--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// The original bug for this test was an assertion after the following sequence of events:
+// - Assertion propagation constant propagated away the ldlocs, or, and shl in the IL at label "expr"
+// - After constant propagation, the resulting expression--`(mod tmp0 cns)`--was remorphed, which
+// replaced the modulus with `(sub tmp0 (mul (div tmp0 cns) cns))` and unset the "exception" flag.
+// Critically, this transformation added a new use of `tmp0` without updating the ref count for `tmp0`.
+// - After morphing, the resulting expression was both unsused and side-effect-free, and was removed
+// - While removing the lclVar ref count for `tmp0` fell to `0`
+// - Later, liveness found a reference to `tmp0` despite the `0` lclVar count and asserted.
+// The fix was to bump lclVar ref counts after remorphing but before attempting to remove the expression.
+.assembly extern mscorlib{}
+.assembly ILGEN_MODULE{}
+ .method static char ILGEN_METHOD(bool, char, int16, int32)
+ {
+ .maxstack 65535
+ .locals init (int32, int16, int64, int16, unsigned int8, float32, unsigned int8)
+ ldc.i8 0x80BBE1AB
+ ldc.i8 0x866D9EF3
+ or
+ ldarg 0x1
+ shl
+ ldc.i8 0xC09C2177
+ sub.ovf.un
+ conv.ovf.u8.un
+ ldc.i8 0x82B1C678
+ or
+ ldc.r8 -0.000000
+ ldloc 0x5
+ ckfinite
+ ldloc 0x5
+ neg
+ neg
+ add
+ add
+ ldc.r8 0.000000
+ clt
+ stloc.s 0x4
+ ldc.i8 0xACB4FC40
+ expr:
+ ldloc.s 0x3
+ ldloc.s 0x0
+ or
+ shl
+ rem
+ conv.ovf.i8
+ ldloc.s 0x4
+ conv.ovf.u
+ neg
+ brtrue IL_0089
+ ldarg 0x0
+ conv.ovf.i8
+ conv.i8
+ ldc.i8 0x2ECADED8
+ ldloc 0x2
+ shr
+ clt
+ pop
+ ldloc.s 0x1
+ conv.ovf.u1.un
+ conv.ovf.u.un
+ starg 0x0
+ IL_0089:
+ ldarg.s 0x3
+ conv.u8
+ bgt IL_0094
+ ldloc.s 0x5
+ pop
+ IL_0094:
+ ldc.r8 0.000000
+ neg
+ conv.i
+ ldloc 0x5
+ ckfinite
+ ldc.i8 0x8BD98F2C
+ conv.r4
+ ckfinite
+ clt
+ pop
+ neg
+ ret
+ }
+ .method static int32 Main()
+ {
+ .entrypoint
+ .try
+ {
+ ldc.i4 0
+ dup
+ dup
+ dup
+ call char ILGEN_CLASS::ILGEN_METHOD(bool, char, int16, int32)
+ pop
+ leave.s done
+ }
+ catch [mscorlib]System.Exception
+ {
+ leave.s done
+ }
+ done:
+ ldc.i4 100
+ ret
+ }
--- /dev/null
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