-/* use the hexleds to count the number of times the cpu has entered
- * wait, the dots to indicate whether the CPU is currently idle or
- * active (dots off = sleeping, dots on = working) for cases where
- * the number doesn't change for a long(er) period of time.
- */
-static void db1200_wait(void)
- __asm__(" .set push \n"
- " .set mips3 \n"
- " .set noreorder \n"
- " cache 0x14, 0(%0) \n"
- " cache 0x14, 32(%0) \n"
- " cache 0x14, 64(%0) \n"
- /* dots off: we're about to call wait */
- " lui $26, 0xb980 \n"
- " ori $27, $0, 3 \n"
- " sb $27, 0x18($26) \n"
- " sync \n"
- " nop \n"
- " wait \n"
- " nop \n"
- " nop \n"
- " nop \n"
- " nop \n"
- " nop \n"
- /* dots on: there's work to do, increment cntr */
- " lui $26, 0xb980 \n"
- " sb $0, 0x18($26) \n"
- " lui $26, 0xb9c0 \n"
- " lb $27, 0($26) \n"
- " addiu $27, $27, 1 \n"
- " sb $27, 0($26) \n"
- " sync \n"
- " .set pop \n"
- : : "r" (db1200_wait));
static int __init db1200_arch_init(void)
/* GPIO7 is low-level triggered CPLD cascade */
irq_to_desc(DB1200_SD0_INSERT_INT)->status |= IRQ_NOAUTOEN;
irq_to_desc(DB1200_SD0_EJECT_INT)->status |= IRQ_NOAUTOEN;
- if (cpu_wait)
- cpu_wait = db1200_wait;
return 0;