#include <Elementary.h>
#include "elm_priv.h"
+# define STR(X) #X
+# define STUPID(X) STR(X)
+# define TTDBG(x...) fprintf(stderr, STUPID(__LINE__)": " x)
+# define TTDBG(X...)
static const char _tooltip_key[] = "_elm_tooltip";
#define ELM_TOOLTIP_GET_OR_RETURN(tt, obj, ...) \
Evas_Coord eminw, eminh, ominw, ominh;
double rel_x, rel_y;
Eina_Bool inside_eventarea;
- Ecore_X_Window xwin = 0;
_elm_tooltip_content_del_cb, tt);
+ TTDBG("*******RECALC\n");
evas_object_size_hint_min_get(tt->content, &ominw, &ominh);
edje_object_size_min_get(tt->tooltip, &eminw, &eminh);
if (ominh < 1) ominh = 10; /* at least it is noticeable */
edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(tt->tooltip, &tw, &th, ominw, ominh);
+ TTDBG("TTSIZE: tw=%d,th=%d,ominw=%d,ominh=%d\n", tw, th, ominw, ominh);
if (tt->tt_win)
- elm_win_screen_size_get(elm_object_top_widget_get(tt->owner), &cw, &ch, NULL, NULL);
+ elm_win_screen_size_get(elm_object_top_widget_get(tt->owner), NULL, NULL, &cw, &ch);
if (!cw)
evas_output_size_get(tt->tt_evas ?: tt->evas, &cw, &ch);
+ TTDBG("SCREEN: cw=%d,ch=%d\n", cw, ch);
evas_object_geometry_get(tt->eventarea, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh);
+ TTDBG("EVENTAREA: ox=%d,oy=%d,ow=%d,oh=%d\n", ox, oy, ow, oh);
if (tt->tt_win)
int x, y;
+ Evas_Object *win = elm_object_top_widget_get(tt->owner);
+ Ecore_X_Window xwin = elm_win_xwindow_get(win);
ecore_x_pointer_xy_get(xwin, &px, &py);
- elm_win_screen_position_get(elm_object_top_widget_get(tt->owner), &x, &y);
+ elm_win_screen_position_get(win, &x, &y);
ox += x;
+ if (px) px += x;
oy += y;
+ if (py) py += y;
evas_pointer_canvas_xy_get(tt->evas, &px, &py);
+ TTDBG("POINTER: px=%d,py=%d\n", px, py);
inside_eventarea = ((px >= ox) && (py >= oy) &&
(px <= ox + ow) && (py <= oy + oh));
if (inside_eventarea)
+ /* try to position bottom right corner at pointer */
tx = px - tw;
ty = py - th;
+ /* try centered on middle of eventarea */
tx = ox + (ow / 2) - (tw / 2);
if (0 > (th - oy - oh)) ty = oy + th;
else ty = oy - oh;
+ TTDBG("ADJUST (POINTER): tx=%d,ty=%d\n", tx, ty);
if (tx < 0)
+ /* if we're offscreen, try to flip over the Y axis */
if (abs((tx + 2 * tw) - cw) < abs(tx))
tx += tw;
- else if ((tx > px) && (px > tx))
+ else if ((tx > px) && (px > tw))
if (tx + tw < cw)
tx += tw;
if (ty < 0)
+ /* if we're offscreen, try to flip over the X axis */
if (abs((ty + 2 * th) - ch) < abs(ty))
ty += th;
- else if ((ty > py) && (py > ty))
+ else if ((ty > py) && (py > th))
if (ty + th < ch)
ty += th;
+ TTDBG("ADJUST (FLIP): tx=%d,ty=%d\n", tx, ty);
if (inside_eventarea)
if ((tx == px) && ((tx + tw + tt->pad.x < cw) || (tx + tw > cw))) tx += tt->pad.x;
if ((ty == py) && ((ty + th + tt->pad.y < ch) || (ty + th > ch))) ty += tt->pad.y;
else if ((ty - tt->pad.y > 0) || (ty < 0)) ty -= tt->pad.y;
+ TTDBG("PAD: tx=%d,ty=%d\n", tx, ty);
if (tt->pad.bx * 2 + tw < cw)
if (tx < tt->pad.bx) tx = tt->pad.bx;
else if (tx < 0) tx -= tt->pad.bx;
else if (tx > cw) tx += tt->pad.bx;
if (tt->pad.by * 2 + th < ch)
if (ty < tt->pad.by) ty = tt->pad.by;
else if (ty < 0) ty -= tt->pad.by;
else if (ty > ch) ty += tt->pad.by;
+ TTDBG("PAD (BORDER): tx=%d,ty=%d\n", tx, ty);
+ if ((tx < 0) || (ty < 0))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
evas_object_move(tt->tt_win ? : tt->tooltip, tx, ty);
evas_object_resize(tt->tt_win ? : tt->tooltip, tw, th);