client_window (ic->context, ic->focus_window);
-    else
-        gtk_im_context_set_client_window (ic->context, ic->client_window);
+    ibus_im_client_set_use_preedit (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic, FALSE);
-    gtk_im_context_set_use_preedit (ic->context, FALSE);
-    g_signal_connect (ic->context,
-            "commit",
-            G_CALLBACK (_xim_commit_cb),
-            (gpointer)ic);
-#if 0
-    g_signal_connect (ic->context,
-            "preedit-changed",
-            G_CALLBACK (_xim_preedit_changed_cb),
-            (gpointer)ic);
-    g_hash_table_insert (_clients, (gpointer)ic->icid, (gpointer) ic);
-    ic->conn->clients = g_list_append (ic->conn->clients, (gpointer) ic);
+    g_hash_table_insert (_x11_ic_table, (gpointer)x11ic->icid, (gpointer)x11ic);
+    x11ic->conn->clients = g_list_append (x11ic->conn->clients, (gpointer)x11ic);
     return 1;
@@ -260,23 +221,27 @@ xim_create_ic (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
 xim_destroy_ic (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     LOG (1, "XIM_DESTROY_IC ic=%d, connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    g_object_unref (ic->context);
-    ic->conn->clients = g_list_remove (ic->conn->clients, (gconstpointer)ic);
-    g_hash_table_remove (_clients,
+    ibus_im_client_release_input_context (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic);
+    g_hash_table_remove (_ibus_ic_table, x11ic->ibus_ic);
+    g_free (x11ic->ibus_ic);
+    x11ic->conn->clients = g_list_remove (x11ic->conn->clients, (gconstpointer)x11ic);
+    g_hash_table_remove (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    if (ic->client_window)
-        g_object_unref (ic->client_window);
-    if (ic->focus_window)
-        g_object_unref (ic->focus_window);
+    if (x11ic->client_window)
+        g_object_unref (x11ic->client_window);
+    if (x11ic->focus_window)
+        g_object_unref (x11ic->focus_window);
-    g_free (ic);
+    g_free (x11ic);
     return 1;
@@ -284,14 +249,14 @@ xim_destroy_ic (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
 xim_set_ic_focus (XIMS xims, IMChangeFocusStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     LOG (1, "XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS ic=%d, connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    gtk_im_context_focus_in (ic->context);
+    ibus_im_client_focus_in (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic);
     return 1;
@@ -300,14 +265,14 @@ xim_set_ic_focus (XIMS xims, IMChangeFocusStruct *call_data)
 xim_unset_ic_focus (XIMS xims, IMChangeFocusStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     LOG (1, "XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS ic=%d, connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
             (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    gtk_im_context_focus_out (ic->context);
+    ibus_im_client_focus_out (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic);
     return 1;
@@ -317,16 +282,16 @@ int
 xim_forward_event (XIMS xims, IMForwardEventStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     XKeyEvent *xevent;
     GdkEventKey event;
     GdkWindow *window;
     LOG (1, "XIM_FORWARD_EVENT ic=%d, connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    g_return_val_if_fail (ic != NULL, 1);
+    g_return_val_if_fail (x11ic != NULL, 1);
     xevent = (XKeyEvent*) &(call_data->event);
     window = gdk_window_foreign_new (xevent->window);
@@ -337,9 +302,7 @@ xim_forward_event (XIMS xims, IMForwardEventStruct *call_data)
     event.send_event = xevent->send_event;
     event.window = window;
-    g_debug ("send_event = %d", event.send_event);
-    if (gtk_im_context_filter_keypress (ic->context, &event)) {
+    if (ibus_im_client_filter_keypress (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic, &event)) {
         g_object_unref (window);
         return 1;
@@ -349,8 +312,8 @@ xim_forward_event (XIMS xims, IMForwardEventStruct *call_data)
     memset (&fe, 0, sizeof (fe));
     fe.major_code = XIM_FORWARD_EVENT;
-    fe.icid = ic->icid;
-    fe.connect_id = ic->connect_id;
+    fe.icid = x11ic->icid;
+    fe.connect_id = x11ic->connect_id;
     fe.sync_bit = 0;
     fe.serial_number = 0L;
     fe.event = call_data->event;
@@ -385,17 +348,19 @@ xim_open (XIMS xims, IMOpenStruct *call_data)
 static void
 _free_ic (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
-    X11IC *ic = (X11IC *) data;
+    X11IC *x11ic = (X11IC *) data;
-    g_return_if_fail (ic != NULL);
+    g_return_if_fail (x11ic != NULL);
-    g_object_unref (ic->context);
+    g_free (x11ic->ibus_ic);
     /* Remove the IC from g_client dictionary */
-    g_hash_table_remove (_clients,
-                (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)ic->icid);
+    g_hash_table_remove (_ibus_ic_table,
+                (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)x11ic->ibus_ic);
+    g_hash_table_remove (_x11_ic_table,
+                (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)x11ic->icid);
-    g_free (ic);
+    g_free (x11ic);
@@ -428,20 +393,20 @@ xim_close (XIMS ims, IMCloseStruct *call_data)
 xim_set_ic_values (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     gint i;
     LOG (1, "XIM_SET_IC_VALUES ic=%d connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    g_return_val_if_fail (ic != NULL, 1);
+    g_return_val_if_fail (x11ic != NULL, 1);
-    i = _xim_store_ic_values (ic, call_data);
+    i = _xim_store_ic_values (x11ic, call_data);
     if (i) {
-        gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location (ic->context, &ic->preedit_area);
+        ibus_im_client_set_cursor_location (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic, &x11ic->preedit_area);
     return i;
@@ -451,16 +416,16 @@ xim_set_ic_values (XIMS xims, IMChangeICStruct *call_data)
 xim_reset_ic (XIMS xims, IMResetICStruct *call_data)
-    X11IC *ic;
+    X11IC *x11ic;
     LOG (1, "XIM_RESET_IC ic=%d connect_id=%d", call_data->icid, call_data->connect_id);
-    ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_clients,
+    x11ic = (X11IC *)g_hash_table_lookup (_x11_ic_table,
                 (gconstpointer)(unsigned long)call_data->icid);
-    g_return_val_if_fail (ic != NULL, 1);
+    g_return_val_if_fail (x11ic != NULL, 1);
-    gtk_im_context_reset (ic->context);
+    ibus_im_client_reset (_client, x11ic->ibus_ic);
     return 1;
@@ -564,6 +529,124 @@ _xim_client_disconnected_cb (IBusIMClient *client, gpointer data)
     gtk_main_quit ();
+#if 0
+static void
+_client_connected_cb (IBusIMClient *client, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_client_disconnected_cb (IBusIMClient *client, gpointer user_data)
+    g_warning ("Connection closed by ibus-daemon");
+    exit(0);
+static void
+_client_commit_string_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, const gchar *string, gpointer user_data)
+    X11IC *x11ic = g_hash_table_lookup (_ibus_ic_table, ic);
+    g_return_if_fail (x11ic != NULL);
+    char *clist[1];
+    XTextProperty tp;
+    IMCommitStruct cms;
+    clist[0] = (gchar *)string;
+    Xutf8TextListToTextProperty (GDK_DISPLAY (), clist, 1, XCompoundTextStyle, &tp);
+    memset (&cms, 0, sizeof (cms));
+    cms.major_code = XIM_COMMIT;
+    cms.icid = x11ic->icid;
+    cms.connect_id = x11ic->connect_id;
+    cms.flag = XimLookupChars;
+    cms.commit_string = (char *)tp.value;
+    IMCommitString (_xims, (XPointer) & cms);
+    XFree (tp.value);
+static void
+_client_forward_event_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data)
+    X11IC *x11ic = g_hash_table_lookup (_ibus_ic_table, ic);
+    g_return_if_fail (x11ic != NULL);
+    _xim_forward_gdk_event (event);
+#if 0
+static void
+_client_update_preedit_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, const gchar *string,
+    PangoAttrList *attrs, gint cursor_pos, gboolean visible, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_client_show_preedit_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_client_hide_preedit_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_client_enabled_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_client_disabled_cb (IBusIMClient *client, const gchar *ic, gpointer user_data)
+static void
+_init_ibus_client (void)
+    if (_client != NULL)
+        return;
+    ibus_im_client_register_type (NULL);
+    _ibus_ic_table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
+    _client = ibus_im_client_new ();
+    if (!ibus_im_client_get_connected (_client)) {
+        g_error ("Can not connect to ibus-daemon!");
+    }
+#if 0
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "connected",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_connected_cb), NULL);
+g_signal_connect (_client, "disconnected",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_disconnected_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "commit-string",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_commit_string_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "forward-event",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_forward_event_cb), NULL);
+#if 0
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "update-preedit",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_update_preedit_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "show-preedit",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_show_preedit_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "hide-preedit",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_hide_preedit_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "enabled",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_enabled_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect (_client, "disabled",
+                        G_CALLBACK (_client_disabled_cb), NULL);
 static void
 _xim_init_IMdkit ()
@@ -630,22 +713,17 @@ _xim_init_IMdkit ()
     gdk_event_handler_set (_xim_event_cb, NULL,
-    ibus_im_client_register_type (NULL);
-    ibus_im_context_register_type (NULL);
-    _client = ibus_im_client_new ();
+    _init_ibus_client ();
     if (!ibus_im_client_get_connected (_client)) {
         g_warning ("Can not connect to ibus daemon");
         exit (1);
-    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (_client),
-        "disconnected",
-        G_CALLBACK (_xim_client_disconnected_cb),
-        NULL);
 static void
 _xim_kill_daemon ()
@@ -675,7 +753,7 @@ int error_handler (Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *e)
     g_debug (
         "XError: "
-        "serial=%d error_code=%d request_code=%d minor_code=%d resourceid=%d",
+        "serial=%lu error_code=%d request_code=%d minor_code=%d resourceid=%lu",
         e->serial, e->error_code, e->request_code, e->minor_code, e->resourceid);
     return 1;
@@ -742,7 +820,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    _clients = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
+    _x11_ic_table = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
     _connections = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
     signal (SIGINT, _xim_sighandler);
index e138efddf02694d8e7fe4959582cfa617e5e9246..b4c3fd1af177e27b22512fe5f1a6141f5d89e9b3 100644 (file)
@@ -180,10 +180,11 @@ client/Makefile
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c b/util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9b49794
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2466 @@
+Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
+                        All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
+supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
+used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+software without specific, written prior permission.  
+  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
+                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlibint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+/* Convenient macro */
+#define _UNIT(n)   ((int)(n) & 0xFF)
+#define _NUMBER(n) (((int)(n) >> 8) & 0xFF)
+/* For byte swapping */
+#define Swap16(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?       \
+(((n) << 8 & 0xFF00) | \
+ ((n) >> 8 & 0xFF)     \
+) : n)
+#define Swap32(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?            \
+        (((n) << 24 & 0xFF000000) | \
+         ((n) <<  8 & 0xFF0000) |   \
+         ((n) >>  8 & 0xFF00) |     \
+         ((n) >> 24 & 0xFF)         \
+        ) : n)
+#define Swap64(p, n) ((p)->byte_swap ?            \
+        (((n) << 56 & 0xFF00000000000000) | \
+         ((n) << 40 & 0xFF000000000000) |   \
+         ((n) << 24 & 0xFF0000000000) |     \
+         ((n) <<  8 & 0xFF00000000) |       \
+         ((n) >>  8 & 0xFF000000) |         \
+         ((n) >> 24 & 0xFF0000) |           \
+         ((n) >> 40 & 0xFF00) |             \
+         ((n) >> 56 & 0xFF)                 \
+        ) : n)
+/* Type definition */
+typedef struct _Iter *Iter;
+typedef struct _FrameInst *FrameInst;
+typedef union
+    int num;           /* For BARRAY */
+    FrameInst fi;      /* For POINTER */
+    Iter iter;                 /* For ITER */
+} ExtraDataRec, *ExtraData;
+typedef struct _Chain
+    ExtraDataRec d;
+    int frame_no;
+    struct _Chain *next;
+} ChainRec, *Chain;
+typedef struct _ChainMgr
+    Chain top;
+    Chain tail;
+} ChainMgrRec, *ChainMgr;
+typedef struct _ChainIter
+    Chain cur;
+} ChainIterRec, *ChainIter;
+typedef struct _FrameIter
+    Iter iter;
+    Bool counting;
+    unsigned int counter;
+    int end;
+    struct _FrameIter* next;
+} FrameIterRec, *FrameIter;
+typedef struct _FrameInst
+    XimFrame template;
+    ChainMgrRec cm;
+    int cur_no;
+} FrameInstRec;
+typedef void (*IterStartWatchProc) (Iter it, void *client_data);
+typedef struct _Iter
+    XimFrame template;
+    int max_count;
+    Bool allow_expansion;
+    ChainMgrRec cm;
+    int cur_no;
+    IterStartWatchProc start_watch_proc;
+    void *client_data;
+    Bool start_counter;
+} IterRec;
+typedef struct _FrameMgr
+    XimFrame frame;
+    FrameInst fi;
+    char *area;
+    int idx;
+    Bool byte_swap;
+    int total_size;
+    FrameIter iters;
+} FrameMgrRec;
+typedef union
+    int num;           /* For BARRAY and PAD */
+    struct
+    {          /* For COUNTER_* */
+        Iter iter;
+        Bool is_byte_len;
+    } counter;
+} XimFrameTypeInfoRec, *XimFrameTypeInfo;
+/* Special values */
+#define NO_VALUE -1
+#define NO_VALID_FIELD -2
+static FrameInst FrameInstInit(XimFrame frame);
+static void FrameInstFree(FrameInst fi);
+static XimFrameType FrameInstGetNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
+static XimFrameType FrameInstPeekNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
+static FmStatus FrameInstSetSize(FrameInst fi, int num);
+static FmStatus FrameInstSetIterCount(FrameInst fi, int num);
+static int FrameInstGetTotalSize(FrameInst fi);
+static void FrameInstReset(FrameInst fi);
+static Iter IterInit(XimFrame frame, int count);
+static void IterFree(Iter it);
+static int FrameInstGetSize(FrameInst fi);
+static int IterGetSize(Iter it);
+static XimFrameType IterGetNextType(Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
+static XimFrameType IterPeekNextType(Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info);
+static FmStatus IterSetSize(Iter it, int num);
+static FmStatus IterSetIterCount(Iter it, int num);
+static int IterGetTotalSize(Iter it);
+static void IterReset(Iter it);
+static Bool IterIsLoopEnd(Iter it, Bool* myself);
+static void IterSetStartWatch(Iter it, IterStartWatchProc proc, void* client_data);
+static void _IterStartWatch(Iter it, void* client_data);
+static ExtraData ChainMgrGetExtraData(ChainMgr cm, int frame_no);
+static ExtraData ChainMgrSetData(ChainMgr cm, int frame_no,
+                                 ExtraDataRec data);
+static Bool ChainIterGetNext(ChainIter ci, int* frame_no, ExtraData d);
+static int _FrameInstIncrement(XimFrame frame, int count);
+static int _FrameInstDecrement(XimFrame frame, int count);
+static int _FrameInstGetItemSize(FrameInst fi, int cur_no);
+static Bool FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd(FrameInst fi);
+static FrameIter _FrameMgrAppendIter(FrameMgr fm, Iter it, int end);
+static FrameIter _FrameIterCounterIncr(FrameIter fitr, int i);
+static void _FrameMgrRemoveIter(FrameMgr fm, FrameIter it);
+static Bool _FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd(FrameMgr fm);
+static Bool _FrameMgrProcessPadding(FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status);
+#define IterGetIterCount(it) ((it)->allow_expansion ? \
+NO_VALUE : (it)->max_count)
+#define IterFixIteration(it) ((it)->allow_expansion = False)
+#define IterSetStarter(it) ((it)->start_counter = True)
+#define ChainMgrInit(cm) (cm)->top = (cm)->tail = NULL
+#define ChainMgrFree(cm)                \
+{                                       \
+    Chain tmp;                          \
+    Chain cur = (cm)->top;              \
+                                       \
+    while (cur)                         \
+    {                                   \
+        tmp = cur->next;                \
+        Xfree (cur);                    \
+       cur = tmp;                      \
+    }                                   \
+#define ChainIterInit(ci, cm)           \
+{                                       \
+    (ci)->cur = (cm)->top;              \
+/* ChainIterFree has nothing to do. */
+#define ChainIterFree(ci)
+#define FrameInstIsEnd(fi) ((fi)->template[(fi)->cur_no].type == EOL)
+FrameMgr FrameMgrInit (XimFrame frame, char* area, Bool byte_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    fm = (FrameMgr) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameMgrRec));
+    fm->frame = frame;
+    fm->fi = FrameInstInit (frame);
+    fm->area = (char *) area;
+    fm->idx = 0;
+    fm->byte_swap = byte_swap;
+    fm->total_size = NO_VALUE;
+    fm->iters = NULL;
+    return fm;
+void FrameMgrInitWithData (FrameMgr fm,
+                           XimFrame frame,
+                           void * area,
+                           Bool byte_swap)
+    fm->frame = frame;
+    fm->fi = FrameInstInit (frame);
+    fm->area = (char *) area;
+    fm->idx = 0;
+    fm->byte_swap = byte_swap;
+    fm->total_size = NO_VALUE;
+void FrameMgrFree (FrameMgr fm)
+    FrameIter p, cur;
+    p = fm->iters;
+    cur = p;
+    while (p)
+    {
+        p = p->next;
+        Xfree (cur);
+        cur = p;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    FrameInstFree (fm->fi);
+    Xfree (fm);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetBuffer (FrameMgr fm, void* area)
+    if (fm->area)
+        return FmBufExist;
+    fm->area = (char *) area;
+    return FmSuccess;
+FmStatus _FrameMgrPutToken (FrameMgr fm, void *data, int data_size)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
+    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    /*endif*/
+    type = FrameInstGetNextType(fm->fi, &info);
+    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
+    {
+        unsigned long input_length;
+        if (info.counter.is_byte_len)
+        {
+            if ((input_length = IterGetTotalSize (info.counter.iter))
+                    == NO_VALUE)
+            {
+                return FmCannotCalc;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ((input_length = IterGetIterCount (info.counter.iter))
+                == NO_VALUE)
+            {
+                return FmCannotCalc;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case COUNTER_BIT8:
+            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = input_length;
+            fm->idx++;
+            break;
+        case COUNTER_BIT16:
+            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, input_length);
+            fm->idx += 2;
+            break;
+        case COUNTER_BIT32:
+            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, input_length);
+            fm->idx += 4;
+            break;
+#if defined(_NEED64BIT)
+        case COUNTER_BIT64:
+            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, input_length);
+            fm->idx += 8;
+            break;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        _FrameMgrPutToken(fm, data, data_size);
+        return FmSuccess;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
+            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
+            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
+            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
+            *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = num;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never be reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx++;
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BIT16:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
+            *(CARD16*)(fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
+            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
+            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
+            *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap16 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 2;
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BIT32:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
+            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
+            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
+            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
+            *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap32 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 4;
+        return FmSuccess;
+#if defined(_NEED64BIT)
+    case BIT64:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned char *) data;
+            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned short *) data;
+            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned int *) data;
+            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            unsigned long num = *(unsigned long *) data;
+            *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx) = Swap64 (fm, num);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 4;
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+            return FmInvalidCall;
+        /*endif*/
+        if (info.num > 0)
+        {
+            bcopy (*(char **) data, fm->area + fm->idx, info.num);
+            fm->idx += info.num;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case PADDING:
+        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+            return FmInvalidCall;
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += info.num;
+        return _FrameMgrPutToken(fm, data, data_size);
+    case ITER:
+        return FmInvalidCall;
+    case EOL:
+        return FmEOD;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return (FmStatus) NULL;  /* Should never be reached */
+FmStatus _FrameMgrGetToken (FrameMgr fm , void* data, int data_size)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    static XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;  /* memory */
+    FrameIter fitr;
+    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    /*endif*/
+    type = FrameInstGetNextType(fm->fi, &info);
+    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
+    {
+        int end=0;
+        FrameIter client_data;
+        type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case BIT8:
+            end = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
+            break;
+        case BIT16:
+            end = Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+            break;
+        case BIT32:
+            end = Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+            break;
+#if defined(_NEED64BIT)        
+        case BIT64:
+            end = Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+            break;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        if ((client_data = _FrameMgrAppendIter (fm, info.counter.iter, end)))
+        {
+            IterSetStarter (info.counter.iter);
+            IterSetStartWatch (info.counter.iter,
+                               _IterStartWatch,
+                               (void *) client_data);
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            *(unsigned char*) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            *(unsigned short *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            *(unsigned int *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            *(unsigned long *) data = *(CARD8 *) (fm->area + fm->idx);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx++;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 1/*BIT8*/)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BIT16:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            *(unsigned char *) data =
+                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            *(unsigned short *) data =
+                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            *(unsigned int *) data =
+                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            *(unsigned long *) data =
+                Swap16 (fm, *(CARD16 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 2;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 2/*BIT16*/)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter(fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BIT32:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            *(unsigned char *) data =
+                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            *(unsigned short *) data =
+                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            *(unsigned int *) data =
+                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            *(unsigned long *) data =
+                Swap32 (fm, *(CARD32 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 4;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 4/*BIT32*/)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+#if defined(_NEED64BIT)    
+    case BIT64:
+        if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned char))
+        {
+            *(unsigned char *) data =
+                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned short))
+        {
+            *(unsigned short *) data =
+                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned int))
+        {
+            *(unsigned int *) data =
+                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else if (data_size == sizeof (unsigned long))
+        {
+            *(unsigned long *) data =
+                Swap64 (fm, *(CARD64 *) (fm->area + fm->idx));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ; /* Should never reached */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += 8;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, 8/*BIT64*/)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+            return FmInvalidCall;
+        /*endif*/
+        if (info.num > 0)
+        {
+            *(char **) data = fm->area + fm->idx;
+            fm->idx += info.num;
+            if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
+                _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *(char **) data = NULL;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        return FmSuccess;
+    case PADDING:
+        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+            return FmInvalidCall;
+        /*endif*/
+        fm->idx += info.num;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        return _FrameMgrGetToken (fm, data, data_size);
+    case ITER:
+        return FmInvalidCall;  /* if comes here, it's a bug! */
+    case EOL:
+        return FmEOD;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return (FmStatus) NULL;  /* Should never be reached */
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetSize (FrameMgr fm, int barray_size)
+    if (FrameInstSetSize (fm->fi, barray_size) == FmSuccess)
+        return FmSuccess;
+    /*endif*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetIterCount (FrameMgr fm, int count)
+    if (FrameInstSetIterCount (fm->fi, count) == FmSuccess)
+        return FmSuccess;
+    /*endif*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetTotalSize (FrameMgr fm, int total_size)
+    fm->total_size = total_size;
+    return FmSuccess;
+int FrameMgrGetTotalSize (FrameMgr fm)
+    return FrameInstGetTotalSize (fm->fi);
+int FrameMgrGetSize (FrameMgr fm)
+    register int ret_size;
+    ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (fm->fi);
+    if (ret_size == NO_VALID_FIELD)
+        return NO_VALUE;
+    /*endif*/
+    return ret_size;
+FmStatus FrameMgrSkipToken (FrameMgr fm, int skip_count)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
+    register int i;
+    if (fm->total_size != NO_VALUE  &&  fm->idx >= fm->total_size)
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    /*endif*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < skip_count;  i++)
+    {
+        type = FrameInstGetNextType (fm->fi, &info);
+        type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case BIT8:
+            fm->idx++;
+            break;
+        case BIT16:
+            fm->idx += 2;
+            break;
+        case BIT32:
+            fm->idx += 4;
+            break;
+        case BIT64:
+            fm->idx += 8;
+            break;
+        case BARRAY:
+            if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+                return FmInvalidCall;
+            /*endif*/
+            fm->idx += info.num;
+            break;
+        case PADDING:
+            if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+                return FmInvalidCall;
+            /*endif*/
+            fm->idx += info.num;
+            return FrameMgrSkipToken (fm, skip_count);
+        case ITER:
+            return FmInvalidCall;
+        case EOL:
+            return FmEOD;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    return FmSuccess;
+void FrameMgrReset (FrameMgr fm)
+    fm->idx = 0;
+    FrameInstReset (fm->fi);
+Bool FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status)
+    do
+    {
+        if (_FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm))
+            return  True;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    while (_FrameMgrProcessPadding (fm, status));
+    return False;
+/* Internal routines */
+static Bool _FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (FrameMgr fm)
+    return FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (fm->fi);
+static Bool _FrameMgrProcessPadding (FrameMgr fm, FmStatus* status)
+    XimFrameTypeInfoRec info;
+    XimFrameType next_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fm->fi, &info);
+    FrameIter fitr;
+    if (next_type == PADDING)
+    {
+        if (info.num == NO_VALUE)
+        {
+            *status = FmInvalidCall;
+            return True;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        next_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fm->fi, &info);
+        fm->idx += info.num;
+        if ((fitr = _FrameIterCounterIncr (fm->iters, info.num)))
+            _FrameMgrRemoveIter (fm, fitr);
+        /*endif*/
+        *status = FmSuccess;
+        return True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    *status = FmSuccess;
+    return False;
+static FrameInst FrameInstInit (XimFrame frame)
+    FrameInst fi;
+    fi = (FrameInst) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameInstRec));
+    fi->template = frame;
+    fi->cur_no = 0;
+    ChainMgrInit (&fi->cm);
+    return fi;
+static void FrameInstFree (FrameInst fi)
+    ChainIterRec ci;
+    int frame_no;
+    ExtraDataRec d;
+    ChainIterInit (&ci, &fi->cm);
+    while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &frame_no, &d))
+    {
+        register XimFrameType type;
+        type = fi->template[frame_no].type;
+        if (type == ITER)
+        {
+            if (d.iter)
+                IterFree (d.iter);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else if (type == POINTER)
+        {
+            if (d.fi)
+                FrameInstFree (d.fi);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    ChainIterFree (&ci);
+    ChainMgrFree (&fi->cm);
+    Xfree (fi);
+static XimFrameType FrameInstGetNextType(FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
+    XimFrameType ret_type;
