+static GESTimelineElement *
+_el_with_child_prop (GESTimelineElement * clip, GObject * prop_child,
+ GParamSpec * prop)
+ GList *tmp;
+ GESTimelineElement *child = NULL;
+ for (tmp = GES_CONTAINER_CHILDREN (clip); tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
+ GObject *found_child;
+ GParamSpec *found_prop;
+ if (ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (tmp->data, prop->name,
+ &found_child, &found_prop)) {
+ if (found_child == prop_child && found_prop == prop) {
+ child = tmp->data;
+ /* break early, but still free */
+ tmp->next = NULL;
+ }
+ g_param_spec_unref (found_prop);
+ g_object_unref (found_child);
+ }
+ }
+ return child;
+static GstTimedValue *
+_new_timed_value (GstClockTime time, gdouble val)
+ GstTimedValue *tmval = g_new0 (GstTimedValue, 1);
+ tmval->value = val;
+ tmval->timestamp = time;
+ return tmval;
+#define _assert_binding(element, prop_name, child, timed_vals, mode) \
+{ \
+ GstInterpolationMode found_mode; \
+ GSList *tmp1; \
+ GList *tmp2; \
+ guint i; \
+ GList *found_timed_vals; \
+ GObject *found_object = NULL; \
+ GstControlSource *source = NULL; \
+ GstControlBinding *binding = ges_track_element_get_control_binding ( \
+ GES_TRACK_ELEMENT (element), prop_name); \
+ fail_unless (binding, "No control binding found for %s on %s", \
+ prop_name, element->name); \
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (binding), "control-source", &source, \
+ "object", &found_object, NULL); \
+ \
+ fail_unless (found_object == child); \
+ g_object_unref (found_object); \
+ \
+ fail_unless (GST_IS_INTERPOLATION_CONTROL_SOURCE (source)); \
+ found_timed_vals = gst_timed_value_control_source_get_all ( \
+ \
+ for (i = 0, tmp1 = timed_vals, tmp2 = found_timed_vals; tmp1 && tmp2; \
+ tmp1 = tmp1->next, tmp2 = tmp2->next, i++) { \
+ GstTimedValue *val1 = tmp1->data, *val2 = tmp2->data; \
+ fail_unless (val1->timestamp == val2->timestamp && \
+ val1->value == val2->value, "The %ith timed value (%lu: %g) " \
+ "does not match the found timed value (%lu: %g)", \
+ i, val1->timestamp, val1->value, val2->timestamp, val2->value); \
+ } \
+ fail_unless (tmp1 == NULL, "Found too few timed values"); \
+ fail_unless (tmp2 == NULL, "Found too many timed values"); \
+ \
+ g_list_free (found_timed_vals); \
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (source), "mode", &found_mode, NULL); \
+ fail_unless (found_mode == GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_CUBIC); \
+ g_object_unref (source); \
+GST_START_TEST (test_copy_paste_children_properties)
+ GESTimeline *timeline;
+ GESLayer *layer;
+ GESTimelineElement *clip, *copy, *pasted, *track_el, *pasted_el;
+ GObject *sub_child, *pasted_sub_child;
+ GParamSpec **orig_props, **pasted_props, **track_el_props, **pasted_el_props;
+ guint num_orig_props, num_pasted_props, num_track_el_props,
+ num_pasted_el_props;
+ GParamSpec *prop, *found_prop;
+ GValue val = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GSList *timed_vals;
+ GstControlSource *source;
+ ges_init ();
+ timeline = ges_timeline_new_audio_video ();
+ layer = ges_timeline_append_layer (timeline);
+ clip = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (ges_test_clip_new ());
+ ges_timeline_element_set_duration (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (clip), 50);
+ fail_unless (ges_layer_add_clip (layer, GES_CLIP (clip)));
+ /* get children properties */
+ orig_props =
+ ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties (clip, &num_orig_props);
+ fail_unless (num_orig_props);
+ /* focus on one property */
+ fail_unless (ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (clip, "posx",
+ &sub_child, &prop));
+ g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_INT);
+ g_value_set_int (&val, 30);
+ fail_unless (ges_timeline_element_set_child_property (clip, "posx", &val));
+ g_value_unset (&val);
+ _assert_int_val_child_prop (clip, val, 30, prop, "posx");
+ /* find the track element where the child property comes from */
+ fail_unless (track_el = _el_with_child_prop (clip, sub_child, prop));
+ _assert_int_val_child_prop (track_el, val, 30, prop, "posx");
+ track_el_props =
+ ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties (track_el,
+ &num_track_el_props);
+ /* set a control binding */
+ timed_vals = g_slist_prepend (NULL, _new_timed_value (200, 5));
+ timed_vals = g_slist_prepend (timed_vals, _new_timed_value (40, 50));
+ timed_vals = g_slist_prepend (timed_vals, _new_timed_value (20, 10));
+ timed_vals = g_slist_prepend (timed_vals, _new_timed_value (0, 20));
+ source = GST_CONTROL_SOURCE (gst_interpolation_control_source_new ());
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (source), "mode", GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_CUBIC, NULL);
+ fail_unless (gst_timed_value_control_source_set_from_list
+ (GST_TIMED_VALUE_CONTROL_SOURCE (source), timed_vals));
+ fail_unless (ges_track_element_set_control_source (GES_TRACK_ELEMENT
+ (track_el), source, "posx", "direct-absolute"));
+ g_object_unref (source);
+ /* check the control binding */
+ _assert_binding (track_el, "posx", sub_child, timed_vals,
+ /* copy and paste */
+ fail_unless (copy = ges_timeline_element_copy (clip, TRUE));
+ fail_unless (pasted = ges_timeline_element_paste (copy, 30));
+ gst_object_unref (copy);
+ /* test that the new clip has the same child properties */
+ pasted_props =
+ ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties (pasted, &num_pasted_props);
+ assert_property_list_match (pasted_props, num_pasted_props,
+ orig_props, num_orig_props);
+ /* get the details for the copied 'prop' property */
+ fail_unless (ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (pasted,
+ "posx", &pasted_sub_child, &found_prop));
+ fail_unless (found_prop == prop);
+ g_param_spec_unref (found_prop);
+ fail_unless (G_OBJECT_TYPE (pasted_sub_child) == G_OBJECT_TYPE (sub_child));
+ _assert_int_val_child_prop (pasted, val, 30, prop, "posx");
+ /* get the associated child */
+ fail_unless (pasted_el =
+ _el_with_child_prop (pasted, pasted_sub_child, prop));
+ _assert_int_val_child_prop (pasted_el, val, 30, prop, "posx");
+ pasted_el_props =
+ ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties (pasted_el,
+ &num_pasted_el_props);
+ assert_property_list_match (pasted_el_props, num_pasted_el_props,
+ track_el_props, num_track_el_props);
+ /* check the control binding on the pasted element */
+ _assert_binding (pasted_el, "posx", pasted_sub_child, timed_vals,
+ /* free */
+ g_slist_free_full (timed_vals, g_free);
+ free_children_properties (pasted_props, num_pasted_props);
+ free_children_properties (orig_props, num_orig_props);
+ free_children_properties (pasted_el_props, num_pasted_el_props);
+ free_children_properties (track_el_props, num_track_el_props);
+ g_param_spec_unref (prop);
+ g_object_unref (pasted_sub_child);
+ g_object_unref (sub_child);
+ gst_object_unref (timeline);
+ ges_deinit ();
static Suite *
ges_suite (void)
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_can_add_effect);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_children_properties_contain);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_children_properties_change);
+ tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_copy_paste_children_properties);
return s;