[version script](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/LD-Version-Scripts.html)
to the linker. This can be used to control the exact symbols that are exported by
the gstreamer-full library, allowing the linker to garbage collect unused code
-and so reduce the total library size.
+and so reduce the total library size. A default script `gstreamer-full-default.map`
+declares only glib/gstreamer symbols as public.
This is an experimental feature, backward uncompatible changes could still be
made in the future.
option('custom_subprojects', type : 'string', value : '', description : 'Comma-separated project names')
option('gst-full-libraries', type : 'array', value : [],
description : '''List of libraries to expose in gstreamer-full's ABI. gstreamer, glib and gobject are always included.''')
-option('gst-full-version-script', type : 'string', value: '',
+option('gst-full-version-script', type : 'string', value: 'gstreamer-full-default.map',
description : 'path of the version script to be used by the linker, see https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/LD-Version-Scripts.html')
# Common options, automatically inherited by subprojects