+    ret_type = fi->template[fi->cur_no].type;
+    switch (ret_type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+    case EOL:
+        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement(fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+        break;
+    case COUNTER_BIT8:
+    case COUNTER_BIT16:
+    case COUNTER_BIT32:
+    case COUNTER_BIT64:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            register int offset, iter_idx;
+            info->counter.is_byte_len =
+                (((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data & 0xFF)) == FmCounterByte;
+            offset = ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) >> 8;
+            iter_idx = fi->cur_no + offset;
+            if (fi->template[iter_idx].type == ITER)
+            {
+                ExtraData d;
+                ExtraDataRec dr;
+                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, iter_idx)) == NULL)
+                {
+                    dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[iter_idx + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, iter_idx, dr);
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                info->counter.iter = d->iter;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Should never reach here */
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+        break;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+                info->num = NO_VALUE;
+            else
+                info->num = d->num;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+        break;
+    case PADDING:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            register int unit;
+            register int number;
+            register int size;
+            register int i;
+            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
+            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
+            i = fi->cur_no;
+            size = 0;
+            while (number > 0)
+            {
+                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
+                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
+                number--;
+            }
+            /*endwhile*/
+            info->num = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+        break;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            XimFrameType sub_type;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_type = IterGetNextType (d->iter, info);
+            if (sub_type == EOL)
+            {
+                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+                ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fi, info);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ret_type = sub_type;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            XimFrameType sub_type;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_type = FrameInstGetNextType (d->fi, info);
+            if (sub_type == EOL)
+            {
+                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+                ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (fi, info);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ret_type = sub_type;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return ret_type;
+static XimFrameType FrameInstPeekNextType (FrameInst fi, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
+    XimFrameType ret_type;
+    ret_type = fi->template[fi->cur_no].type;
+    switch (ret_type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+    case EOL:
+        break;
+    case COUNTER_BIT8:
+    case COUNTER_BIT16:
+    case COUNTER_BIT32:
+    case COUNTER_BIT64:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            register int offset;
+           register int iter_idx;
+            info->counter.is_byte_len =
+                (((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) & 0xFF) == FmCounterByte;
+            offset = ((long)fi->template[fi->cur_no].data) >> 8;
+            iter_idx = fi->cur_no + offset;
+            if (fi->template[iter_idx].type == ITER)
+            {
+                ExtraData d;
+                ExtraDataRec dr;
+                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, iter_idx)) == NULL)
+                {
+                    dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[iter_idx + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, iter_idx, dr);
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                info->counter.iter = d->iter;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Should not be reached here */
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        break;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+                info->num = NO_VALUE;
+            else
+                info->num = d->num;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        break;
+    case PADDING:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            register int unit;
+            register int number;
+            register int size;
+            register int i;
+            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
+            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[fi->cur_no].data);
+            i = fi->cur_no;
+            size = 0;
+            while (number > 0)
+            {
+                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
+                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
+                number--;
+            }
+            /*endwhile*/
+            info->num = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        break;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            XimFrameType sub_type;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_type = IterPeekNextType (d->iter, info);
+            if (sub_type == EOL)
+                ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fi, info);
+            else
+                ret_type = sub_type;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            XimFrameType sub_type;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[fi->cur_no + 1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (d->fi, info);
+            if (sub_type == EOL)
+                ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (fi, info);
+            else
+                ret_type = sub_type;
+            /*endif*/
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return ret_type;
+static Bool FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (FrameInst fi)
+    Bool ret = False;
+    if (fi->template[fi->cur_no].type == ITER)
+    {
+        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, fi->cur_no);
+        Bool yourself;
+        if (d)
+        {
+            ret = IterIsLoopEnd (d->iter, &yourself);
+            if (ret  &&  yourself)
+                fi->cur_no = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, fi->cur_no);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return (ret);
+static FrameIter _FrameMgrAppendIter (FrameMgr fm, Iter it, int end)
+    FrameIter p = fm->iters;
+    while (p  &&  p->next)
+        p = p->next;
+    /*endwhile*/
+    if (!p)
+    {
+        fm->iters =
+        p = (FrameIter) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameIterRec));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p->next = (FrameIter) Xmalloc (sizeof (FrameIterRec));
+        p = p->next;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (p)
+    {
+        p->iter = it;
+        p->counting = False;
+        p->counter = 0;
+        p->end = end;
+        p->next = NULL;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return (p);
+static void _FrameMgrRemoveIter (FrameMgr fm, FrameIter it)
+    FrameIter prev;
+    FrameIter p;
+    prev = NULL;
+    p = fm->iters;
+    while (p)
+    {
+        if (p == it)
+        {
+            if (prev)
+                prev->next = p->next;
+            else
+                fm->iters = p->next;
+            /*endif*/
+            Xfree (p);
+            break;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        prev = p;
+        p = p->next;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+static FrameIter _FrameIterCounterIncr (FrameIter fitr, int i)
+    FrameIter p = fitr;
+    while (p)
+    {
+        if (p->counting)
+        {
+            p->counter += i;
+            if (p->counter >= p->end)
+            {
+                IterFixIteration (p->iter);
+                return (p);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        p = p->next;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return (NULL);
+static void _IterStartWatch (Iter it, void *client_data)
+    FrameIter p = (FrameIter) client_data;
+    p->counting = True;
+static FmStatus FrameInstSetSize (FrameInst fi, int num)
+    ExtraData d;
+    ExtraDataRec dr;
+    XimFrameType type;
+    register int i;
+    i = 0;
+    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
+    {
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case BARRAY:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.num = -1;
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
+            {
+                d->num = num;
+                return FmSuccess;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+        case ITER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (IterSetSize (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+        case POINTER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData(&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit(fi->template[i + 1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData(&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (FrameInstSetSize(d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        i = _FrameInstIncrement(fi->template, i);
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+static int FrameInstGetSize (FrameInst fi)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    register int i;
+    ExtraData d;
+    ExtraDataRec dr;
+    int ret_size;
+    i = fi->cur_no;
+    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
+    {
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case BARRAY:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            return d->num;
+        case ITER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_size = IterGetSize(d->iter);
+            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
+                return ret_size;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+        case POINTER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[i + 1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (d->fi);
+            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
+                return ret_size;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return NO_VALID_FIELD;
+static FmStatus FrameInstSetIterCount (FrameInst fi, int num)
+    ExtraData d;
+    ExtraDataRec dr;
+    register int i;
+    XimFrameType type;
+    i = 0;
+    while ((type = fi->template[i].type) != EOL)
+    {
+        switch (type)
+        {
+        case ITER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (&fi->template[i + 1], num);
+                (void)ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+                return FmSuccess;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (IterSetIterCount (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+        case POINTER:
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (fi->template[i + 1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&fi->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+            break;
+       default:
+           break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+static int FrameInstGetTotalSize (FrameInst fi)
+    register int size;
+    register int i;
+    size = 0;
+    i = 0;
+    while (fi->template[i].type != EOL)
+    {
+        size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
+        i = _FrameInstIncrement (fi->template, i);
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return size;
+static void FrameInstReset (FrameInst fi)
+    ChainIterRec ci;
+    int frame_no;
+    ExtraDataRec d;
+    ChainIterInit (&ci, &fi->cm);
+    while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &frame_no, &d))
+    {
+        register XimFrameType type;
+        type = fi->template[frame_no].type;
+        if (type == ITER)
+        {
+            if (d.iter)
+                IterReset (d.iter);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else if (type == POINTER)
+        {
+            if (d.fi)
+                FrameInstReset (d.fi);
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    ChainIterFree (&ci);
+    fi->cur_no = 0;
+static Iter IterInit (XimFrame frame, int count)
+    Iter it;
+    register XimFrameType type;
+    it = (Iter) Xmalloc (sizeof (IterRec));
+    it->template = frame;
+    it->max_count = (count == NO_VALUE)  ?  0  :  count;
+    it->allow_expansion = (count == NO_VALUE);
+    it->cur_no = 0;
+    it->start_watch_proc = NULL;
+    it->client_data = NULL;
+    it->start_counter = False;
+    type = frame->type;
+    if (type & COUNTER_MASK)
+    {
+        /* COUNTER_XXX cannot be an item of a ITER */
+        Xfree (it);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+        /* Do nothing */
+        break;
+    case BARRAY:
+    case ITER:
+    case POINTER:
+        ChainMgrInit (&it->cm);
+        break;
+    default:
+        Xfree (it);
+        return NULL; /* This should never occur */
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return it;
+static void IterFree (Iter it)
+    switch (it->template->type)
+    {
+    case BARRAY:
+        ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
+        break;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            ChainIterRec ci;
+            int count;
+            ExtraDataRec d;
+            ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
+            while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
+                IterFree (d.iter);
+            /*endwhile*/
+            ChainIterFree (&ci);
+            ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
+        }
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            ChainIterRec ci;
+            int count;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
+            while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &dr))
+                FrameInstFree (dr.fi);
+            /*endwhile*/
+            ChainIterFree (&ci);
+            ChainMgrFree (&it->cm);
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    Xfree (it);
+static Bool IterIsLoopEnd (Iter it, Bool *myself)
+    Bool ret = False;
+    *myself = False;
+    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  (it->cur_no == it->max_count))
+    {
+        *myself = True;
+        return True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (it->template->type == POINTER)
+    {
+        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no);
+        if (d)
+        {
+            if (FrameInstIsIterLoopEnd (d->fi))
+            {
+                ret = True;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (FrameInstIsEnd (d->fi))
+                {
+                    it->cur_no++;
+                    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->cur_no == it->max_count)
+                    {
+                        *myself = True;
+                        ret = True;
+                    }
+                    /*endif*/
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    else if (it->template->type == ITER)
+    {
+        ExtraData d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no);
+        if (d)
+        {
+            Bool yourself;
+            if (IterIsLoopEnd (d->iter, &yourself))
+                ret = True;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return ret;
+static XimFrameType IterGetNextType (Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
+    XimFrameType type = it->template->type;
+    if (it->start_counter)
+    {
+        (*it->start_watch_proc) (it, it->client_data);
+        it->start_counter = False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
+    {
+        if (it->allow_expansion)
+            it->max_count = it->cur_no + 1;
+        else
+            return EOL;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+        it->cur_no++;
+        return type;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+                info->num = NO_VALUE;
+            else
+                info->num = d->num;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        it->cur_no++;
+        return BARRAY;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            XimFrameType ret_type;
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_type = IterGetNextType (d->iter, info);
+            if (ret_type == EOL)
+            {
+                it->cur_no++;
+                ret_type = IterGetNextType (it, info);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+           return ret_type;
+        }
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            XimFrameType ret_type;
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_type = FrameInstGetNextType (d->fi, info);
+            if (ret_type == EOL)
+            {
+                it->cur_no++;
+                ret_type = IterGetNextType (it, info);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+           return ret_type;
+        }
+    default:
+       return (XimFrameType) NULL;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return (XimFrameType) NULL;  /* This should never occur */
+static XimFrameType IterPeekNextType (Iter it, XimFrameTypeInfo info)
+    XimFrameType type = it->template->type;
+    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
+        return (EOL);
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+        return type;
+    case BARRAY:
+        if (info)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+                info->num = NO_VALUE;
+            else
+                info->num = d->num;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        return BARRAY;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            XimFrameType ret_type;
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_type = IterPeekNextType (d->iter, info);
+            if (ret_type == EOL)
+                ret_type = IterPeekNextType (it, info);
+            /*endif*/
+            return ret_type;
+        }
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            XimFrameType ret_type;
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->cur_no, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_type = FrameInstPeekNextType (d->fi, info);
+            if (ret_type == EOL)
+                ret_type = IterPeekNextType (it, info);
+            /*endif*/
+            return (ret_type);
+        }
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    /* Reaching here is a bug! */
+    return (XimFrameType) NULL;
+static FmStatus IterSetSize (Iter it, int num)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    register int i;
+    if (!it->allow_expansion  &&  it->max_count == 0)
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    /*endif*/
+    type = it->template->type;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BARRAY:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+            {
+                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                {
+                    dr.num = NO_VALUE;
+                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
+                {
+                    d->num = num;
+                    return FmSuccess;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+            if (it->allow_expansion)
+            {
+                ExtraDataRec dr;
+                dr.num = num;
+                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
+                it->max_count++;
+                return FmSuccess;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }   
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+            {
+                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                {
+                    dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
+                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                if (IterSetSize (d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
+                    return FmSuccess;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+            if (it->allow_expansion)
+            {
+                ExtraDataRec dr;
+                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
+                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
+                it->max_count++;
+                if (IterSetSize(dr.iter, num) == FmSuccess)
+                    return FmSuccess;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+            {
+                if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                {
+                    dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                    d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                if (FrameInstSetSize (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                    return FmSuccess;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+            if (it->allow_expansion)
+            {
+                ExtraDataRec dr;
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
+                it->max_count++;
+                if (FrameInstSetSize (dr.fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                    return FmSuccess;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+static int IterGetSize (Iter it)
+    register int i;
+    ExtraData d;
+    ExtraDataRec dr;
+    if (it->cur_no >= it->max_count)
+        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (it->template->type)
+    {
+    case BARRAY:
+        if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, it->cur_no)) == NULL)
+            return NO_VALUE;
+        /*endif*/
+        return d->num;
+    case ITER:
+        for (i = it->cur_no; i < it->max_count; i++)
+        {
+            int ret_size;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, NO_VALUE);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_size = IterGetSize (d->iter);
+            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
+                return ret_size;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
+    case POINTER:
+        for (i = it->cur_no;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            int ret_size;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            ret_size = FrameInstGetSize (d->fi);
+            if (ret_size != NO_VALID_FIELD)
+                return ret_size;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        return NO_VALID_FIELD;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return NO_VALID_FIELD;
+static FmStatus IterSetIterCount (Iter it, int num)
+    register int i;
+    if (it->allow_expansion)
+    {
+        it->max_count = num;
+        it->allow_expansion = False;
+        return FmSuccess;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (it->max_count == 0)
+        return FmNoMoreData;
+    /*endif*/
+    switch (it->template->type)
+    {
+    case ITER:
+        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData(&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.iter = IterInit(it->template + 1, num);
+                (void)ChainMgrSetData(&it->cm, i, dr);
+                return FmSuccess;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (IterSetIterCount(d->iter, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        if (it->allow_expansion)
+        {
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            dr.iter = IterInit (it->template + 1, num);
+            ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
+            it->max_count++;
+            return FmSuccess;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (d->fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        if (it->allow_expansion)
+        {
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+            ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, it->max_count, dr);
+            it->max_count++;
+            if (FrameInstSetIterCount (dr.fi, num) == FmSuccess)
+                return FmSuccess;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        break;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return FmNoMoreData;
+static int IterGetTotalSize (Iter it)
+    register int size, i;
+    XimFrameType type;
+    if (it->allow_expansion)
+        return NO_VALUE;
+    /*endif*/
+    if (it->max_count == 0)
+        return 0;
+    /*endif*/
+    size = 0;
+    type = it->template->type;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+        size = it->max_count;
+        break;
+    case BIT16:
+        size = it->max_count*2;
+        break;
+    case BIT32:
+        size = it->max_count*4;
+        break;
+    case BIT64:
+        size = it->max_count*8;
+        break;
+    case BARRAY:
+        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            register int num;
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                return  NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            if ((num = d->num) == NO_VALUE)
+                return  NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            size += num;
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        break;
+    case ITER:
+        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            register int num;
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+                return  NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            if ((num = IterGetTotalSize (d->iter)) == NO_VALUE)
+                return  NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            size += num;
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        for (i = 0;  i < it->max_count;  i++)
+        {
+            register int num;
+            ExtraData d;
+            ExtraDataRec dr;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&it->cm, i)) == NULL)
+            {
+                dr.fi = FrameInstInit (it->template[1].data);
+                d = ChainMgrSetData (&it->cm, i, dr);
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if ((num = FrameInstGetTotalSize (d->fi)) == NO_VALUE)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            size += num;
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        break;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return  size;
+static void IterReset (Iter it)
+    ChainIterRec ci;
+    int count;
+    ExtraDataRec d;
+    switch (it->template->type)
+    {
+    case ITER:
+        ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
+        while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
+            IterReset (d.iter);
+        /*endwhile*/
+        ChainIterFree (&ci);
+        break;
+    case POINTER:
+        ChainIterInit (&ci, &it->cm);
+        while (ChainIterGetNext (&ci, &count, &d))
+            FrameInstReset (d.fi);
+        /*endwhile*/
+        ChainIterFree (&ci);
+        break;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    it->cur_no = 0;
+static void IterSetStartWatch (Iter it,
+                               IterStartWatchProc proc,
+                               void *client_data)
+    it->start_watch_proc = proc;
+    it->client_data = client_data;
+static ExtraData ChainMgrSetData (ChainMgr cm,
+                                  int frame_no,
+                                  ExtraDataRec data)
+    Chain cur = (Chain) Xmalloc (sizeof (ChainRec));
+    cur->frame_no = frame_no;
+    cur->d = data;
+    cur->next = NULL;
+    if (cm->top == NULL)
+    {
+        cm->top = cm->tail = cur;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cm->tail->next = cur;
+        cm->tail = cur;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return &cur->d;
+static ExtraData ChainMgrGetExtraData (ChainMgr cm, int frame_no)
+    Chain cur;
+    cur = cm->top;
+    while (cur)
+    {
+        if (cur->frame_no == frame_no)
+            return &cur->d;
+        /*endif*/
+        cur = cur->next;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return NULL;
+static Bool ChainIterGetNext (ChainIter ci, int *frame_no, ExtraData d)
+    if (ci->cur == NULL)
+        return False;
+    /*endif*/
+    *frame_no = ci->cur->frame_no;
+    *d = ci->cur->d;
+    ci->cur = ci->cur->next;
+    return True;
+static int _FrameInstIncrement (XimFrame frame, int count)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    type = frame[count].type;
+    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+    case BARRAY:
+    case PADDING:
+        return count + 1;
+    case POINTER:
+        return count + 2;
+    case ITER:
+        return _FrameInstIncrement (frame, count + 1);
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return - 1;    /* Error */
+static int _FrameInstDecrement (XimFrame frame, int count)
+    register int i;
+    XimFrameType type;
+    if (count == 0)
+        return - 1;    /* cannot decrement */
+    /*endif*/
+    if (count == 1)
+        return 0;     /* BOGUS - It should check the contents of data */
+    /*endif*/
+    type = frame[count - 2].type;
+    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+    case BIT16:
+    case BIT32:
+    case BIT64:
+    case BARRAY:
+    case PADDING:
+    case PTR_ITEM:
+        return count - 1;
+    case POINTER:
+    case ITER:
+        i = count - 3;
+        while (i >= 0)
+        {
+            if (frame[i].type != ITER)
+                return i + 1;
+            /*endif*/
+            i--;
+        }
+        /*endwhile*/
+        return 0;
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*enswitch*/
+    return - 1;    /* Error */
+static int _FrameInstGetItemSize (FrameInst fi, int cur_no)
+    XimFrameType type;
+    type = fi->template[cur_no].type;
+    type &= ~COUNTER_MASK;
+    switch (type)
+    {
+    case BIT8:
+        return 1;
+    case BIT16:
+        return 2;
+    case BIT32:
+        return 4;
+    case BIT64:
+        return 8;
+    case BARRAY:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            if (d->num == NO_VALUE)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            return d->num;
+        }
+    case PADDING:
+        {
+            register int unit;
+            register int number;
+            register int size;
+            register int i;
+            unit = _UNIT ((long) fi->template[cur_no].data);
+            number = _NUMBER ((long) fi->template[cur_no].data);
+            i = cur_no;
+            size = 0;
+            while (number > 0)
+            {
+                i = _FrameInstDecrement (fi->template, i);
+                size += _FrameInstGetItemSize (fi, i);
+                number--;
+            }
+            /*endwhile*/
+            size = (unit - (size%unit))%unit;
+            return size;
+        }
+    case ITER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            int sub_size;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_size = IterGetTotalSize (d->iter);
+            if (sub_size == NO_VALUE)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            return sub_size;
+        }
+    case POINTER:
+        {
+            ExtraData d;
+            int sub_size;
+            if ((d = ChainMgrGetExtraData (&fi->cm, cur_no)) == NULL)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            sub_size = FrameInstGetTotalSize (d->fi);
+            if (sub_size == NO_VALUE)
+                return NO_VALUE;
+            /*endif*/
+            return sub_size;
+        }
+    default:
+       break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return NO_VALUE;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h b/util/IMdkit/FrameMgr.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ce7ed50
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
+                        All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
+supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
+used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+software without specific, written prior permission.  
