Summary: Pave the way to correct beta classes handling.
Reviewers: vitor.sousa, segfaultxavi, bu5hm4n
Reviewed By: vitor.sousa, bu5hm4n
Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers
Tags: #efl
Differential Revision:
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/static_libs/http-parser/contrib $(distdir)/bindings/luajit/eina
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/wayland_protocol $(distdir)/lib/efl_wl/
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/modules/evas/engines/software_generic/filters/blur
- @mkdir -p $(distdir)/bindings/mono/ecore_evas_mono
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/bindings/mono/efl_mono
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/bindings/mono/eina_mono
@mkdir -p $(distdir)/bindings/mono/eldbus_mono
bindings/mono/eldbus_mono/eldbus_proxy.cs \
-efl_ecore_evas_mono_files = \
- bindings/mono/ecore_evas_mono/ecore_evas.cs
# Static C# source files don't go into a _SOURCES var as the dll target
# is custom built instead of through _LTLIBRARIES/_LIBRARIES
lib_efl_mono_libefl_mono_dll_sources = \
bindings/mono/efl_mono/efl_csharp_application.cs \
$(efl_eo_mono_files) \
$(efl_eina_mono_files) \
- $(efl_eldbus_mono_files) \
- $(efl_ecore_evas_mono_files)
+ $(efl_eldbus_mono_files)
efl_mono_test_files = \
tests/efl_mono/dummy_test_object.eo \
$(edje_eolian_type_files:%.eot=%.eot.cs) \
$(elm_eolian_type_files:%.eot=%.eot.cs) \
$(filter-out $(evas_eolian_blacklisted_files),$(evas_canvas_eolian_pub_files:%.eo=%.eo.cs)) \
-lib/evas/canvas/evas_box.eo.cs \
-lib/evas/canvas/evas_image.eo.cs \
lib/evas/canvas/efl_canvas_image.eo.cs \
-lib/evas/canvas/evas_table.eo.cs \
-lib/evas/canvas/evas_text.eo.cs \
$(evas_canvas_eolian_type_files:%.eot=%.eot.cs) \
lib/eo/eina_types.eot.cs \
tests/efl_mono/Eo.cs \
tests/efl_mono/EoPromises.cs \
tests/efl_mono/Errors.cs \
- tests/efl_mono/Evas.cs \
tests/efl_mono/Events.cs \
tests/efl_mono/FunctionPointers.cs \
tests/efl_mono/FunctionPointerMarshalling.cs \
+++ /dev/null
-#pragma warning disable 1591
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Threading;
-public class EcoreEvas
- [DllImport(efl.Libs.EcoreEvas)] static extern void ecore_evas_init();
- // [DllImport(efl.Libs.EcoreEvas)] static extern IntPtr ecore_evas_new([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String engine_name, int x, int y, int w, int h
- // , [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String extra_options);
- [DllImport(efl.Libs.EcoreEvas)] static extern IntPtr ecore_evas_new(IntPtr engine_name, int x, int y, int w, int h
- , IntPtr extra_options);
- [DllImport(efl.Libs.EcoreEvas)] static extern IntPtr ecore_evas_get(IntPtr ecore_evas);
- [DllImport(efl.Libs.EcoreEvas)] static extern IntPtr ecore_evas_show(IntPtr ecore_evas);
- IntPtr handle;
- public EcoreEvas()
- {
-#if WIN32 // Not a native define, we define it in our build system
- // Ecore_Win32 uses OleInitialize, which requires single thread apartments
- if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() != ApartmentState.STA)
- throw new InvalidOperationException("UI Applications require STAThreadAttribute in Main()");
- ecore_evas_init();
- handle = ecore_evas_new(IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 640, 480, IntPtr.Zero);
- if(handle == IntPtr.Zero)
- Eina.Log.Error("Couldn't create a ecore evas");
- ecore_evas_show(handle);
- }
- public Efl.Canvas.Object canvas
- {
- get { return new Efl.Canvas.Object(ecore_evas_get(handle)); }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-mono_files += files('ecore_evas.cs')
public const string Eo = "@EO_DL_MONO@";
public const string Evas = "@EVAS_DL_MONO@";
public const string Evil = "@EVIL_DL_MONO@";
- public const string EcoreEvas = "@ECORE_EVAS_DL_MONO@";
public const string Edje = "@EDJE_DL_MONO@";
public const string Elementary = "@ELEMENTARY_DL_MONO@";
public const string Eldbus = "@ELDBUS_DL_MONO@";
['Evas', false, ], #
['Edje', false, ], #
['Eldbus', true, ], #
- ['Ecore_Evas', true, ], #
