- * elementary: Create new widget for image masking
* ctxpopup: Added item_focus_set/item_focus_get.
* hoversel: Added item_focus_set/item_focus_get.
* elm_focus: added new focus move policy and elm_object_focus_move_policy_set/get
* elementary: Remove unused variable
* genlist: fix to return item style correctly.
- * theme: return false if elm_object_style_set() failed to set requested style.
* label: Fix memory leak.
* SlideShow: Fix double invocation of ItemClass delete function (T2394)
* elm_object_item: fix the issue that del_cb doens't get item data as its parameter
* Defer Elm_Slider update until really needed.
-Changes since 1.14.0:
- * elementary: Create new widget for image masking
- * ctxpopup: Added item_focus_set/item_focus_get.
- * hoversel: Added item_focus_set/item_focus_get.
- * elm_focus: added new focus move policy and elm_object_focus_move_policy_set/get
- * Elm: Add context,open signal in elm_entry.
- * theme: migrate all e users of darken_rounded_square to new darken_square image
- * elm_scroller: add wheel_disable_set API
- * calendar: show days of prev/next month.
- * gengrid: add item cache in gengrid for efficient realize/unrealize operation.
- * elm_config: Add feature to control transition scale for edje
- * win: Add autohide and ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_HIDDEN
- * EFL Model List View for MVC design
- * EFL Model Form View for MVC design
- * elementary: Remove unused variable
- * genlist: fix to return item style correctly.
- * theme: return false if elm_object_style_set() failed to set requested style.
- * label: Fix memory leak.
- * SlideShow: Fix double invocation of ItemClass delete function (T2394)
- * elm_object_item: fix the issue that del_cb doens't get item data as its parameter
- * widget: more fix wrt item data.
- * tooltip: set the correct style of label.
- * slider: use theme of object for popup.
- * entry: update selection handlers when entry is resized
- * elm_win: Set initial withdrawn state from win's ecore_evas property.
- * Immediatly change the cursor if changed from inside the widget
- * elm_genlist: fix implementation of genlist tooltip functions
- * fileselector button: correct window parent finding
- * elm config - init wl if env vars indicate we should
- * Genlist: support of ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DISPLAY_ONLY mode of genlist item for ELM_ITEM_SELECT_ON_FOCUS_DISABLE config variable.
- * elm - fix profile handling if ELM_PROFILE is set - dont listen to x msg
- * Gengrid: fix mirroring bug in gengrid widget.
- * gengrid/genlist: decrement item counter before triggering item del callback
- * glview: preserved changed state when altering render mode
- * tooltip: fix positioning when tooltip is affixed to a window object
- * interface scrollerable: modify the loop_v condition in _elm_scroll_momentum_animator() function
- * tooltip: fix tooltip multi line text issue (T2034)
- * fix list item mode change on elm list
- * cnp: Add safety check for NULL pointer from _elm_util_text_to_mkup().
- * cnp: Add safety check for NULL pointer from calloc() for anim_icon.
- * cnp: Add safety check for NULL pointer from strdup().
- * Dnd/X11: add dnd support for image, uri types
- * Cnp/X11: move entry-only code in elm_cnp to entry
- * Cnp/X11: correct object parameter in datacb
- * entry: add dnd image handling
- * cnp: Add safety check for NULL pointer from malloc().
- * clock: Add safety check for NULL pointer from localtime() func.
- * entry: emit changed,user signal when text is pasted or dropped
- * win: only trigger del trap if win type is not FAKE
- * win: do not use deferred ecore evas deletion for FAKE wins
- * dayselector : add safety check for NULL pointer from _item_find()
- * colorselector: add safety check for NULL pointer from ecore_x_image_new().
- * genlist: fix resize of items when added after elm_genlist_clear(). (T2367)
- * elm_colorselector: fix horiz/vertical padding to be affected by base_scale in edc
- * elm_genlist: reset timer to NULL on cancel only.
- * DnD: remove text/uri handling
- * config: fix the flush file path.
- * X11/CnP: remove X11 invocations from elm_entry (T2183)
- * config: read flush.cfg when elm_config_all_flush is called.
- * elm_colorselector: pixel-picker accuracy fix
- * elm_gengrid: fix the bug that gengrid item index(position) is updated wrong value in item_update
- * elm_interface_scrollable: fix wrong mirrored calculation
- * elementary: Add rudimentary support for Elm Wayland apps to set border icon (T2453)
- * Revert "theme: return false if elm_object_style_set() failed to set requested style."
- * Genlist: use correct variable during realize
- * elm_datetime: Fix datetime ctxpopup resize issue
- * Elm_Interface_Scrollable: Improvement in looping behavior
- * layout: Fix eo API error while running "Genlist 7" in elementary_test. (T2534)
- * Entry: Add chunked append in case of _elm_entry_entry_append
- * naviframe: Fix to work clicked callback of auto pushed button.
- * cnp: change drag win type to ELM_WIN_DND
- * elm_conform: remember window pointer.
- * elm_conform: remove smart_callback when it is removed.
- * elm - scroller - set hold flag on wheel events if used for that dir