+  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
+                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef FRAMEMGR_H
+#define FRAMEMGR_H
+#include <X11/Xmd.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(VAXC) && !defined(__DECC)
+#define xim_externalref globalref
+#define xim_externaldef globaldef
+#define xim_externalref extern
+#define xim_externaldef
+/* Definitions for FrameMgr */
+#define COUNTER_MASK 0x10
+typedef enum
+    BIT8     = 0x1,       /* {CARD8* | INT8*}   */
+    BIT16    = 0x2,       /* {CARD16* | INT16*} */
+    BIT32    = 0x3,       /* {CARD32* | INT32*} */
+    BIT64    = 0x4,      /* {CARD64* | INT64*} */
+    BARRAY   = 0x5,       /* int*, void*        */
+    ITER     = 0x6,       /* int*               */
+    POINTER  = 0x7,       /* specifies next item is a PTR_ITEM */
+    PTR_ITEM = 0x8,       /* specifies the item has a pointer */
+     *   In the current implementation, PTR_ITEM should be lead by
+     *   POINTER.  But actually, it's just redundant logically.  Someone 
+     *   may remove this redundancy and POINTER from the enum member but he
+     *   should also modify the logic in FrameMgr program.
+     */
+    PADDING  = 0x9,       /* specifies that a padding is needed.
+                          * This requires extra data in data field.
+                          */
+    EOL      = 0xA,       /* specifies the end of list */
+} XimFrameType;
+/* Convenient macro */
+#define _FRAME(a) {a, NULL}
+#define _PTR(p)   {PTR_ITEM, (void *)p}
+/* PADDING's usage of data field
+ * B15-B8  : Shows the number of effective items.
+ * B7-B0   : Shows padding unit.  ex) 04 shows 4 unit padding.
+ */
+#define _PAD2(n)   {PADDING, (void*)((n)<<8|2)}
+#define _PAD4(n)   {PADDING, (void*)((n)<<8|4)}
+#define FmCounterByte 0
+#define FmCounterNumber 1
+#define _BYTE_COUNTER(type, offset) \
+               {(COUNTER_MASK|type), (void*)((offset)<<8|FmCounterByte)}
+#define _NUMBER_COUNTER(type, offset) \
+               {(COUNTER_MASK|type), (void*)((offset)<<8|FmCounterNumber)}
+typedef struct _XimFrame
+    XimFrameType type;
+    void* data;       /* For PTR_ITEM and PADDING */
+} XimFrameRec, *XimFrame;
+typedef enum
+    FmSuccess, 
+    FmEOD,
+    FmInvalidCall,
+    FmBufExist,
+    FmCannotCalc,
+    FmNoMoreData
+} FmStatus;
+typedef struct _FrameMgr *FrameMgr;
+FrameMgr FrameMgrInit(XimFrame frame, char* area, Bool byte_swap);
+void FrameMgrInitWithData(FrameMgr fm, XimFrame frame, void* area,
+                         Bool byte_swap);
+void FrameMgrFree(FrameMgr fm);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetBuffer(FrameMgr, void*);
+FmStatus _FrameMgrPutToken(FrameMgr, void*, int);
+FmStatus _FrameMgrGetToken(FrameMgr, void*, int);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetSize(FrameMgr, int);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetIterCount(FrameMgr, int);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSetTotalSize(FrameMgr, int);
+int FrameMgrGetTotalSize(FrameMgr);
+int FrameMgrGetSize(FrameMgr);
+FmStatus FrameMgrSkipToken(FrameMgr, int);
+void FrameMgrReset(FrameMgr);
+Bool FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd(FrameMgr, FmStatus*);
+#define FrameMgrPutToken(fm, obj) _FrameMgrPutToken((fm), &(obj), sizeof(obj))
+#define FrameMgrGetToken(fm, obj) _FrameMgrGetToken((fm), &(obj), sizeof(obj))
+#endif /* FRAMEMGR_H */
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/IMConn.c b/util/IMdkit/IMConn.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6d36589
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define Va_start(a,b) va_start(a,b)
+static void _IMCountVaList(va_list var, int *total_count)
+    char *attr;
+    *total_count = 0;
+    for (attr = va_arg (var, char*);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char*))
+    {
+       (void)va_arg (var, XIMArg *);
+       ++(*total_count);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+static void _IMVaToNestedList(va_list var, int max_count, XIMArg **args_return)
+    XIMArg *args;
+    char   *attr;
+    if (max_count <= 0)
+    {
+       *args_return = (XIMArg *) NULL;
+       return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    args = (XIMArg *) malloc ((unsigned) (max_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMArg));
+    *args_return = args;
+    if (!args)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    for (attr = va_arg (var, char*);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
+    {
+       args->name = attr;
+       args->value = va_arg (var, XPointer);
+       args++;
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    args->name = (char*)NULL;
+static char *_FindModifiers (XIMArg *args)
+    char *modifiers;
+    while (args->name)
+    {
+       if (strcmp (args->name, IMModifiers) == 0)
+       {
+           modifiers = args->value;
+           return modifiers;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           args++;
+       }
+       /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return NULL;
+XIMS _GetIMS (char *modifiers)
+    XIMS ims;
+    extern IMMethodsRec Xi18n_im_methods;
+    if ((ims = (XIMS) malloc (sizeof (XIMProtocolRec))) == (XIMS) NULL)
+       return ((XIMS) NULL);
+    /*endif*/
+    memset ((void *) ims, 0, sizeof (XIMProtocolRec));
+    if (modifiers == NULL
+       ||
+       modifiers[0] == '\0'
+       ||
+       strcmp (modifiers, "Xi18n") == 0)
+    {
+       ims->methods = &Xi18n_im_methods;
+       return ims;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    XFree (ims);
+    return (XIMS) NULL;
+XIMS IMOpenIM (Display *display, ...)
+    va_list var;
+    int total_count;
+    XIMArg *args;
+    XIMS ims;
+    char *modifiers;
+    Status ret;
+    Va_start (var, display);
+    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
+    va_end (var);
+    Va_start (var, display);
+    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
+    va_end (var);
+    modifiers = _FindModifiers (args);
+    ims = _GetIMS (modifiers);
+    if (ims == (XIMS) NULL)
+        return (XIMS) NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    ims->core.display = display;
+    ims->protocol = (*ims->methods->setup) (display, args);
+    XFree (args);
+    if (ims->protocol == (void *) NULL)
+    {
+       XFree (ims);
+       return (XIMS) NULL;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    ret = (ims->methods->openIM) (ims);
+    if (ret == False)
+    {
+       XFree (ims);
+       return (XIMS) NULL;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return (XIMS) ims;
+Status IMCloseIM (XIMS ims)
+    (ims->methods->closeIM) (ims);
+    XFree (ims);
+    return True;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/IMMethod.c b/util/IMdkit/IMMethod.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5a33878
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+/* Public Function */
+void IMForwardEvent (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    (ims->methods->forwardEvent) (ims, call_data);
+void IMCommitString (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    (ims->methods->commitString) (ims, call_data);
+int IMCallCallback (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    return (ims->methods->callCallback) (ims, call_data);
+int IMPreeditStart (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    return (ims->methods->preeditStart) (ims, call_data);
+int IMPreeditEnd (XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    return (ims->methods->preeditEnd) (ims, call_data);
+int IMSyncXlib(XIMS ims, XPointer call_data)
+    ims->sync = True;
+    return (ims->methods->syncXlib) (ims, call_data);
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/IMValues.c b/util/IMdkit/IMValues.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..687014a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define Va_start(a,b) va_start(a,b)
+static void _IMCountVaList (va_list var, int *total_count)
+    char *attr;
+    *total_count = 0;
+    for (attr = va_arg (var, char *);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
+    {
+       (void)va_arg (var, XIMArg *);
+       ++(*total_count);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+static void _IMVaToNestedList (va_list var, int max_count, XIMArg **args_return)
+    XIMArg *args;
+    char   *attr;
+    if (max_count <= 0)
+    {
+       *args_return = (XIMArg *) NULL;
+       return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    args = (XIMArg *) malloc ((unsigned) (max_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMArg));
+    *args_return = args;
+    if (!args)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    for (attr = va_arg (var, char *);  attr;  attr = va_arg (var, char *))
+    {
+       args->name = attr;
+       args->value = va_arg (var, XPointer);
+       args++;
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    args->name = (char *) NULL;
+char *IMGetIMValues (XIMS ims, ...)
+    va_list var;
+    int total_count;
+    XIMArg *args;
+    char *ret;
+    Va_start (var, ims);
+    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
+    va_end (var);
+    Va_start (var, ims);
+    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
+    va_end (var);
+    ret = (*ims->methods->getIMValues) (ims, args);
+    if (args)
+        XFree ((char *) args);
+    /*endif*/
+    return ret;
+char *IMSetIMValues (XIMS ims, ...)
+    va_list var;
+    int total_count;
+    XIMArg *args;
+    char *ret;  
+    Va_start (var, ims);
+    _IMCountVaList (var, &total_count);
+    va_end (var);
+    Va_start (var, ims);
+    _IMVaToNestedList (var, total_count, &args);
+    va_end (var);
+    ret = (*ims->methods->setIMValues) (ims, args);
+    if (args)
+        XFree ((char *) args);
+    /*endif*/
+    return ret;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/IMdkit.h b/util/IMdkit/IMdkit.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6f8d673
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef _IMdkit_h
+#define _IMdkit_h
+#include <X11/Xmd.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* IM Attributes Name */
+#define IMModifiers            "modifiers"
+#define IMServerWindow         "serverWindow"
+#define IMServerName           "serverName"
+#define IMServerTransport      "serverTransport"
+#define IMLocale               "locale"
+#define IMInputStyles          "inputStyles"
+#define IMProtocolHandler      "protocolHandler"
+#define IMOnKeysList           "onKeysList"
+#define IMOffKeysList          "offKeysList"
+#define IMEncodingList         "encodingList"
+#define IMFilterEventMask      "filterEventMask"
+#define IMProtocolDepend       "protocolDepend"
+/* Masks for IM Attributes Name */
+#define I18N_IMSERVER_WIN      0x0001 /* IMServerWindow */
+#define I18N_IM_NAME           0x0002 /* IMServerName */
+#define I18N_IM_LOCALE         0x0004 /* IMLocale */
+#define I18N_IM_ADDRESS                0x0008 /* IMServerTransport */
+#define I18N_INPUT_STYLES      0x0010 /* IMInputStyles */
+#define I18N_ON_KEYS           0x0020 /* IMOnKeysList */
+#define I18N_OFF_KEYS          0x0040 /* IMOffKeysList */
+#define I18N_IM_HANDLER                0x0080 /* IMProtocolHander */
+#define I18N_ENCODINGS         0x0100 /* IMEncodingList */
+#define I18N_FILTERMASK                0x0200 /* IMFilterEventMask */
+#define I18N_PROTO_DEPEND      0x0400 /* IMProtoDepend */
+typedef struct
+    char       *name;
+    XPointer   value;
+} XIMArg;
+typedef struct
+    CARD32     keysym;
+    CARD32     modifier;
+    CARD32     modifier_mask;
+} XIMTriggerKey;
+typedef struct
+    unsigned short count_keys;
+    XIMTriggerKey *keylist;
+} XIMTriggerKeys;
+typedef char *XIMEncoding;
+typedef struct
+    unsigned short count_encodings;
+    XIMEncoding *supported_encodings;
+} XIMEncodings;
+typedef struct _XIMS *XIMS;
+typedef struct
+    void*      (*setup) (Display *, XIMArg *);
+    Status     (*openIM) (XIMS);
+    Status     (*closeIM) (XIMS);
+    char*      (*setIMValues) (XIMS, XIMArg *);
+    char*      (*getIMValues) (XIMS, XIMArg *);
+    Status     (*forwardEvent) (XIMS, XPointer);
+    Status     (*commitString) (XIMS, XPointer);
+    int                (*callCallback) (XIMS, XPointer);
+    int                (*preeditStart) (XIMS, XPointer);
+    int                (*preeditEnd) (XIMS, XPointer);
+    int                (*syncXlib) (XIMS, XPointer);
+} IMMethodsRec, *IMMethods;
+typedef struct
+    Display    *display;
+    int                screen;
+} IMCoreRec, *IMCore;
+typedef struct _XIMS
+    IMMethods  methods;
+    IMCoreRec  core;
+    Bool       sync;
+    void       *protocol;
+} XIMProtocolRec;
+ * X function declarations.
+ */
+extern XIMS IMOpenIM (Display *, ...);
+extern Status IMCloseIM (XIMS);
+extern char *IMSetIMValues (XIMS, ...);
+extern char *IMGetIMValues (XIMS, ...);
+void IMForwardEvent (XIMS, XPointer);
+void IMCommitString (XIMS, XPointer);
+int IMCallCallback (XIMS, XPointer);
+int IMPreeditStart (XIMS, XPointer);
+int IMPreeditEnd (XIMS, XPointer);
+int IMSyncXlib (XIMS, XPointer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* IMdkit_h */
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/Makefile.am b/util/IMdkit/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b567d9d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libIMdkit.la
+libIMdkit_la_SOURCES = \
+       FrameMgr.c \
+       i18nAttr.c \
+       i18nClbk.c \
+       i18nIc.c \
+       i18nIMProto.c \
+       i18nMethod.c \
+       i18nPtHdr.c \
+       i18nUtil.c \
+       i18nX.c \
+       IMConn.c \
+       IMMethod.c \
+       IMValues.c \
+       $(NULL)
+noinst_HEADERS = \
+       FrameMgr.h \
+       IMdkit.h \
+       Xi18n.h \
+       Xi18nX.h \
+       XimFunc.h \
+       XimProto.h \
+       Xtrans.h \
+       $(NULL)
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/Xi18n.h b/util/IMdkit/Xi18n.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aaf7768
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef _Xi18n_h
+#define _Xi18n_h
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xfuncs.h>
+#include <X11/Xos.h>
+#include "XimProto.h"
+ * Minor Protocol Number for Extension Protocol 
+ */
+#define XIM_EXTENSION                          128
+#define XIM_EXT_SET_EVENT_MASK                 (0x30)
+#define        XIM_EXT_FORWARD_KEYEVENT                (0x32)
+#define        XIM_EXT_MOVE                            (0x33)
+#define COMMON_EXTENSIONS_NUM                  3
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+/* XI18N Valid Attribute Name Definition */
+#define ExtForwardKeyEvent     "extForwardKeyEvent"
+#define ExtMove                        "extMove"
+#define ExtSetEventMask                "extSetEventMask"
+ * Padding macro
+ */
+#define        IMPAD(length) ((4 - ((length)%4))%4)
+ * Target Atom for Transport Connection
+ */
+#define LOCALES                "LOCALES"
+#define I18N_OPEN      0
+#define I18N_SET       1
+#define I18N_GET       2
+typedef struct
+    char        *transportname;
+    int         namelen;
+    Bool        (*checkAddr) ();
+} TransportSW;
+typedef struct _XIMPending
+    unsigned    char *p;
+    struct _XIMPending *next;
+} XIMPending;
+typedef struct _XimProtoHdr
+    CARD8      major_opcode;
+    CARD8      minor_opcode;
+    CARD16     length;
+} XimProtoHdr;
+typedef struct
+    CARD16     attribute_id;
+    CARD16     type;
+    CARD16     length;
+    char       *name;
+} XIMAttr;
+typedef struct
+    CARD16     attribute_id;
+    CARD16     type;
+    CARD16     length;
+    char       *name;
+} XICAttr;
+typedef struct
+    int                attribute_id;
+    CARD16     name_length; 
+    char       *name;
+    int                value_length;
+    void       *value;
+    int                type;
+} XIMAttribute;
+typedef struct
+    int                attribute_id;
+    CARD16     name_length;
+    char       *name;
+    int                value_length;
+    void       *value;
+    int                type;
+} XICAttribute;
+typedef struct
+    int                length;
+    char       *name;
+} XIMStr;
+typedef struct
+    CARD16     major_opcode;
+    CARD16     minor_opcode;
+    CARD16     length;
+    char       *name;
+} XIMExt;
+typedef struct _Xi18nClient
+    int                connect_id;
+    CARD8      byte_order;
+    /*
+       '?': initial value
+       'B': for Big-Endian
+       'l': for little-endian
+     */
+    int                sync;
+    XIMPending  *pending;
+    void *trans_rec;           /* contains transport specific data  */
+    struct _Xi18nClient *next;
+} Xi18nClient;
+typedef struct _Xi18nCore *Xi18n;
+ * Callback Struct for XIM Protocol
+ */
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+} IMAnyStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD8      byte_order;
+    CARD16     major_version;
+    CARD16     minor_version;
+} IMConnectStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+} IMDisConnectStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    XIMStr     lang;
+} IMOpenStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+} IMCloseStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     number;
+    XIMStr     *extension;
+} IMQueryExtensionStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     number;
+    char       **im_attr_list;
+} IMGetIMValuesStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD16     preedit_attr_num;
+    CARD16     status_attr_num;
+    CARD16     ic_attr_num;
+    XICAttribute *preedit_attr;
+    XICAttribute *status_attr;
+    XICAttribute *ic_attr;
+} IMChangeICStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+} IMDestroyICStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD16     length;
+    char       *commit_string;
+} IMResetICStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+} IMChangeFocusStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    BITMASK16  sync_bit;
+    CARD16     serial_number;
+    XEvent     event;
+} IMForwardEventStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD16     flag;
+    KeySym     keysym;
+    char       *commit_string;
+} IMCommitStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD32     flag;
+    CARD32     key_index;
+    CARD32     event_mask;
+} IMTriggerNotifyStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     encoding_number;
+    XIMStr     *encoding;      /* name information */
+    CARD16     encoding_info_number;
+    XIMStr     *encodinginfo;  /* detailed information */
+    CARD16     category;       /* #0 for name, #1 for detail */
+    INT16      enc_index;      /* index of the encoding determined */
+} IMEncodingNegotiationStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD32     flag;
+    CARD32     forward_event_mask;
+    CARD32     sync_event_mask;
+} IMSetEventMaskStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD32     filter_event_mask;
+    CARD32     intercept_event_mask;
+    CARD32     select_event_mask;
+    CARD32     forward_event_mask;
+    CARD32     sync_event_mask;
+} IMExtSetEventMaskStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    CARD16     x;
+    CARD16     y;
+} IMMoveStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    BITMASK16  flag;
+    CARD16     error_code;
+    CARD16     str_length;
+    CARD16     error_type;
+    char       *error_detail;
+} IMErrorStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+} IMPreeditStateStruct;
+/* Callbacks */
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+} IMGeometryCBStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    union
+    {
+       int return_value;                       /* PreeditStart */
+       XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct draw;      /* PreeditDraw */
+       XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct caret;    /* PreeditCaret */
+    } todo;
+} IMPreeditCBStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    union
+    {
+       XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct draw;       /* StatusDraw */
+    } todo;
+} IMStatusCBStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+    XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct strconv;
+} IMStrConvCBStruct;
+typedef struct
+    int                major_code;
+    int                minor_code;
+    CARD16     connect_id;
+    CARD16     icid;
+} IMSyncXlibStruct;
+typedef union _IMProtocol
+    int        major_code;
+    IMAnyStruct any;
+    IMConnectStruct imconnect;
+    IMDisConnectStruct imdisconnect;
+    IMOpenStruct imopen;
+    IMCloseStruct imclose;
+    IMQueryExtensionStruct queryext;
+    IMGetIMValuesStruct getim;
+    IMEncodingNegotiationStruct encodingnego;
+    IMExtSetEventMaskStruct extsetevent;
+    IMMoveStruct extmove;
+    IMSetEventMaskStruct setevent;
+    IMChangeICStruct changeic;
+    IMDestroyICStruct destroyic;
+    IMResetICStruct resetic;
+    IMChangeFocusStruct changefocus;
+    IMCommitStruct commitstring;
+    IMForwardEventStruct forwardevent;
+    IMTriggerNotifyStruct triggernotify;
+    IMPreeditStateStruct preedit_state;
+    IMErrorStruct imerror;
+    IMGeometryCBStruct geometry_callback;
+    IMPreeditCBStruct preedit_callback;
+    IMStatusCBStruct status_callback;
+    IMStrConvCBStruct strconv_callback;
+    IMSyncXlibStruct sync_xlib;
+    long pad[32];
+} IMProtocol;
+typedef int (*IMProtoHandler) (XIMS, IMProtocol*);
+#define DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK    (KeyPressMask)
+/* Xi18nAddressRec structure */
+typedef struct _Xi18nAddressRec
+    Display    *dpy;
+    CARD8      im_byteOrder;   /* byte order 'B' or 'l' */
+    /* IM Values */
+    long       imvalue_mask;
+    Window     im_window;      /* IMServerWindow */
+    char       *im_name;       /* IMServerName */
+    char       *im_locale;     /* IMLocale */
+    char       *im_addr;       /* IMServerTransport */
+    XIMStyles  input_styles;   /* IMInputStyles */
+    XIMTriggerKeys on_keys;    /* IMOnKeysList */
+    XIMTriggerKeys off_keys;   /* IMOffKeysList */
+    XIMEncodings encoding_list; /* IMEncodingList */
+    IMProtoHandler improto;    /* IMProtocolHander */
+    long       filterevent_mask; /* IMFilterEventMask */
+    /* XIM_SERVERS target Atoms */
+    Atom       selection;
+    Atom       Localename;
+    Atom       Transportname;
+    /* XIM/XIC Attr */
+    int                im_attr_num;
+    XIMAttr    *xim_attr;
+    int                ic_attr_num;
+    XICAttr    *xic_attr;
+    CARD16     preeditAttr_id;
+    CARD16     statusAttr_id;
+    CARD16     separatorAttr_id;
+    /* XIMExtension List */
+    int                ext_num;
+    XIMExt     extension[COMMON_EXTENSIONS_NUM];
+    /* transport specific connection address */
+    void       *connect_addr;
+    /* actual data is defined:
+       XSpecRec in Xi18nX.h for X-based connection.
+       TransSpecRec in Xi18nTr.h for Socket-based connection.