['Elementary', false, ] #
-legacy_evas_required_by_mono = ['evas_box.eo', 'evas_image.eo', 'evas_table.eo', 'evas_text.eo']
-subdir_file_location = join_paths('..', '..', 'lib', 'evas', 'canvas')
-foreach mono_gen_file : legacy_evas_required_by_mono
- mono_generator_target += custom_target('eolian_mono_gen_'+mono_gen_file.underscorify()+'',
- input : join_paths(subdir_file_location, mono_gen_file),
- output : [mono_gen_file + '.cs'],
- command : [eolian_mono_gen, beta_option, '-I', meson.current_source_dir(), eolian_include_directories,
- '--dllimport', 'evas',
- '-o', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), mono_gen_file + '.cs'),
- '@INPUT@'])
efl_mono_conf_data = configuration_data()
efl_mono_conf_data.set('EINA', eina_lib.full_path())
efl_mono_conf_data.set('EFL', efl_lib.full_path())
- evas/evas_mono_box_csharp \
- evas/evas_mono_image_csharp \
- evas/evas_mono_image2_csharp \
- evas/evas_mono_rectangle_csharp \
- evas/evas_mono_table_csharp \
- evas/evas_mono_text_csharp
-evas_evas_mono_box_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_box.cs
-evas/evas_mono_box_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_box_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
-evas_evas_mono_image_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_image.cs
-evas/evas_mono_image_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_image_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- @rm -f $@
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
-evas_evas_mono_image2_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_image2.cs
-evas/evas_mono_image2_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_image2_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- @rm -f $@
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
-evas_evas_mono_rectangle_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_rectangle.cs
-evas/evas_mono_rectangle_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_rectangle_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- @rm -f $@
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
-evas_evas_mono_table_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_table.cs
-evas/evas_mono_table_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_table_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- @rm -f $@
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
-evas_evas_mono_text_csharp_SOURCES = \
- evas/evas_mono_text.cs
-evas/evas_mono_text_csharp$(EXEEXT): $(evas_evas_mono_text_csharp_SOURCES) $(am_dirstamp) $(top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll
- @rm -f $@
- $(AM_V_MCS) $(MCS) $(MCSFLAGS) -r:$(abs_top_builddir)/src/lib/efl_mono/libefl_mono.dll -out:$@ $(filter %.cs, $(^))
evas/evas-aspect-hints.c \
evas/evas-box.c \
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-public class MyBox : Evas.Box
- public MyBox(Efl.Object parent) : base(parent) {}
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_obj_box_layout_vertical(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_obj_box_layout_horizontal(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_object_box_layout_horizontal(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern IntPtr evas_object_evas_get(IntPtr obj);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_event_freeze(IntPtr obj);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_event_thaw(IntPtr obj);
- override public void CalculateGroup()
- {
- IntPtr evas = evas_object_evas_get(NativeHandle);
- evas_event_freeze(evas);
- Console.WriteLine("called group_calculate");
- /* layouting_set(true); */
- evas_obj_box_layout_vertical(NativeHandle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
- /* layouting_set(false); */
- /* children_changed_set(false); */
- evas_event_thaw(evas);
- }
-class TestMain
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Efl.All.Init();
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Efl.Canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Object parent = canvas.GetParent();
