import argparse
import os
-import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
print(' {0} = {1}'.format(e, formatted_value))
def find_executable(binary_name, search_paths):
- # shutil.which will ignore PATH if given a path argument, we want to include it.
- search_paths.append(os.environ.get('PATH', ''))
- search_path = os.pathsep.join(search_paths)
- binary_path = shutil.which(binary_name, path=search_path)
- if binary_path is not None:
- # So for example, we get '/bin/gcc' instead of '/usr/../bin/gcc'.
- binary_path = os.path.normpath(binary_path)
- return binary_path
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ binary_name = binary_name + '.exe'
+ search_paths = os.pathsep.join(search_paths)
+ paths = search_paths + os.pathsep + os.environ.get('PATH', '')
+ for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
+ p = os.path.join(path, binary_name)
+ if os.path.exists(p) and not os.path.isdir(p):
+ return os.path.normpath(p)
+ return None
def find_toolchain(compiler, tools_dir):
if compiler == 'msvc':