+     */
+    /* clients table */
+    Xi18nClient *clients;
+    Xi18nClient *free_clients;
+} Xi18nAddressRec;
+typedef struct _Xi18nMethodsRec
+    Bool (*begin) (XIMS);
+    Bool (*end) (XIMS);
+    Bool (*send) (XIMS, CARD16, unsigned char*, long);
+    Bool (*wait) (XIMS, CARD16, CARD8, CARD8);
+    Bool (*disconnect) (XIMS, CARD16);
+} Xi18nMethodsRec;
+typedef struct _Xi18nCore
+    Xi18nAddressRec address;
+    Xi18nMethodsRec methods;
+} Xi18nCore;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h b/util/IMdkit/Xi18nX.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff91b1a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef _Xi18nTrX_h
+#define _Xi18nTrX_h
+#define _XIM_PROTOCOL           "_XIM_PROTOCOL"
+#define _XIM_XCONNECT           "_XIM_XCONNECT"
+#define XCM_DATA_LIMIT         20
+typedef struct _XClient
+    Window     client_win;     /* client window */
+    Window     accept_win;     /* accept window */
+} XClient;
+typedef struct
+    Atom       xim_request;
+    Atom       connect_request;
+} XSpecRec;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/XimFunc.h b/util/IMdkit/XimFunc.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a9f4a04
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef _XimFunc_h
+#define _XimFunc_h
+/* i18nAttr.c */
+void _Xi18nInitAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core);
+void _Xi18nInitExtension(Xi18n i18n_core);
+/* i18nClbk.c */
+int _Xi18nGeometryCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+int _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data);
+/* i18nIc.c */
+void _Xi18nChangeIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p,
+                     int create_flag);
+void _Xi18nGetIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p);
+/* i18nUtil.c */
+int _Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
+Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n i18n_core);
+Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
+void _Xi18nDeleteClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id);
+void _Xi18nSendMessage (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, CARD8 major_opcode,
+                        CARD8 minor_opcode, unsigned char *data, long length);
+void _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id);
+void _Xi18nSetEventMask (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, CARD16 im_id,
+                         CARD16 ic_id, CARD32 forward_mask, CARD32 sync_mask);
+/* Xlib internal */
+void _XRegisterFilterByType(Display*, Window, int, int,
+               Bool (*filter)(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer), XPointer);
+void _XUnregisterFilter(Display*, Window, 
+               Bool (*filter)(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer), XPointer);
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/XimProto.h b/util/IMdkit/XimProto.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e3ed168
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* $XConsortium: XimProto.h,v 1.2 94/01/20 18:02:24 rws Exp $ */
+           Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of FUJITSU LIMITED
+not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
+of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+FUJITSU LIMITED makes no representations about the suitability of
+this software for any purpose. 
+It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Takashi Fujiwara     FUJITSU LIMITED 
+                               fujiwara@a80.tech.yk.fujitsu.co.jp
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#ifndef _XIMPROTO_H
+#define _XIMPROTO_H
+ * Default Preconnection selection target
+ */
+#define XIM_SERVERS            "XIM_SERVERS"
+#define XIM_LOCALES            "LOCALES"
+#define XIM_TRANSPORT          "TRANSPORT"
+ * categories in XIM_SERVERS
+ */
+#define XIM_SERVER_CATEGORY    "@server="
+#define XIM_LOCAL_CATEGORY     "@locale="
+#define XIM_TRANSPORT_CATEGORY "@transport="
+ * Xim implementation revision
+ */
+#define PROTOCOLMAJORVERSION           0
+#define PROTOCOLMINORVERSION           0
+ * Major Protocol number
+ */
+#define        XIM_CONNECT                       1
+#define        XIM_CONNECT_REPLY                 2
+#define        XIM_DISCONNECT                    3
+#define        XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY              4
+#define XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED               10
+#define XIM_AUTH_REPLY                  11
+#define XIM_AUTH_NEXT                   12
+#define XIM_AUTH_SETUP                  13
+#define XIM_AUTH_NG                     14
+#define        XIM_ERROR                        20
+#define        XIM_OPEN                         30
+#define        XIM_OPEN_REPLY                   31
+#define        XIM_CLOSE                        32
+#define        XIM_CLOSE_REPLY                  33
+#define        XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS         34
+#define        XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY               35
+#define        XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY         36
+#define        XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK               37
+#define        XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION         38
+#define        XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION              40
+#define        XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY        41
+#define        XIM_SET_IM_VALUES                42
+#define        XIM_SET_IM_VALUES_REPLY          43
+#define        XIM_GET_IM_VALUES                44
+#define        XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY          45
+#define XIM_CREATE_IC                   50
+#define        XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY              51
+#define        XIM_DESTROY_IC                   52
+#define        XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY             53
+#define XIM_SET_IC_VALUES               54
+#define        XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY          55
+#define XIM_GET_IC_VALUES               56
+#define XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY                 57
+#define        XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS                 58
+#define        XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS               59
+#define        XIM_FORWARD_EVENT                60
+#define        XIM_SYNC                         61
+#define        XIM_SYNC_REPLY                   62
+#define        XIM_COMMIT                       63
+#define        XIM_RESET_IC                     64
+#define        XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY               65
+#define        XIM_GEOMETRY                     70
+#define        XIM_STR_CONVERSION               71
+#define        XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY         72
+#define        XIM_PREEDIT_START                73
+#define        XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY          74
+#define        XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW                 75
+#define        XIM_PREEDIT_CARET                76
+#define XIM_PREEDIT_CARET_REPLY                 77
+#define        XIM_PREEDIT_DONE                 78
+#define        XIM_STATUS_START                 79
+#define        XIM_STATUS_DRAW                  80
+#define        XIM_STATUS_DONE                  81
+ * values for the flag of XIM_ERROR
+ */
+#define        XIM_IMID_VALID                  0x0001
+#define        XIM_ICID_VALID                  0x0002
+ * XIM Error Code
+ */
+#define XIM_BadAlloc                   1
+#define XIM_BadStyle                   2
+#define XIM_BadClientWindow            3
+#define XIM_BadFocusWindow             4
+#define XIM_BadArea                    5
+#define XIM_BadSpotLocation            6
+#define XIM_BadColormap                        7
+#define XIM_BadAtom                    8
+#define XIM_BadPixel                   9
+#define XIM_BadPixmap                  10
+#define XIM_BadName                    11
+#define XIM_BadCursor                  12
+#define XIM_BadProtocol                        13
+#define XIM_BadForeground              14
+#define XIM_BadBackground              15
+#define XIM_LocaleNotSupported         16
+#define XIM_BadSomething               999
+ * byte order
+ */
+#define BIGENDIAN      (CARD8) 0x42    /* MSB first */
+#define LITTLEENDIAN   (CARD8) 0x6c    /* LSB first */
+ * values for the type of XIMATTR & XICATTR
+ */
+#define        XimType_SeparatorOfNestedList   0
+#define        XimType_CARD8                   1
+#define        XimType_CARD16                  2
+#define        XimType_CARD32                  3
+#define        XimType_STRING8                 4
+#define        XimType_Window                  5
+#define        XimType_XIMStyles               10
+#define        XimType_XRectangle              11
+#define        XimType_XPoint                  12
+#define XimType_XFontSet               13
+#define XimType_XIMOptions             14
+#define XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers      15
+#define XimType_XIMHotKeyState         16
+#define XimType_XIMStringConversion    17
+#define XimType_XIMValuesList          18
+#define        XimType_NEST                    0x7FFF
+ * values for the category of XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATON_REPLY
+ */
+#define        XIM_Encoding_NameCategory       0
+#define        XIM_Encoding_DetailCategory     1
+ * value for the index of XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATON_REPLY
+ */
+#define        XIM_Default_Encoding_IDX        -1
+ * value for the flag of XIM_FORWARD_EVENT, XIM_COMMIT
+ */
+#define XimSYNCHRONUS            0x0001
+#define XimLookupChars           0x0002
+#define XimLookupKeySym                  0x0004
+#define XimLookupBoth            0x0006
+ * request packet header size
+ */
+#define XIM_HEADER_SIZE                                                \
+         sizeof(CARD8)         /* sizeof mejor-opcode */       \
+       + sizeof(CARD8)         /* sizeof minor-opcode */       \
+       + sizeof(INT16)         /* sizeof length */
+ * Client Message data size
+ */
+#define        XIM_CM_DATA_SIZE        20
+ * XIM data structure
+ */
+typedef CARD16 BITMASK16;
+typedef CARD32 BITMASK32;
+typedef CARD32 EVENTMASK;
+typedef CARD16 XIMID;          /* Input Method ID */
+typedef CARD16 XICID;          /* Input Context ID */
+ * Padding macro
+ */
+#define        XIM_PAD(length) ((4 - ((length) % 4)) % 4)
+#define XIM_SET_PAD(ptr, length)                                       \
+    {                                                                  \
+       register int     Counter = XIM_PAD((int)length);                \
+       if (Counter) {                                                  \
+           register char       *Ptr = (char *)(ptr) + (length);        \
+           length += Counter;                                          \
+           for (; Counter; --Counter, ++Ptr)                           \
+               *Ptr = '\0';                                            \
+       }                                                               \
+    }
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/Xtrans.h b/util/IMdkit/Xtrans.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cae691c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+/* $XConsortium: Xtrans.h,v 1.24 94/05/02 10:45:32 mor Exp $ */
+Copyright (c) 1993, 1994  X Consortium
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
+from the X Consortium.
+/* Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 NCR Corporation - Dayton, Ohio, USA
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name NCR not be used in advertising
+ * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+ * written prior permission.  NCR makes no representations about the
+ * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+ * without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _XTRANS_H_
+#define _XTRANS_H_
+#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
+#include <X11/Xos.h>
+ * Set the functions names according to where this code is being compiled.
+ */
+#ifdef X11_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _X11Trans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _X11Trans/**/func
+#endif /* X11_t */
+#ifdef XSERV_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _XSERVTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _XSERVTrans/**/func
+#define X11_t
+#endif /* X11_t */
+#ifdef XIM_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _XimdXTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _XimdXTrans/**/func
+#endif /* XIM_t */
+#ifdef FS_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _FSTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _FSTrans/**/func
+#endif /* FS_t */
+#ifdef FONT_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _FontTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _FontTrans/**/func
+#endif /* FONT_t */
+#ifdef ICE_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _IceTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _IceTrans/**/func
+#endif /* ICE_t */
+#ifdef TEST_t
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _TESTTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _TESTTrans/**/func
+#endif /* TEST_t */
+#if !defined(TRANS)
+#if (__STDC__ && !defined(UNIXCPP)) || defined(ANSICPP)
+#define TRANS(func) _XTrans##func
+#define TRANS(func) _XTrans/**/func
+#endif /* !TRANS */
+ * Create a single address structure that can be used wherever
+ * an address structure is needed. struct sockaddr is not big enough
+ * to hold a sockadd_un, so we create this definition to have a single
+ * structure that is big enough for all the structures we might need.
+ *
+ * This structure needs to be independent of the socket/TLI interface used.
+ */
+#define XTRANS_MAX_ADDR_LEN    128     /* large enough to hold sun_path */
+typedef        struct {
+    unsigned char      addr[XTRANS_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
+} Xtransaddr;
+#ifdef LONG64
+typedef int BytesReadable_t;
+typedef long BytesReadable_t;
+#if defined(WIN32) || (defined(USG) && !defined(CRAY) && !defined(umips) && !defined(MOTOROLA) && !defined(uniosu) && !defined(__sxg__))
+ *      TRANS(Readv) and TRANS(Writev) use struct iovec, normally found
+ *      in Berkeley systems in <sys/uio.h>.  See the readv(2) and writev(2)
+ *      manual pages for details.
+ */
+struct iovec {
+    caddr_t iov_base;
+    int iov_len;
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+typedef struct _XtransConnInfo *XtransConnInfo;
+ * Transport Option definitions
+ */
+#define TRANS_NONBLOCKING      1
+#define        TRANS_CLOSEONEXEC       2
+ * Return values of Connect (0 is success)
+ */
+ * Return values of Accept (0 is success)
+ */
+#define TRANS_ACCEPT_BAD_MALLOC                        -1
+#define TRANS_ACCEPT_FAILED                    -2
+#define TRANS_ACCEPT_MISC_ERROR                        -3
+ * ResetListener return values
+ */
+#define TRANS_RESET_NOOP       1
+#define TRANS_RESET_NEW_FD     2
+ * Function prototypes for the exposed interface
+ */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCOTSClient)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *             /* address */
+#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCOTSServer)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *             /* address */
+#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCLTSClient)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *             /* address */
+#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(OpenCLTSServer)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *             /* address */
+#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(ReopenCOTSServer)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    int,               /* trans_id */
+    int,               /* fd */
+    char *             /* port */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(ReopenCLTSServer)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    int,               /* trans_id */
+    int,               /* fd */
+    char *             /* port */
+int TRANS(GetReopenInfo)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    int *,             /* trans_id */
+    int *,             /* fd */
+    char **            /* port */
+#endif /* TRANS_REOPEN */
+int TRANS(SetOption)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    int,               /* option */
+    int                        /* arg */
+int TRANS(CreateListener)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    char *             /* port */
+int TRANS(ResetListener)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+XtransConnInfo TRANS(Accept)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    int *              /* status */
+#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
+int TRANS(Connect)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    char *             /* address */
+#endif /* TRANS_CLIENT */
+int TRANS(BytesReadable)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    BytesReadable_t *  /* pend */
+int TRANS(Read)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    char *,            /* buf */
+    int                        /* size */
+int TRANS(Write)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    char *,            /* buf */
+    int                        /* size */
+int TRANS(Readv)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    struct iovec *,    /* buf */
+    int                        /* size */
+int TRANS(Writev)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    struct iovec *,    /* buf */
+    int                        /* size */
+int TRANS(Disconnect)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+int TRANS(Close)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+int TRANS(CloseForCloning)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+int TRANS(IsLocal)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+int TRANS(GetMyAddr)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    int *,             /* familyp */
+    int *,             /* addrlenp */
+    Xtransaddr **      /* addrp */
+int TRANS(GetPeerAddr)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo,    /* ciptr */
+    int *,             /* familyp */
+    int *,             /* addrlenp */
+    Xtransaddr **      /* addrp */
+int TRANS(GetConnectionNumber)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+int TRANS(MakeAllCOTSServerListeners)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *,            /* port */
+    int *,             /* partial */
+    int *,             /* count_ret */
+    XtransConnInfo **  /* ciptrs_ret */
+int TRANS(MakeAllCLTSServerListeners)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    char *,            /* port */
+    int *,             /* partial */
+    int *,             /* count_ret */
+    XtransConnInfo **  /* ciptrs_ret */
+#endif /* TRANS_SERVER */
+ * Function Prototypes for Utility Functions.
+ */
+#ifdef X11_t
+int TRANS(ConvertAddress)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    int *,             /* familyp */
+    int *,             /* addrlenp */
+    Xtransaddr *       /* addrp */
+#endif /* X11_t */
+#ifdef ICE_t
+char *
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+char *
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+    XtransConnInfo     /* ciptr */
+#endif /* ICE_t */
+#endif /* _XTRANS_H_ */
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nAttr.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a52370b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xresource.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+typedef struct 
+    char *name;
+    CARD16 type;
+} IMListOfAttr;
+typedef struct
+    char *name;
+    CARD8 major_opcode;
+    CARD8 minor_opcode;
+} IMExtList;
+IMListOfAttr Default_IMattr[] =
+    {XNQueryInputStyle,   XimType_XIMStyles},
+/*    {XNQueryIMValuesList, XimType_XIMValuesList},    */
+    {(char *) NULL, (CARD16) 0}
+IMListOfAttr Default_ICattr[] =
+    {XNInputStyle,              XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNClientWindow,            XimType_Window},
+    {XNFocusWindow,             XimType_Window},
+    {XNFilterEvents,            XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNPreeditAttributes,       XimType_NEST},
+    {XNStatusAttributes,        XimType_NEST},
+    {XNFontSet,                 XimType_XFontSet},
+    {XNArea,                    XimType_XRectangle},
+    {XNAreaNeeded,              XimType_XRectangle},
+    {XNColormap,                XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNStdColormap,             XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNForeground,              XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNBackground,              XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNBackgroundPixmap,        XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNSpotLocation,            XimType_XPoint},
+    {XNLineSpace,               XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNPreeditState,            XimType_CARD32},
+    {XNSeparatorofNestedList,   XimType_SeparatorOfNestedList},
+    {(char *) NULL, 0}
+IMExtList Default_Extension[] =
+    {(char *) NULL, 0, 0}
+static void CountAttrList(IMListOfAttr *attr, int *total_count)
+    *total_count = 0;
+    while (attr->name != NULL)
+    {
+        attr++;
+        ++(*total_count);
+    }
+static XIMAttr *CreateAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                                IMListOfAttr *attr,
+                                int *total_count)
+    XIMAttr *args, *p;
+    unsigned int buf_size;
+    CountAttrList(attr, total_count);
+    buf_size = (unsigned) (*total_count + 1)*sizeof (XIMAttr);
+    args = (XIMAttr *) malloc (buf_size);
+    if (!args)
+        return (XIMAttr *) NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (args, 0, buf_size);
+    for (p = args;  attr->name != NULL;  attr++, p++)
+    {
+        p->name = attr->name;
+        p->length = strlen (attr->name);
+        p->type = (CARD16) attr->type;
+        p->attribute_id = XrmStringToQuark (p->name);
+        if (strcmp (p->name, XNPreeditAttributes) == 0)
+            i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
+        else if (strcmp (p->name, XNStatusAttributes) == 0)
+            i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
+        else if (strcmp (p->name, XNSeparatorofNestedList) == 0)
+            i18n_core->address.separatorAttr_id = p->attribute_id;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    p->name = (char *) NULL;
+    return args;
+void _Xi18nInitAttrList (Xi18n i18n_core)
+    XIMAttr *args;
+    int        total_count;
+    /* init IMAttr list */
+    if (i18n_core->address.xim_attr)
+        XFree ((char *)i18n_core->address.xim_attr);
+    /*endif*/
+    args = CreateAttrList (i18n_core, Default_IMattr, &total_count);
+    i18n_core->address.im_attr_num = total_count;
+    i18n_core->address.xim_attr = (XIMAttr *)args;
+    /* init ICAttr list */
+    if (i18n_core->address.xic_attr)
+        XFree ((char *) i18n_core->address.xic_attr);
+    /*endif*/
+    args = CreateAttrList (i18n_core, Default_ICattr, &total_count);
+    i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num = total_count;
+    i18n_core->address.xic_attr = (XICAttr *) args;
+void _Xi18nInitExtension(Xi18n i18n_core)
+    register int i;
+    IMExtList *extensions = (IMExtList *) Default_Extension;
+    XIMExt *ext_list = (XIMExt *) i18n_core->address.extension;
+    for (i = 0;  extensions->name;  i++, ext_list++, extensions++)
+    {
+        ext_list->major_opcode = extensions->major_opcode;
+        ext_list->minor_opcode = extensions->minor_opcode;
+        ext_list->name = extensions->name;
+        ext_list->length = strlen(ext_list->name);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    i18n_core->address.ext_num = i;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nClbk.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b3edf3a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+int _Xi18nGeometryCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec geometry_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMGeometryCBStruct *geometry_CB =
+        (IMGeometryCBStruct *) &call_data->geometry_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (geometry_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, geometry_CB->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_GEOMETRY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_GEOMETRY is an asyncronous protocol,
+       so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_start_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct*) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_start_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage(ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_PREEDIT_START,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_draw_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *draw =
+        (XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *) &preedit_CB->todo.draw;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    register int feedback_count;
+    register int i;
+    BITMASK32 status = 0x0;
+    if (draw->text->length == 0)
+        status = 0x00000001;
+    else if (draw->text->feedback[0] == 0)
+        status = 0x00000002;
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_draw_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set length of preedit string */
+    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, draw->text->length);
+    /* set iteration count for list of feedback */
+    for (i = 0;  draw->text->feedback[i] != 0;  i++)
+        ;
+    /*endfor*/
+    feedback_count = i;
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, feedback_count);
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->caret);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->chg_first);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->chg_length);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->length);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->string);
+    for (i = 0;  i < feedback_count;  i++)
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->text->feedback[i]);
+    /*endfor*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_caret_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct*) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *caret =
+        (XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *) &preedit_CB->todo.caret;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_caret_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->position);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->direction);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, caret->style);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_PREEDIT_CARET,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_done_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_done_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_PREEDIT_DONE,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_PREEDIT_DONE is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec status_start_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
+        (IMStatusCBStruct*) &call_data->status_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (status_start_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_STATUS_START,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_STATUS_START is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm = (FrameMgr)0;
+    extern XimFrameRec status_draw_text_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec status_draw_bitmap_fr[];
+    register int total_size = 0;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
+        (IMStatusCBStruct *) &call_data->status_callback;
+    XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct *draw =
+        (XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct *) &status_CB->todo.draw;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    register int feedback_count;
+    register int i;
+    BITMASK32 status = 0x0;
+    switch (draw->type)
+    {
+    case XIMTextType:
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (status_draw_text_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+        if (draw->data.text->length == 0)
+            status = 0x00000001;
+        else if (draw->data.text->feedback[0] == 0)
+            status = 0x00000002;
+        /*endif*/
+        /* set length of status string */
+        FrameMgrSetSize(fm, draw->data.text->length);
+        /* set iteration count for list of feedback */
+        for (i = 0;  draw->data.text->feedback[i] != 0;  i++)
+            ;
+        /*endfor*/
+        feedback_count = i;
+        FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, feedback_count);
+        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+        if (!reply)
+        {
+            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->type);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->string);
+        for (i = 0;  i < feedback_count;  i++)
+            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.text->feedback[i]);
+        /*endfor*/
+        break;
+    case XIMBitmapType:
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (status_draw_bitmap_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+        if (!reply)
+        {
+            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, draw->data.bitmap);
+        break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_STATUS_DRAW,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_STATUS_DRAW is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec status_done_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMStatusCBStruct *status_CB =
+        (IMStatusCBStruct *) &call_data->status_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (status_done_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_CB->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_STATUS_DONE,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_STATUS_DONE is an asyncronous protocol, so return immediately. */
+    return True;
+int _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec str_conversion_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMStrConvCBStruct *call_back =
+        (IMStrConvCBStruct *) &call_data->strconv_callback;
+    XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct *strconv =
+        (XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct *) &call_back->strconv;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (str_conversion_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                      _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_back->icid);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->position);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->direction);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, strconv->operation);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id,
+                       XIM_STR_CONVERSION,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* XIM_STR_CONVERSION is a syncronous protocol,
+       so should wait here for XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY. */
+    if (i18n_core->methods.wait (ims,
+                                 connect_id,
+                                 XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY,
+                                 0) == False)
+    {
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return True;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nIMProto.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..618da9d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+Copyright 1993, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
+Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+                        All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
+supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
+used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+software without specific, written prior permission.  
