#include <cmath> // for std::fabs
+#include <math.h> // for signbit
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include "caffe/util/mkl_alternate.hpp"
template <> \
void caffe_cpu_##name<double>(const int n, const double* x, double* y)
+#define DEFINE_AND_INSTANTIATE_GPU_UNARY_FUNC(name, operation) \
+template<typename Dtype> \
+__global__ void name##_kernel(const int n, const Dtype* x, Dtype* y) { \
+ int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; \
+ if (index < n) { \
+ operation; \
+ } \
+} \
+template <> \
+void caffe_gpu_##name<float>(const int n, const float* x, float* y) { \
+ name##_kernel<float><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>( \
+ n, x, y); \
+} \
+template <> \
+void caffe_gpu_##name<double>(const int n, const double* x, double* y) { \
+ name##_kernel<double><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>( \
+ n, x, y); \
+// output is 1 for the positives, 0 for zero, and -1 for the negatives
DEFINE_CAFFE_CPU_UNARY_FUNC(sign, y[i] = caffe_sign<Dtype>(x[i]));
template<typename Dtype>
void caffe_gpu_sign(const int n, const Dtype* x, Dtype* y);
+// returns a nonzero value is the input has its sign bit set.
+DEFINE_CAFFE_CPU_UNARY_FUNC(signbit, y[i] = std::signbit(x[i]));
+template<typename Dtype>
+void caffe_gpu_signbit(const int n, const Dtype* x, Dtype* y);
DEFINE_CAFFE_CPU_UNARY_FUNC(fabs, y[i] = std::fabs(x[i]));
template <typename Dtype>
+TYPED_TEST(MathFunctionsTest, TestSignbitCPU){
+ int n = this->blob_bottom_->count();
+ const TypeParam* x = this->blob_bottom_->cpu_data();
+ caffe_cpu_signbit<TypeParam>(n, x, this->blob_bottom_->mutable_cpu_diff());
+ const TypeParam* signbits = this->blob_bottom_->cpu_diff();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ CHECK_EQ(signbits[i], x[i] < 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+TYPED_TEST(MathFunctionsTest, TestSignbitGPU){
+ int n = this->blob_bottom_->count();
+ caffe_gpu_signbit<TypeParam>(n, this->blob_bottom_->gpu_data(),
+ this->blob_bottom_->mutable_gpu_diff());
+ const TypeParam* signbits = this->blob_bottom_->cpu_diff();
+ const TypeParam* x = this->blob_bottom_->cpu_data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ CHECK_EQ(signbits[i], x[i] < 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
TYPED_TEST(MathFunctionsTest, TestFabsCPU){
int n = this->blob_bottom_->count();
const TypeParam* x = this->blob_bottom_->cpu_data();
template <>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
-#include <math_functions.h> // CUDA's, not caffe's, for fabs
+#include <math_functions.h> // CUDA's, not caffe's, for fabs, signbit
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
N, a, b, y);
-template<typename Dtype>
-__global__ void sign_kernel(const int n, const Dtype* x, Dtype* y) {
- int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
- if (index < n) {
- y[index] = (Dtype(0) < x[index]) - (x[index] < Dtype(0));
- }
-template <>
-void caffe_gpu_sign<float>(const int n, const float* x, float* y) {
- sign_kernel<float><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(
- n, x, y);
-template <>
-void caffe_gpu_sign<double>(const int n, const double* x, double* y) {
- sign_kernel<double><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(
- n, x, y);
-template<typename Dtype>
-__global__ void fabs_kernel(const int n, const Dtype* x, Dtype* y) {
- int index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
- if (index < n) {
- y[index] = fabs(x[index]);
- }
-template <>
-void caffe_gpu_fabs<float>(const int n, const float* x, float* y) {
- fabs_kernel<float><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(
- n, x, y);
-template <>
-void caffe_gpu_fabs<double>(const int n, const double* x, double* y) {
- fabs_kernel<double><<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(n), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(
- n, x, y);
+DEFINE_AND_INSTANTIATE_GPU_UNARY_FUNC(sign, y[index] = (Dtype(0) < x[index]) - (x[index] < Dtype(0)));
+DEFINE_AND_INSTANTIATE_GPU_UNARY_FUNC(signbit, y[index] = signbit(x[index]));
+DEFINE_AND_INSTANTIATE_GPU_UNARY_FUNC(fabs, y[index] = fabs(x[index]));
} // namespace caffe