sub true ($ )
my ($self) = @_;
- # We cache 'true' so that simplify() can use the value if it's available.
- return $self->{'true'} if defined $self->{'true'};
- my $res = $self->invert->false;
- $self->{'true'} = $res;
- return $res;
+ return $self->invert->false;
=item C<$str = $set-E<gt>string>
(new Automake::Condition ("A_TRUE", "B_FALSE"),
new Automake::Condition ("A_FALSE", "B_TRUE"));
+We implement the inversion by a product-of-sums to sum-of-products
+conversion using repeated multiplications. Because of the way we
+implement multiplication, the result of inversion is in canonical
+prime implicant form.
sub invert($ )
return $res;
-=item C<$simp = $set-E<gt>simplify>
+=item C<$self-E<gt>simplify>
-Find prime implicants and return a simplified C<DisjConditions>.
+Return a C<Disjunction> which is a simplified canonical form of C<$self>.
+This canonical form contains only prime implicants, but it can contain
+non-essential prime implicants.
-sub _simplify ($) # Based on Quine-McCluskey's algorithm.
- my ($self) = @_;
- # If we know this DisjConditions is always true, we have nothing to do.
- # Use the cached value if true if available. Never call true()
- # as this would call invert() which can be slow.
- return new Automake::DisjConditions TRUE
- if $self->{'hash'}{&TRUE} || $self->{'true'};
- my $nvars = 0;
- my %var_rank;
- my @rank_var;
- # Initialization.
- # Translate and-terms into bit string pairs: [$true, $false].
- #
- # Each variable is given a bit position in the strings.
- #
- # The first string in the pair tells wether a variable is
- # uncomplemented in the term.
- # The second string tells whether a variable is complemented.
- # If a variable does not appear in the term, then its
- # corresponding bit is unset in both strings.
- # Order the resulting bit string pairs by the number of
- # variables involved:
- # @{$subcubes[2]} is the list of string pairs involving two variables.
- # (Level 0 is used for "TRUE".)
- my @subcubes;
- for my $and_conds ($self->conds)
- {
- my $true = 0; # Bit string for uncomplemented variables.
- my $false = 0; # Bit string for complemented variables.
- my @conds = $and_conds->conds;
- for my $cond (@conds)
- {
- # Which variable is this conditional about?
- confess "can't parse `$cond'"
- unless $cond =~ /^(.*_)(FALSE|TRUE)$/;
- # Get the variabe's rank, or assign it a new one.
- my $rank = $var_rank{$1};
- if (! defined $rank)
- {
- $rank = $nvars++;
- # FIXME: simplify() cannot work with more that 31 variables.
- # We need a bitset implementation to allow more variables.
- # For now we just return the input, as is, not simplified.
- return $self if $rank >= 31;
- $var_rank{$1} = $rank;
- $rank_var[$rank] = $1;
- }
- # Fire the relevant bit in the strings.
- if ($2 eq 'FALSE')
- {
- $false |= 1 << $rank;
- }
- else
- {
- $true |= 1 << $rank;
- }
- }
- # Register this term.
- push @{$subcubes[1 + $#conds]}, [$true, $false];
- }
- # Real work. Let's combine terms.
- # Process terms in diminishing size order. Those
- # involving the maximum number of variables first.
- for (my $m = $#subcubes; $m > 0; --$m)
- {
- my $m_subcubes = $#{$subcubes[$m]};
- # Consider all terms with $m variables.
- for (my $j = 0; $j <= $m_subcubes; ++$j)
- {
- my $tj = $subcubes[$m][$j];
- my $jtrue = $tj->[0];
- my $jfalse = $tj->[1];
- # Compare them with all other terms with $m variables.
- for (my $k = $j + 1; $k <= $m_subcubes; ++$k)
- {
- my $tk = $subcubes[$m][$k];
- my $ktrue = $tk->[0];
- my $kfalse = $tk->[1];
- # Two terms can combine if they differ only by one variable
- # (i.e., a bit here), which is complemented in one term
- # and uncomplemented in the other.
- my $true = $jtrue ^ $ktrue;
- my $false = $jfalse ^ $kfalse;
- next COMBINATION if $true != $false;
- # There should be exactly one bit set.
- # (`$true & ($true - 1)' unsets the rightmost 1 bit in $true.)