+  Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto  Digital Equipment Corporation
+                             miyamoto@jrd.dec.com
+         Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+/* Protocol Packet frames */
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+/* Data type definitions */
+static XimFrameRec ximattr_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of the value */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of im-attribute */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* im-attribute */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec xicattr_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of the value */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of ic-attribute */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* ic-attribute */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec ximattribute_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* value length */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),             /* value */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec xicattribute_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* attribute ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* value length */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),             /* value */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec ximtriggerkey_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* keysym */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* modifier */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* modifier mask */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec encodinginfo_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of encoding info */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* encoding info */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec str_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* number of byte */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec xpcs_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of string in bytes */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+static XimFrameRec ext_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* extension major-opcode */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* extension minor-opcode */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of extension name */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* extension name */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+static XimFrameRec inputstyle_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* inputstyle */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+/* Protocol definitions */
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* attribute id */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* attribute length */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec short_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* value */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec long_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT32),     /* value */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* x */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* y */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* width */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* height */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* x */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* y */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec fontset_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),     /* length of base font name */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),    /* base font name list */
+    _PAD4(2),          /* unused */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec input_styles_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* number of list */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* XIMStyle list */
+    _PTR(inputstyle_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* major-opcode */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* minor-opcode */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec error_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Error Code */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of error detail */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* type of error detail */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* error detail */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec connect_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* byte order */
+    _PAD2(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* client-major-protocol-version */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* client-minor-protocol-version */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* length of client-auth-protocol-names */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* client-auth-protocol-names */
+    _PTR(xpcs_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec connect_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* server-major-protocol-version */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* server-minor-protocol-version */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_required_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-protocol-index */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-data1 */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* auth-data2 */
+    _PAD4(3),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_next_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* auth-data1 */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* auth-data2 */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_setup_fr[] =
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of client-auth-protocol-names */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* server-auth-protocol-names */
+    _PTR(xpcs_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec auth_ng_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec disconnect_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec disconnect_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec open_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(POINTER),           /* locale name */
+    _PTR(str_fr),
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec open_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of IM attributes supported */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* IM attribute supported */
+    _PTR(ximattr_fr),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of IC attribute supported */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* IC attribute supported */
+    _PTR(xicattr_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec close_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec close_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec register_triggerkeys_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT32, 1),    /* byte length of on-keys */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* on-keys list */
+    _PTR(ximtriggerkey_fr),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT32, 1),   /* byte length of off-keys */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* off-keys list */
+    _PTR(ximtriggerkey_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec trigger_notify_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-mehotd-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* index of keys list */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* client-select-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec trigger_notify_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_event_mask_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* forward-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* synchronous-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of encodings listed by name */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* supported list of encoding in IM library */
+    _PTR(str_fr),
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of encodings listed by
+                                       detailed data */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* list of encodings supported in the
+                                  IM library */
+    _PTR(encodinginfo_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* category of the encoding determined */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* index of the encoding dterminated */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec query_extension_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of extensions supported
+                                  by the IM library */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* extensions supported by the IM library */
+    _PTR(str_fr),
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec query_extension_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of extensions supported
+                                  by the IM server */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* list of extensions supported by the
+                                  IM server */
+    _PTR(ext_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_im_values_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of im-attribute-id */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* im-attribute-id */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_im_values_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of im-attribute returned */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* im-attribute returned */
+    _PTR(ximattribute_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec create_ic_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of ic-attributes */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attributes */
+    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec create_ic_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec destroy_ic_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec destroy_ic_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_values_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of ic-attributes */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
+    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_values_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_ic_values_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of ic-attribute-id */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec get_ic_values_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* byte length of ic-attribute */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* ic-attribute */
+    _PTR(xicattribute_fr),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec set_ic_focus_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec unset_ic_focus_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* sequence number */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[] = {
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* type */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* detail */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* serial number */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* time */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* root */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* window */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* subwindow */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* rootX */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* rootY */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* X */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Y */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* state */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* sameScreen */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec sync_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec sync_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+#if 0
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 1),   /* byte length of keysym */
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* keysym */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_chars_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec commit_both_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _PAD4(1),                  /* unused */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* keysym */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec reset_ic_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec reset_ic_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* byte length of committed string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* committed string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec geometry_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec str_conversion_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionPosition */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionType */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionOperation */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length to multiply the
+                                  XIMStringConversionType */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of the string to be
+                                  substituted */
+#if 0
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* string */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec str_conversion_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* XIMStringConversionFeedback */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of the retrieved string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* retrieved string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_start_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_start_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* return value */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_draw_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* caret */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* chg_first */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* chg_length */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* status */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of preedit string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* preedit string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_caret_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* position */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* direction */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* style */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_caret_reply_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* position */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec preedit_done_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_start_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_draw_text_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* type */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* status */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* length of status string */
+    _FRAME(BARRAY),            /* status string */
+    _PAD4(2),
+    _BYTE_COUNTER(BIT16, 2),   /* number of feedback array */
+    _PAD4(1),
+    _FRAME(ITER),              /* feedback array */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_draw_bitmap_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* type */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* pixmap data */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec status_done_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_set_event_mask_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* filter-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* intercept-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* select-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* forward-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* synchronous-event-mask */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_forward_keyevent_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* flag */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* sequence number */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* xEvent.u.u.type */
+    _FRAME(BIT8),              /* keycode */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* state */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* time */
+    _FRAME(BIT32),             /* window */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
+xim_externaldef XimFrameRec ext_move_fr[] =
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-method-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* input-context-ID */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* X */
+    _FRAME(BIT16),             /* Y */
+    _FRAME(EOL),
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nIc.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nIc.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..61b576f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1106 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+#define IC_SIZE 64
+/* Set IC values */
+static void SetCardAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                              char *p,
+                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
+                              int value_length,
+                              int need_swap,
+                              void **value_buf)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    /*endif*/
+    if (value_length == sizeof (CARD8))
+    {
+        memmove (*value_buf, p, value_length);
+    }
+    else if (value_length == sizeof (CARD16))
+    {
+        INT16 value;
+        extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
+        /* get data */
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
+        FrameMgrFree (fm);
+        memmove (*value_buf, &value, value_length);
+    }
+    else if (value_length == sizeof(CARD32))
+    {
+        INT32 value;
+        extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
+        /* get data */
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
+        FrameMgrFree (fm);
+        memmove (*value_buf, &value, value_length);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
+    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
+    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
+    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
+    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
+    value_ret->value = *value_buf;
+    *value_buf += value_length;
+static void SetFontAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                              char *p,
+                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
+                              int value_length,
+                              int need_swap,
+                              void **value_buf)
+    char *base_name;
+    CARD16 base_length;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec fontset_fr[];
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (fontset_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, base_length);
+    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, base_length);
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, base_name);
+    FrameMgrFree(fm);
+    strncpy ((char *) (*value_buf), base_name, base_length);
+    ((char *) *value_buf)[base_length] = (char) 0;
+    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
+    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
+    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
+    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
+    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
+    value_ret->value = *value_buf;
+    *value_buf += (base_length + 1);
+static void SetPointAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                               char *p,
+                               XICAttr *ic_attr,
+                               int value_length,
+                               int need_swap,
+                               void **value_buf)
+    XPoint *buf;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
+    buf = (XPoint *) (*value_buf);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->x);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->y);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
+    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
+    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
+    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
+    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
+    value_ret->value = (char *) buf;
+    *value_buf += value_length;
+static void SetRectAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                              char *p,
+                              XICAttr *ic_attr,
+                              int value_length,
+                              int need_swap,
+                              void **value_buf)
+    XRectangle *buf;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
+    buf = (XRectangle *) (*value_buf);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *) p, need_swap);
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->x);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->y);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->width);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, buf->height);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
+    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
+    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
+    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
+    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
+    value_ret->value = (char *) buf;
+    *value_buf += value_length;
+#if 0
+static void SetHotKeyAttribute (XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                                char *p,
+                                XICAttr *ic_attr,
+                                int value_length,
+                                int need_swap,
+                                void **value_buf)
+    INT32 list_number;
+    XIMTriggerKey *hotkeys;
+    memmove (&list_number, p, sizeof(INT32)); p += sizeof(INT32);
+    hotkeys = (XIMTriggerKey *) (*value_buf);
+    memmove (hotkeys, p, list_number*sizeof (XIMTriggerKey));
+    value_ret->attribute_id = ic_attr->attribute_id;
+    value_ret->name = ic_attr->name;
+    value_ret->name_length = ic_attr->length;
+    value_ret->type = ic_attr->type;
+    value_ret->value_length = value_length;
+    value_ret->value = (char *) hotkeys;
+    *value_buf += value_length;
+/* get IC values */
+static void GetAttrHeader (unsigned char *rec,
+                           XICAttribute *list,
+                           int need_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[];
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (attr_head_fr, (char *) rec, need_swap);
+    /* put data */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->attribute_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->value_length);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+static void GetCardAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
+    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
+    recp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+    if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD8))
+    {
+        memmove (recp, list->value, list->value_length);
+    }
+    else if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD16))
+    {
+        INT16 *value = (INT16 *) list->value;
+        extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
+        /* put data */
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, *value);
+        FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    }
+    else if (list->value_length == sizeof (CARD32))
+    {
+        INT32 *value = (INT32 *) list->value;
+        extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
+        /* put data */
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, *value);
+        FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void GetFontAttribute(char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec fontset_fr[];
+    char *base_name = (char *) list->value;
+    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
+    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
+    recp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (fontset_fr, (char *)recp, need_swap);
+    /* put data */
+    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, list->value_length);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, list->value_length);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, base_name);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+static void GetRectAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
+    XRectangle *rect = (XRectangle *) list->value;
+    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
+    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
+    recp += sizeof(CARD16)*2;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
+    /* put data */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->x);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->y);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->width);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->height);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+static void GetPointAttribute (char *rec, XICAttribute *list, int need_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
+    XPoint *rect = (XPoint *) list->value;
+    unsigned char *recp = (unsigned char *) rec;
+    GetAttrHeader (recp, list, need_swap);
+    recp += sizeof(CARD16)*2;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *) recp, need_swap);
+    /* put data */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->x);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, rect->y);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+static int ReadICValue (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                        CARD16 icvalue_id,
+                        int value_length,
+                        void *p,
+                        XICAttribute *value_ret,
+                        CARD16 *number_ret,
+                        int need_swap,
+                        void **value_buf)
+    XICAttr *ic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
+    int i;
+    *number_ret = (CARD16) 0;
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++, ic_attr++)
+    {
+        if (ic_attr->attribute_id == icvalue_id)
+            break;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    switch (ic_attr->type)
+    {
+    case XimType_NEST:
+        {
+            int total_length = 0;
+            CARD16 attribute_ID;
+            INT16 attribute_length;
+            unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *) p;
+            CARD16 ic_len = 0;
+            CARD16 number;
+            FrameMgr fm;
+            extern XimFrameRec attr_head_fr[];
+            while (total_length < value_length)
+            {
+                fm = FrameMgrInit (attr_head_fr, (char *) p1, need_swap);
+                /* get data */
+                FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attribute_ID);
+                FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attribute_length);
+                FrameMgrFree (fm);
+                p1 += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
+                             attribute_ID,
+                             attribute_length,
+                             p1,
+                             (value_ret + ic_len),
+                             &number,
+                             need_swap,
+                             value_buf);
+                ic_len++;
+                *number_ret += number;
+                p1 += attribute_length;
+                p1 += IMPAD (attribute_length);
+                total_length += (CARD16) sizeof(CARD16)*2
+                                + (INT16) attribute_length
+                                + IMPAD (attribute_length);
+            }
+           /*endwhile*/
+            return ic_len;
+        }
+    case XimType_CARD8:
+    case XimType_CARD16:
+    case XimType_CARD32:
+    case XimType_Window:
+        SetCardAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
+        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
+        return *number_ret;
+    case XimType_XFontSet:
+        SetFontAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
+        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
+        return *number_ret;
+    case XimType_XRectangle:
+        SetRectAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
+        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
+        return *number_ret;
+    case XimType_XPoint:
+        SetPointAttribute(value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
+        *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
+        return *number_ret;
+#if 0
+    case XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers:
+        SetHotKeyAttribute (value_ret, p, ic_attr, value_length, need_swap, value_buf);
+       *number_ret = (CARD16) 1;
+       return *number_ret;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return 0;
+static XICAttribute *CreateNestedList (CARD16 attr_id,
+                                       XICAttribute *list,
+                                       int number,
+                                       int need_swap)
+    XICAttribute *nest_list = NULL;
+    register int i;
+    char *values = NULL;
+    char *valuesp;
+    int value_length = 0;
+    if (number == 0)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
+    {
+        value_length += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+        value_length += list[i].value_length;
+        value_length += IMPAD (list[i].value_length);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    if ((values = (char *) malloc (value_length)) == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (values, 0, value_length);
+    valuesp = values;
+    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
+    {
+        switch (list[i].type)
+        {
+        case XimType_CARD8:
+        case XimType_CARD16:
+        case XimType_CARD32:
+        case XimType_Window:
+            GetCardAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
+            break;
+        case XimType_XFontSet:
+            GetFontAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
+            break;
+        case XimType_XRectangle:
+            GetRectAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
+            break;
+        case XimType_XPoint:
+            GetPointAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
+            break;
+#if 0
+        case XimType_XIMHotKeyTriggers:
+            GetHotKeyAttribute (valuesp, &list[i], need_swap);
+            break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        valuesp += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+        valuesp += list[i].value_length;
+        valuesp += IMPAD(list[i].value_length);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    nest_list = (XICAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XICAttribute));
+    if (nest_list == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (nest_list, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute));
+    nest_list->value = (void *) malloc (value_length);
+    if (nest_list->value == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (nest_list->value, 0, sizeof (value_length));
+    nest_list->attribute_id = attr_id;
+    nest_list->value_length = value_length;
+    memmove (nest_list->value, values, value_length);
+    XFree (values);
+    return nest_list;
+static Bool IsNestedList (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 icvalue_id)
+    XICAttr *ic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++, ic_attr++)
+    {
+        if (ic_attr->attribute_id == icvalue_id)
+        {
+            if (ic_attr->type == XimType_NEST)
+                return True;
+            /*endif*/
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    return False;
+static Bool IsSeparator (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 icvalue_id)
+    return (i18n_core->address.separatorAttr_id == icvalue_id);
+static int GetICValue (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                       XICAttribute *attr_ret,
+                       CARD16 *id_list,
+                       int list_num)
+    XICAttr *xic_attr = i18n_core->address.xic_attr;
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    register int n;
+    i =
+    n = 0;
+    if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, id_list[i]))
+    {
+        i++;
+        while (i < list_num  &&  !IsSeparator (i18n_core, id_list[i]))
+        {
+            for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  j++)
+            {
+                if (xic_attr[j].attribute_id == id_list[i])
+                {
+                    attr_ret[n].attribute_id = xic_attr[j].attribute_id;
+                    attr_ret[n].name_length = xic_attr[j].length;
+                    attr_ret[n].name = malloc (xic_attr[j].length + 1);
+                   strcpy(attr_ret[n].name, xic_attr[j].name);
+                    attr_ret[n].type = xic_attr[j].type;
+                    n++;
+                    i++;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+        }
+        /*endwhile*/
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  j++)
+        {
+            if (xic_attr[j].attribute_id == id_list[i])
+            {
+                attr_ret[n].attribute_id = xic_attr[j].attribute_id;
+                attr_ret[n].name_length = xic_attr[j].length;
+                attr_ret[n].name = malloc (xic_attr[j].length + 1);
+               strcpy(attr_ret[n].name, xic_attr[j].name);
+                attr_ret[n].type = xic_attr[j].type;
+                n++;
+                break;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return n;
+static void SwapAttributes (XICAttribute *list,
+                          int number){
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    CARD16 c16;
+    extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
+    CARD32 c32;
+    extern XimFrameRec long_fr[];
+    XPoint xpoint;
+    extern XimFrameRec xpoint_fr[];
+    XRectangle xrect;
+    extern XimFrameRec xrectangle_fr[];
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < number; ++i, ++list) {
+       if (list->value == NULL)
+           continue;
+       switch (list->type) {
+       case XimType_CARD16:
+           fm = FrameMgrInit (short_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
+           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, c16);
+           memmove(list->value, &c16, sizeof(CARD16));
+           FrameMgrFree (fm);
+           break;
+       case XimType_CARD32:
+       case XimType_Window:
+           fm = FrameMgrInit (long_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
+           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, c32);
+           memmove(list->value, &c32, sizeof(CARD32));
+           FrameMgrFree (fm);
+           break;
+       case XimType_XRectangle:
+           fm = FrameMgrInit (xrectangle_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
+           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, xrect);
+           memmove(list->value, &xrect, sizeof(XRectangle));
+           FrameMgrFree (fm);
+           break;
+       case XimType_XPoint:
+           fm = FrameMgrInit (xpoint_fr, (char *)list->value, 1);
+           FrameMgrGetToken (fm, xpoint);
+           memmove(list->value, &xpoint, sizeof(XPoint));
+           FrameMgrFree (fm);
+           break;
+       default:
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+/* called from CreateICMessageProc and SetICValueMessageProc */
+void _Xi18nChangeIC (XIMS ims,
+                     IMProtocol *call_data,
+                     unsigned char *p,
+                     int create_flag)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    FmStatus status;
+    CARD16 byte_length;
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    register int i;
+    register int attrib_num;
+    XICAttribute *attrib_list;
+    XICAttribute pre_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    XICAttribute sts_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    XICAttribute ic_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    CARD16 preedit_ic_num = 0;
+    CARD16 status_ic_num = 0;
+    CARD16 ic_num = 0;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    IMChangeICStruct *changeic = (IMChangeICStruct *) &call_data->changeic;
+    extern XimFrameRec create_ic_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec create_ic_reply_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_values_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_values_reply_fr[];
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    void *value_buf = NULL;
+    void *value_buf_ptr;
+    register int total_value_length = 0;
+    memset (pre_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    memset (sts_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    memset (ic_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    if (create_flag == True)
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (create_ic_fr,
+                           (char *) p,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+        /* get data */
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_values_fr,
+                           (char *) p,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+        /* get data */
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, changeic->icid);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    attrib_list = (XICAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    if (!attrib_list)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (attrib_list, 0, sizeof(XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    attrib_num = 0;
+    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+    {
+        void *value;
+        int value_length;
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attrib_list[attrib_num].attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value_length);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, value_length);
+        attrib_list[attrib_num].value_length = value_length;
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, value);
+        attrib_list[attrib_num].value = (void *) malloc (value_length + 1);
+        memmove (attrib_list[attrib_num].value, value, value_length);
+       ((char *)attrib_list[attrib_num].value)[value_length] = '\0';
+        attrib_num++;
+        total_value_length += (value_length + 1);
