--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "shared/view.h"
+#include <dali-toolkit/dali-toolkit.h>
+using namespace Dali;
+#define MAKE_SHADER(A)#A
+attribute mediump vec2 aInitPos;
+attribute mediump vec2 aFinalPos;
+attribute mediump vec3 aColor;
+uniform mediump mat4 uMvpMatrix;
+uniform mediump vec3 uSize;
+uniform mediump float uDelta;
+uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
+varying lowp vec4 vColor;
+void main()
+ mediump vec4 vertexPosition = vec4(mix(aInitPos, aFinalPos, uDelta), 0.0, 1.0);
+ vertexPosition.xyz *= uSize;
+ vertexPosition = uMvpMatrix * vertexPosition;
+ gl_Position = vertexPosition;
+ vColor = vec4(aColor, 0.) * uColor;
+varying lowp vec4 vColor;
+void main()
+ gl_FragColor = vColor;
+Geometry CreateGeometry()
+ // Create vertices
+ struct VertexPosition { Vector2 position; };
+ struct VertexColor { Vector3 color; };
+ VertexPosition quad[] = {
+ // yellow
+ { Vector2(-.5, -.5) },
+ { Vector2( .0, .0) },
+ { Vector2(-.5, .5) },
+ // green
+ { Vector2(-.5, -.5) },
+ { Vector2( .5, -.5) },
+ { Vector2( .0, .0) },
+ // blue
+ { Vector2(.5, -.5) },
+ { Vector2(.5, .0) },
+ { Vector2(.25, -.25) },
+ // red
+ { Vector2(.25, -.25) },
+ { Vector2(.5, .0) },
+ { Vector2(.25, .25) },
+ { Vector2(.25, .25) },
+ { Vector2(.0, .0) },
+ { Vector2(.25, -.25) },
+ // cyan
+ { Vector2( .0, .0) },
+ { Vector2( .25, .25) },
+ { Vector2(-.25, .25) },
+ // magenta
+ { Vector2(-.25, .25) },
+ { Vector2( .25, .25) },
+ { Vector2( .0, .5) },
+ { Vector2( .0, .5) },
+ { Vector2(-.5, .5) },
+ { Vector2(-.25, .25) },
+ // orange
+ { Vector2( .5, .0) },
+ { Vector2( .5, .5) },
+ { Vector2( .0, .5) },
+ };
+ float bigSide = 0.707106781;
+ float side = bigSide * .5f;
+ // float smallSide = side * .5f;
+ Vector2 pA = Vector2( side, .25 );
+ Vector2 pB = pA + Vector2( 0., bigSide );
+ Vector2 pC = pB + Vector2( -bigSide, 0. );
+ Vector2 pD = pA + Vector2(-.5, -.5 );
+ Vector2 pE = pD + Vector2( .0, 1. );
+ Vector2 pF = pD + Vector2(-side, side );
+ Vector2 pF2 = pD + Vector2( 0., bigSide );
+ Vector2 pG = pD + Vector2(-.25, .25 );
+ Vector2 pH = pD + Vector2( -.5, .0 );
+ Vector2 pI = pD + Vector2(-.25, -.25 );
+ Vector2 pJ = pD + Vector2( 0., -.5);
+ Vector2 pK = pD + Vector2(-.5, -.5);
+ Vector2 pL = pB + Vector2(0, -side);
+ Vector2 pM = pL + Vector2(side, -side);
+ Vector2 pN = pB + Vector2(side, -side);
+ VertexPosition cat[] = {
+ // yellow
+ { pA },
+ { pB },
+ { pC },
+ // green
+ { pD },
+ { pA },
+ { pE },
+ // blue
+ { pJ },
+ { pD },
+ { pI },
+ // red
+ { pI },
+ { pD },
+ { pG },
+ { pG },
+ { pH },
+ { pI },
+ // cyan
+ { pI },
+ { pH },
+ { pK },
+ // magenta
+ { pL },
+ { pM },
+ { pN },
+ { pN },
+ { pB },
+ { pL },
+ // orange
+ { pD },
+ { pF2 },
+ { pF },
+ };
+ VertexColor colors[] = {
+ // yellow
+ { Vector3( 1., 1., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 1., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 1., 0. ) },
+ // green
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 0. ) },
+ // blue
+ { Vector3( 0., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 0., 1. ) },
+ // red
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 0. ) },
+ // cyan
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 0., 1., 1. ) },
+ // magenta
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0., 1. ) },
+ // orange
+ { Vector3( 1., 0.5, 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0.5, 0. ) },
+ { Vector3( 1., 0.5, 0. ) },
+ };
+ unsigned int numberOfVertices = sizeof(quad)/sizeof(VertexPosition);
+ Property::Map initialPositionVertexFormat;
+ initialPositionVertexFormat["aInitPos"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ PropertyBuffer initialPositionVertices = PropertyBuffer::New( PropertyBuffer::STATIC, initialPositionVertexFormat, numberOfVertices );
+ initialPositionVertices.SetData(quad);
+ Property::Map finalPositionVertexFormat;
