|| (o2->op_flags & OPf_WANT) != OPf_WANT_VOID)
+ /* check that the sort is the first arg on RHS of assign */
+ o2 = cUNOPx(o2)->op_first;
+ if (!o2 || o2->op_type != OP_NULL)
+ break;
+ o2 = cUNOPx(o2)->op_first;
+ if (!o2 || o2->op_type != OP_PUSHMARK)
+ break;
+ if (o2->op_sibling != o)
+ break;
/* check the array is the same on both sides */
if (oleft->op_type == OP_RV2AV) {
if (oright->op_type != OP_RV2AV
@INC = '../lib';
use warnings;
-print "1..65\n";
+print "1..75\n";
# these shouldn't hang
ok "$r1-@a", "$r2-c b a", "inplace sort with function of lexical";
use Tie::Array;
- tie @a, 'Tie::StdArray';
+ my @t;
+ tie @t, 'Tie::StdArray';
- @a = qw(b c a); @a = sort @a;
- ok "@a", "a b c", "inplace sort of tied array";
+ @t = qw(b c a); @t = sort @t;
+ ok "@t", "a b c", "inplace sort of tied array";
- @a = qw(b c a); @a = sort mysort @a;
- ok "@a", "c b a", "inplace sort of tied array with function";
+ @t = qw(b c a); @t = sort mysort @t;
+ ok "@t", "c b a", "inplace sort of tied array with function";
+ # [perl #29790] don't optimise @a = ('a', sort @a) !
+ @g = (3,2,1); @g = ('0', sort @g);
+ ok "@g", "0 1 2 3", "un-inplace sort of global";
+ @g = (3,2,1); @g = (sort(@g),'4');
+ ok "@g", "1 2 3 4", "un-inplace sort of global 2";
+ @a = qw(b a c); @a = ('x', sort @a);
+ ok "@a", "x a b c", "un-inplace sort of lexical";
+ @a = qw(b a c); @a = ((sort @a), 'x');
+ ok "@a", "a b c x", "un-inplace sort of lexical 2";
+ @g = (2,3,1); @g = ('0', sort { $b <=> $a } @g);
+ ok "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace reversed sort of global";
+ @g = (2,3,1); @g = ((sort { $b <=> $a } @g),'4');
+ ok "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace reversed sort of global 2";
+ @g = (2,3,1); @g = ('0', sort { $a<$b?1:$a>$b?-1:0 } @g);
+ ok "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace custom sort of global";
+ @g = (2,3,1); @g = ((sort { $a<$b?1:$a>$b?-1:0 } @g),'4');
+ ok "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace custom sort of global 2";
+ @a = qw(b c a); @a = ('x', sort mysort @a);
+ ok "@a", "x c b a", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical";
+ @a = qw(b c a); @a = ((sort mysort @a),'x');
+ ok "@a", "c b a x", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical 2";