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    value_buf = (void *) malloc (total_value_length);
+    value_buf_ptr = value_buf;
+    if (!value_buf)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
+            XFree (attrib_list[i].value);
+        /*endfor*/
+        XFree (attrib_list);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
+    {
+        CARD16 number;
+        if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, attrib_list[i].attribute_id))
+        {
+            if (attrib_list[i].attribute_id
+                == i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id)
+            {
+                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
+                             attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
+                             attrib_list[i].value_length,
+                             attrib_list[i].value,
+                             &pre_attr[preedit_ic_num],
+                             &number,
+                             _Xi18nNeedSwap(i18n_core, connect_id),
+                             &value_buf_ptr);
+                preedit_ic_num += number;
+            }
+            else if (attrib_list[i].attribute_id == i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id)
+            {
+                ReadICValue (i18n_core,
+                             attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
+                             attrib_list[i].value_length,
+                             attrib_list[i].value,
+                             &sts_attr[status_ic_num],
+                             &number,
+                             _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id),
+                             &value_buf_ptr);
+                status_ic_num += number;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* another nested list.. possible? */
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ReadICValue (i18n_core,
+                         attrib_list[i].attribute_id,
+                         attrib_list[i].value_length,
+                         attrib_list[i].value,
+                         &ic_attr[ic_num],
+                         &number,
+                         _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id),
+                         &value_buf_ptr);
+            ic_num += number;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < attrib_num;  i++)
+        XFree (attrib_list[i].value);
+    /*endfor*/
+    XFree (attrib_list);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    changeic->preedit_attr_num = preedit_ic_num;
+    changeic->status_attr_num = status_ic_num;
+    changeic->ic_attr_num = ic_num;
+    changeic->preedit_attr = pre_attr;
+    changeic->status_attr = sts_attr;
+    changeic->ic_attr = ic_attr;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data))) {
+            XFree (value_buf);
+            return;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    XFree (value_buf);
+    /*endif*/
+    if (create_flag == True)
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (create_ic_reply_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_values_reply_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, changeic->icid);
+    if (create_flag == True)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY,
+                           0,
+                           reply,
+                           total_size);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY,
+                           0,
+                           reply,
+                           total_size);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (create_flag == True)
+    {
+        int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
+        int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
+        if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
+        {
+            long mask;
+            if (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
+                mask = i18n_core->address.filterevent_mask;
+            else
+                mask = DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK;
+            /*endif*/
+            /* static event flow is default */
+            _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
+                                connect_id,
+                                input_method_ID,
+                                changeic->icid,
+                                mask,
+                                ~mask);
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree(reply);
+/* called from GetICValueMessageProc */
+void _Xi18nGetIC (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    FmStatus status;
+    extern XimFrameRec get_ic_values_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec get_ic_values_reply_fr[];
+    CARD16 byte_length;
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    XICAttribute *preedit_ret = NULL;
+    XICAttribute *status_ret = NULL;
+    register int i;
+    register int number;
+    int iter_count;
+    CARD16 *attrID_list;
+    XICAttribute pre_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    XICAttribute sts_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    XICAttribute ic_attr[IC_SIZE];
+    CARD16 pre_count = 0;
+    CARD16 sts_count = 0;
+    CARD16 ic_count = 0;
+    IMChangeICStruct *getic = (IMChangeICStruct *) &call_data->changeic;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    memset (pre_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    memset (sts_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    memset (ic_attr, 0, sizeof (XICAttribute)*IC_SIZE);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_ic_values_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, getic->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    attrID_list = (CARD16 *) malloc (sizeof (CARD16)*IC_SIZE);  /* bogus */
+    memset (attrID_list, 0, sizeof (CARD16)*IC_SIZE);
+    number = 0;
+    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, attrID_list[number++]);
+    /*endwhile*/
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    i = 0;
+    while (i < number)
+    {
+        int read_number;
+        if (IsNestedList (i18n_core, attrID_list[i]))
+        {
+            if (attrID_list[i] == i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id)
+            {
+                read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
+                                          &pre_attr[pre_count],
+                                          &attrID_list[i],
+                                          number);
+                i += read_number + 1;
+                pre_count += read_number;
+            }
+            else if (attrID_list[i] == i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id)
+            {
+                read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
+                                          &sts_attr[sts_count],
+                                          &attrID_list[i],
+                                          number);
+                i += read_number + 1;
+                sts_count += read_number;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* another nested list.. possible? */
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            read_number = GetICValue (i18n_core,
+                                      &ic_attr[ic_count],
+                                      &attrID_list[i],
+                                      number);
+            i += read_number;
+            ic_count += read_number;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    getic->preedit_attr_num = pre_count;
+    getic->status_attr_num = sts_count;
+    getic->ic_attr_num = ic_count;
+    getic->preedit_attr = pre_attr;
+    getic->status_attr = sts_attr;
+    getic->ic_attr = ic_attr;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+       if (_Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id))
+         SwapAttributes(getic->ic_attr, getic->ic_attr_num);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    iter_count = getic->ic_attr_num;
+    preedit_ret = CreateNestedList (i18n_core->address.preeditAttr_id,
+                                    getic->preedit_attr,
+                                    getic->preedit_attr_num,
+                                    _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    if (preedit_ret)
+        iter_count++;
+    /*endif*/
+    status_ret = CreateNestedList (i18n_core->address.statusAttr_id,
+                                   getic->status_attr,
+                                   getic->status_attr_num,
+                                   _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    if (status_ret)
+        iter_count++;
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_ic_values_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set iteration count for list of ic_attribute */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, iter_count);
+    /* set length of BARRAY item in xicattribute_fr */
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, ic_attr[i].value_length);
+    /*endfor*/
+    if (preedit_ret)
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, preedit_ret->value_length);
+    /*endif*/
+    if (status_ret)
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, status_ret->value_length);
+    /*endif*/
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (reply == NULL)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, getic->icid);
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].value_length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_attr[i].value);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    if (preedit_ret)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->value_length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, preedit_ret->value);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (status_ret)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->value_length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, status_ret->value);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    XFree (reply);
+    XFree (attrID_list);
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->ic_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+       if (getic->ic_attr[i].name)
+           XFree (getic->ic_attr[i].name);
+       /*endif*/
+        if (getic->ic_attr[i].value)
+            XFree (getic->ic_attr[i].value);
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->preedit_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+       if (getic->preedit_attr[i].name)
+           XFree (getic->preedit_attr[i].name);
+       /*endif*/
+       if (getic->preedit_attr[i].value)
+           XFree (getic->preedit_attr[i].value);
+       /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) getic->status_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+       if (getic->status_attr[i].name)
+           XFree (getic->status_attr[i].name);
+       /*endif*/
+       if (getic->status_attr[i].value)
+           XFree (getic->status_attr[i].value);
+       /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    if (preedit_ret)
+    {
+        XFree (preedit_ret->value);
+        XFree (preedit_ret);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (status_ret)
+    {
+        XFree (status_ret->value);
+        XFree (status_ret);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nMethod.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..203f831
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
+static void *xi18n_setup (Display *, XIMArg *);
+static Status xi18n_openIM (XIMS);
+static Status xi18n_closeIM (XIMS);
+static char *xi18n_setIMValues (XIMS, XIMArg *);
+static char *xi18n_getIMValues (XIMS, XIMArg *);
+static Status xi18n_forwardEvent (XIMS, XPointer);
+static Status xi18n_commit (XIMS, XPointer);
+static int xi18n_callCallback (XIMS, XPointer);
+static int xi18n_preeditStart (XIMS, XPointer);
+static int xi18n_preeditEnd (XIMS, XPointer);
+static int xi18n_syncXlib (XIMS, XPointer);
+#ifndef XIM_SERVERS
+static Atom XIM_Servers = None;
+IMMethodsRec Xi18n_im_methods =
+    xi18n_setup,
+    xi18n_openIM,
+    xi18n_closeIM,
+    xi18n_setIMValues,
+    xi18n_getIMValues,
+    xi18n_forwardEvent,
+    xi18n_commit,
+    xi18n_callCallback,
+    xi18n_preeditStart,
+    xi18n_preeditEnd,
+    xi18n_syncXlib,
+extern Bool _Xi18nCheckXAddress (Xi18n, TransportSW *, char *);
+extern Bool _Xi18nCheckTransAddress (Xi18n, TransportSW *, char *);
+TransportSW _TransR[] =
+    {"X",               1, _Xi18nCheckXAddress},
+#ifdef TCPCONN
+    {"tcp",             3, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
+    {"local",           5, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
+#ifdef DNETCONN
+    {"decnet",          6, _Xi18nCheckTransAddress},
+    {(char *) NULL,     0, (Bool (*) ()) NULL}
+static Bool GetInputStyles (Xi18n i18n_core, XIMStyles **p_style)
+    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
+    XIMStyles *p;
+    int        i;
+    p = &address->input_styles;
+    if ((*p_style = (XIMStyles *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStyles)
+                                          + p->count_styles*sizeof (XIMStyle)))
+        == NULL)
+    {
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    (*p_style)->count_styles = p->count_styles;
+    (*p_style)->supported_styles = (XIMStyle *) ((XPointer) *p_style + sizeof (XIMStyles));
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_styles;  i++)
+        (*p_style)->supported_styles[i] = p->supported_styles[i];
+    /*endfor*/
+    return True;
+static Bool GetOnOffKeys (Xi18n i18n_core, long mask, XIMTriggerKeys **p_key)
+    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
+    XIMTriggerKeys *p;
+    int        i;
+    if (mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
+        p = &address->on_keys;
+    else
+        p = &address->off_keys;
+    /*endif*/
+    if ((*p_key = (XIMTriggerKeys *) malloc (sizeof(XIMTriggerKeys)
+                                             + p->count_keys*sizeof(XIMTriggerKey)))
+        == NULL)
+    {
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    (*p_key)->count_keys = p->count_keys;
+    (*p_key)->keylist =
+        (XIMTriggerKey *) ((XPointer) *p_key + sizeof(XIMTriggerKeys));
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_keys;  i++)
+    {
+        (*p_key)->keylist[i].keysym = p->keylist[i].keysym;
+        (*p_key)->keylist[i].modifier = p->keylist[i].modifier;
+        (*p_key)->keylist[i].modifier_mask = p->keylist[i].modifier_mask;
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    return True;
+static Bool GetEncodings(Xi18n i18n_core, XIMEncodings **p_encoding)
+    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
+    XIMEncodings *p;
+    int        i;
+    p = &address->encoding_list;
+    if ((*p_encoding = (XIMEncodings *) malloc (sizeof (XIMEncodings)
+                                              + p->count_encodings*sizeof(XIMEncoding))) == NULL)
+    {
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    (*p_encoding)->count_encodings = p->count_encodings;
+    (*p_encoding)->supported_encodings =
+        (XIMEncoding *) ((XPointer)*p_encoding + sizeof (XIMEncodings));
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_encodings;  i++)
+    {
+        (*p_encoding)->supported_encodings[i]
+            = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->supported_encodings[i]) + 1);
+        strcpy ((*p_encoding)->supported_encodings[i],
+                p->supported_encodings[i]);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return True;
+static char *ParseArgs (Xi18n i18n_core, int mode, XIMArg *args)
+    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) &i18n_core->address;
+    XIMArg *p;
+    if (mode == I18N_OPEN  ||  mode == I18N_SET)
+    {
+        for (p = args;  p->name != NULL;  p++)
+        {
+            if (strcmp (p->name, IMLocale) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_LOCALE)
+                    return IMLocale;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->im_locale = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
+                if (!address->im_locale)
+                    return IMLocale;
+                /*endif*/
+                strcpy (address->im_locale, p->value);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_LOCALE;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerTransport) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_ADDRESS)
+                    return IMServerTransport;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->im_addr = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
+                if (!address->im_addr)
+                    return IMServerTransport;
+                /*endif*/
+                strcpy(address->im_addr, p->value);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_ADDRESS;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerName) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_NAME)
+                    return IMServerName;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->im_name = (char *) malloc (strlen (p->value) + 1);
+                if (!address->im_name)
+                    return IMServerName;
+                /*endif*/
+                strcpy (address->im_name, p->value);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_NAME;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerWindow) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IMSERVER_WIN)
+                    return IMServerWindow;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->im_window = (Window) p->value;
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IMSERVER_WIN;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMInputStyles) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_INPUT_STYLES)
+                    return IMInputStyles;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->input_styles.count_styles =
+                    ((XIMStyles*)p->value)->count_styles;
+                address->input_styles.supported_styles =
+                    (XIMStyle *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStyle)*address->input_styles.count_styles);
+                if (address->input_styles.supported_styles == (XIMStyle *) NULL)
+                    return IMInputStyles;
+                /*endif*/
+                memmove (address->input_styles.supported_styles,
+                         ((XIMStyles *) p->value)->supported_styles,
+                         sizeof (XIMStyle)*address->input_styles.count_styles);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_INPUT_STYLES;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMProtocolHandler) == 0)
+            {
+                address->improto = (IMProtoHandler) p->value;
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_IM_HANDLER;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOnKeysList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
+                    return IMOnKeysList;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->on_keys.count_keys =
+                    ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->count_keys;
+                address->on_keys.keylist =
+                    (XIMTriggerKey *) malloc (sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->on_keys.count_keys);
+                if (address->on_keys.keylist == (XIMTriggerKey *) NULL)
+                    return IMOnKeysList;
+                /*endif*/
+                memmove (address->on_keys.keylist,
+                         ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->keylist,
+                         sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->on_keys.count_keys);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_ON_KEYS;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOffKeysList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS)
+                    return IMOffKeysList;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->off_keys.count_keys =
+                    ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->count_keys;
+                address->off_keys.keylist =
+                    (XIMTriggerKey *) malloc (sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->off_keys.count_keys);
+                if (address->off_keys.keylist == (XIMTriggerKey *) NULL)
+                    return IMOffKeysList;
+                /*endif*/
+                memmove (address->off_keys.keylist,
+                         ((XIMTriggerKeys *) p->value)->keylist,
+                         sizeof (XIMTriggerKey)*address->off_keys.count_keys);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_OFF_KEYS;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMEncodingList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ENCODINGS)
+                    return IMEncodingList;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->encoding_list.count_encodings =
+                    ((XIMEncodings *) p->value)->count_encodings;
+                address->encoding_list.supported_encodings =
+                    (XIMEncoding *) malloc (sizeof (XIMEncoding)*address->encoding_list.count_encodings);
+                if (address->encoding_list.supported_encodings
+                    == (XIMEncoding *) NULL)
+                {
+                    return IMEncodingList;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+                memmove (address->encoding_list.supported_encodings,
+                         ((XIMEncodings *) p->value)->supported_encodings,
+                         sizeof (XIMEncoding)*address->encoding_list.count_encodings);
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_ENCODINGS;
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMFilterEventMask) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
+                    return IMFilterEventMask;
+                /*endif*/
+                address->filterevent_mask = (long) p->value;
+                address->imvalue_mask |= I18N_FILTERMASK;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+        if (mode == I18N_OPEN)
+        {
+            /* check mandatory IM values */
+            if (!(address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_LOCALE))
+            {
+                /* locales must be set in IMOpenIM */
+                return IMLocale;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            if (!(address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_ADDRESS))
+            {
+                /* address must be set in IMOpenIM */
+                return IMServerTransport;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    else if (mode == I18N_GET)
+    {
+        for (p = args;  p->name != NULL;  p++)
+        {
+            if (strcmp (p->name, IMLocale) == 0)
+            {
+                p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_locale) + 1);
+                if (!p->value)
+                    return IMLocale;
+                /*endif*/
+                strcpy (p->value, address->im_locale);
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerTransport) == 0)
+            {
+                p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_addr) + 1);
+                if (!p->value)
+                    return IMServerTransport;
+                /*endif*/
+                strcpy (p->value, address->im_addr);
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerName) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_NAME)
+                {
+                    p->value = (char *) malloc (strlen (address->im_name) + 1);
+                    if (!p->value)
+                        return IMServerName;
+                    /*endif*/
+                    strcpy (p->value, address->im_name);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMServerName;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMServerWindow) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IMSERVER_WIN)
+                    *((Window *) (p->value)) = address->im_window;
+                else
+                    return IMServerWindow;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMInputStyles) == 0)
+            {
+                if (GetInputStyles (i18n_core,
+                                    (XIMStyles **) p->value) == False)
+                {
+                    return IMInputStyles;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMProtocolHandler) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_IM_HANDLER)
+                    *((IMProtoHandler *) (p->value)) = address->improto;
+                else
+                    return IMProtocolHandler;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOnKeysList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
+                {
+                    if (GetOnOffKeys (i18n_core,
+                                      I18N_ON_KEYS,
+                                      (XIMTriggerKeys **) p->value) == False)
+                    {
+                        return IMOnKeysList;
+                    }
+                    /*endif*/
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMOnKeysList;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMOffKeysList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS)
+                {
+                    if (GetOnOffKeys (i18n_core,
+                                      I18N_OFF_KEYS,
+                                      (XIMTriggerKeys **) p->value) == False)
+                    {
+                        return IMOffKeysList;
+                    }
+                    /*endif*/
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMOffKeysList;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMEncodingList) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_ENCODINGS)
+                {
+                    if (GetEncodings (i18n_core,
+                                      (XIMEncodings **) p->value) == False)
+                    {
+                        return IMEncodingList;
+                    }
+                    /*endif*/
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    return IMEncodingList;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            else if (strcmp (p->name, IMFilterEventMask) == 0)
+            {
+                if (address->imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
+                    *((long *) (p->value)) = address->filterevent_mask;
+                else
+                    return IMFilterEventMask;
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return NULL;
+static int CheckIMName (Xi18n i18n_core)
+    char *address = i18n_core->address.im_addr;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0;  _TransR[i].transportname;  i++)
+    {
+        while (*address == ' '  ||  *address == '\t')
+            address++;
+        /*endwhile*/
+        if (strncmp (address,
+                     _TransR[i].transportname,
+                     _TransR[i].namelen) == 0
+            &&
+            address[_TransR[i].namelen] == '/')
+        {
+            if (_TransR[i].checkAddr (i18n_core,
+                                      &_TransR[i],
+                                      address + _TransR[i].namelen + 1) == True)
+            {
+                return True;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    return False;
+static int SetXi18nSelectionOwner(Xi18n i18n_core)
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    Window ims_win = i18n_core->address.im_window;
+    Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy));
+    Atom realtype;
+    int realformat;
+    unsigned long bytesafter;
+    long *data=NULL;
+    unsigned long length;
+    Atom atom;
+    int i;
+    int found;
+    int forse = False;
+    char buf[256];
+    (void)snprintf(buf, 256, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name);
+    if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0)
+        return False;
+    i18n_core->address.selection = atom;
+    if (XIM_Servers == None)
+        XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False);
+    /*endif*/
+    XGetWindowProperty (dpy,
+                        root,
+                        XIM_Servers,
+                        0L,
+                        1000000L,
+                        False,
+                        XA_ATOM,
+                        &realtype,
+                        &realformat,
+                        &length,
+                        &bytesafter,
+                        (unsigned char **) (&data));
+    if (realtype != None && (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32)) {
+        if (data != NULL)
+            XFree ((char *) data);
+        return False;
+    }
+    found = False;
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (data[i] == atom) {
+            Window owner;
+            found = True;
+            if ((owner = XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom)) != ims_win) {
+                if (owner == None  ||  forse == True)
+                    XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime);
+                else
+                    return False;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (found == False) {
+        XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime);
+        XChangeProperty (dpy,
+                         root,
+                         XIM_Servers,
+                         XA_ATOM,
+                         32,
+                         PropModePrepend,
+                         (unsigned char *) &atom,
+                         1);
+    }
+    else {
+       /* 
+        * We always need to generate the PropertyNotify to the Root Window 
+        */
+        XChangeProperty (dpy,
+                         root,
+                         XIM_Servers,
+                         XA_ATOM,
+                         32,
+                         PropModePrepend,
+                         (unsigned char *) data,
+                         0);
+    }
+    if (data != NULL)
+        XFree ((char *) data);
+    /* Intern "LOCALES" and "TRANSOPORT" Target Atoms */
+    i18n_core->address.Localename = XInternAtom (dpy, LOCALES, False);
+    i18n_core->address.Transportname = XInternAtom (dpy, TRANSPORT, False);
+    return (XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom) == ims_win);
+static int DeleteXi18nAtom(Xi18n i18n_core)
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy));
+    Atom realtype;
+    int realformat;
+    unsigned long bytesafter;
+    long *data=NULL;
+    unsigned long length;
+    Atom atom;
+    int i, ret;
+    int found;
+    char buf[256];
+    (void)snprintf(buf, 256, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name);
+    if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0)
+        return False;
+    i18n_core->address.selection = atom;
+    if (XIM_Servers == None)
+        XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False);
+    XGetWindowProperty (dpy,
+                        root,
+                        XIM_Servers,
+                        0L,
+                        1000000L,
+                        False,
+                        XA_ATOM,
+                        &realtype,
+                        &realformat,
+                        &length,
+                        &bytesafter,
+                        (unsigned char **) (&data));
+    if (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32) {
+        if (data != NULL)
+            XFree ((char *) data);
+        return False;
+    }
+    found = False;
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (data[i] == atom) {
+            found = True;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (found == True) {
+        for (i=i+1; i<length; i++)
+            data[i-1] = data[i];
+        XChangeProperty (dpy,
+                         root,
+                         XIM_Servers,
+                         XA_ATOM,
+                         32,
+                         PropModeReplace,
+                         (unsigned char *)data,
+                         length-1);
+        ret = True;
+    }
+    else {
+        XChangeProperty (dpy,
+                         root,
+                         XIM_Servers,
+                         XA_ATOM,
+                         32,
+                         PropModePrepend,
+                         (unsigned char *)data,
+                         0);
+        ret = False;
+    }
+    if (data != NULL)
+        XFree ((char *) data);
+    return ret;
+/* XIM protocol methods */
+static void *xi18n_setup (Display *dpy, XIMArg *args)
+    Xi18n i18n_core;
+    CARD16 endian = 1;
+    if ((i18n_core = (Xi18n) malloc (sizeof (Xi18nCore))) == (Xi18n) NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (i18n_core, 0, sizeof (Xi18nCore));
+    i18n_core->address.dpy = dpy;
+    if (ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_OPEN, args) != NULL)
+    {
+        XFree (i18n_core);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (*(char *) &endian)
+        i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder = 'l';
+    else
+        i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder = 'B';
+    /*endif*/
+    /* install IMAttr and ICAttr list in i18n_core */
+    _Xi18nInitAttrList (i18n_core);
+    /* install IMExtension list in i18n_core */
+    _Xi18nInitExtension (i18n_core);
+    return i18n_core;
+static void ReturnSelectionNotify (Xi18n i18n_core, XSelectionRequestEvent *ev)
+    XEvent event;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    char buf[4096];
+    event.type = SelectionNotify;
+    event.xselection.requestor = ev->requestor;
+    event.xselection.selection = ev->selection;
+    event.xselection.target = ev->target;
+    event.xselection.time = ev->time;
+    event.xselection.property = ev->property;
+    if (ev->target == i18n_core->address.Localename)
+    {
+        snprintf (buf, 4096, "@locale=%s", i18n_core->address.im_locale);
+    }
+    else if (ev->target == i18n_core->address.Transportname)
+    {
+        snprintf (buf, 4096, "@transport=%s", i18n_core->address.im_addr);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    XChangeProperty (dpy,
+                     event.xselection.requestor,
+                     ev->target,
+                     ev->target,
+                     8,
+                     PropModeReplace,
+                     (unsigned char *) buf,
+                     strlen (buf));
+    XSendEvent (dpy, event.xselection.requestor, False, NoEventMask, &event);
+    XFlush (i18n_core->address.dpy);
+static Bool WaitXSelectionRequest (Display *dpy,
+                                   Window win,
+                                   XEvent *ev,
+                                   XPointer client_data)
+    XIMS ims = (XIMS) client_data;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    if (((XSelectionRequestEvent *) ev)->selection
+        == i18n_core->address.selection)
+    {
+        ReturnSelectionNotify (i18n_core, (XSelectionRequestEvent *) ev);
+        return True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return False;
+static Status xi18n_openIM(XIMS ims)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    if (!CheckIMName (i18n_core)
+        ||
+        !SetXi18nSelectionOwner (i18n_core)
+        ||
+        !i18n_core->methods.begin (ims))
+    {
+        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_name);
+        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_locale);
+        XFree (i18n_core->address.im_addr);
+        XFree (i18n_core);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
+                            i18n_core->address.im_window,
+                            SelectionRequest,
+                            SelectionRequest,
+                            WaitXSelectionRequest,
+                            (XPointer)ims);
+    XFlush(dpy);
+    return True;
+static Status xi18n_closeIM(XIMS ims)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    DeleteXi18nAtom(i18n_core);
+    if (!i18n_core->methods.end (ims))
+        return False;
+    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
+                        i18n_core->address.im_window,
+                        WaitXSelectionRequest,
+                        (XPointer)ims);
+    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_name);
+    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_locale);
+    XFree (i18n_core->address.im_addr);
+    XFree (i18n_core);
+    return True;
+static char *xi18n_setIMValues (XIMS ims, XIMArg *args)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    char *ret;
+    if ((ret = ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_SET, args)) != NULL)
+        return ret;
+    /*endif*/
+    return NULL;
+static char *xi18n_getIMValues (XIMS ims, XIMArg *args)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    char *ret;
+    if ((ret = ParseArgs (i18n_core, I18N_GET, args)) != NULL)
+        return ret;
+    /*endif*/
+    return NULL;
+static void EventToWireEvent (XEvent *ev, xEvent *event,
+                             CARD16 *serial, Bool byte_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec short_fr[];
+    BYTE b;
+    CARD16 c16;
+    CARD32 c32;
+    *serial = (CARD16)(ev->xany.serial >> 16);
+    switch (ev->type) {
+      case KeyPress:
+      case KeyRelease:
+       {
+           XKeyEvent *kev = (XKeyEvent*)ev;
+           /* create FrameMgr */
+           fm = FrameMgrInit(wire_keyevent_fr, (char *)(&(event->u)), byte_swap);
+           /* set values */
+           b = (BYTE)kev->type;          FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
+           b = (BYTE)kev->keycode;       FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
+           c16 = (CARD16)(kev->serial & (unsigned long)0xffff);
+                                         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           c32 = (CARD32)kev->time;      FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
+           c32 = (CARD32)kev->root;      FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
+           c32 = (CARD32)kev->window;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
+           c32 = (CARD32)kev->subwindow; FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c32);
+           c16 = (CARD16)kev->x_root;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           c16 = (CARD16)kev->y_root;    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           c16 = (CARD16)kev->x;         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           c16 = (CARD16)kev->y;         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           c16 = (CARD16)kev->state;     FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+           b = (BYTE)kev->same_screen;   FrameMgrPutToken(fm, b);
+       }
+       break;
+      default:
+         /* create FrameMgr */
