#require AutoLoader;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- our $VERSION = "1.06";
+ our $VERSION = "1.07";
XSLoader::load('OS2::Process', $VERSION);
In such a case the process needs to be a PM process, or to be morphed
to a PM process via OS2::MorphPM().
-For a temporary morphing to PM use the L<OS2::localMorphPM> class.
+For a temporary morphing to PM use the L<OS2::localMorphPM|/OS2::localMorphPM,
+OS2::localFlashWindow, and OS2::localClipbrd classes> class.
Keep in mind that PM windows are engaged in 2 "orthogonal" window
trees, as well as in the z-order list.
Use class C<OS2::localClipbrd> to ensure that clipboard is closed even if
the code in the block made a non-local exit.
-See the L<OS2::localMorphPM> and L<OS2::localClipbrd> classes.
+See the L</OS2::localMorphPM, OS2::localFlashWindow, and OS2::localClipbrd classes
=head2 Control of the PM atom tables
may also provide some performance advantages, since the value of the
constant is cached.
-=head1 L<OS2::localMorphPM>, OS2::localFlashWindow, and OS2::localClipbrd classes
+=head1 OS2::localMorphPM, OS2::localFlashWindow, and OS2::localClipbrd classes
The class C<OS2::localMorphPM> morphs the process to PM for the duration of
the given scope.
install Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 10
installhtml Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 5
os2/os2/os2-extattr/extattr.pm ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 1
-os2/os2/os2-process/process.pm Apparent broken link 4
os2/os2/os2-process/process.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 27
os2/os2/os2-rexx/dll/dll.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
os2/os2/os2-rexx/rexx.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1