void parseStaticShapeNMS(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const;
void parseMish(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const;
void parseGelu(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const;
+ void parseSoftPlus(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const;
+ void parseSwish(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const;
// Special layers
Mish = 131,
Gelu = 132,
StridedSlice = 133,
+ SoftPlus = 134,
+ Swish = 135,
{"StaticShapeReshape", LAYER_PARSER(parseReshape)},
{"Mish", LAYER_PARSER(parseMish)},
{"Gelu", LAYER_PARSER(parseGelu)},
+ {"SoftPlus", LAYER_PARSER(parseSoftPlus)},
+ {"Swish", LAYER_PARSER(parseSwish)},
}} {
VPU_THROW_UNLESS(_core != nullptr, "Argument core is null");
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include <vpu/frontend/frontend.hpp>
+#include <vpu/stages/post_op_stage.hpp>
+namespace vpu {
+namespace {
+class SoftPlusStage final : public PostOpStage {
+ using PostOpStage::PostOpStage;
+ StagePtr cloneImpl() const override {
+ return std::make_shared<SoftPlusStage>(*this);
+ }
+ void serializeParamsImpl(BlobSerializer&) const override {
+ }
+} // namespace
+void FrontEnd::parseSoftPlus(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const {
+ VPU_THROW_UNLESS(inputs.size() == 1,
+ "SoftPlus stage with name %s must have only 1 input, "
+ "actually provided %d", layer->name, inputs.size());
+ VPU_THROW_UNLESS(outputs.size() == 1,
+ "SoftPlus stage with name %s must have only 1 output, "
+ "actually provided %d", layer->name, outputs.size());
+ model->addNewStage<SoftPlusStage>(layer->name, StageType::SoftPlus, layer, inputs, outputs);
+} // namespace vpu
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include <vpu/frontend/frontend.hpp>
+#include <vpu/stages/post_op_stage.hpp>
+namespace vpu {
+namespace {
+class SwishStage final : public PostOpStage {
+ using PostOpStage::PostOpStage;
+ StagePtr cloneImpl() const override {
+ return std::make_shared<SwishStage>(*this);
+ }
+ void serializeParamsImpl(BlobSerializer&) const override {
+ }
+} // namespace
+void FrontEnd::parseSwish(const Model& model, const ie::CNNLayerPtr& layer, const DataVector& inputs, const DataVector& outputs) const {
+ VPU_THROW_UNLESS((inputs.size() == 1) || ((inputs.size() == 2)),
+ "Swish stage with name %s must have 1 or 2 inputs, "
+ "actually provided %d", layer->name, inputs.size());
+ VPU_THROW_UNLESS(outputs.size() == 1,
+ "Swish stage with name %s must have only 1 output, "
+ "actually provided %d", layer->name, outputs.size());
+ model->addNewStage<SwishStage>(layer->name, StageType::Swish, layer, inputs, outputs);
+} // namespace vpu