+         fm = FrameMgrInit(short_fr, (char *)(&(event->u.u.sequenceNumber)),
+                           byte_swap);
+         c16 = (CARD16)(ev->xany.serial & (unsigned long)0xffff);
+         FrameMgrPutToken(fm, c16);
+         break;
+    }
+    /* free FrameMgr */
+    FrameMgrFree(fm);
+static Status xi18n_forwardEvent (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    IMForwardEventStruct *call_data = (IMForwardEventStruct *)xp;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    unsigned char *replyp;
+    CARD16 serial;
+    int event_size;
+    Xi18nClient *client;
+    client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id);
+    /* create FrameMgr */
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (forward_event_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    event_size = sizeof (xEvent);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size + event_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           call_data->connect_id,
+                           XIM_ERROR,
+                           0,
+                           0,
+                           0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size + event_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    replyp = reply;
+    call_data->sync_bit = 1;   /* always sync */
+    client->sync = True;
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->sync_bit);
+    replyp += total_size;
+    EventToWireEvent (&(call_data->event),
+                      (xEvent *) replyp,
+                      &serial,
+                      _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, serial);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       call_data->connect_id,
+                       XIM_FORWARD_EVENT,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size + event_size);
+    XFree (reply);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    return True;
+static Status xi18n_commit (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    IMCommitStruct *call_data = (IMCommitStruct *)xp;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec commit_chars_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec commit_both_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    CARD16 str_length;
+    call_data->flag |= XimSYNCHRONUS;  /* always sync */
+    if (!(call_data->flag & XimLookupKeySym)
+        &&
+        (call_data->flag & XimLookupChars))
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (commit_chars_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
+        /* set length of STRING8 */
+        str_length = strlen (call_data->commit_string);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+        if (!reply)
+        {
+            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                               call_data->connect_id,
+                               XIM_ERROR,
+                               0,
+                               0,
+                               0);
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+        str_length = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->flag);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->commit_string);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (commit_both_fr,
+                           NULL,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, call_data->connect_id));
+        /* set length of STRING8 */
+        str_length = strlen (call_data->commit_string);
+        if (str_length > 0)
+            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+        /*endif*/
+        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+        reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+        if (!reply)
+        {
+            _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                               call_data->connect_id,
+                               XIM_ERROR,
+                               0,
+                               0,
+                               0);
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->connect_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->icid);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->flag);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->keysym);
+        if (str_length > 0)
+        {
+            str_length = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
+            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_length);
+            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, call_data->commit_string);
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       call_data->connect_id,
+                       XIM_COMMIT,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    return True;
+static int xi18n_callCallback (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
+    switch (call_data->major_code)
+    {
+    case XIM_GEOMETRY:
+        return _Xi18nGeometryCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nPreeditStartCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nPreeditDrawCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nPreeditCaretCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nPreeditDoneCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nStatusStartCallback (ims, call_data);
+    case XIM_STATUS_DRAW:
+        return _Xi18nStatusDrawCallback (ims, call_data);
+    case XIM_STATUS_DONE:
+        return _Xi18nStatusDoneCallback (ims, call_data);
+        return _Xi18nStringConversionCallback (ims, call_data);
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+    return False;
+/* preeditStart and preeditEnd are used only for Dynamic Event Flow. */
+static int xi18n_preeditStart (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    IMPreeditStateStruct *preedit_state =
+        (IMPreeditStateStruct *) &call_data->preedit_state;
+    long mask;
+    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
+    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
+    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
+        return False;
+    /*endif*/
+    if (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_FILTERMASK)
+        mask = i18n_core->address.filterevent_mask;
+    else
+        mask = DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK;
+    /*endif*/
+    _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
+                        preedit_state->connect_id,
+                        preedit_state->connect_id,
+                        preedit_state->icid,
+                        mask,
+                        ~mask);
+    return True;
+static int xi18n_preeditEnd (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
+    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
+    IMPreeditStateStruct *preedit_state;
+    preedit_state = (IMPreeditStateStruct *) &call_data->preedit_state;
+    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
+        return False;
+    /*endif*/
+    _Xi18nSetEventMask (ims,
+                        preedit_state->connect_id,
+                        preedit_state->connect_id,
+                        preedit_state->icid,
+                        0,
+                        0);
+    return True;
+static int xi18n_syncXlib (XIMS ims, XPointer xp)
+    IMProtocol *call_data = (IMProtocol *)xp;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    IMSyncXlibStruct *sync_xlib;
+    extern XimFrameRec sync_fr[];
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply;
+    sync_xlib = (IMSyncXlibStruct *) &call_data->sync_xlib;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (sync_fr, NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize(fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply) {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return False;
+    }
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    /* input input-method ID */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    /* input input-context ID */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, sync_xlib->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_SYNC, 0, reply, total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree(reply);
+    return True;
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nPtHdr.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d350354
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1848 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+#include <stdio.h>
+static void    DebugLog(char * msg)
+       fprintf(stderr, msg);
+extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
+static void GetProtocolVersion (CARD16 client_major,
+                                CARD16 client_minor,
+                                CARD16 *server_major,
+                                CARD16 *server_minor)
+    *server_major = client_major;
+    *server_minor = client_minor;
+static void ConnectMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec connect_fr[], connect_reply_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    CARD16 server_major_version, server_minor_version;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMConnectStruct *imconnect =
+        (IMConnectStruct*) &call_data->imconnect;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (connect_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->byte_order);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->major_version);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, imconnect->minor_version);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    GetProtocolVersion (imconnect->major_version,
+                        imconnect->minor_version,
+                        &server_major_version,
+                        &server_minor_version);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (connect_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, server_major_version);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, server_minor_version);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_CONNECT_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+static void DisConnectMessageProc (XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       0);
+    i18n_core->methods.disconnect (ims, connect_id);
+static void OpenMessageProc(XIMS ims, IMProtocol *call_data, unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec open_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec open_reply_fr[];
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    int str_size;
+    register int i, total_size;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    int str_length;
+    char *name;
+    IMOpenStruct *imopen = (IMOpenStruct *) &call_data->imopen;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (open_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
+    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
+    imopen->lang.length = str_length;
+    imopen->lang.name = malloc (str_length + 1);
+    strncpy (imopen->lang.name, name, str_length);
+    imopen->lang.name[str_length] = (char) 0;
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if ((i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_ON_KEYS)
+        ||
+        (i18n_core->address.imvalue_mask & I18N_OFF_KEYS))
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (ims, connect_id);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    XFree (imopen->lang.name);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (open_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set iteration count for list of imattr */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, i18n_core->address.im_attr_num);
+    /* set length of BARRAY item in ximattr_fr */
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = strlen (i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].name);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    /* set iteration count for list of icattr */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num);
+    /* set length of BARRAY item in xicattr_fr */
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = strlen (i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].name);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    /* input input-method ID */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, connect_id);
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].type);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xim_attr[i].name);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < i18n_core->address.ic_attr_num;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].type);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, i18n_core->address.xic_attr[i].name);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_OPEN_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+static void CloseMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                              IMProtocol *call_data,
+                              unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec close_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec close_reply_fr[];
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    register int total_size;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (close_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (close_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_ERROR,
+                           0,
+                           0,
+                           0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_CLOSE_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+static XIMExt *MakeExtensionList (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                                  XIMStr *lib_extension,
+                                  int number,
+                                  int *reply_number)
+    XIMExt *ext_list;
+    XIMExt *im_ext = (XIMExt *) i18n_core->address.extension;
+    int im_ext_len = i18n_core->address.ext_num;
+    int i;
+    int j;
+    *reply_number = 0;
+    if (number == 0)
+    {
+        /* query all extensions */
+        *reply_number = im_ext_len;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
+        {
+            for (j = 0;  j < (int) number;  j++)
+            {
+                if (strcmp (lib_extension[j].name, im_ext[i].name) == 0)
+                {
+                    (*reply_number)++;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (!(*reply_number))
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    ext_list = (XIMExt *) malloc (sizeof (XIMExt)*(*reply_number));
+    if (!ext_list)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (ext_list, 0, sizeof (XIMExt)*(*reply_number));
+    if (number == 0)
+    {
+        /* query all extensions */
+        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
+        {
+            ext_list[i].major_opcode = im_ext[i].major_opcode;
+            ext_list[i].minor_opcode = im_ext[i].minor_opcode;
+            ext_list[i].length = im_ext[i].length;
+            ext_list[i].name = malloc (im_ext[i].length + 1);
+            strcpy (ext_list[i].name, im_ext[i].name);
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        int n = 0;
+        for (i = 0;  i < im_ext_len;  i++)
+        {
+            for (j = 0;  j < (int)number;  j++)
+            {
+                if (strcmp (lib_extension[j].name, im_ext[i].name) == 0)
+                {
+                    ext_list[n].major_opcode = im_ext[i].major_opcode;
+                    ext_list[n].minor_opcode = im_ext[i].minor_opcode;
+                    ext_list[n].length = im_ext[i].length;
+                    ext_list[n].name = malloc (im_ext[i].length + 1);
+                    strcpy (ext_list[n].name, im_ext[i].name);
+                    n++;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /*endif*/
+            }
+            /*endfor*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return ext_list;
+static void QueryExtensionMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                       IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                       unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    FmStatus status;
+    extern XimFrameRec query_extension_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec query_extension_reply_fr[];
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    int str_size;
+    register int i;
+    register int number;
+    register int total_size;
+    int byte_length;
+    int reply_number = 0;
+    XIMExt *ext_list;
+    IMQueryExtensionStruct *query_ext =
+        (IMQueryExtensionStruct *) &call_data->queryext;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (query_extension_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    query_ext->extension = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+    memset (query_ext->extension, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+    number = 0;
+    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+    {
+        char *name;
+        int str_length;
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+        query_ext->extension[number].length = str_length;
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
+        query_ext->extension[number].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
+        strncpy (query_ext->extension[number].name, name, str_length);
+        query_ext->extension[number].name[str_length] = (char) 0;
+        number++;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    query_ext->number = number;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    ext_list = MakeExtensionList (i18n_core,
+                                  query_ext->extension,
+                                  number,
+                                  &reply_number);
+    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++)
+        XFree (query_ext->extension[i].name);
+    /*endfor*/
+    XFree (query_ext->extension);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (query_extension_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set iteration count for list of extensions */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, reply_number);
+    /* set length of BARRAY item in ext_fr */
+    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = strlen (ext_list[i].name);
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_size);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_ERROR,
+                           0,
+                           0,
+                           0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
+    {
+        str_size = FrameMgrGetSize (fm);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].major_opcode);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].minor_opcode);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, str_size);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ext_list[i].name);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    for (i = 0;  i < reply_number;  i++)
+        XFree (ext_list[i].name);
+    /*endfor*/
+    XFree ((char *) ext_list);
+static void SyncReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                  unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec sync_reply_fr[];
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    Xi18nClient *client;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    CARD16 input_context_ID;
+    client = (Xi18nClient *)_Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (sync_reply_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_context_ID);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    client->sync = False;
+    if (ims->sync == True) {
+       ims->sync = False;
+       if (i18n_core->address.improto) {
+           call_data->sync_xlib.major_code = XIM_SYNC_REPLY;
+           call_data->sync_xlib.minor_code = 0;
+           call_data->sync_xlib.connect_id = input_method_ID;
+           call_data->sync_xlib.icid = input_context_ID;
+           i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data);
+       }
+    }
+static void GetIMValueFromName (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                                CARD16 connect_id,
+                                char *buf,
+                                char *name,
+                                int *length)
+    register int i;
+    if (strcmp (name, XNQueryInputStyle) == 0)
+    {
+        XIMStyles *styles = (XIMStyles *) &i18n_core->address.input_styles;
+        *length = sizeof (CARD16)*2;   /* count_styles, unused */
+        *length += styles->count_styles*sizeof (CARD32);
+        if (buf != NULL)
+        {
+            FrameMgr fm;
+            extern XimFrameRec input_styles_fr[];
+            unsigned char *data = NULL;
+            int total_size;
+            fm = FrameMgrInit (input_styles_fr,
+                               NULL,
+                               _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+            /* set iteration count for list of input_style */
+            FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, styles->count_styles);
+            total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+            data = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+            if (!data)
+                return;
+            /*endif*/
+            memset (data, 0, total_size);
+            FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, data);
+            FrameMgrPutToken (fm, styles->count_styles);
+            for (i = 0;  i < (int) styles->count_styles;  i++)
+                FrameMgrPutToken (fm, styles->supported_styles[i]);
+            /*endfor*/
+            memmove (buf, data, total_size);
+            FrameMgrFree (fm);
+            /* ADDED BY SUZHE */
+            free (data);
+            /* ADDED BY SUZHE */
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    else if (strcmp (name, XNQueryIMValuesList) == 0) {
+    }
+static XIMAttribute *MakeIMAttributeList (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                                          CARD16 connect_id,
+                                          CARD16 *list,
+                                          int *number,
+                                          int *length)
+    XIMAttribute *attrib_list;
+    int list_num;
+    XIMAttr *attr = i18n_core->address.xim_attr;
+    int list_len = i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    int value_length;
+    int number_ret = 0;
+    *length = 0;
+    list_num = 0;
+    for (i = 0;  i < *number;  i++)
+    {
+        for (j = 0;  j < list_len;  j++)
+        {
+            if (attr[j].attribute_id == list[i])
+            {
+                list_num++;
+                break;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    attrib_list = (XIMAttribute *) malloc (sizeof (XIMAttribute)*list_num);
+    if (!attrib_list)
+        return NULL;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (attrib_list, 0, sizeof (XIMAttribute)*list_num);
+    number_ret = list_num;
+    list_num = 0;
+    for (i = 0;  i < *number;  i++)
+    {
+        for (j = 0;  j < list_len;  j++)
+        {
+            if (attr[j].attribute_id == list[i])
+            {
+                attrib_list[list_num].attribute_id = attr[j].attribute_id;
+                attrib_list[list_num].name_length = attr[j].length;
+                attrib_list[list_num].name = attr[j].name;
+                attrib_list[list_num].type = attr[j].type;
+                GetIMValueFromName (i18n_core,
+                                    connect_id,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    attr[j].name,
+                                    &value_length);
+                attrib_list[list_num].value_length = value_length;
+                attrib_list[list_num].value = (void *) malloc (value_length);
+                memset(attrib_list[list_num].value, 0, value_length);
+                GetIMValueFromName (i18n_core,
+                                    connect_id,
+                                    attrib_list[list_num].value,
+                                    attr[j].name,
+                                    &value_length);
+                *length += sizeof (CARD16)*2;
+                *length += value_length;
+                *length += IMPAD (value_length);
+                list_num++;
+                break;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    *number = number_ret;
+    return attrib_list;
+static void GetIMValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                    unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    FmStatus status;
+    extern XimFrameRec get_im_values_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec get_im_values_reply_fr[];
+    CARD16 byte_length;
+    int list_len, total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    int iter_count;
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    int number;
+    CARD16 *im_attrID_list;
+    char **name_list;
+    CARD16 name_number;
+    XIMAttribute *im_attribute_list;
+    IMGetIMValuesStruct *getim = (IMGetIMValuesStruct *)&call_data->getim;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    /* create FrameMgr */
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_im_values_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    im_attrID_list = (CARD16 *) malloc (sizeof (CARD16)*20);
+    memset (im_attrID_list, 0, sizeof (CARD16)*20);
+    name_list = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 20);
+    memset(name_list, 0, sizeof(char *) * 20);
+    number = 0;
+    while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+    {
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, im_attrID_list[number]);
+        number++;
+    }
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    name_number = 0;
+    for (i = 0;  i < number;  i++) {
+        for (j = 0;  j < i18n_core->address.im_attr_num;  j++) {
+            if (i18n_core->address.xim_attr[j].attribute_id ==
+                    im_attrID_list[i]) {
+                name_list[name_number++] = 
+                       i18n_core->address.xim_attr[j].name;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    getim->number = name_number;
+    getim->im_attr_list = name_list;
+    XFree (name_list);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto) {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+    }
+#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
+    im_attribute_list = MakeIMAttributeList (i18n_core,
+                                             connect_id,
+                                             im_attrID_list,
+                                             &number,
+                                             &list_len);
+    if (im_attrID_list)
+        XFree (im_attrID_list);
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (get_im_values_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    iter_count = number;
+    /* set iteration count for list of im_attribute */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, iter_count);
+    /* set length of BARRAY item in ximattribute_fr */
+    for (i = 0;  i < iter_count;  i++)
+        FrameMgrSetSize (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value_length);
+    /*endfor*/
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    for (i = 0;  i < iter_count;  i++)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].attribute_id);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value_length);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_attribute_list[i].value);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+    for (i = 0; i < iter_count; i++)
+        XFree(im_attribute_list[i].value);
+    XFree (im_attribute_list);
+static void CreateICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                 IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                 unsigned char *p)
+    _Xi18nChangeIC (ims, call_data, p, True);
+static void SetICValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                    unsigned char *p)
+    _Xi18nChangeIC (ims, call_data, p, False);
+static void GetICValuesMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                    IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                    unsigned char *p)
+    _Xi18nGetIC (ims, call_data, p);
+static void SetICFocusMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                   unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec set_ic_focus_fr[];
+    IMChangeFocusStruct *setfocus;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    setfocus = (IMChangeFocusStruct *) &call_data->changefocus;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (set_ic_focus_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, setfocus->icid);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void UnsetICFocusMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                     IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                     unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec unset_ic_focus_fr[];
+    IMChangeFocusStruct *unsetfocus;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    unsetfocus = (IMChangeFocusStruct *) &call_data->changefocus;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (unset_ic_focus_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, unsetfocus->icid);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void DestroyICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                  unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec destroy_ic_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec destroy_ic_reply_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMDestroyICStruct *destroy =
+        (IMDestroyICStruct *) &call_data->destroyic;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (destroy_ic_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, destroy->icid);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (destroy_ic_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, destroy->icid);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    XFree(reply);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+static void ResetICMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec reset_ic_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec reset_ic_reply_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMResetICStruct *resetic =
+        (IMResetICStruct *) &call_data->resetic;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (reset_ic_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, resetic->icid);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    /* create FrameMgr */
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (reset_ic_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set length of STRING8 */
+    FrameMgrSetSize (fm, resetic->length);
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, resetic->icid);
+    FrameMgrPutToken(fm, resetic->length);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, resetic->commit_string);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree(reply);
+static int WireEventToEvent (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                             xEvent *event,
+                             CARD16 serial,
+                             XEvent *ev,
+                             Bool byte_swap)
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec wire_keyevent_fr[];
+    BYTE b;
+    CARD16 c16;
+    CARD32 c32;
+    int ret = False;
+    /* create FrameMgr */
+    fm = FrameMgrInit(wire_keyevent_fr, (char *)(&(event->u)), byte_swap);
+    /* get & set type */
+    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);
+    ev->type = (unsigned int)b;
+    /* get detail */
+    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);
+    /* get & set serial */
+    FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16);
+    ev->xany.serial = (unsigned long)c16;
+    ev->xany.serial |= serial << 16;
+    ev->xany.send_event = False;
+    ev->xany.display = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    /* Remove SendEvent flag from event type to emulate KeyPress/Release */
+    ev->type &= 0x7F;
+    switch (ev->type) {
+      case KeyPress:
+      case KeyRelease:
+      {
+          XKeyEvent *kev = (XKeyEvent*)ev;
+          /* set keycode (detail) */
+          kev->keycode = (unsigned int)b;
+          /* get & set values */
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->time = (Time)c32;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->root = (Window)c32;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->window = (Window)c32;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c32); kev->subwindow = (Window)c32;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->x_root = (int)c16;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->y_root = (int)c16;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->x = (int)c16;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->y = (int)c16;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, c16); kev->state = (unsigned int)c16;
+          FrameMgrGetToken(fm, b);   kev->same_screen = (Bool)b;
+      }
+      ret = True;
+      break;
+      default:
+      break;
+    }
+    /* free FrameMgr */
+    FrameMgrFree(fm);
+    return ret;
+static void ForwardEventMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                     IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                     unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec forward_event_fr[];
+    xEvent wire_event;
+    IMForwardEventStruct *forward =
+        (IMForwardEventStruct*) &call_data->forwardevent;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (forward_event_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->sync_bit);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->serial_number);
+    p += sizeof (CARD16)*4;
+    memmove (&wire_event, p, sizeof (xEvent));
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (WireEventToEvent (i18n_core,
+                          &wire_event,
+                          forward->serial_number,
+                          &forward->event,
+                         _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id)) == True)
+    {
+        if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+        {
+            if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+                return;
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void ExtForwardKeyEventMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                           IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                           unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec ext_forward_keyevent_fr[];
+    CARD8 type, keycode;
+    CARD16 state;
+    CARD32 ev_time, window;
+    IMForwardEventStruct *forward =
+        (IMForwardEventStruct *) &call_data->forwardevent;
+    XEvent *ev = (XEvent *) &forward->event;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (ext_forward_keyevent_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->sync_bit);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, forward->serial_number);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, type);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, keycode);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, state);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, ev_time);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, window);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (type != KeyPress)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    /* make a faked keypress event */
+    ev->type = (int)type;
+    ev->xany.send_event = True;
+    ev->xany.display = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    ev->xany.serial = (unsigned long) forward->serial_number;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->keycode = (unsigned int) keycode;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->state = (unsigned int) state;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->time = (Time) ev_time;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->window = (Window) window;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->root = DefaultRootWindow (ev->xany.display);
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->x = 0;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->y = 0;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->x_root = 0;
+    ((XKeyEvent *) ev)->y_root = 0;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void ExtMoveMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec ext_move_fr[];
+    IMMoveStruct *extmove =
+        (IMMoveStruct*) & call_data->extmove;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (ext_move_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->x);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, extmove->y);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+static void ExtensionMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                  IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                  unsigned char *p)
+    switch (call_data->any.minor_code)
+    {
+        ExtForwardKeyEventMessageProc (ims, call_data, p);
+        break;
+    case XIM_EXT_MOVE:
+        ExtMoveMessageProc (ims, call_data, p);
+        break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
+static void TriggerNotifyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                      IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                      unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec trigger_notify_fr[], trigger_notify_reply_fr[];
+    register int total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMTriggerNotifyStruct *trigger =
+        (IMTriggerNotifyStruct *) &call_data->triggernotify;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    CARD32 flag;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (trigger_notify_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->flag);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->key_index);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, trigger->event_mask);
+    /*
+      In order to support Front End Method, this event_mask must be saved
+      per clients so that it should be restored by an XIM_EXT_SET_EVENT_MASK
+      call when preediting mode is reset to off.
+     */
+    flag = trigger->flag;
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (trigger_notify_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, trigger->icid);
+    /* NOTE:
+       XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY should be sent before XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK
+       in case of XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY(flag == ON), while it should be
+       sent after XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK in case of
+       XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY(flag == OFF).