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(parent.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
- Evas.Box box = new MyBox(canvas);
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- size.W = 320;
- size.H = 240;
- box.SetSize(size);
- box.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
- size.W = 320;
- size.H = 120;
- rect.SetSize(size);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- box.Append(rect);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle rect2 = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect2.SetColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
- rect2.SetSize(size);
- rect2.SetVisible(true);
- box.Append(rect2);
- loop.Begin();
- Efl.All.Shutdown();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-class TestMain
- static int WIDTH = 320;
- static int HEIGHT = 240;
- Evas.Image image;
- static string ImagePath([CallerFilePath] string folder="")
- {
- return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(folder);
- }
- public TestMain(Evas.Image image)
- {
- this.image = image;
- }
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Efl.All.Init();
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- Efl.Canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Object parent = canvas.GetParent();
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(parent.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle bg = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- size.W = WIDTH;
- size.H = HEIGHT;
- bg.SetSize(size);
- bg.SetVisible(true);
- string valid_path = args[0];
- Evas.Image image = new Evas.Image(canvas);
- image.SetFile(valid_path, null);
- /* FIXME evas-image uses error handling code from
- * evas_object_image_load_error_get, which seems to be not available
- * Efl.image.load.State state = image.load_error_get(); */
- // FIXME missing move
- Eina.Rect rect = new Eina.Rect();
- rect.X = 0;
- rect.Y = 0;
- rect.W = WIDTH / 2;
- rect.H = HEIGHT / 2;
- image.SetFill(rect);
- size.W = WIDTH / 2;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 2;
- image.SetSize(size);
- image.SetVisible(true);
- rect = image.GetFill();
- rect.Y -= 50;
- rect.W += 100;
- image.SetFill(rect);
- TestMain listener = new TestMain(image);
- // TODO handle key events in order to alter the image like the C
- // example. Meanwhile, just set some w fill
- /* EventListener callback = new EventListener(); */
- /* bg.key_focus_set(true); */
- /* bg.event_callback_priority_add(Evas.Callback_Type.Key_down, */
- /* Efl.Callback_Priority.Default, */
- /* callback, null); */
- loop.Begin();
- Efl.All.Shutdown();
- }
- public void on_key_down(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("on_key_down called");
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-class TestMain
- static int WIDTH = 320;
- static int HEIGHT = 240;
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Efl.All.Init();
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- Eina.Position2D pos = new Eina.Position2D();
- Efl.Canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle bg = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- pos.X = 0;
- pos.Y = 0;
- bg.SetPosition(pos);
- size.W = WIDTH;
- size.H = HEIGHT;
- bg.SetSize(size);
- bg.SetVisible(true);
- string path = args[0];
- Evas.Image logo = new Evas.Image(canvas);
- logo.SetFillAuto(true);
- // TODO add preloaded support (depends on events)
- logo.SetFile(path, null);
- size.W = WIDTH / 2;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 2;
- logo.SetSize(size);
- // TODO add a bunch of key/mouse handlers
- logo.SetVisible(true);
- int[] pixels = new int[(WIDTH/4) * (HEIGHT / 4)];
- System.Random generator = new System.Random();
- for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++) {
- pixels[i] = generator.Next();
- }
- Evas.Image noise_img = new Evas.Image(canvas);
- size.W = WIDTH / 4;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 4;
- noise_img.SetSize(size);
- // FIXME Add a way to set the pixels.
