# Build
- ${{ if ne(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- - script: ./build.sh $(buildConfig) $(archType) $(crossArg) -ci -skiptests -skipnuget $(clangArg) $(stripSymbolsArg) $(officialBuildIdArg)
+ - script: ./build.sh $(buildConfig) $(archType) $(crossArg) -ci -skipnuget $(clangArg) $(stripSymbolsArg) $(officialBuildIdArg)
displayName: Build product
- ${{ if eq(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- script: set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd $(buildConfig) $(archType) -ci -skiptests -skipbuildpackages $(officialBuildIdArg) $(ibcOptimizeArg) $(enforcePgoArg)
- echo "Usage: $0 [BuildArch] [BuildType] [-verbose] [-coverage] [-cross] [-gccx.y] [-clangx.y] [-ninja] [-configureonly] [-skipconfigure] [-skipnative] [-skipcrossarchnative] [-skipmanaged] [-skipmscorlib] [-skiptests] [-stripsymbols] [-ignorewarnings] [-cmakeargs] [-bindir]"
+ echo "Usage: $0 [BuildArch] [BuildType] [-verbose] [-coverage] [-cross] [-gccx.y] [-clangx.y] [-ninja] [-configureonly] [-skipconfigure] [-skipnative] [-skipcrossarchnative] [-skipmanaged] [-skipmscorlib] [-stripsymbols] [-ignorewarnings] [-cmakeargs] [-bindir]"
echo "BuildArch can be: -x64, -x86, -arm, -armel, -arm64"
echo "BuildType can be: -debug, -checked, -release"
echo "-coverage - optional argument to enable code coverage build (currently supported only for Linux and OSX)."
echo "-skipcrossarchnative - do not build cross-architecture native components."
echo "-skipmanaged - do not build managed components."
echo "-skipmscorlib - do not build mscorlib.dll."
- echo "-skiptests - skip the tests in the 'tests' subdirectory."
echo "-skipnuget - skip building nuget packages."
echo "-skiprestoreoptdata - skip restoring optimization data used by profile-based optimizations."
echo "-skipcrossgen - skip native image generation"
- skiptests|-skiptests)
- __SkipTests=1
- ;;
# Build the coreclr (native) components.
-# [TODO] Remove this when the `build-test.sh` script properly builds and deploys test assets.
-if [ $__SkipTests != 1 ]; then
- echo "Adding CMake flags to build native tests for $__BuildOS.$__BuildArch.$__BuildType"
- __ExtraCmakeArgs="$__ExtraCmakeArgs -DCLR_CMAKE_BUILD_TESTS=ON"
build_native $__SkipCoreCLR "$__BuildArch" "$__IntermediatesDir" "$__ExtraCmakeArgs" "CoreCLR component"
# Build cross-architecture components
See the table above for locations of default collections that exist. If there is an mch file that exists, then SuperPMI will automatically download and setup the mch using that location. Please note that, it is possible that the collection is out of date, or there is a jitinterface change which makes the collection invalid. If this is the case, then in order to use the tool a collection will have to be done manually. In order to reproduce the default collections, please see below for what command the default collections are done with.
-`/Users/jashoo/coreclr/build.sh x64 checked -skiptests`
+`/Users/jashoo/coreclr/build.sh x64 checked`
`/Users/jashoo/coreclr/build-test.sh x64 checked -priority1`
if Is_windows:
command = 'set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd %s checked skiptests skipbuildpackages' % arch
- command = '%s%s/build.sh %s checked skiptests skipbuildpackages %s' % (dockerCmd, scriptPath, arch, buildOpts)
+ command = '%s%s/build.sh %s checked skipbuildpackages %s' % (dockerCmd, scriptPath, arch, buildOpts)
returncode = 0 if testing else os.system(command)
if returncode != 0: