# - script: echo Hello World
# displayName: MyScript
- # Optional: enableMicrobuild -> Boolean - if microbuild plugin for signing should be enabled
- # Default: false
# Optional: preBuildSteps -> Array -> list of steps to be executed before common build steps.
# In example, to install build dependencies, or setup an environment.
# preBuildSteps:
- _args: -restore -build -configuration $(_BuildConfig) -ci -buildtests -arch $(_architecture) -framework $(_framework) $(_archiveTestsParameter)
- _commonArguments: $(_args)
- - _windowsOfficialBuildArguments: ''
# Windows variables
- ${{ if eq(parameters.targetOS, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- _buildScript: build.cmd
- _msbuildCommand: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 -warnaserror:0 -ci
- - ${{ if eq(parameters.isOfficialBuild, 'true') }}:
- - _windowsOfficialBuildArguments: -sign
- /p:DotNetSignType=$(_SignType)
# Non-Windows variables
- ${{ if ne(parameters.targetOS, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- ${{ if eq(parameters.isOfficialBuild, 'true') }}:
- _commonArguments: $(_args) -stripSymbols
- - ${{ if and(eq(job.enableMicrobuild, 'true'), eq(parameters.isOfficialBuild, 'true')) }}:
- - _TeamName: DotNetCore
- - _SignType: real
# pass along job properties
${{ each property in job }}:
- ${{ if and(ne(property.key, 'job'), ne(property.key, 'variables'), ne(property.key, 'enableMicrobuild')) }}:
+ ${{ if and(ne(property.key, 'job'), ne(property.key, 'variables')) }}:
${{ property.key }}: ${{ property.value }}
# enable helix telemetry -- we only send telemetry during official builds
# enabling publish build artifacts, will publish all build logs under /artifacts/log/
enablePublishBuildArtifacts: true
- ${{ if ne(job.enableMicrobuild, '') }}:
- enableMicrobuild: ${{ job.enableMicrobuild }}
${{ if eq(job.timeoutInMinutes, '') }}:
timeoutInMinutes: 150
${{ job.buildExtraArguments }}
- $(_windowsOfficialBuildArguments)
displayName: Build Sources and Tests
- ${{ if ne(job.customBuildSteps[0], '') }}:
dependsOn: ''
- - job: PublishPackages
- displayName: Publish Packages
- timeoutInMinutes: 120
- ${{ if ne(parameters.dependsOn, '') }}:
- dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
- pool:
- name: dotnet-internal-temp
- workspace:
- clean: all
- variables:
- - group: Publish-Build-Assets
- - group: DotNet-Blob-Feed
- - group: DotNet-MyGet-Publish
- - group: DotNet-Versions-Publish
- - name: _dotnetFeedUrl
- value: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet-core/index.json
- - name: _maestroApiEndpoint
- value: https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com
- - name: _mygetFeedUrl
- value: https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/api/v2/package
- - name: _manifestsDir
- value: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}/AssetManifests
- steps:
- - powershell: |
- $prefix = "refs/heads/"
- $branch = "$(Build.SourceBranch)"
- $branchName = $branch
- if ($branchName.StartsWith($prefix))
- {
- $branchName = $branchName.Substring($prefix.Length)
- }
- Write-Host "For Build.SourceBranch $branch, FullBranchName is $branchName"
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FullBranchName;]$branchName"
- displayName: Find true SourceBranchName
- - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
- displayName: Download packages to publish
- inputs:
- artifactName: packages
- downloadPath: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}
- - script: build.cmd -restore
- displayName: Restore Tools
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
- -warnaserror:0 -ci
- /t:PublishPackagesToBlobFeed
- /p:ManifestBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
- /p:ManifestBuildData=Location=$(_dotnetFeedUrl)
- /p:ManifestBranch=$(Build.SourceBranch)
- /p:ManifestCommit=$(Build.SourceVersion)
- /p:ManifestRepoUri=$(Build.Repository.Uri)
- /p:AccountKey=$(dotnetfeed-storage-access-key-1)
- /p:ExpectedFeedUrl=$(_dotnetFeedUrl)
- /p:IncludeSymbolsOnPackagePublish=true
- displayName: Push to dotnet feed
- - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
- displayName: Publish assets manifest to artifacts
- inputs:
- pathToPublish: $(_manifestsDir)
- artifactName: BuildAssetsManifest
- artifactType: container
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\sdk-task.ps1
- -task PublishBuildAssets -restore -msbuildEngine dotnet
- /p:ManifestsPath='$(_manifestsDir)'
- /p:BuildAssetRegistryToken=$(MaestroAccessToken)
- /p:MaestroApiEndpoint=https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com
- /p:Configuration=${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}
- displayName: Publish to Build Assets Registry
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
- -warnaserror:0 -ci
- /t:NuGetPush
- /p:NuGetSource=$(_mygetFeedUrl)
- /p:NuGetApiKey=$(dotnet-myget-org-api-key)
- displayName: Push to myget.org
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 build.proj
- -warnaserror:0 -ci
- /t:UpdatePublishedVersions
- /p:GitHubAuthToken=$(AccessToken-dotnet-build-bot-public-repo)
- /p:VersionsRepoOwner=dotnet
- /p:VersionsRepo=versions
- /p:VersionsRepoPath=build-info/dotnet/corefx/$(FullBranchName)
- /p:ShippedNuGetPackageGlobPath=${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}/packages/*.nupkg
- displayName: Update dotnet/versions
- - job: PublishSymbols
- displayName: Publish Symbols
- timeoutInMinutes: 120
- ${{ if ne(parameters.dependsOn, '') }}:
- dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
- pool:
- name: dotnet-internal-temp
- workspace:
- clean: all
- variables:
- - group: DotNet-Symbol-Server-Pats
- - name: _msdlSymbolServerUrl
- value: https://microsoftpublicsymbols.artifacts.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection
- - name: _symwebSymbolServerUrl
- value: https://microsoft.artifacts.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection
- - name: _symbolExpirationInDays
- value: 30
- steps:
- - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
- displayName: Download symbols to publish
- inputs:
- artifactName: packages
- downloadPath: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}
- - script: build.cmd -restore
- displayName: Restore Tools
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
- -warnaserror:0 -ci
- /t:PublishSymbols
- /p:SymbolServerPath=$(_msdlSymbolServerUrl)
- /p:SymbolServerPAT=$(microsoft-symbol-server-pat)
- displayName: Publish symbols to msdl
- - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
- -warnaserror:0 -ci
- /t:PublishSymbols
- /p:SymbolServerPath=$(_symwebSymbolServerUrl)
- /p:SymbolServerPAT=$(symweb-symbol-server-pat)
- displayName: Publish symbols to symweb
+ - template: ../common/templates/jobs/jobs.yml
+ parameters:
+ enableMicrobuild: true
+ jobs:
+ - job: PublishPackages
+ displayName: Publish Packages
+ timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ ${{ if ne(parameters.dependsOn, '') }}:
+ dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
+ pool:
+ name: dotnet-internal-temp
+ workspace:
+ clean: all
+ variables:
+ - group: Publish-Build-Assets
+ - group: DotNet-Blob-Feed
+ - group: DotNet-MyGet-Publish
+ - group: DotNet-Versions-Publish
+ - _dotnetFeedUrl: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet-core/index.json
+ - _maestroApiEndpoint: https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com
+ - _mygetFeedUrl: https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/api/v2/package
+ - _manifestsDir: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}/AssetManifests
+ - _TeamName: DotNetCore
+ - _SignType: real
+ steps:
+ - powershell: |
+ $prefix = "refs/heads/"
+ $branch = "$(Build.SourceBranch)"
+ $branchName = $branch
+ if ($branchName.StartsWith($prefix))
+ {
+ $branchName = $branchName.Substring($prefix.Length)
+ }
+ Write-Host "For Build.SourceBranch $branch, FullBranchName is $branchName"
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FullBranchName;]$branchName"
+ displayName: Find true SourceBranchName
+ - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ displayName: Download packages to publish
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: packages
+ downloadPath: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}
+ - script: build.cmd
+ -restore
+ -sign
+ /p:DotNetSignType=$(_SignType)
+ /p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ displayName: Sign packages
+ - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: Publish packages to artifacts container
+ inputs:
+ pathToPublish: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/packages
+ artifactName: packages
+ artifactType: container
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
+ -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ /t:PublishPackagesToBlobFeed
+ /p:ManifestBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ /p:ManifestBuildData=Location=$(_dotnetFeedUrl)
+ /p:ManifestBranch=$(Build.SourceBranch)
+ /p:ManifestCommit=$(Build.SourceVersion)
+ /p:ManifestRepoUri=$(Build.Repository.Uri)
+ /p:AccountKey=$(dotnetfeed-storage-access-key-1)
+ /p:ExpectedFeedUrl=$(_dotnetFeedUrl)
+ /p:IncludeSymbolsOnPackagePublish=true
+ displayName: Push to dotnet feed
+ - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: Publish assets manifest to artifacts
+ inputs:
+ pathToPublish: $(_manifestsDir)
+ artifactName: BuildAssetsManifest
+ artifactType: container
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\sdk-task.ps1
+ -task PublishBuildAssets -restore -msbuildEngine dotnet
+ /p:ManifestsPath='$(_manifestsDir)'
+ /p:BuildAssetRegistryToken=$(MaestroAccessToken)
+ /p:MaestroApiEndpoint=https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com
+ /p:Configuration=${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}
+ displayName: Publish to Build Assets Registry
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
+ -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ /t:NuGetPush
+ /p:NuGetSource=$(_mygetFeedUrl)
+ /p:NuGetApiKey=$(dotnet-myget-org-api-key)
+ displayName: Push to myget.org
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 build.proj
+ -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ /t:UpdatePublishedVersions
+ /p:GitHubAuthToken=$(AccessToken-dotnet-build-bot-public-repo)
+ /p:VersionsRepoOwner=dotnet
+ /p:VersionsRepo=versions
+ /p:VersionsRepoPath=build-info/dotnet/corefx/$(FullBranchName)
+ /p:ShippedNuGetPackageGlobPath=${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}/packages/*.nupkg
+ displayName: Update dotnet/versions
+ - job: PublishSymbols
+ displayName: Publish Symbols
+ timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ ${{ if ne(parameters.dependsOn, '') }}:
+ dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
+ pool:
+ name: dotnet-internal-temp
+ workspace:
+ clean: all
+ variables:
+ - group: DotNet-Symbol-Server-Pats
+ - name: _msdlSymbolServerUrl
+ value: https://microsoftpublicsymbols.artifacts.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection
+ - name: _symwebSymbolServerUrl
+ value: https://microsoft.artifacts.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection
+ - name: _symbolExpirationInDays
+ value: 30
+ steps:
+ - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ displayName: Download symbols to publish
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: packages
+ downloadPath: ${{ parameters.artifactsDir }}
+ - script: build.cmd -restore
+ displayName: Restore Tools
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
+ -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ /t:PublishSymbols
+ /p:SymbolServerPath=$(_msdlSymbolServerUrl)
+ /p:SymbolServerPAT=$(microsoft-symbol-server-pat)
+ displayName: Publish symbols to msdl
+ - script: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 eng\publish.proj
+ -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ /t:PublishSymbols
+ /p:SymbolServerPath=$(_symwebSymbolServerUrl)
+ /p:SymbolServerPAT=$(symweb-symbol-server-pat)
+ displayName: Publish symbols to symweb