+ finalPositionVertexFormat["aFinalPos"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ PropertyBuffer finalPositionVertices = PropertyBuffer::New( PropertyBuffer::STATIC, finalPositionVertexFormat, numberOfVertices );
+ finalPositionVertices.SetData(cat);
+ Property::Map colorVertexFormat;
+ colorVertexFormat["aColor"] = Property::VECTOR3;
+ PropertyBuffer colorVertices = PropertyBuffer::New( PropertyBuffer::STATIC, colorVertexFormat, numberOfVertices );
+ colorVertices.SetData(colors);
+ // Create the geometry object
+ Geometry texturedQuadGeometry = Geometry::New();
+ texturedQuadGeometry.AddVertexBuffer( initialPositionVertices );
+ texturedQuadGeometry.AddVertexBuffer( finalPositionVertices );
+ texturedQuadGeometry.AddVertexBuffer( colorVertices );
+ return texturedQuadGeometry;
+inline float StationarySin( float progress ) ///< Single revolution
+ float val = cosf(progress * 2.0f * Math::PI) + .5f;
+ val = val > 1.f ? 1.f : val;
+ val = val < 0.f ? 0.f : val;
+ return val;
+} // anonymous namespace
+// This example shows how to use a simple mesh
+class ExampleController : public ConnectionTracker
+ /**
+ * The example controller constructor.
+ * @param[in] application The application instance
+ */
+ ExampleController( Application& application )
+ : mApplication( application )
+ {
+ // Connect to the Application's Init signal
+ mApplication.InitSignal().Connect( this, &ExampleController::Create );
+ }
+ /**
+ * The example controller destructor
+ */
+ ~ExampleController()
+ {
+ // Nothing to do here;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked upon creation of application
+ * @param[in] application The application instance
+ */
+ void Create( Application& application )
+ {
+ Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
+ stage.KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &ExampleController::OnKeyEvent);
+ mStageSize = stage.GetSize();
+ // The Init signal is received once (only) during the Application lifetime
+ // Hide the indicator bar
+ application.GetWindow().ShowIndicator( Dali::Window::INVISIBLE );
+ mShader = Shader::New( VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER );
+ mMaterial = Material::New( mShader );
+ mGeometry = CreateGeometry();
+ mRenderer = Renderer::New( mGeometry, mMaterial );
+ mMeshActor = Actor::New();
+ mMeshActor.AddRenderer( mRenderer );
+ mMeshActor.SetSize(400, 400);
+ Property::Index morphDeltaIndex = mMeshActor.RegisterProperty( "morph-delta", 0.f );
+ mMeshActor.AddUniformMapping( morphDeltaIndex, std::string("uDelta") );
+ mRenderer.SetDepthIndex(0);
+ mMeshActor.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ mMeshActor.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ stage.Add( mMeshActor );
+ Animation animation = Animation::New(10);
+ animation.AnimateTo( Property( mMeshActor, morphDeltaIndex ), 1.f, StationarySin );
+ animation.SetLooping( true );
+ animation.Play();
+ stage.SetBackgroundColor(Vector4(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked whenever the quit button is clicked
+ * @param[in] button the quit button
+ */
+ bool OnQuitButtonClicked( Toolkit::Button button )
+ {
+ // quit the application
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event)
+ {
+ if(event.state == KeyEvent::Down)
+ {
+ if( IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_ESCAPE) || IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_BACK) )
+ {
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Application& mApplication; ///< Application instance
+ Vector3 mStageSize; ///< The size of the stage
+ Shader mShader;
+ Material mMaterial;
+ Geometry mGeometry;
+ Renderer mRenderer;
+ Actor mMeshActor;
+ Timer mMorphTimer;
+void RunTest( Application& application )
+ ExampleController test( application );
+ application.MainLoop();
+// Entry point for Linux & SLP applications
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+ Application application = Application::New( &argc, &argv );
+ RunTest( application );
+ return 0;