+       */
+    if (flag == 0)
+    {
+        /* on key */
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY,
+                           0,
+                           reply,
+                           total_size);
+        IMPreeditStart (ims, (XPointer)call_data);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (flag == 1)
+    {
+        /* off key */
+        IMPreeditEnd (ims, (XPointer) call_data);
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                           connect_id,
+                           XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY,
+                           0,
+                           reply,
+                           total_size);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree (reply);
+static INT16 ChooseEncoding (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                             IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *enc_nego)
+    Xi18nAddressRec *address = (Xi18nAddressRec *) & i18n_core->address;
+    XIMEncodings *p;
+    int i, j;
+    int enc_index=0;
+    p = (XIMEncodings *) &address->encoding_list;
+    for (i = 0;  i < (int) p->count_encodings;  i++)
+    {
+        for (j = 0;  j < (int) enc_nego->encoding_number;  j++)
+        {
+            if (strcmp (p->supported_encodings[i],
+                        enc_nego->encoding[j].name) == 0)
+            {
+                enc_index = j;
+                break;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endfor*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    return (INT16) enc_index;
+#if 0
+    return (INT16) XIM_Default_Encoding_IDX;
+static void EncodingNegotiatonMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                           IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                           unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    FmStatus status;
+    CARD16 byte_length;
+    extern XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_fr[];
+    extern XimFrameRec encoding_negotiation_reply_fr[];
+    register int i, total_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *enc_nego =
+        (IMEncodingNegotiationStruct *) &call_data->encodingnego;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (encoding_negotiation_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    /* get ENCODING STR field */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    if (byte_length > 0)
+    {
+        enc_nego->encoding = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+        memset (enc_nego->encoding, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+        i = 0;
+        while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+        {
+            char *name;
+            int str_length;
+            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
+            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+            enc_nego->encoding[i].length = str_length;
+            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
+            enc_nego->encoding[i].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
+            strncpy (enc_nego->encoding[i].name, name, str_length);
+            enc_nego->encoding[i].name[str_length] = '\0';
+            i++;
+        }
+        /*endwhile*/
+        enc_nego->encoding_number = i;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    /* get ENCODING INFO field */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, byte_length);
+    if (byte_length > 0)
+    {
+        enc_nego->encodinginfo = (XIMStr *) malloc (sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+        memset (enc_nego->encoding, 0, sizeof (XIMStr)*10);
+        i = 0;
+        while (FrameMgrIsIterLoopEnd (fm, &status) == False)
+        {
+            char *name;
+            int str_length;
+            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, str_length);
+            FrameMgrSetSize (fm, str_length);
+            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].length = str_length;
+            FrameMgrGetToken (fm, name);
+            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name = malloc (str_length + 1);
+            strncpy (enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name, name, str_length);
+            enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name[str_length] = '\0';
+            i++;
+        }
+        /*endwhile*/
+        enc_nego->encoding_info_number = i;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    enc_nego->enc_index = ChooseEncoding (i18n_core, enc_nego);
+    enc_nego->category = 0;
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+#endif  /* PROTOCOL_RICH */
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (encoding_negotiation_reply_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, enc_nego->category);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, enc_nego->enc_index);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION_REPLY,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    XFree (reply);
+    /* free data for encoding list */
+    if (enc_nego->encoding)
+    {
+        for (i = 0;  i < (int) enc_nego->encoding_number;  i++)
+            XFree (enc_nego->encoding[i].name);
+        /*endfor*/
+        XFree (enc_nego->encoding);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    if (enc_nego->encodinginfo)
+    {
+        for (i = 0;  i < (int) enc_nego->encoding_info_number;  i++)
+            XFree (enc_nego->encodinginfo[i].name);
+        /*endfor*/
+        XFree (enc_nego->encodinginfo);
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+void PreeditStartReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                   unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_start_reply_fr[];
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_start_reply_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->todo.return_value);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto (ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+void PreeditCaretReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                                   IMProtocol *call_data,
+                                   unsigned char *p)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec preedit_caret_reply_fr[];
+    IMPreeditCBStruct *preedit_CB =
+        (IMPreeditCBStruct *) &call_data->preedit_callback;
+    XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *caret =
+        (XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct *) & preedit_CB->todo.caret;
+    CARD16 connect_id = call_data->any.connect_id;
+    CARD16 input_method_ID;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (preedit_caret_reply_fr,
+                       (char *) p,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* get data */
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, input_method_ID);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, preedit_CB->icid);
+    FrameMgrGetToken (fm, caret->position);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    if (i18n_core->address.improto)
+    {
+        if (!(i18n_core->address.improto(ims, call_data)))
+            return;
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+void StrConvReplyMessageProc (XIMS ims,
+                              IMProtocol *call_data,
+                              unsigned char *p)
+    return;
+static void AddQueue (Xi18nClient *client, unsigned char *p)
+    XIMPending *new;
+    XIMPending *last;
+    if ((new = (XIMPending *) malloc (sizeof (XIMPending))) == NULL)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    new->p = p;
+    new->next = (XIMPending *) NULL;
+    if (!client->pending)
+    {
+        client->pending = new;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (last = client->pending;  last->next;  last = last->next)
+            ;
+        /*endfor*/
+        last->next = new;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return;
+static void ProcessQueue (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Xi18nClient *client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core,
+                                                            connect_id);
+    while (client->sync == False  &&  client->pending)
+    {
+        XimProtoHdr *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *) client->pending->p;
+        unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *) (hdr + 1);
+        IMProtocol call_data;
+        call_data.major_code = hdr->major_opcode;
+        call_data.any.minor_code = hdr->minor_opcode;
+        call_data.any.connect_id = connect_id;
+        switch (hdr->major_opcode)
+        {
+        case XIM_FORWARD_EVENT:
+            ForwardEventMessageProc(ims, &call_data, p1);
+            break;
+        }
+        /*endswitch*/
+        XFree (hdr);
+        {
+            XIMPending *old = client->pending;
+            client->pending = old->next;
+            XFree (old);
+        }
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return;
+void _Xi18nMessageHandler (XIMS ims,
+                           CARD16 connect_id,
+                           unsigned char *p,
+                           Bool *delete)
+    XimProtoHdr        *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *)p;
+    unsigned char *p1 = (unsigned char *)(hdr + 1);
+    IMProtocol call_data;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Xi18nClient *client;
+    client = (Xi18nClient *) _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    if (hdr == (XimProtoHdr *) NULL)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (&call_data, 0, sizeof(IMProtocol));
+    call_data.major_code = hdr->major_opcode;
+    call_data.any.minor_code = hdr->minor_opcode;
+    call_data.any.connect_id = connect_id;
+    switch (call_data.major_code)
+    {
+    case XIM_CONNECT:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_CONNECT\n");
+        ConnectMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_DISCONNECT\n");
+        DisConnectMessageProc (ims, &call_data);
+        break;
+    case XIM_OPEN:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_OPEN\n");
+        OpenMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_CLOSE:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_CLOSE\n");
+        CloseMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION\n");
+        QueryExtensionMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_GET_IM_VALUES:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_GET_IM_VALUES\n");
+        GetIMValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_CREATE_IC:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_CREATE_IC\n");
+        CreateICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_SET_IC_VALUES:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_SET_IC_VALUES\n");
+        SetICValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_GET_IC_VALUES:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_GET_IC_VALUES\n");
+        GetICValuesMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS\n");
+        SetICFocusMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS\n");
+        UnsetICFocusMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_DESTROY_IC:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_DESTROY_IC\n");
+        DestroyICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_RESET_IC:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_RESET_IC\n");
+        ResetICMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_FORWARD_EVENT\n");
+        if (client->sync == True)
+        {
+            AddQueue (client, p);
+            *delete = False;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ForwardEventMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        }
+        break;
+    case XIM_EXTENSION:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_EXTENSION\n");
+        ExtensionMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    case XIM_SYNC:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_SYNC\n");
+        break;
+    case XIM_SYNC_REPLY:
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_SYNC_REPLY\n");
+        SyncReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        ProcessQueue (ims, connect_id);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY\n");
+        TriggerNotifyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION\n");
+        EncodingNegotiatonMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY\n");
+        PreeditStartReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_PREEDIT_CARET_REPLY\n");
+        PreeditCaretReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+#ifdef XIM_DEBUG
+       DebugLog("-- XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY\n");
+        StrConvReplyMessageProc (ims, &call_data, p1);
+        break;
+    }
+    /*endswitch*/
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nUtil.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22a2376
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n, CARD16);
+_Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
+    CARD8 im_byteOrder = i18n_core->address.im_byteOrder;
+    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    return (client->byte_order != im_byteOrder);
+Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n i18n_core)
+    static CARD16 connect_id = 0;
+    int new_connect_id;
+    Xi18nClient *client;
+    if (i18n_core->address.free_clients)
+    {
+        client = i18n_core->address.free_clients;
+        i18n_core->address.free_clients = client->next;
+       new_connect_id = client->connect_id;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        client = (Xi18nClient *) malloc (sizeof (Xi18nClient));
+       new_connect_id = ++connect_id;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (client, 0, sizeof (Xi18nClient));
+    client->connect_id = new_connect_id;
+    client->pending = (XIMPending *) NULL;
+    client->sync = False;
+    client->byte_order = '?';  /* initial value */
+    memset (&client->pending, 0, sizeof (XIMPending *));
+    client->next = i18n_core->address.clients;
+    i18n_core->address.clients = client;
+    return (Xi18nClient *) client;
+Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
+    Xi18nClient *client = i18n_core->address.clients;
+    while (client)
+    {
+        if (client->connect_id == connect_id)
+            return client;
+        /*endif*/
+        client = client->next;
+    }
+    /*endwhile*/
+    return NULL;
+void _Xi18nDeleteClient (Xi18n i18n_core, CARD16 connect_id)
+    Xi18nClient *target = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    Xi18nClient *ccp;
+    Xi18nClient *ccp0;
+    for (ccp = i18n_core->address.clients, ccp0 = NULL;
+         ccp != NULL;
+         ccp0 = ccp, ccp = ccp->next)
+    {
+        if (ccp == target)
+        {
+            if (ccp0 == NULL)
+                i18n_core->address.clients = ccp->next;
+            else
+                ccp0->next = ccp->next;
+            /*endif*/
+            /* put it back to free list */
+            target->next = i18n_core->address.free_clients;
+            i18n_core->address.free_clients = target;
+            return;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+void _Xi18nSendMessage (XIMS ims,
+                        CARD16 connect_id,
+                        CARD8 major_opcode,
+                        CARD8 minor_opcode,
+                        unsigned char *data,
+                        long length)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[];
+    unsigned char *reply_hdr = NULL;
+    int header_size;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    unsigned char *replyp;
+    int reply_length;
+    long p_len = length/4;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (packet_header_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    header_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply_hdr = (unsigned char *) malloc (header_size);
+    if (reply_hdr == NULL)
+    {
+        _Xi18nSendMessage (ims, connect_id, XIM_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply_hdr);
+    /* put data */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, major_opcode);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, minor_opcode);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, p_len);
+    reply_length = header_size + length;
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (reply_length);
+    replyp = reply;
+    memmove (reply, reply_hdr, header_size);
+    replyp += header_size;
+    memmove (replyp, data, length);
+    i18n_core->methods.send (ims, connect_id, reply, reply_length);
+    XFree (reply);
+    XFree (reply_hdr);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+void _Xi18nSendTriggerKey (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec register_triggerkeys_fr[];
+    XIMTriggerKey *on_keys = i18n_core->address.on_keys.keylist;
+    XIMTriggerKey *off_keys = i18n_core->address.off_keys.keylist;
+    int on_key_num = i18n_core->address.on_keys.count_keys;
+    int off_key_num = i18n_core->address.off_keys.count_keys;
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    register int i, total_size;
+    CARD16 im_id;
+    if (on_key_num == 0  &&  off_key_num == 0)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (register_triggerkeys_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    /* set iteration count for on-keys list */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, on_key_num);
+    /* set iteration count for off-keys list */
+    FrameMgrSetIterCount (fm, off_key_num);
+    /* get total_size */
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    /* Right now XIM_OPEN_REPLY hasn't been sent to this new client, so
+       the input-method-id is still invalid, and should be set to zero...
+       Reter to $(XC)/lib/X11/imDefLkup.c:_XimRegisterTriggerKeysCallback
+     */
+    im_id = 0;
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_id);  /* input-method-id */
+    for (i = 0;  i < on_key_num;  i++)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].keysym);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].modifier);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, on_keys[i].modifier_mask);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    for (i = 0;  i < off_key_num;  i++)
+    {
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].keysym);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].modifier);
+        FrameMgrPutToken (fm, off_keys[i].modifier_mask);
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree(reply);
+void _Xi18nSetEventMask (XIMS ims,
+                         CARD16 connect_id,
+                         CARD16 im_id,
+                         CARD16 ic_id,
+                         CARD32 forward_mask,
+                         CARD32 sync_mask)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec set_event_mask_fr[];
+    unsigned char *reply = NULL;
+    register int total_size;
+    fm = FrameMgrInit (set_event_mask_fr,
+                       NULL,
+                       _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, connect_id));
+    total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+    reply = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size);
+    if (!reply)
+        return;
+    /*endif*/
+    memset (reply, 0, total_size);
+    FrameMgrSetBuffer (fm, reply);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, im_id);      /* input-method-id */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, ic_id);      /* input-context-id */
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, forward_mask);
+    FrameMgrPutToken (fm, sync_mask);
+    _Xi18nSendMessage (ims,
+                       connect_id,
+                       XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK,
+                       0,
+                       reply,
+                       total_size);
+    FrameMgrFree (fm);
+    XFree(reply);
diff --git a/util/IMdkit/i18nX.c b/util/IMdkit/i18nX.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a5ba080
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+         Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+         Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about
+the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
+without express or implied warranty.
+  Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+    This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#include "FrameMgr.h"
+#include "IMdkit.h"
+#include "Xi18n.h"
+#include "Xi18nX.h"
+#include "XimFunc.h"
+extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient(Xi18n, CARD16);
+extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n);
+extern void _Xi18nDeleteClient(Xi18n, CARD16);
+static Bool WaitXConnectMessage(Display*, Window,
+                                XEvent*, XPointer);
+static Bool WaitXIMProtocol(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer);
+static XClient *NewXClient (Xi18n i18n_core, Window new_client)
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nNewClient (i18n_core);
+    XClient *x_client;
+    x_client = (XClient *) malloc (sizeof (XClient));
+    x_client->client_win = new_client;
+    x_client->accept_win = XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy,
+                                                DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
+                                                0,
+                                                0,
+                                                1,
+                                                1,
+                                                1,
+                                                0,
+                                                0);
+    client->trans_rec = x_client;
+    return ((XClient *) x_client);
+static unsigned char *ReadXIMMessage (XIMS ims,
+                                      XClientMessageEvent *ev,
+                                      int *connect_id)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Xi18nClient *client = i18n_core->address.clients;
+    XClient *x_client = NULL;
+    FrameMgr fm;
+    extern XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[];
+    unsigned char *p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *p1;
+    while (client != NULL) {
+        x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
+        if (x_client->accept_win == ev->window) {
+            *connect_id = client->connect_id;
+            break;
+        }
+        client = client->next;
+    }
+    if (ev->format == 8) {
+        /* ClientMessage only */
+        XimProtoHdr *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *) ev->data.b;
+        unsigned char *rec = (unsigned char *) (hdr + 1);
+        register int total_size;
+        CARD8 major_opcode;
+        CARD8 minor_opcode;
+        CARD16 length;
+        extern int _Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n, CARD16);
+        if (client->byte_order == '?')
+        {
+            if (hdr->major_opcode != XIM_CONNECT)
+                return (unsigned char *) NULL;         /* can do nothing */
+            client->byte_order = (CARD8) rec[0];
+        }
+        fm = FrameMgrInit (packet_header_fr,
+                           (char *) hdr,
+                           _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, *connect_id));
+        total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm);
+        /* get data */
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, major_opcode);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, minor_opcode);
+        FrameMgrGetToken (fm, length);
+        FrameMgrFree (fm);
+        if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size + length * 4)) == NULL)
+            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
+        p1 = p;
+        memmove (p1, &major_opcode, sizeof (CARD8));
+        p1 += sizeof (CARD8);
+        memmove (p1, &minor_opcode, sizeof (CARD8));
+        p1 += sizeof (CARD8);
+        memmove (p1, &length, sizeof (CARD16));
+        p1 += sizeof (CARD16);
+        memmove (p1, rec, length * 4);
+    }
+    else if (ev->format == 32) {
+        /* ClientMessage and WindowProperty */
+        unsigned long length = (unsigned long) ev->data.l[0];
+        Atom atom = (Atom) ev->data.l[1];
+        int    return_code;
+        Atom   actual_type_ret;
+        int    actual_format_ret;
+        unsigned long bytes_after_ret;
+        unsigned char *prop;
+        unsigned long nitems;
+        return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                                          x_client->accept_win,
+                                          atom,
+                                          0L,
+                                          length,
+                                          True,
+                                          AnyPropertyType,
+                                          &actual_type_ret,
+                                          &actual_format_ret,
+                                          &nitems,
+                                          &bytes_after_ret,
+                                          &prop);
+        if (return_code != Success || actual_format_ret == 0 || nitems == 0) {
+            if (return_code == Success)
+                XFree (prop);
+            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
+        }
+        if (length != nitems)
+            length = nitems;
+       if (actual_format_ret == 16)
+           length *= 2;
+       else if (actual_format_ret == 32)
+           length *= 4;
+        /* if hit, it might be an error */
+        if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (length)) == NULL)
+            return (unsigned char *) NULL;
+        memmove (p, prop, length);
+        XFree (prop);
+    }
+    return (unsigned char *) p;
+static void ReadXConnectMessage (XIMS ims, XClientMessageEvent *ev)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    XEvent event;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    Window new_client = ev->data.l[0];
+    CARD32 major_version = ev->data.l[1];
+    CARD32 minor_version = ev->data.l[2];
+    XClient *x_client = NewXClient (i18n_core, new_client);
+    if (ev->window != i18n_core->address.im_window)
+        return;                        /* incorrect connection request */
+    /*endif*/
+    if (major_version != 0  ||  minor_version != 0)
+    {
+        major_version =
+        minor_version = 0;
+        /* Only supporting only-CM & Property-with-CM method */
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
+                            x_client->accept_win,
+                            ClientMessage,
+                            ClientMessage,
+                            WaitXIMProtocol,
+                            (XPointer)ims);
+    event.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
+    event.xclient.display = dpy;
+    event.xclient.window = new_client;
+    event.xclient.message_type = spec->connect_request;
+    event.xclient.format = 32;
+    event.xclient.data.l[0] = x_client->accept_win;
+    event.xclient.data.l[1] = major_version;
+    event.xclient.data.l[2] = minor_version;
+    event.xclient.data.l[3] = XCM_DATA_LIMIT;
+    XSendEvent (dpy,
+                new_client,
+                False,
+                NoEventMask,
+                &event);
+    XFlush (dpy);
+static Bool Xi18nXBegin (XIMS ims)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    spec->xim_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                                     _XIM_PROTOCOL,
+                                     False);
+    spec->connect_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                                         _XIM_XCONNECT,
+                                         False);
+    _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy,
+                            i18n_core->address.im_window,
+                            ClientMessage,
+                            ClientMessage,
+                            WaitXConnectMessage,
+                            (XPointer)ims);
+    return True;
+static Bool Xi18nXEnd(XIMS ims)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
+                        i18n_core->address.im_window,
+                        WaitXConnectMessage,
+                        (XPointer)ims);
+    return True;
+static char *MakeNewAtom (CARD16 connect_id, char *atomName)
+    static int sequence = 0;
+    sprintf (atomName,
+             "_server%d_%d",
+             connect_id,
+             ((sequence > 20)  ?  (sequence = 0)  :  sequence++));
+    return atomName;
+static Bool Xi18nXSend (XIMS ims,
+                        CARD16 connect_id,
+                        unsigned char *reply,
+                        long length)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
+    XEvent event;
+    event.type = ClientMessage;
+    event.xclient.window = x_client->client_win;
+    event.xclient.message_type = spec->xim_request;
+    if (length > XCM_DATA_LIMIT)
+    {
+        Atom atom;
+        char atomName[16];
+        Atom actual_type_ret;
+        int actual_format_ret;
+        int return_code;
+        unsigned long nitems_ret;
+        unsigned long bytes_after_ret;
+        unsigned char *win_data;
+        event.xclient.format = 32;
+        atom = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                            MakeNewAtom (connect_id, atomName),
+                            False);
+        return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                                          x_client->client_win,
+                                          atom,
+                                          0L,
+                                          10000L,
+                                          False,
+                                          XA_STRING,
+                                          &actual_type_ret,
+                                          &actual_format_ret,
+                                          &nitems_ret,
+                                          &bytes_after_ret,
+                                          &win_data);
+        if (return_code != Success)
+            return False;
+        /*endif*/
+        if (win_data)
+            XFree ((char *) win_data);
+        /*endif*/
+        XChangeProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                         x_client->client_win,
+                         atom,
+                         XA_STRING,
+                         8,
+                         PropModeAppend,
+                         (unsigned char *) reply,
+                         length);
+        event.xclient.data.l[0] = length;
+        event.xclient.data.l[1] = atom;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[XCM_DATA_LIMIT];
+        int i;
+        event.xclient.format = 8;
+        /* Clear unused field with NULL */
+        memmove(buffer, reply, length);
+        for (i = length; i < XCM_DATA_LIMIT; i++)
+            buffer[i] = (char) 0;
+        /*endfor*/
+        length = XCM_DATA_LIMIT;
+        memmove (event.xclient.data.b, buffer, length);
+    }
+    XSendEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                x_client->client_win,
+                False,
+                NoEventMask,
+                &event);
+    XFlush (i18n_core->address.dpy);
+    return True;
+static Bool CheckCMEvent (Display *display, XEvent *event, XPointer xi18n_core)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = (Xi18n) ((void *) xi18n_core);
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    if ((event->type == ClientMessage)
+        &&
+        (event->xclient.message_type == spec->xim_request))
+    {
+        return  True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return  False;
+static Bool Xi18nXWait (XIMS ims,
+                        CARD16 connect_id,
+                        CARD8 major_opcode,
+                        CARD8 minor_opcode)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    XEvent event;
+    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        unsigned char *packet;
+        XimProtoHdr *hdr;
+        int connect_id_ret;
+        XIfEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy,
+                  &event,
+                  CheckCMEvent,
+                  (XPointer) i18n_core);
+        if (event.xclient.window == x_client->accept_win)
+        {
+            if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims,
+                                          (XClientMessageEvent *) & event,
+                                          &connect_id_ret))
+                == (unsigned char*) NULL)
+            {
+                return False;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+            hdr = (XimProtoHdr *)packet;
+            if ((hdr->major_opcode == major_opcode)
+                &&
+                (hdr->minor_opcode == minor_opcode))
+            {
+                return True;
+            }
+            else if (hdr->major_opcode == XIM_ERROR)
+            {
+                return False;
+            }
+            /*endif*/
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+    }
+    /*endfor*/
+static Bool Xi18nXDisconnect (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id)
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy;
+    Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec;
+    XDestroyWindow (dpy, x_client->accept_win);
+    _XUnregisterFilter (dpy,
+                       x_client->accept_win,
+                        WaitXIMProtocol,
+                       (XPointer)ims);
+    XFree (x_client);
+    _Xi18nDeleteClient (i18n_core, connect_id);
+    return True;
+Bool _Xi18nCheckXAddress (Xi18n i18n_core,
+                          TransportSW *transSW,
+                          char *address)
+    XSpecRec *spec;
+    if (!(spec = (XSpecRec *) malloc (sizeof (XSpecRec))))
+        return False;
+    /*endif*/
+    i18n_core->address.connect_addr = (XSpecRec *) spec;
+    i18n_core->methods.begin = Xi18nXBegin;
+    i18n_core->methods.end = Xi18nXEnd;
+    i18n_core->methods.send = Xi18nXSend;
+    i18n_core->methods.wait = Xi18nXWait;
+    i18n_core->methods.disconnect = Xi18nXDisconnect;
+    return True;
+static Bool WaitXConnectMessage (Display *dpy,
+                                 Window win,
+                                 XEvent *ev,
+                                 XPointer client_data)
+    XIMS ims = (XIMS)client_data;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type
+        == spec->connect_request)
+    {
+        ReadXConnectMessage (ims, (XClientMessageEvent *) ev);
+        return True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return False;
+static Bool WaitXIMProtocol (Display *dpy,
+                             Window win,
+                             XEvent *ev,
+                             XPointer client_data)
+    extern void _Xi18nMessageHandler (XIMS, CARD16, unsigned char *, Bool *);
+    XIMS ims = (XIMS) client_data;
+    Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol;
+    XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr;
+    Bool delete = True;
+    unsigned char *packet;
+    int connect_id;
+    if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type
+        == spec->xim_request)
+    {
+        if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims,
+                                      (XClientMessageEvent *) ev,
+                                      &connect_id))
+            == (unsigned char *)  NULL)
+        {
+            return False;
+        }
+        /*endif*/
+        _Xi18nMessageHandler (ims, connect_id, packet, &delete);
+        if (delete == True)
+            XFree (packet);
+        /*endif*/
+        return True;
+    }
+    /*endif*/
+    return False;
diff --git a/util/Makefile.am b/util/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..de4882b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus - The Input Bus
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <shawn.p.huang@gmail.com>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+       IMdkit \
+       $(NULL)