# $RCSfile: index.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:27:59 $
-print "1..24\n";
+print "1..28\n";
$foo = 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.';
print rindex($a, "\x{1234}") == 4 ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n";
print rindex($a, "foo", ) == 0 ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n";
+ # [perl #22375] 'split'/'index' problem for utf8
+ my $t = 25;
+ my $needle = "\x{1230}\x{1270}";
+ my @needles = split ( //, $needle );
+ my $haystack = "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}";
+ foreach ( @needles ) {
+ my $a = index ( "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}", $_ );
+ my $b = index ( $haystack, $_ );
+ print $a == $b ? "ok $t\n" : "not ok $t # - $a != $b\n";
+ $t++;
+ }
+ $needle = "\x{1270}\x{1230}"; # Transpose them.
+ @needles = split ( //, $needle );
+ foreach ( @needles ) {
+ my $a = index ( "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}", $_ );
+ my $b = index ( $haystack, $_ );
+ print $a == $b ? "ok $t\n" : "not ok $t # - $a != $b\n";
+ $t++;
+ }