OP *curop;
PL_modcount = 0;
- PL_eval_start = right; /* Grandfathering $[ assignment here. Bletch.*/
+ /* Grandfathering $[ assignment here. Bletch.*/
+ /* Only simple assignments like C<< ($[) = 1 >> are allowed */
+ PL_eval_start = (left->op_type == OP_CONST) ? right : 0;
left = mod(left, OP_AASSIGN);
if (PL_eval_start)
PL_eval_start = 0;
- else {
- op_free(left);
- op_free(right);
- return Nullop;
+ else if (left->op_type == OP_CONST) {
+ /* Result of assignment is always 1 (or we'd be dead already) */
+ return newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSViv(1));
/* optimise C<my @x = ()> to C<my @x>, and likewise for hashes */
if ((left->op_type == OP_PADAV || left->op_type == OP_PADHV)
if (PL_eval_start)
PL_eval_start = 0;
else {
- op_free(o);
- return Nullop;
+ o = newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSViv(PL_compiling.cop_arybase));
return o;
require "./test.pl";
-plan( tests => 47 );
+plan( tests => 54 );
eval '%@x=0;';
like( $@, qr/^Can't modify hash dereference in repeat \(x\)/, '%@x=0' );
eval q{ sub _ __FILE__ {} };
like($@, qr/Illegal declaration of subroutine main::_/, "__FILE__ as prototype");
+# [perl #36313] perl -e "1for$[=0" crash
+ my $x;
+ $x = 1 for ($[) = 0;
+ pass('optimized assignment to $[ used to segfault in list context');
+ if ($[ = 0) { $x = 1 }
+ pass('optimized assignment to $[ used to segfault in scalar context');
+ $x = ($[=2.4);
+ is($x, 2, 'scalar assignment to $[ behaves like other variables');
+ $x = (($[) = 0);
+ is($x, 1, 'list assignment to $[ behaves like other variables');
+ $x = eval q{ ($[, $x) = (0) };
+ like($@, qr/That use of \$\[ is unsupported/,
+ 'cannot assign to $[ in a list');
+ eval q{ ($[) = (0, 1) };
+ like($@, qr/That use of \$\[ is unsupported/,
+ 'cannot assign list of >1 elements to $[');
+ eval q{ ($[) = () };
+ like($@, qr/That use of \$\[ is unsupported/,
+ 'cannot assign list of <1 elements to $[');