- // noise_img.data_set(pixels);
- noise_img.SetFillAuto(true);
- pos.X = WIDTH * 5 / 8;
- pos.Y = HEIGHT / 8;
- noise_img.SetPosition(pos);
- noise_img.SetVisible(true);
- Console.WriteLine("Creating noise image with sizez %d, %d", WIDTH/4, HEIGHT/4);
- Efl.Canvas.Proxy proxy_img = new Efl.Canvas.Proxy(canvas);
- proxy_img.SetSource(noise_img);
- pos.X = WIDTH / 2;
- pos.Y = HEIGHT / 2;
- proxy_img.SetPosition(pos);
- size.W = WIDTH / 2;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 2;
- proxy_img.SetSize(size);
- proxy_img.SetVisible(true);
- loop.Begin();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-class TestMain
- private static int[,] colors = new int[,] {
- {255, 0, 0},
- {0, 255, 0},
- {0, 0, 255}
- };
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- int color_index = 0;
- Efl.All.Init();
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Efl.Canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Object parent = canvas.GetParent();
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(parent.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(colors[0, 0], colors[0, 1], colors[0, 2], 255);
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- size.W = 640;
- size.H = 480;
- rect.SetSize(size);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- canvas.KeyDownEvt += (object sender, Efl.Input.InterfaceKeyDownEvt_Args e) => {
- color_index = (color_index + 1) % 3;
- Console.WriteLine("Key Down");
- Console.WriteLine("Got key obj at {0}", e.arg.NativeHandle.ToString("X"));
- Console.WriteLine("Got key_get() == [{0}]", e.arg.GetKey());
- rect.SetColor(colors[color_index, 0],
- colors[color_index, 1],
- colors[color_index, 2], 255);
- };
- loop.Begin();
- Efl.All.Shutdown();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-class TestMain
- static int WIDTH = 100;
- static int HEIGHT = 150;
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Efl.All.Init();
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- size.W = WIDTH;
- size.H = HEIGHT;
- Eina.Size2D hint = new Eina.Size2D();
- Efl.Canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Object parent = canvas.GetParent();
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(parent.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle bg = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- bg.SetSize(size);
- bg.SetVisible(true);
- Evas.Table table = new Evas.Table(canvas);
- table.SetHomogeneous(Evas.ObjectTable.HomogeneousMode.None);
- table.SetPadding(0, 0);
- table.SetSize(size);
- table.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Canvas.Rectangle rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
- hint.W = 100;
- hint.H = 50;
- rect.SetHintSizeMin(hint);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- table.Pack(rect, 1, 1, 2, 1);
- rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
- hint.W = 50;
- hint.H = 100;
- rect.SetHintSizeMin(hint);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- table.Pack(rect, 1, 2, 1, 2);
- rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
- hint.W = 50;
- hint.H = 50;
- rect.SetHintSizeMin(hint);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- table.Pack(rect, 2, 2, 1, 1);
- rect = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- rect.SetColor(255, 255, 0, 255);
- rect.SetHintSizeMin(hint);
- rect.SetVisible(true);
- table.Pack(rect, 2, 3, 1, 1);
- loop.Begin();
- Efl.All.Shutdown();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-static class Extensions
- public static IEnumerable<T> Circle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, int index=0)
- {
- var count = list.Count();
- index = index % count;
- while (true) {
- yield return list.ElementAt(index);
- index = (index + 1) % count;
- }
- }
-class TestMain
- static int WIDTH = 320;
- static int HEIGHT = 240;
- private EcoreEvas ecore_evas;
- private Efl.Canvas.Object canvas;
- private Efl.Canvas.Rectangle bg;
- private Evas.Text text;
- private Evas.Image border;
- public TestMain(String border_file) {
- ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas();
- Eina.Size2D size = new Eina.Size2D();
- Eina.Position2D position = new Eina.Position2D();
- canvas = ecore_evas.canvas;
- canvas.SetVisible(true);
- bg = new Efl.Canvas.Rectangle(canvas);
- bg.SetColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- position.X = 0;
- position.Y = 0;
- bg.SetPosition(position);
- size.W = WIDTH;
- size.H = HEIGHT;
- bg.SetSize(size);
- bg.SetVisible(true);