- next COMBINATION if $true == 0 || $true & ($true - 1);
- # At this point we know we can combine the two terms.
- # Mark these two terms as "combined", so they will be
- # deleted after we have processed all other combinations.
- $tj->[2] = 1;
- $tk->[2] = 1;
- # Actually combine the two terms.
- my $ctrue = $jtrue & $ktrue;
- my $cfalse = $jfalse & $kfalse;
- # Don't add the combined term if it already exists.
- for my $c (@{$subcubes[$m - 1]})
- {
- next DUP_SEARCH if $ctrue != $c->[0];
- next COMBINATION if $cfalse == $c->[1];
- }
- push @{$subcubes[$m - 1]}, [$ctrue, $cfalse];
- }
- }
- # Delete all covered terms.
- for (my $j = 0; $j <= $m_subcubes; ++$j)
- {
- delete $subcubes[$m][$j] if $subcubes[$m][$j][2];
- }
- }
- # Finally merge bit strings back into a Automake::DisjConditions.
- # If level 0 has been filled, we've found `TRUE'. No need to translate
- # anything.
- return new Automake::DisjConditions TRUE if $#{$subcubes[0]} >= 0;
- # Otherwise, translate uncombined terms in other levels.
- my @or_conds = ();
- # Process terms in diminishing size order. Those
- # involving the maximum number of variables first.
- for (my $m = 1; $m <= $#subcubes; ++$m)
- {
- my $m_subcubes = $#{$subcubes[$m]};
- # Consider all terms with $m variables.
- for (my $j = 0; $j <= $m_subcubes; ++$j)
- {
- my $tj = $subcubes[$m][$j];
- next unless $tj; # Skip deleted terms.
- my $jtrue = $tj->[0];
- my $jfalse = $tj->[1];
- # Filter-out implied terms.
- #
- # An and-term at level N might cover and-terms at level M>N.
- # We need to mark all these covered terms so that they are
- # not output in the result formula.
- #
- # If $tj was generated by combining two terms at level N+1,
- # there two terms are already marked. However there might be
- # implied terms deeper.
- #
- # For instance consider this input: "A_TRUE | A_TRUE C_FALSE".
- #
- # This can also occur with and-term generated by the
- # combining algorith. E.g., consider
- # - at level 3 we can't combine "A_TRUE C_FALSE D_FALSE"
- # - at level 2 we can combine "A_TRUE B_TRUE" | "A_TRUE B_FALSE"
- # into "A_TRUE
- # - at level 1 we an't combine "A_TRUE"
- # so without more simplification we would output
- #
- # So let's filter-out and-terms which are implied by other
- # and-terms. An and-term $tk is implied by an and-term $tj if $k
- # involves more variables than $tj (i.e., N>M) and if
- # all variables occurring in $tk also occur in A in the
- # same state (complemented or uncomplemented.)
- for (my $n = $m + 1; $n <= $#subcubes; ++$n)
- {
- my $n_subcubes = $#{$subcubes[$n]};
- for (my $k = 0; $k <= $n_subcubes; ++$k)
- {
- my $tk = $subcubes[$n][$k];
- next unless $tk; # Skip deleted terms.
- my $ktrue = $tk->[0];
- my $kfalse = $tk->[1];
- next unless $ktrue == ($ktrue | $jtrue);
- next unless $kfalse == ($kfalse | $jfalse);
- delete $subcubes[$n][$k];
- }
- }
- # Translate $tj.
- my @and_conds = ();
- my $rank = 0;
- while ($jtrue > 0)
- {
- if ($jtrue & 1)
- {
- push @and_conds, $rank_var[$rank] . 'TRUE';
- }
- $jtrue >>= 1;
- ++$rank;
- }
- $rank = 0;
- while ($jfalse > 0)
- {
- if ($jfalse & 1)
- {
- push @and_conds, $rank_var[$rank] . 'FALSE';
- }
- $jfalse >>= 1;
- ++$rank;
- }
- push @or_conds, new Automake::Condition @and_conds if @and_conds;
- }
- }
- return new Automake::DisjConditions @or_conds;
sub simplify ($)
my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{'simplify'} if defined $self->{'simplify'};
- my $res = $self->_simplify ;
- $self->{'simplify'} = $res;
- return $res;
+ return $self->invert->invert;
=item C<$self-E<gt>sub_conditions ($cond)>