- bg.SetKeyFocus(true);
- /* ((Efl.Input.Interface)bg).KeyDownEvt += On_KeyDown; */
- bg.KeyDownEvt += On_KeyDown;
- text = new Evas.Text(canvas);
- text.SetStyle(Evas.TextStyleType.OutlineSoftShadow);
- text.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
- text.SetGlowColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
- text.SetOutlineColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
- text.SetShadowColor(0, 255,255, 255);
- text.SetFont("Courier", 30);
- text.SetText("sample text");
- size.W = 3*WIDTH / 4;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 4;
- text.SetSize(size);
- position.X = WIDTH / 8;
- position.Y = 3 * HEIGHT / 8;
- text.SetPosition(position);
- text.SetVisible(true);
- Efl.Font.Size font_size = 0;
- String font = String.Empty;
- text.GetFont(out font, out font_size);
- Console.WriteLine("Adding text object with font {0} and size {1}", font, size);
- // setup border
- border = new Evas.Image(canvas);
- border.SetFile(border_file, null);
- border.SetBorder(3, 3, 3, 3);
- border.SetBorderCenterFill(0);
- size.W = 3 * WIDTH / 4 + 3;
- size.H = HEIGHT / 4 + 3;
- border.SetSize(size);
- position.X = WIDTH / 8 - 3;
- position.Y = 3 * HEIGHT / 8 - 3;
- border.SetPosition(position);
- border.SetVisible(true);
- }
- private void On_KeyDown(object sender, Efl.Input.InterfaceKeyDownEvt_Args e)
- {
- var key = e.arg.GetKey();
- if (key == "h") {
- Console.WriteLine(commands);
- } else if (key == "t") {
- Evas.TextStyleType type = text.GetStyle();
- type = (Evas.TextStyleType)(((int)type + 1) % 10); // 10 hardcoded from C example
- text.SetStyle(type);
- }
- }
- static string commands = @"commands are:
- t - change text's current style
- h - print help";
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Efl.All.Init();
- String border_path = "./src/examples/evas/resources/images/red.png";
- if (args.Length >= 1)
- border_path = args[0];
- Efl.Loop loop = new Efl.Loop();
- TestMain t = new TestMain(border_path);
- loop.Begin();
- Efl.All.Shutdown();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-public class MyBox : Evas.Box
- public MyBox(Efl.Object parent) : base(parent) {}
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_obj_box_layout_vertical(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_obj_box_layout_horizontal(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_object_box_layout_horizontal(IntPtr obj, IntPtr data, IntPtr privdata);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern IntPtr evas_object_evas_get(IntPtr obj);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_event_freeze(IntPtr obj);
- [DllImport("evas")] static extern void evas_event_thaw(IntPtr obj);
- override public void CalculateGroup()
- {
- IntPtr evas = evas_object_evas_get(NativeHandle);
- evas_event_freeze(evas);
- Eina.Log.Debug("called group_calculate");
- // slayouting_set(true);
- evas_obj_box_layout_vertical(NativeHandle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
- // layouting_set(false);
- // children_changed_set(false);
- evas_event_thaw(evas);
- }
-namespace TestSuite
-class TestEvas
- /* private static string ImagePath([CallerFilePath] string folder="") */
- /* { */
- /* return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(folder); */
- /* } */
- /* public static void simple_layout() */
- /* { */
-/* // efl.Loop loop = new efl.LoopConcrete(); */
- /* EcoreEvas ecore_evas = new EcoreEvas(); */
- /* efl.canvas.Object canvas = ecore_evas.canvas; */
- /* canvas.visible_set(true); */
- /* efl.Object parent = canvas.parent_get(); */
- /* Test.Assert(parent.NativeHandle != IntPtr.Zero); */
- /* efl.canvas.Rectangle rect = new efl.canvas.RectangleConcrete(canvas); */
- /* rect.color_set(255, 255, 255, 255); */
- /* rect.size_set(640, 480); */
- /* rect.visible_set(true); */
- /* evas.Box box = new MyBox(canvas); */
- /* rect.size_set(320, 240); */
- /* box.visible_set(true); */
- /* efl.canvas.Image image1 = new efl.canvas.ImageConcrete(canvas); */
- /* image1.file_set(ImagePath() + "/../../examples/elementary/sphere_hunter/score.jpg", ""); */
- /* image1.hint_min_set(160, 240); */
- /* image1.visible_set(true); */
- /* efl.canvas.Image image2 = new efl.canvas.ImageConcrete(canvas); */
- /* image2.file_set(ImagePath() + "/../../examples/evas/shooter/assets/images/bricks.jpg", ""); */
- /* image2.hint_min_set(160, 120); */
- /* image2.visible_set(true); */
- /* box.append(image1); */
- /* box.append(image2); */
-/* // loop.begin(); */
- /* } */
- 'Evas.cs',